1 Out of his jealousy over the Corinthians, who seemed to make more account of the false apostles than of him, he enters into a forced commendation of himself, 5 of his equality with the chief apostles, 7 of his preaching the gospel to them freely, and without any charge to them; 13 shewing that he was not inferior to those deceitful workers in any legal prerogative; 23 and in the service of Christ, and in all kinds of sufferings for his ministry, far superior. VERSE 1 - Would. * Nu 11:29 Jos 7:7 2Ki 5:3 Ac 26:29 1Co 4:8 - bear with me a. * :4 Ac 18:14 Heb 5:2 - in. * :16,17,19,21; 5:13; 12:11 1Co 1:21; 3:18; 4:10 - bear with me. or, ye do bear with me. VERSE 2 - jealous. * Ga 4:11,17-19 Php 1:8 1Th 2:11 - I have. * Ge 24:2-5,58-67 Ps 45:10,11 Isa 54:5; 62:4,5 Ho 2:19,20 * Joh 3:29 Ro 7:4 1Co 4:15 - I may. * Eph 5:27 Col 1:28 - a chaste. * Le 21:13-15 Eze 44:22 VERSE 3 - I fear. * :29; 12:20,21 Ps 119:53 Ga 1:6; 3:1; 4:11 Php 3:18,19 - as. * Ge 3:4,13 Joh 8:44 1Ti 2:14 Re 12:9; 20:2 - so. * :13-15; 2:17; 4:2 Mt 24:24 Ac 20:30,31 Ga 1:6; 2:4; 3:1 Eph 4:14; 6:24 * Col 2:4,8,18 2Th 2:3-11 1Ti 1:3; 4:1-4 2Ti 3:1-9,13; 4:3,4 * Tit 1:10 Heb 13:9 2Pe 2:1-14; 3:3,17 1Jo 2:18; 4:1 Jude 1:4 * Re 12:9 - the simplicity. * 2Co 1:12 Ro 12:8; 16:18,19 VERSE 4 - preacheth. * Ac 4:12 1Ti 2:5 - receive. * 1Co 12:4-11 Ga 3:2 Eph 4:4,5 - another gospel. * Ga 1:7,8 - with him. or, with me. VERSE 5 - I was not. * 2Co 12:11,12 1Co 15:10 Ga 2:6-9 VERSE 6 - rude. * 2Co 10:10 1Co 1:17,21; 2:1-3,13 - not. * Eph 3:4 2Pe 3:15,16 - but we. * 2Co 4:2; 5:11; 7:2; 12:12 VERSE 7 - in. * 2Co 10:1; 12:13 Ac 18:1-3; 20:34 1Co 4:10-12; 9:6,12,14-18 1Th 2:9 * 2Th 3:8 VERSE 8 * :9 Php 4:14-16 VERSE 9 - wanted. * 2Co 6:4; 9:12 Php 2:25; 4:11-14 Heb 11:37 - I was. * 2Co 12:13 Ne 5:15 Ac 18:3; 20:33 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:8,9 - the brethren. * 2Co 8:1,2 Php 4:10,15,16 - See on. * :8 - burdensome. * 2Co 12:14-16 1Th 2:6 VERSE 10 - the truth. * :31; 1:23; 12:19 Ro 1:9; 9:1 Ga 1:20 1Th 2:5,10 1Ti 2:7 - no man shall stop me of this boasting. Gr. this boasting shall not be stopped in me. * :12,16,17; 10:15 1Co 9:15-18 - the regions. * 2Co 1:1; 9:2 Ac 18:12,27 Ro 16:5 1Co 16:15 1Th 1:7,8 VERSE 11 - because. * 2Co 6:11,12; 7:3; 12:15 - God. See on ver. * :10; 12:2,3 Jos 22:22 Ps 44:21 Joh 2:24,25; 21:17 Ac 15:8 Heb 4:13 * Re 2:23 VERSE 12 - what. * :9; 1:17 Job 23:13 - that I may. * 1Co 9:12 1Ti 5:14 - them. * Ga 1:7 Php 1:15 *etc: - they glory. * :18; 5:12; 10:17 1Co 5:6 Ga 6:13,14 VERSE 13 - false. * :15; 2:17; 4:2 Mt 25:24 Ac 15:1,24; 20:30 Ro 16:18 Ga 1:7; 2:4; 4:17 * Ga 6:12 Eph 4:14 Php 1:15,16 Col 2:4,8 1Ti 1:4-7; 4:1-3; 6:3-5 * 2Ti 2:17-19; 3:5-9; 4:3,4 2Pe 2:1-3 1Jo 2:18; 4:1 2Jo 1:7-11 Jude 1:4 * Re 2:2,9,20; 19:20 - deceitful. * Php 3:2 Tit 1:10,11 VERSE 14 - for. * :3; 2:11 Ge 3:1-5 Mt 4:1-10 Ga 1:8 Re 12:9 VERSE 15 - no. * 2Ki 5:13 1Co 9:11 - his. * :13 Ac 13:10 Eph 6:12 Re 9:11; 13:2,14; 19:19-21; 20:2,3,7-10 - the ministers. * :23; 3:9 - whose. * Isa 9:14,15 Jer 5:31; 23:14,15; 28:15-17; 29:32 Eze 13:10-15,22 * Mt 7:15,16 Ga 1:8,9 Php 3:19 2Th 2:8-12 2Pe 2:3,13-22 * Jude 1:4,10-13 VERSE 16 - say. * :1 - Let. * :21-23; 12:6,11 - receive me. or, suffer me. * :1,19 VERSE 17 - I speak