TSK - 2 KINGS 14


1 Amaziah's good reign. 5 His justice on the murderers of his father. 7 His victory over Edom. 8 Amaziah, provoking Jehoash, is overcome and spoiled. 15 Jeroboam succeeds Jehoash. 17 Amaziah slain by a conspiracy. 21 Azariah succeeds him. 23 Jeroboam's wicked reign. 28 Zachariah succeeds him. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3165. B.C. 839. Joash. * :15; 13:10 - reigned Amaziah. * 1Ch 3:12 2Ch 25:1-4 VERSE 2 VERSE 3 - A.M. 3165-3194. B.C. 839-810. he did. * 2Ki 12:2 1Ki 11:4; 15:3 2Ch 25:2,3 - he did according. * 2Ch 24:2,17; 25:14-16 Jer 16:19 Zec 1:4-6 1Pe 1:18 VERSE 4 - the high places. * 2Ki 12:3; 15:4,35 VERSE 5 - A.M. 3166. B.C. 838. that he slew. * Ge 9:6 Ex 21:12-14 Nu 35:33 - his servants. * 2Ki 12:20,21 2Ch 25:3,4 VERSE 6 - The fathers. * De 24:16 Eze 18:4,20 VERSE 7 - A.M. 3177. B.C.827. slew. * 2Ki 8:20-22 2Ch 25:11,12 - the valley of salt. Some suppose that the Valley of Salt was south of the Dead, or Salt Sea, towards the land of Edom; and others suppose it to be the Valley of Salt, about three or four miles south-east of Palmyra, which now supplies, in a great measure, the surrounding country with salt. * 2Sa 8:13 1Ch 18:12 Ps 60:1 *title - Selah. or, the rock. {Selah} is generally supposed to be the same as {Petra,} which in Greek signifies a rock, the celebrated capital of Arabia Petraea. Strabo places it three or four days' journey from Jericho, and five days' journey from the forest of palm trees on the Red Sea. Pliny places it 600 miles from Gaza, and 125 from the Persian Gulf; but Cellarius and Reland very justly consider that the numbers have been changed, and that we ought to read 125 miles from Gaza, and 600 from the Persian Gulf. Eusebius places Beerothbenejaakan 30 miles west from Petra, and Elath ten miles east; and Burckhardt discovered the ruins of this ancient city in a valley called Wady Mousa. - Joktheel. * Jos 15:38 VERSE 8 - A.M. 3178. B.C. 826. Amaziah. * 2Ch 25:17-24 - Come. * :11 2Sa 2:14-17 Pr 13:10; 17:14; 18:6; 20:18; 25:8 VERSE 9 - The thistle. * Jud 9:8-15 2Sa 12:1-4 1Ki 4:33 Eze 20:49 The word {choach,} which is rendered here, and in 2 Ch 25:18; Job 31:18, thistle, in 1 Sa 13:6, thicket in Isa 34:13, bramble, and in 2 Ch 33:11; Pr 26:9; So 2:2; Ho 9:6 thorn, is probably the black thorn, or sloe tree, the {prunus spinosa} of Linnaeus, as the same word signifies in Arabic. There is a vast deal of insolent dignity in this remonstrance of Jehoash; but it has nothing conciliatory; no proposal of making amends for the injury his army had done to the unoffending inhabitants of Judah. (2 Ch 25:10-13.) The comparatively useless thorn, which may by chance lacerate the incautious passenger, is made the emblem of the house of Judah and David, while the house of Jehu is represented by the stately cedar. VERSE 10 - thine heart. * De 8:14 2Ch 26:16; 32:25 Pr 16:18 Eze 38:2,5,17 Da 5:20-23 * Hab 2:4 Jas 4:6 - glory of this. * Ex 8:9 Jer 9:23,24 Jas 1:9 - home. Heb. thy house. why shouldest. * 