1 Josiah's good reign. 3 He destroys idolatry. 8 He takes order for the repair of the temple. 14 Hilkiah, having found a book of the law, Josiah sends to Huldah to enquire of the Lord. 23 Huldah prophesies the destruction of Jerusalem, but respite thereof in Josiah's time. 29 Josiah, causing it to be read in a solemn assembly, renews the covenant with God. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3363-3394. B.C. 641-610. Josiah. * 2Ch 33:25 1Ki 13:2 2Ki 22:1-20 1Ch 3:14,15 Jer 1:2 Zep 1:1 * Mt 1:10,11 - Josias. eight years. * 2Ch 24:1; 26:1; 33:1 1Sa 2:18,26 1Ki 3:7-9 Ec 4:13 VERSE 2 - right in the sight. * 2Ch 14:2; 17:3; 29:2 1Ki 14:8; 15:5 2Ki 22:2 - declined. * De 5:32; 17:11,20; 28:14 Jos 1:7; 23:6 Pr 4:27 VERSE 3 - A.M. 3370. B.C. 634. while he. * 1Ch 22:5; 29:1 Ps 119:9 Ec 12:1 2Ti 3:15 - to seek. See on ch. * 2Ch 15:2 1Ch 28:9 Pr 8:17 Mt 6:33 - purge. See on ch. * 2Ch 33:17,22 Le 26:30 2Ki 23:4,14 - the high places. * 2Ch 30:14 - See on * 2Ki 18:4 VERSE 4 - brake down. * 2Ch 33:3 Ex 23:24 Le 26:30 De 7:5,25 - images. or, sun images. * 2Ch 14:5 2Ki 23:4,5,11 - made dust. * :7 Ex 32:20 De 9:21 2Ki 23:12 Ps 18:42 Isa 27:9 - graves. Heb. face of the graves. * 2Ki 10:26,27; 23:4,6 VERSE 5 - he. * 1Ki 13:2 2Ki 23:16 Jer 8:1,2 - cleansed. * :7 Nu 35:33 Jer 3:10; 4:14 Eze 22:24 VERSE 6 - in. * 2Ch 30:1,10,11; 31:1 2Ki 23:15-20 - mattocks. or, mauls. * 1Sa 13:20,21 Pr 25:18 Isa 7:25 VERSE 7 - beaten. See on ver. * :1 De 9:21 - into powder. Heb. to make powder. he returned. * 2Ch 31:1 VERSE 8 - A.M. 3380. B.C. 624. the eighteenth. * Jer 1:2,3 - sent Shaphan. * 2Ki 22:3,12,14 Jer 26:24; 29:3; 36:10; 39:14; 40:11 Eze 8:11 - Maaseiah. * Jer 21:1; 29:21,25 - recorded. * 2Sa 8:16; 20:24 1Ch 18:15 VERSE 9 - Hilkiah. * :14,15,18,20,22 2Ki 22:4; 23:4 - they delivered. * 2Ch 24:11-14 2Ki 22:5-7 Php 4:8 - Manasseh. * 2Ch 30:10,18; 31:1 - and they returned. Instead of {wyyashuvoo}, "and they returned," as the Keri has, we should, with the Kethiv, read {weyoshevey,} "and the inhabitants of;" a reading which is supported by many MSS,; printed editions, and all the versions, as well as necessity and common sense. * :7 VERSE 10 - in the hand. * 2Ki 12:11,12,14; 22:5,6 Ezr 3:7 VERSE 11 - floor. or, rafter. the kings. * 2Ch 33:4-7,22 VERSE 12 - faithfully. * 2Ch 31:12 2Ki 12:15; 22:7 Ne 7:2 Pr 28:20 1Co 4:2 - all. * 1Ch 6:31-48; 15:16-22; 16:4,5,41; 23:5; 25:1-31 - skill. The verb skill is now obsolete: the meaning is, "every one who is skilful, {maiveen,} on instruments of music." VERSE 13 - the bearers. * 2Ch 2:10,18; 8:10 Ne 4:10 - and of the Levites. * 1Ch 23:4,5 - scribes. * Ezr 7:6 Jer 8:8 Mt 26:3 - officers. * 2Ch 19:11 1Ch 23:4; 26:29,30 - porters. * 2Ch 8:14 1Ch 9:17; 15:18; 16:38,42; 26:1-19 Ezr 7:7 VERSE 14 - Hilkiah. See on * 2Ki 22:8-20 De 31:24-26 - a book. Literally, "a book of the law of the Lord, by the hand of Moses," i.e, as Dr. Kennicott understands it, "in the handwriting of Moses;" for, says he, though there are fifteen places in the Old Testament which mention the "Law of Moses," and "book of Moses," yet this one place only mentions "the book of the law in, or by, the hand of Moses." - the law. * 2Ch 12:1; 31:4; 35:26 De 17:18,19 Jos 1:8 Ezr 7:10 Ps 1:2 Isa 5:24 * Isa 30:9 Jer 8:8 Lu 2:39 - Moses. Heb. the hand of Moses. * Le 8:36; 10:11; 26:46 VERSE 15 - answered. * Jud 18:14 1Sa 9:17 - Shaphan. * 2Ki 22:10 - the book. * 2Ki 22:8 Ezr 7:6 Ne 8:1 VERSE 16 - Shaphan. See on * 2Ki 22:9,10 Jer 36:20,21 - thy servants. Heb. the hand of thy servants. VERSE 17 - And they. See on ver. * :8-10 - gathered together. Heb. poured out, or melted. VERSE 18 - And Shaphan read. * De 17:19 Jos 1:8 Ps 119:46,97-99 Jer 36:20,21 - it. Heb. in it. VERSE 19 - the words. * Ro 3:20; 7:7-11 Ga 2:19; 3:10-13 - that he rent. * 2Ki 19:1; 22:11,19 Jer 36:22-24 Joe 2:13 VERSE 20 - Ahikam. * 2Ki 25:22 Jer 26:24; 40:6,9,14 - Abdon. This person seems to have borne both the name of Achbor and Abdon. * 2Ki 22:12 - Achbor. * Jer 26:22 - Michah. Michaiah, [Mîykayeh-w <\\S#4321h\\>,] as he is named in the parallel passage, is here called [Mîykâh <\\S#4318h\\>,] Michah, merely by the omission of [Yâhh <\\S#3050h\\>,] {yah,} one of the Divine names. - Asaiah. This variation only exists in the translation; the original being uniformly Asaiah, or rather, Asayah. * 2Ki 22:12 - Asahiah. VERSE 21 - enquire. * Ex 18:15 1Sa 9:9 1Ki 22:5-7 Jer 21:2 Eze 14:1-11; 20:1-7 - that are left. * 2Ch 28:6; 33:11 2Ki 17:6,7; 22:13 Isa 37:2-4 Jer 42:2 - great. * Le 26:14-46 De 28:15; 29:18-28; 30:17-19; 31:16-22; 32:15-25 * Ro 1:18; 2:8-12; 4:15 VERSE 22 - the prophetess. * Ex 15:20 Jud 4:4 Lu 1:41-45; 2:36 Ac 21:9 - Hasrah. Hasrah is most probably a mistake for Harhas; as the Septuagint reads, both here and in the parallel place, [ .] - Aras. See on * 2Ki 22:14 - Harhas. - wardrobe. Heb. garments. college. or, school, or second part. It is probable that {Mishneh} was either the name of a street, or a particular part of the city of Jerusalem. VERSE 23 - Tell ye the man. See on * 2Ki 22:15-20 Jer 21:3-7; 37:7-10 VERSE 24 - I will bring. * 2Ch 36:14-20 Jos 23:16 2Ki 21:12; 23:26,27 Isa 5:4-6 Jer 6:19 * Jer 19:3,15; 35:17; 36:31 - all the curses. See on ver. * :21 VERSE 25 - Because. See on ch. * 2Ch 12:2; 15:2; 33:3-9 2Ki 24:3,4 Isa 2:8,9 Jer 15:1-4 - my wrath. * Isa 42:25 Jer 7:20 La 2:4; 4:11 Na 1:6 Re 14:10,11 - shall not. * 2Ki 22:17 - See on * Jer 4:4; 7:20 Eze 20:48 Mr 9:43-48 VERSE 26 - as for. * :21,23 VERSE 27 - Because. "Because," says the Targumist, "thy heart was melted, and thou hast humbled thyself in the sight of the word of the Lord, {meymra dyya,} when thou didst hear His words, {yath pithgamoi,} against this place." Here {meymra,} the personal word, is plainly distinguished from {pithgam,} a word spoken. - thine heart. See on ch. * 2Ch 32:12,13 2Ki 22:18,19 Ps 34:18; 51:17 Isa 57:15; 66:2 Eze 9:4 * Eze 36:26 - humble. See on ch. * 2Ch 32:26; 33:12,19 Jas 4:6-10 - didst rend. See on ver. * :19 Jer 36:23,24 - I have even. * Ps 10:17 Isa 65:24 VERSE 28 - I will gather. * 2Ch 35:24 - See on * 2Ki 22:20 Isa 57:1,2 Jer 15:1 Eze 14:14-21 - in peace. * Ps 37:37 - neither. * 1Ki 21:29 2Ki 20:19 Isa 39:8 VERSE 29 - the king. * 1Sa 12:23 1Ch 29:2-9 Mr 14:8 - gathered. * 2Ch 30:2 2Ki 23:1-3 VERSE 30 - great and small. Heb. from great even to small. * 2Ch 15:12,13; 18:30 De 1:17 Job 3:19 - he read. * 2Ch 6:1-11; 17:7-9 De 17:18-20 Ne 8:2-5 Ec 1:12; 12:9,10 - the book. * :15,18,19,24 Ex 24:7 2Ki 23:2,21 Jer 31:31,32 VERSE 31 - In his place. Instead of {âl "mdo,} "in his place," the parallel passage 2 Ki 23:3, has {âl häâmmood,} "by the pillar;" which is probably the true reading, as the LXX. in both places read [ ,] "the pillar." * 2Ch 6:13 2Ki 11:4; 23:3 Eze 46:2 - made a covenant. This was expressed, 1. In general, To walk after Jehovah; to have no gods beside him. 2. To take this law for the regulation of their conduct. 3. In particular, To bend their whole heart and soul to the performance of it; so that they might not only have religion without, but piety within. * 2Ch 23:16; 29:10 Ex 24:6-8 De 29:1,10-15 Jos 24:25 Ne 9:38; 10:29 * Jer 50:5 Heb 8:6-13 - and his testimonies. * Ps 119:111,112 - with all. * 2Ch 15:12,15 - See on ch. * 2Ch 31:21 De 6:5 Lu 10:27-29 - to perform. * Ps 119:106 VERSE 32 - caused. * 2Ch 14:4; 30:12; 33:16 Ge 18:19 Ec 8:2 - present. Heb. found. * 2Ch 29:29 - did. * Jer 3:10 VERSE 33 - took away. See on ver. * :3-7 2Ki 23:4-20 - the abominations. * 1Ki 11:5-7 - all his days. * Jos 24:31 Jer 3:10 Ho 6:4 - from following. Heb. from after. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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