TSK - 2 KINGS 16


1 Ahaz's wicked reign. 5 Ahaz, assailed by Rezin and Pekah, hires Tiglath-pileser against them. 10 Ahaz, sending a pattern of an altar from Damascus to Urijah, diverts the brazen altar to his own devotions. 17 He spoils the temple. 19 Hezekiah succeeds him. VERSE 1 - seventeenth. * 2Ki 15:27-30,32,33 - Ahaz. See on ch. * 2Ki 15:38 2Ch 28:1-4 Isa 1:1; 7:1 Ho 1:1 Mic 1:1 VERSE 2 - did not. * 2Ki 14:3; 15:3,34; 18:3; 22:2 1Ki 3:14; 9:4; 11:4-8; 15:3 2Ch 17:3 * 2Ch 29:2; 34:2,3 VERSE 3 - he walked. * 2Ki 8:18 1Ki 12:28-30; 16:31-33; 21:25,26; 22:52,53 2Ch 22:3; 28:2-4 - made his son. * 2Ki 17:17; 23:10 Le 18:21; 20:2 De 12:31; 18:10 2Ch 33:6 Ps 106:37 * Ps 106:38 Jer 32:35 Eze 16:21; 20:26,31 - according. * 2Ki 21:2,11 De 12:31 1Ki 14:24 2Ch 33:2 Ps 106:35 Eze 16:47 VERSE 4 - on the hills. * De 12:2 1Ki 14:23 Isa 57:5-7; 65:4; 66:17 Jer 17:2 Eze 20:28,29 VERSE 5 - A.M. 3262. B.C. 742. Rezin. * 2Ki 15:37 2Ch 28:5-15 Isa 7:1,2-9 - but could not. * 1Ki 11:36; 15:4 Isa 7:4-6,14; 8:6,9,10; 9:6,7 VERSE 6 - recovered. * 2Ki 14:22 De 2:8 - Elath. Heb. Eloth. * 1Ki 9:26 2Ch 26:2 VERSE 7 - Tiglath-pileser. Heb. Tilgath-pileser. See on ch. * 2Ki 15:29 1Ch 5:26 2Ch 28:20 - Tilgath-pilneser. I am thy servant. * 1Ki 20:4,32,33 - and save. * Ps 146:3-5 Jer 17:5 La 4:17 Ho 14:3 VERSE 8 - the silver. * :17,18; 12:17,18; 18:15,16 2Ch 16:2; 28:20,21 - to the king. * Ps 7:15,16 Isa 7:17; 8:7,8 VERSE 9 - A.M. 3264. B.C. 740. went up. * 2Ch 28:5 - Foretold. * Am 1:3-5 - Damascus. Heb. Dammesek. Kir. Josephus informs us that this place was in Upper Media; and it is clear that it must be understood of some city or country in the dominions of the king of Assyria. It is highly probable that it was the country on the banks of the river [ ,] Cyrus, or Kyrus, now called Kur, or Kura; and we find cities called Cyropolis, Cyrena, and Carine, mentioned by writers as lying in these parts, and a part of Media, called Syromedia, as it is thought, from the Syrians who were carried captive thither. * Isa 22:6 Am 9:7 - slew Rezin. * Isa 7:16; 9:11 VERSE 10 - saw an altar. * De 12:30 2Ch 28:23-25 Jer 10:2 Eze 23:16,17 Ro 12:2 1Pe 1:18 - the pattern. * Ex 24:4; 39:43 1Ch 28:11,12,19 Ps 106:39 Eze 43:8,11 Mt 15:6,9 VERSE 11 - built an altar. * 1Ki 21:11-13 2Ch 26:17,18 Jer 23:11 Eze 22:26 Da 3:7 Ho 4:6 * Ho 5:11 Mal 2:7-9 Ga 1:10 - Urijah. * Isa 8:2 VERSE 12 - approached. * 1Ki 13:1 2Ch 26:16-19; 28:23,25 - offered thereon. * Nu 18:4-7 VERSE 13 - he burnt. * Le 1:1-3:16 - of his peace-offerings. Heb. of the peace-offerings which were his. VERSE 14 - the brasen. * Ex 40:6,29 2Ch 1:5; 4:1 Mt 23:35 - the altar. * :10-12 VERSE 15 - the morning. * 2Ki 3:20 Ex 29:39-41 Nu 28:2-10 Da 9:21,27; 11:31; 12:11 - the king's burnt. * Le 4:13-26 2Sa 6:17,18 1Ki 3:4; 8:64 2Ch 7:4,5; 29:21-24,32,35 * Eze 46:4-7,12-14 - for me to enquire by. * 2Ki 18:4 Ge 44:5 2Ch 33:6 Isa 2:6 Ho 4:12 VERSE 16 - See on ver. * :11 Ac 4:19; 5:29 1Th 2:4 Jude 1:11 VERSE 17 - A.M. 3265. B.C. 739. cut off. * 2Ch 28:24; 29:19 - borders. * 1Ki 7:23,27-39 2Ch 4:14 - sea. * 2Ki 25:13-16 1Ki 7:23-26 2Ch 4:15 Jer 52:20 VERSE 18 - the covert. There are a great number of conjectures concerning this covert; but it is probable that it was either, as Locke supposes, a sort of shelter or canopy erected for the people on the sabbath when the crowd was too great for the porch to contain them; or, as Dr. Geddes supposes, a seat, covered with a canopy, placed on an elevation, for the king and his court, when they attended public worship. * 2Ki 11:5 1Ki 10:5 Eze 46:2 VERSE 19 - A.M. 3262-3278. B.C. 742-726. * 2Ki 15:6,7,36,38; 20:20,21 1Ki 14:29 VERSE 20 - A.M. 3278. B.C. 726. buried. * 2Ki 21:18,26 2Ch 28:27 - Hezekiah. * 2Ki 18:1 1Ch 3:13 2Ch 29:1 Isa 1:1 Ho 1:1 Mic 1:1 Mt 1:9 - Ezekias. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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