2Ch 35:21 Pr 3:30; 15:18; 17:14; 20:3; 25:8; 26:17 Lu 14:31,32 VERSE 11 - Amaziah. * 2Ch 25:16,20 - Beth-shemesh. * Jos 19:38; 21:16 1Sa 6:9-19 VERSE 12 - was put to the worse. Heb. was smitten. they fled. * 1Sa 4:10 2Sa 18:17 1Ki 22:36 VERSE 13 - took Amaziah. * 2Ki 25:6 2Ch 33:11; 36:6,10 Job 40:11,12 Pr 16:18; 29:23 * Isa 2:11,12 Da 4:37 Lu 14:11 - the gate of Ephraim. * 2Ch 25:23,24 Ne 8:16; 12:39 - the corner. * Jer 31:38 Zec 14:10 VERSE 14 - all the gold. * 2Ki 24:13; 25:15 1Ki 7:51; 14:26; 15:18 - and hostages. * 2Ki 18:23 *marg: VERSE 15 - A.M. 3163-3179. B.C. 841-825. the rest. * 2Ki 10:34,35; 13:12 1Ki 14:19,20 VERSE 16 - A.M. 3179. B.C. 825. Jehoash. See on * 2Sa 7:12 1Ki 1:21 - was buried. See on ch. * 2Ki 13:9 - Jeroboam. * 2Ki 13:13 Ho 1:1 Am 1:1; 7:10,11 VERSE 17 - A.M. 3179-3194. B.C. 825-810. Amaziah. * :1,2,23; 13:10 2Ch 25:25-28 VERSE 18 * 2Ki 13:8,12 1Ki 11:41; 14:29 VERSE 19 - A.M. 3194. B.C. 810. they made. * 2Ki 12:20,21; 15:10,14,25,30; 21:23 2Ch 25:27,28 - fled to Lachish. * Jos 10:31 Mic 1:13 VERSE 20 - he was buried. * 2Ki 8:24; 9:28; 12:21 1Ki 2:10; 11:43 2Ch 21:20; 26:23; 33:20 VERSE 21 - Azariah. * 2Ki 15:13 2Ch 26:1 - Uzziah. * Mt 1:8,9 - Ozias. made him king. * 2Ki 21:24 1Ch 3:12 VERSE 22 - Elath. Elath, the 'la or Elana of the Greek and Roman writers, was a celebrated port situated at the extremity of the eastern branch of the Red Sea, hence called the Elanitic Gulf, ten miles east from Petra, according to Eusebius, and 150 Roman miles from Gaza, according to Pliny, but 1,260 stadia, or 157 miles, according to Strabo and Marcianus Herecleota. It is now called Akaba, and is nothing but a tower or castle, surrounded by a large grove of date trees, the residence of a governor, dependent on him of Grand Cairo. * 2Ki 16:6 De 2:8 1Ki 9:26 2Ch 26:2 - Eloth. VERSE 23 - A.M. 3179-3220. B.C. 825-784. the fifteenth. * :17 - Jeroboam. * :27 Ho 1:1 Am 1:1; 7:9-11 - began to reign. "Now he begins to reign alone." VERSE 24 - in the sight. * 2Ki 21:6 Ge 38:7 De 9:18 1Ki 21:25 - he departed. See on ch. * 2Ki 13:2,6,11 1Ki 12:28-31 Ps 106:20 VERSE 25 - from the entering. * Nu 13:21; 34:7,8 Eze 47:16-18 Am 6:14 - unto the sea. * Ge 14:3 De 3:17 - Jonah. * Jon 1:1 Mt 12:39,40; 16:4 - Jonas. Gath-hepher. * Jos 19:13 - Gittah-hepher. VERSE 26 - saw the affliction. * 2Ki 13:4 Ex 3:7,9 Jud 10:16 Ps 106:43-45 Isa 63:9 - not any shut. * De 32:36 1Ki 14:10; 21:21 VERSE 27 - said not. * 2Ki 13:23 Ho 1:6 - blot out. * Ex 32:32,33 De 9:14; 25:19; 29:20 Ps 69:28 Ro 11:2-12 Re 3:5 - he saved. * 2Ki 5:1; 13:5 Ho 1:7 Tit 3:4-6 VERSE 28 - the rest. See on ver. * :15 - Damascus. * 2Sa 8:6 1Ki 11:24 1Ch 18:5,6 2Ch 8:3,4 - which belonged to Judah. These places belonged to Judah by David's conquest, (2 Sa 3:11,) but had been repossessed by the Syrians. VERSE 29 - A.M. 3220. B.C. 784. Zachariah. * 2Ki 15:8 - reigned. "After an interregnum of eleven years." GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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