1 Paul salutes the Corinthians; 3 he encourages them against troubles, by the comforts and deliverances which God had given him, as in all his afflictions, 8 so particularly in his late danger in Asia. 12 And calling both his own conscience and theirs to witness of his sincere manner of preaching the immutable truth of the gospel, 15 he excuses his not coming to them, as proceeding not of lightness, but of his lenity towards them. VERSE 1 - Paul. See on * Ro 1:1-5 1Co 1:1 1Ti 1:1 2Ti 1:1 - Timothy. * Ac 16:1 Ro 16:21 1Co 16:10 Php 1:1; 2:19-22 Col 1:1,2 1Th 1:1 * 2Th 1:1 Heb 13:23 - the church. * Ac 18:1-11 1Co 1:2 - all. * 1Co 6:11 Eph 1:1 - Achaia. * 2Co 9:2; 11:10 Ac 18:12 Ro 15:26; 16:5 1Co 16:15 1Th 1:7,8 VERSE 2 - See on * Ro 1:7 2Sa 15:20 1Ch 12:18 Da 4:1 1Co 1:3 Ga 6:16 Eph 6:23 * Php 1:2 Col 1:2 1Th 1:1 2Th 1:2 Phm 1:3 VERSE 3 - Blessed. * Ge 14:20 1Ch 29:10 Ne 9:5 Job 1:21 Ps 18:46; 72:19 Da 4:34 * Eph 1:3 1Pe 1:3 - the Father of our. * 2Co 11:31 Joh 5:22,23; 10:30; 20:17 Ro 15:6 Eph 1:3,17 Php 2:11 * 2Jo 1:4,9 - the Father of mercies. * Ps 86:5,15 Da 9:9 Mic 7:18 - the God. * Ro 15:5 VERSE 4 - comforteth. * 2Co 7:6,7 Ps 86:17 Isa 12:1; 49:10; 51:3,12; 52:9; 66:12,13 Joh 14:16 * Joh 14:18,26 2Th 2:16,17 - that. * :5,6 Ps 32:5,7; 34:2-6; 66:16 Isa 40:1; 66:14 Php 1:14 1Th 4:18 * 1Th 5:11 Heb 12:12 VERSE 5 - as. * 2Co 4:10,11; 11:23-30 Ac 9:4 1Co 4:10-13 Php 1:20; 3:10 Col 1:24 - so. * Lu 2:25 Php 2:1 2Th 2:16,17 VERSE 6 - whether. * :4; 4:15-18 1Co 3:21-23 2Ti 2:10 - it is. * Ac 21:5 - effectual. or, wrought. * 2Co 4:17; 5:5 Ro 5:3-5; 8:28 Php 1:19 Heb 12:10,11 VERSE 7 - our. * :14; 7:9; 12:20 Php 1:6,7 1Th 1:3,4 - as ye. * Mt 5:11,12 Lu 22:28-30 Ro 8:17,18 1Co 10:13 2Th 1:4-7 2Ti 2:12 * Jas 1:2-4,12 VERSE 8 - of our. * 2Co 4:7-12 Ac 19:23-35 1Co 15:32; 16:9 - insomuch. * 1Co 4:8 1Sa 20:3; 27:1 VERSE 9 - sentence. or, answer. that. * 2Co 3:5; 4:7; 12:7-10 Job 40:14 Ps 22:29; 44:5-7 Pr 28:26 Jer 9:23,24 * Jer 17:5-7 Eze 33:13 Lu 18:9 - in God. * 2Co 4:13,14 Eze 37:1-14 Ro 4:17-25 Heb 11:19 VERSE 10 * 1Sa 7:12; 17:37 Job 5:17-22 Ps 34:19 Isa 46:3 Ac 26:21 2Ti 4:17 * 2Pe 2:9 VERSE 11 - helping. * 2Co 9:14 Isa 37:4; 62:6,7 Ac 12:5 Ro 15:30-32 Eph 6:18,19 Php 1:19 * Col 4:3 1Th 5:25 2Th 3:1 Phm 1:22 Heb 13:18 Jas 5:16-18 - that. * 2Co 4:15; 9:11,12 VERSE 12 - our rejoicing. * Job 13:15; 23:10-12; 27:5,6; 31:1-40 Ps 7:3-5; 44:17-21 Isa 38:3 * Ac 24:16 Ro 9:1 1Co 4:4 Ga 6:4 1Ti 1:5,19,20 Heb 13:18 * 1Pe 3:16,21 1Jo 3:19-22 - simplicity. * 2Co 11:3 