1 He yields the reason why, though he knew their forwardness, yet he sent Titus and his brethren beforehand. 6 And he proceeds in stirring them up to a bountiful alms, as being but a kind of sowing of seed, 10 which shall return a great increase to them, 13 and occasion a great sacrifice of thanksgivings unto God. VERSE 1 - touching. * Ge 27:42 1Sa 20:23 2Ki 22:18 Job 37:23 Ps 45:1 Mt 22:31 * Ro 11:28 Php 3:5,6 - the ministering. * :12-14 - See on ch. * 2Co 8:4 *etc: * Ga 2:10; 6:10 - it is. * 1Th 4:9,10; 5:1 1Jo 2:27 VERSE 2 - the forwardness. * 2Co 8:8,10,19 1Th 1:7 - I boast. * 2Co 8:24 - that. * 2Co 1:1; 8:10 1Co 16:15 - provoked. * 2Co 8:8 Heb 10:24 VERSE 3 - have. * :4; 7:14; 8:6,17-24 - ye may. * :5 1Co 16:1 *etc: * Tit 3:1 VERSE 4 - they. * :2; 8:1-5 - be ashamed. * 2Co 8:24; 11:17 VERSE 5 - and make. * 2Co 8:6 1Co 16:2 - bounty. Gr. blessing. * Ge 33:11 1Sa 25:27; 30:26 *marg: * 2Ki 5:15 - whereof ye had notice before. or, which hath been so much spoken of before. VERSE 6 - I say. * 1Co 1:12; 7:29; 15:20 Ga 3:17; 5:16 Eph 4:17 Col 2:4 - He which soweth sparingly. * :10 Ps 41:1-3 Pr 11:18,24; 19:17; 22:9 Ec 11:1,6 Lu 6:38 * Lu 19:16-26 Ga 6:7-9 Heb 6:10 VERSE 7 - not. * De 15:7-11,14 Pr 23:6-8 Isa 32:5,8 Jas 5:9 1Pe 4:9 - God. * 2Co 8:12 Ex 25:2; 35:5 1Ch 29:17 Pr 11:25; 22:9 Ac 20:35 Ro 12:8 VERSE 8 - God. * 2Ch 25:9 Ps 84:11 Pr 3:9; 10:22; 11:24; 28:27 Hag 2:8 Mal 3:10 * Php 4:18 - all grace. * 2Co 8:19 1Pe 4:10 - always. * :11 1Ch 29:12-14 - may. * 2Co 8:2,7 Ac 9:36 1Co 15:58 Eph 2:10 Col 1:10 2Th 2:17 2Ti 3:17 * Tit 2:14; 3:8,14 VERSE 9 - He hath dispersed. See on * Ps 112:9 - his. * Ps 112:3 Pr 8:18; 21:21 Isa 51:8 1Co 13:13 Ga 5:5,6 VERSE 10 - he. * Ge 1:11,12; 47:19,23,24 Isa 55:10 - multiply. * :6 Pr 11:18 Ec 11:6 Php 4:17 - increase. * Ho 10:12 Mt 6:1 Eph 5:9 Php 1:11 1Th 3:12; 4:10 VERSE 11 - enriched. * 2Co 8:2,3 1Ch 29:12-14 2Ch 31:10 Pr 3:9,10 Mal 3:10,11 1Ti 6:17,18 - bountifulness. or, liberality. Gr. simplicity. * 2Co 8:2 *Gr: * Ro 12:8 - which. * :12; 1:11; 4:15; 8:16,19 VERSE 12 - the administration. See on. * :1; 8:4 - only. * 2Co 8:14,15 Php 2:25; 4:18,19 Phm 1:4-7 Jas 2:14-16 1Jo 3:17 VERSE 13 - they. * Ps 50:23 Mt 5:16 Joh 15:8 Ac 4:21; 11:18; 21:19,20 Ga 1:24 * 1Pe 2:9; 4:11 - professed. * 2Co 10:5 Lu 6:46 Ro 10:16; 16:26 Heb 5:9 - and for. * Heb 13:16 VERSE 14 - by. * 2Co 1:11 Ezr 6:8-10 Ps 41:1,2 Pr 11:26 Lu 16:9 Php 4:18,19 * 2Ti 1:16-18 - long. * 2Sa 13:29 Ro 1:11 Php 1:8; 2:26; 4:1 - the exceeding. * 2Co 8:1,6,7 1Co 1:4,5 1Ti 1:14 VERSE 15 - Thanks. * :11; 2:14 1Ch 16:8,35 Ps 30:4,12; 92:1 Lu 2:14,38 1Co 15:57 Eph 5:20 * Jas 1:17 Re 4:9 - his. * Isa 9:6; 49:6 Joh 1:16; 3:16 Ro 6:23; 8:32 1Jo 4:9,10; 5:11,12 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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