1 Moab rebels. 2 Ahaziah, sending to Baal-zebub, hath his judgment by Elijah. 5 Elijah twice brings fire from heaven upon them whom Ahaziah sent to apprehend him. 13 He pities the third captain, and, encouraged by an angel, tells the king of his death. 17 Jehoram succeeds Ahaziah. VERSE 1 - Moab. * Nu 24:7 2Sa 8:2 1Ch 18:2 Ps 60:8 - after the. * 2Ki 3:4,5; 8:20,22 VERSE 2 - a lattice. The flat roofs of the eastern houses are generally surrounded by a parapet wall breast high; but instead of this, some terraces are guarded with balustrades only, or latticed work. Of the same kind, probably, was the lattice, or net, as the term {shevacha} seems to import, through which Ahaziah fell into the court. This incident proves the necessity of the law for the formation of battlements for roof, (De 22:8,) which God graciously dictated from Sinai, which furnishes a beautiful example of his paternal care and goodness; for the terrace was a place where many offices of the family were performed, and business frequently transacted. * Jud 5:28 So 2:9 Ac 20:9 - was sick. * 1Ki 22:34 *marg: * 2Ch 21:14,15 Job 31:3 - Baal-zebub. * :3,6,16 Mt 10:25; 12:24-27 Mr 3:22 Lu 11:15 - Beelzebub. god. * Jud 11:24 1Sa 5:10 1Ki 11:33 Isa 37:12,19 - whether. * 2Ki 8:7-10 1Ki 14:3 VERSE 3 - angel. * :15 1Ki 19:5,7 Ac 8:26; 12:7-11 - Elijah. * :8 1Ki 17:1 - Arise. * 1Ki 18:1 - it. * :6,16; 5:8,15 1Sa 17:46 1Ki 18:36 Ps 76:1 - ye go. * Jer 2:11-13 Jon 2:8 Mr 3:22 VERSE 4 - Thou shalt, etc. Heb. The bed whither thou art gone up, thou shalt not come down from it. but shalt. * Ge 2:17; 3:4 Nu 26:65 1Sa 28:19 1Ki 14:12 Pr 11:19; 14:32 * Eze 18:4 VERSE 5 VERSE 6 - Thus saith. * Isa 41:22,23 - therefore. * :3,4 1Ch 10:13,14 Ps 16:4 VERSE 7 - What manner of man was he? Heb. What was the manner of the man? * Jud 8:18 1Sa 28:14 VERSE 8 - an hairy man. That is, he wore a rough garment, either made of camels' hair, as that of John Baptist, or of a skin, dressed with the hair on. Sir J. Chardin informs us, in a MS. note on this place, cited by Mr. Harmer, that the eastern dervishes and fakeers are clothed just as Elijah was, with a hairy garment, girded with a leathern girdle. * Isa 20:2 Zec 13:4 Mt 3:4; 11:8 Lu 1:17 Re 11:3 VERSE 9 - sent unto. * 2Ki 6:13,14 1Ki 18:4,10; 19:2; 22:8,26,27 Mt 14:3 - he sat. * 1Ki 18:42 Lu 6:11,12 - Thou man. * Am 7:12 Mt 26:68; 27:29,41-43 Mr 15:29,32 Heb 11:36 VERSE 10 - If I be a man. * 2Ki 2:23,24 Nu 16:28-30 1Ki 18:36-38; 22:28 2Ch 36:16 Ps 105:15 * Mt 21:41; 23:34-37 Ac 5:3-10 - let fire. Or, rather, as the original literally imports, and the LXX. render, [ ,] fire shall come down; Elijah's words being simply declarative, and not imprecatory. * Nu 11:1; 16:35 Job 1:16 Ps 106:18 Lu 9:54 Heb 12:29 Re 11:5 - consumed. * Da 3:22,25; 6:24 Ac 12:19 VERSE 11 - Again. * Nu 16:41 1Sa 6:9 Isa 26:11 Jer 5:3 Joh 18:5-12 Ac 4:16,17 - O man. * 1Sa 22:17-19 Pr 29:12 Isa 32:7 Mt 2:16 Lu 22:63,64 VERSE 12 - See on ver. * :9,10 VERSE 13 - he sent again. * Job 15:25,26 Pr 27:22 Ec 9:3 Isa 1:5 - fell on. Heb. bowed. * Isa 66:2 - besought. * Ex 11:8 Nu 12:11-13 1Ki 13:6 Isa 60:14 Re 3:9 - O man of God. * Ps 102:17 Jas 4:7 VERSE 14 - Behold. * :10,11 - let my life. * 1Sa 26:21,24 Ps 49:8; 72:14; 116:15 Pr 6:26 Mt 16:25,26 * Ac 20:24 VERSE 15 - be not afraid of him. * Ge 15:1 1Ki 18:15 Ps 27:1 Isa 51:12 Jer 1:17; 15:20 Eze 2:6 * Mt 10:28 Heb 11:27 VERSE 16 - Forasmuch. See on ver. * :3,4,6 Ex 4:22,23 1Ki 14:6-13; 21:18-24; 22:28 - Baal-zebub. Literally, "the lord of flies;" or, as the LXX. render, [ ,] Baal the fly god. See note on Ex 8:24. - on which thou are gone up. In the East there is usually at the end of each chamber a little gallery, raised three or four feet above the floor, with a balustrade in front, to which they go up by a few steps: here they place their beds; an allusion to which situation is involved in this declaration of Elijah's, and frequently referred to in the Sacred Scriptures: see Ge 49:4. * 2Ki 5:21 Ps 132:3 VERSE 17 - Jehoram. As it is said in ch. 3:1, that he began his reign in the eighteenth of Jehoshaphat, it is supposed that Jehoshaphat admitted his son Jehoram to reign with him eight or nine years before his death. "The second year that Jehoram was Prorex, and the eighteenth of Jehoshaphat." - in the second. * 2Ki 3:1; 8:16,17 1Ki 22:51 VERSE 18 - in the book. See on * 1Ki 14:19; 22:39 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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