1 Hezekiah proclaims a solemn passover on the second month for Judah and Israel. 13 The assembly, having destroyed the altars of idolatry, keep the feast fourteen days. 27 The priests and Levites bless the people. VERSE 1 - Israel. * 2Ch 11:13,16 - Ephraim. * :10,11; 25:7; 35:6 Ho 5:4; 7:8,9; 11:8 - to the house. * De 16:2-6 - to keep. * Ex 12:3-20 1Co 5:7,8 VERSE 2 - the king. * 1Ch 13:1-3 Pr 11:14; 15:22 Ec 4:13 - in the second month. In Ijar, as they could not celebrate in Nisan, the 14th of which month was the proper time. But Hezekiah and his counsellors justly concluded, that the regulation of the 14th day of the second month, which had been made for individuals who were hindered from eating the passover at the appointed season, might in their present circumstances be extended to the people at large. * Nu 9:10,11 VERSE 3 - at that time. * Ex 12:6,18 - because. * 2Ch 29:34 VERSE 4 - pleased the king. Heb. was right in the eyes of the king. * 1Ch 13:4 VERSE 5 - established. * Ezr 6:8-12 Es 3:12-15; 8:8-10; 9:20,21 Da 6:8 - to make proclamation. * 2Ch 24:9; 36:22 Le 23:2,4 Da 4:1-33 - from Beer-sheba. * Jud 20:1 - for they. * 2Ch 35:18 De 12:32 1Co 11:2 VERSE 6 - the posts went. {Ratzim,} "runners," or couriers, of the same kind as the running footmen, who were formerly, before the establishment of posts, and still are in some places, trained, and kept on purpose to convey dispatches speedily by running. * Job 9:25 Es 8:14 Jer 51:31 - the king. Heb. the hand of the king. turn again. * Isa 55:6,7 Jer 4:1 La 5:21 Eze 33:11 Ho 14:1 Joe 2:12-14 * Jas 4:8 - and he will. * Isa 6:13 - escaped. * 2Ch 28:20 2Ki 15:19,29 1Ch 5:26 Isa 1:9 VERSE 7 - like. * Eze 20:13-18 Zec 1:3,4 - as. * 2Ch 29:8 VERSE 8 - be ye not stiffnecked. Heb. harden not your necks. * 2Ch 36:13 Ex 32:9 De 10:16 Ro 10:21 - yield yourselves. Heb. give the hand. * 1Ch 29:24 Ezr 10:19 Ps 68:31 Ro 6:13-19 - enter into. * Ps 63:2; 68:24; 73:17 - which he hath. * Ps 132:13,14 - serve. * De 6:13,17 Jos 24:15 Mt 4:10 Joh 12:26 Ro 6:22 Col 3:22-24 * Re 7:15 - the fierceness. * 2Ch 28:11,13; 29:10 2Ki 23:26 Ps 78:49 VERSE 9 - if ye turn. * 2Ch 7:14 Le 26:40-42 De 30:2-4 1Ki 8:50 Ps 106:46 - so that they shall. * Jer 29:12-14; 31:27,28 - the Lord. * Ex 34:6,7 Ne 9:17,31 Ps 86:5,15; 111:4; 145:7,8 Jon 4:2 * Mic 7:18 - will not. * 2Ch 15:2 Pr 28:13 Isa 55:7 Eze 18:30-32 - turn away. * Jer 18:17 VERSE 10 - the posts. * :6 Es 3:13,15; 8:10,14 Job 9:25 - they laughed. * 2Ch 36:16 Ge 19:14 Ne 2:19 Job 12:4 Lu 8:53; 16:14; 22:63,64; 23:35 * Ac 17:32 Heb 11:36 VERSE 11 - divers of Asher. It has been said, that Hezekiah had no right to invite Hoshea's subjects to repair to Jerusalem to his passover; but it may be presumed, that he was encouraged to do this by Hoshea himself, who was one of their best kings; besides which, both the golden calves having been taken away by the Assyrians, the apostate Israelites, being thus deprived of idols, had begun to return to the Lord, and to go up to Jerusalem