1 The Shunammite, having left her country seven years, to avoid the forewarned famine, for Elisha's miracle's sake has her land restored by the king. 7 Hazael, being sent with a present by Ben-hadad to Elisha at Damascus, after he had heard the prophecy, kills his master, and succeeds him. 16 Jehoram's wicked reign in Judah. 20 Edom and Libnah revolt. 23 Ahaziah succeeds Jehoram. 25 Ahaziah's wicked reign. 28 He visits Joram, being wounded, at Jezreel. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3113. B.C. 891. whose son. See on ch. * 2Ki 4:18,31-35 - sojourn. * Ge 12:10; 26:1; 47:4 Ru 1:1 - the Lord. * Ge 41:25,28,32 Le 26:19,20,26 De 28:22-24,38-40 1Ki 17:1; 18:2 * Ps 105:16; 107:34 Hag 1:11 Lu 21:11,22 Ac 11:28 - called for a famine. * Jer 25:29 - seven years. * Ge 41:27 2Sa 21:1; 24:13 Lu 4:25 VERSE 2 - with. * 1Ti 5:8 - land. * Jud 3:3 1Sa 27:1-3 VERSE 3 - A.M. 3119. B.C. 885. * :6; 4:13; 6:26 2Sa 14:4 Ps 82:3,4 Jer 22:16 Lu 18:3-5 VERSE 4 - the king. As it appears not likely that the king would hold conversation with a leprous man; or, that, knowing Gehazi had been dismissed with the highest disgrace from the prophet's service, he would talk with him concerning his late master; some have supposed that this happened before the cleansing of Naaman. But it agrees better with the chronology to consider it as having taken place after that event; the king, probably, having an insatiable curiosity to know the private history of a man who had done such astonishing things. As to the circumstances of Gehazi's disease, he might overlook that, and converse with him, keeping at a reasonable distance, as nothing but actual contact could defile. - Gehazi. * 2Ki 5:20-27; 7:3,10 - Tell. * Mt 2:8 Lu 9:9; 23:8 Joh 9:27 Ac 24:24 - all the great. * 2Ki 2:14,20-22,24; 3:14-16; 4:3-6,16,17; 5:14,27; 6:6,9-12,17-20,32 * 2Ki 7:1,16-20 VERSE 5 - he had restored. * 2Ki 4:35 - behold, the woman. * Ru 2:3 Es 5:14; 6:11,12 Pr 16:9 Ec 9:11 Mt 10:29,30 Ac 8:27-40 * Ro 8:31 - My lord. * 2Ki 6:12,26 1Sa 26:17 Ps 145:1 VERSE 6 - officer. or, eunuch. * 2Ki 9:32 Ge 37:36 1Ch 28:1 *margins - Restore all. * De 22:2 Jud 11:13 2Sa 9:7 Pr 16:7; 21:1 VERSE 7 - Damascus. * Ge 14:15 1Ki 11:24 Isa 7:8 - Ben-hadad. * 2Ki 6:24 1Ki 15:18; 20:1,34 - The man of God. * 2Ki 1:9,10; 2:15; 6:12 - See on * De 33:1 1Ki 13:1 - is come. * Jud 16:2 Ac 17:6 VERSE 8 - Hazael. * 1Ki 19:15 - Take. See on ch. * 2Ki 5:5 1Sa 9:7 1Ki 14:3 - enquire. * 2Ki 1:2,6; 3:11-13 1Ki 14:1-4 Lu 13:23 Ac 16:30 VERSE 9 - Hazael. See on * 1Ki 19:15 - with him. Heb. in his hand. * 2Ki 5:5 - Thy son Ben-hadad. * 2Ki 6:21; 13:14; 16:7 1Sa 25:8 Phm 1:14 VERSE 10 - Thou mayest. * 1Ki 22:15 - the Lord. * :13 Ge 41:39 Jer 38:21 Eze 11:25 Am 3:7; 7:1,4,7; 8:1 Zec 1:20 * Re 22:1 - he shall surely die. * :15; 1:4,16 Ge 2:17 Eze 18:13 VERSE 11 - stedfastly. Heb. and set it. wept. * Ge 45:2 Ps 119:136 Jer 4:19; 9:1,18; 13:17; 14:17 Lu 19:41 * Joh 11:35 Ac 20:19,31 Ro 9:2 Php 3:18 VERSE 12 - my Lord. See on ch. * 2Ki 4:28 1Ki 18:13 - the evil. * 2Ki 10:32,33; 12:17; 13:3,7 Am 1:3,4 - dash. * 2Ki 15:16 Ps 137:8,9 Isa 13:16,18 Ho 10:14; 13:16 Am 1:3-5,13 * Na 3:10 VERSE 13 - a dog. * 1Sa 17:43 2Sa 9:8 Ps 22:16,20 Isa 56:10,11 Mt 7:6 Php 3:2 * Re 22:15 - he should do. * Jer 17:9 Mt 26:33-35 - The Lord. See on ver. * :10 1Ki 19:15 Mic 2:1 VERSE 14 - He told me. * :10; 5:25 Mt 26:16 VERSE 15 - And it came. * :13 1Sa 16:12,13; 24:4-7,13; 26:9-11 1Ki 11:26-37 - on the morrow. * Ps 36:4 Mic 2:1 - that he took a thick cloth. There is a considerable degree of ambiguity in this passage. The pronoun he is generally referred to Hazael; but Dr. Geddes and others are decidedly of the opinion, that we should understand by it Ben-hadad; who, encouraged by the favorable answer of Elisha, as reported by Hazael, adopted a violent remedy to allay the heat of his fever, and put over his face the {keever,} or fly-net, (See Note on 1 Sa 19:13,) dipped in water, which suddenly checked the perspiration, and occasioned his death. - so that he died. * 2Ki 9:24; 15:10-14,25,30 1Ki 15:28; 16:10,18 Isa 33:1 - Hazael. * :13 1Ki 19:15 VERSE 16 - A.M. 3112. B.C. 892. Jehoram. * 2Ki 1:17 1Ki 22:50 2Ch 21:1-20 - began to reign. Heb. reigned. "Began to reign in concert with his father." VERSE 17 - A.M. 3112-3119. B.C. 892-885. * :17 VERSE 18 - in the way. * 2Ki 3:2,3 1Ki 22:52,53 - the house. * 2Ki 9:7,8; 21:3,13 2Ch 21:13 Mic 6:16 - the daughter. * :26 1Ki 21:25 2Ch 18:1; 19:2; 21:6; 22:1-4 - his wife. * Ge 6:1-5 De 7:3,4 - See on * 1Ki 11:1-5 Ne 13:25,26 VERSE 19 - for David. * 2Ki 19:34 2Sa 7:12,13,15 1Ki 11:36; 15:4,5 2Ch 21:7 Isa 7:14; 37:35 * Jer 33:25,26 Ho 11:9 Lu 1:32,33 - light. Heb. candle, or lamp. See on * 1Ki 11:36 VERSE 20 - Edom. * :22; 3:9,27 Ge 27:40 2Ch 21:8-10 - made a king. * 2Sa 8:14 1Ki 22:47 VERSE 21 - Zair. Zair is supposed by Calmet and others to be the same as Seïr, the country of Seir the Horite, inhabited by the Edomites or Idumeans. Probably the former was a dialectical pronunciation of the latter. * :21 VERSE 22 - Yet. "And so fulfilled. Ge 27:40." - See ver * :20 - Libnah. * 2Ki 19:8 Jos 21:13 2Ch 21:10 VERSE 23 * 2Ki 15:6,36 - See on * 1Ki 11:41; 14:29; 15:23 2Ch 21:11-20 VERSE 24 - slept. See on * 1Ki 2:10; 11:43; 14:20,31 - Ahaziah. * 1Ch 3:11 2Ch 21:1,17; 25:23 - Jehoahaz. * 2Ch 22:1,6 - Azariah. VERSE 25 - A.M. 3119-3120. B.C. 885-884. See on ver. * :16,17; 9:29 2Ch 21:20 VERSE 26 - Two and twenty. In the parallel passage of Chronicles, it is said, "forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign;" but this is evidently a mistake, as it makes the son two years older than his own father! For his father began to reign when he was thirty-two years old, and reigned eight years, and so died, being forty years old. See ver. 17, and the Note on 2 Ch 22:2. - one year. * 2Ki 9:21-27 2Ch 22:5-8 - Athaliah. * 2Ki 11:1,13-16 - daughter. or, grand-daughter. * :18 VERSE 27 - he walked. See on ver. * :18 - the son in law. * :18 2Ch 22:3,4 Ec 7:26 2Co 6:14-17 VERSE 28 - A.M. 3120. B.C. 884. he went. * 2Ki 3:7; 9:15 1Ki 22:4 2Ch 18:2,3,31; 19:2; 22:5 - Hazael. * :12,13 1Ki 19:17 - Ramoth-gilead. * Jos 21:38 1Ki 4:13; 22:3 VERSE 29 - Joram. * 2Ki 9:15 - which the Syrians had given. Heb. wherewith the Syrians had wounded. Ramah. "Called Ramoth, ver. 28." - Ahaziah. * 2Ki 9:16 2Ch 22:6,7 - sick. Heb. wounded. * 1Ki 22:34 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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