it. * 1Co 7:6,12 - foolishly. * :18-27; 9:4 Php 3:3-6 VERSE 18 - many. * :12,21-23; 10:12-18 Jer 9:23,24 1Co 4:10 1Pe 1:24 - I will. * 2Co 12:5,6,9,11 VERSE 19 - seeing. * 1Co 4:10; 8:1; 10:15 Re 3:17 VERSE 20 - if a man bring. * 2Co 1:24 Ga 2:4; 4:3,9,25; 5:1,10; 6:12 - take. * Ro 16:17,18 Php 3:19 1Th 2:5 - a man smite. * Isa 50:6 La 3:30 Lu 6:29 VERSE 21 - as though. * 2Co 10:1,2,10; 13:10 - whereinsoever. * :22-27 Php 3:3-6 - I speak. * :17,23 VERSE 22 - Hebrews. * Ex 3:18; 5:3; 7:16; 9:1,13; 10:3 Ac 22:3 Ro 11:1 Php 3:5 - the seed. * Ge 17:8,9 2Ch 20:7 Mt 3:9 Joh 8:33-39 Ro 4:13-18 VERSE 23 - ministers. * 2Co 3:6; 6:4 1Co 3:5; 4:1 1Th 3:2 1Ti 4:6 - I am. * :5; 12:11,12 - in labors. * 1Co 15:10 Col 1:29 - in stripes. * :24,25; 6:4,5 Ac 9:16 - in prison. * Ac 9:16; 16:24; 20:23; 21:11; 24:26,27; 25:14; 27:1; 28:16,30 Eph 3:1 * Eph 4:1; 6:20 Php 1:13 2Ti 1:8,16; 2:9 Phm 1:9 Heb 10:34 - in deaths. * 2Co 1:9,10; 4:11; 6:9 Ac 14:19 1Co 15:30-32 Php 2:17 Col 1:24 VERSE 24 - forty. * De 25:2,3 Mt 10:17 Mr 13:9 VERSE 25 - I beaten. * Ac 16:22,23,33,37; 22:24 - once. * Mt 21:35 Ac 7:58,59; 14:5,19 Heb 11:37 - thrice. * Ac 27:1-44 VERSE 26 - journeyings. * Ac 9:23,26-30; 11:25,26; 13:1-14:28; 15:2-4,40,41; 16:1-18:1; 18:18-23 * Ac 19:1; 20:1 *etc: * Ro 15:19,24-28 Ga 1:17-21 - in perils by mine. * Ac 9:23-25,29; 13:50; 20:3,19; 21:28-31; 23:12 *etc: * Ac 25:3; 28:10,11 1Th 2:15,16 - in perils by the. * 2Co 1:8-10 Ac 14:5,19; 16:19-24; 19:23-41 1Co 15:32 - in perils in the city. * :32 Ac 9:24; 17:5 VERSE 27 - weariness. * :23; 6:5 Ac 20:5-11,34,35 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:8 - in watchings. * Ac 20:31 - in hunger. * Jer 38:9 1Co 4:11,12 Php 4:12 - fastings. * 2Co 6:5 Ac 13:2,3; 14:23 1Co 7:5 - nakedness. * Ro 8:35,36 Heb 11:37 Jas 2:15,16 VERSE 28 - those. * :23-27 - the care. * Ac 15:36,40,41; 18:23; 20:2,18-35 Ro 1:14; 11:13; 15:16; 16:4 * Col 2:1 VERSE 29 - is weak. * 2Co 2:4,5; 7:5,6; 13:9 Ezr 9:1-3 Ro 12:15; 15:1 1Co 8:13; 9:22; 12:26 * Ga 6:2 1Th 3:5-8 - and I burn. * :13-15 Nu 25:6-11 Ne 5:6-13; 13:15-20,23-25 Joh 2:17 1Co 5:1-5 * 1Co 6:5-7,15-18; 11:22; 15:12 *etc: * 1Co 15:36 Ga 1:7-10; 2:4-6,14; 3:1-3; 4:8-20; 5:2-4 2Jo 1:10,11 * Jude 1:3,4 Re 2:2,20; 3:15-18 VERSE 30 - must. * :16-18; 12:1,11 Pr 25:27; 27:2 Jer 9:23,24 - I will. * 2Co 12:5-10 Col 1:24 VERSE 31 - God. * 2Co 1:3,23 Joh 10:30; 20:17 Ro 1:9; 9:1 Eph 1:3; 3:14 Ga 1:2,3 * Col 1:3 1Th 2:5 1Pe 1:3 - which. * Ne 9:5 Ps 41:13 Ro 1:25; 9:5 1Ti 1:11,17; 6:16 - knoweth. See on. * :10 VERSE 32 - Damascus. * :26 Ac 9:24,25 - Aretas. This Aretas was an Arabian king, and the father-in-law of Herod Antipas, upon whom he made war in consequence of his having divorced his daughter. Herod applied to Tiberius for help, who sent Vitellius to reduce Aretas, and to bring him alive or dead to Rome. By some means or other Vitellius delayed his operations, and in the mean time Tiberius died; and it is probable that Aretas, who was thus snatched from ruin, availed himself of the favorable state of things, and seized on Damascus, which had belonged to his ancestors. VERSE 33 - I let. * Jos 2:18 1Sa 19:12 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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