Ro 16:18,19 - godly. * 2Co 2:17; 8:8 Jos 24:14 1Co 5:8 Eph 6:14 Php 1:10 Tit 2:7 - not. * :17; 4:2; 10:2-4; 12:15-19 1Co 2:4,5,13; 15:10 Jas 3:13-18; 4:6 - we have. That is, 'We have conducted ourselves;' for [anastrepho <390>] in Greek, and conversatio in Latin, are used to denote the whole of a man's conduct, the tenor and practice of his life. VERSE 13 - than. * 2Co 4:2; 5:11; 13:6 Phm 1:6 VERSE 14 - in part. * 2Co 2:5 Ro 11:25 1Co 11:18 - that. * 2Co 5:12 1Co 3:21-23 Php 1:26 *Gr: - your. That is 'the cause and object of your rejoicing.' - even. * 2Co 9:2 1Co 15:31 Php 2:16 *Gr: * Php 4:1 1Th 2:19,20 - in the. * 1Co 1:8 Php 1:6,10 1Th 3:13; 5:23 VERSE 15 - in. * 1Co 4:19; 11:34 - that. * Ro 1:11; 15:29 Php 1:25,26 - benefit. or, grace. * 2Co 6:1 VERSE 16 - and to come. * Ac 19:21,22; 21:5 1Co 16:5-7 VERSE 17 - lightness. * Jud 9:4 Jer 23:32 Zep 3:4 - according. * :12; 10:2,3 Joh 8:15 Ga 1:16; 2:2 1Th 2:18 - yea. * :18-20 Mt 5:37 Jas 5:12 VERSE 18 - as. * :23; 11:31 Joh 7:28; 8:26 1Jo 5:20 Re 3:7,14 - word. or, preaching. VERSE 19 - the Son. * Ps 2:7 Mt 3:17; 16:16,17; 17:5; 26:63,64; 27:40,54 Mr 1:1 Lu 1:35 * Joh 1:34,49; 3:16,35,36; 6:69; 19:7; 20:28,31 Ac 8:37; 9:20 * Ro 1:3,4 2Pe 1:17 1Jo 1:3; 5:9-13,20 2Jo 1:9 Re 2:18 - even. * Ac 18:5 - Silas. was not. * Ex 3:14 Mt 24:35 Joh 8:58 Heb 1:11; 13:8 Re 1:8,11,17 VERSE 20 - all. * Ge 3:15; 22:18; 49:10 Ps 72:17 Isa 7:14; 9:6,7 Lu 1:68-74 * Joh 1:17; 14:6 Ac 3:25,26; 13:32-39 Ro 6:23; 15:8,9 Ga 3:16-18,22 * Heb 6:12-19; 7:6; 9:10-15; 11:13,39,40; 13:8 1Jo 2:24,25; 5:11 - Amen. * Isa 65:16 *Heb: * Joh 3:5 *Gr: * Re 3:14 - unto. * 2Co 4:6,15 Ps 102:16 Mt 6:13 Lu 2:14 Ro 11:36; 15:7 Eph 1:6,12-14 * Eph 2:7; 3:8-10 Col 1:27 2Th 1:10 1Pe 1:12 Re 7:12 VERSE 21 - stablisheth. * 2Co 5:5 Ps 37:23,24; 87:5; 89:4 Isa 9:7; 49:8; 62:7 Ro 16:25 Col 2:7 * 1Th 3:13 2Th 2:8,17; 3:3 1Pe 5:10 - anointed. * Ps 45:7 Isa 59:21; 61:1 Joh 3:34 Ac 10:38 Ro 8:9 1Jo 2:20,27 * Re 1:6; 3:18 VERSE 22 - sealed. * Joh 6:27 Ro 4:11 Eph 1:13,14; 4:30 2Ti 2:19 Re 2:17; 7:3; 9:4 - the earnest. * 2Co 5:5 Ro 8:9,14-16,23 Eph 1:14 VERSE 23 - I call. * :18; 11:11,31 Ro 1:9; 9:1 Ga 1:20 Php 1:8 1Th 2:5 - that. * 2Co 2:1-3:18 10:2,6-11 12:20 13:2,10 1Co 4:21; 5:5 1Ti 1:20 VERSE 24 - that. * Mt 23:8-10; 24:49 1Co 3:5 2Ti 2:24-26 1Pe 5:3 - are. * 2Co 2:1-3 Ro 1:12 Php 1:25,26 - for. * 2Co 5:7 Ro 5:2; 11:20 1Co 15:1 Eph 6:14-16 1Pe 5:8,9 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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