to worship, some time before Hezekiah gave them this invitation. * :18,21; 11:16 Ac 17:34 - humbled themselves. * 2Ch 12:6,7,12; 33:12,19,23; 34:27 Ex 10:3 Le 26:41 Da 5:22 Lu 14:11 * Lu 18:14 Jas 4:10 1Pe 5:6 VERSE 12 - the hand of God. * 2Ch 29:36 1Ch 29:18,19 Ezr 7:27 Ps 110:3 Jer 24:7; 32:39 Eze 36:26 * Php 2:13 2Th 2:13,14 - the commandment. * De 4:2,5,6 1Th 4:2 - by the word. * 2Ch 29:25 Ac 4:19 VERSE 13 - there assembled. * Ps 84:7 - the second month. See on ver. * :2 VERSE 14 - altars. * 2Ch 28:24; 34:4,7 2Ki 18:22; 23:12,13 Isa 2:18-20 - the brook. * 2Ch 15:16; 29:16 2Sa 15:23 Joh 18:1 - Cedron. VERSE 15 - were ashamed. * 2Ch 29:34 Eze 16:61-63; 43:10,11 - and sanctified. * :24; 5:11; 29:15,34; 31:18 Ex 19:10,22 VERSE 16 - they stood. * 2Ch 35:10,15 - place. Heb. standing. after their manner. * 2Ki 11:14 - Moses. See on * De 33:1 - the priests. * 2Ch 35:10,11 Le 1:5 Heb 11:28 VERSE 17 - the Levites. * 2Ch 29:34; 35:3-6 - the killing. * Ex 12:6 VERSE 18 - many of Ephraim. See on ver. * :11 - had not cleansed. * Nu 9:10-14; 19:20 1Co 11:28 - the passover. * Ex 12:43-51 - prayed. * Ge 20:7,17 Job 42:8,9 Jas 5:15,16 1Jo 5:16 - The good. * 2Ch 6:21 Ex 34:6-9 Nu 14:18-20 Ps 25:8; 36:5; 86:5; 119:68 Da 9:19 VERSE 19 - prepareth. * 2Ch 19:3; 20:33 1Sa 7:3 1Ch 29:18 Ezr 7:10 Job 11:13 Ps 10:17 * Pr 23:26 - though he be not. * Le 12:4; 15:31-33; 21:17-23; 22:3-6 Nu 9:6; 19:13-20 VERSE 20 - healed. * Ex 15:26 Ps 103:3 Jas 5:15,16 VERSE 21 - present. Heb. found. the feast. * Ex 12:15; 13:6 Le 23:6 Lu 22:1,7 1Co 5:7,8 - great gladness. * :26; 7:10 De 12:7,12; 16:14 Ne 8:10 Ac 2:46 Php 4:4 - the priests. See on ch. * 2Ch 20:21; 29:25-27 - loud instruments. Heb. instruments of strength. * Ps 150:3-5 VERSE 22 - comfortably unto all. Heb. to the heart of all. * 2Ch 32:6 Isa 40:1,2 Ho 2:14 - taught. * 2Ch 15:3; 17:9; 35:3 De 33:10 Ezr 7:10,25 Ne 8:7,8,18; 9:3 2Ti 4:2 - the good. * Pr 2:6,7; 8:6 Joh 17:3 2Co 4:6 Php 3:8 - and making. * De 26:3-11 Ezr 10:11 Ne 9:3 VERSE 23 - took counsel. See on ver. * :2 - to keep. They did not observe other seven days of unleavened bread, but offered sacrifices with praise and thanksgiving, and feasting, other seven days; and, as the people in general, and especially those who came out of the kingdom of Israel, would be unprepared for this additional expense, both Hezekiah and his princes liberally supplied them with cattle for sacrifices. * 2Ch 7:9 1Ki 8:65 VERSE 24 - did give. Heb. lifted up, or offered. * 2Ch 35:7,8 1Ch 29:3-9 Eze 45:17 Eph 4:8 - a great. * 2Ch 29:34 VERSE 25 - the strangers. See on ver. * :11,18 Ex 12:43-49 - rejoiced. * 1Ch 16:10,11 Ps 92:4; 104:34 VERSE 26 - since the time. * 2Ch 7:9,10 VERSE 27 - the priests. See on * Nu 6:23-26 De 10:8 - their prayer. See on * 1Ki 8:30,39 Ac 10:4 - his holy dwelling place. Heb. the habitation of his holiness. * De 26:15 Ps 68:5 Isa 57:15; 63:15; 66:1 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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