1 Jotham reigning well, prospers. 5 He subdues the Ammonites. 7 His reign and death; Ahaz succeeds him. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3246-3262. B.C. 753-742. twenty and five. * 2Ki 15:32,33-38 1Ch 3:12 Isa 1:1 Ho 1:1 Mic 1:1 Mt 1:9 - Joatham. VERSE 2 - And he did. * 2Ch 26:4 2Ki 15:34 - he entered not. He copied his father's conduct as far as it was pious and constitutional; and avoided his transgression. * 2Ch 26:16-21 Ps 119:120 Ac 5:13 - the people. * 2Ki 15:35 VERSE 3 - high gate. * 2Ch 23:20 Jer 20:2 - Ophel. or, the tower. "The wall," says the Targum, "of the interior palace." {Ophel} appears to have been a tower, or fort, on the city wall, in which we read "the Nehthinim dwelt." * 2Ch 33:14 Ne 3:26,27 VERSE 4 - he built cities. * 2Ch 11:5-10; 14:7; 26:9,10 - the mountains. * Jos 14:12,13 Lu 1:39 - castles and towers. These castles and towers he doubtless built built for the protection of the country people against marauders. VERSE 5 - the king of the Ammonites. We find here, that he brought the Ammonites under a heavy tribute for three years; but whether this was the effect of his prevailing against them, is not so evident. Some think that they paid this tribute for three years, and then revolted; that, in consequence, he attacked them, and their utter subjection was the result. * 2Ch 20:1 Jud 11:4-33 2Sa 10:1-14 Jer 49:1-6 - ten thousand. Rather, "ten thousand {cors} (korim) of wheat." The {cor} was same as the {homer,} and contained about 32 pecks 1 pint. - So much. Heb. This. VERSE 6 - Jotham. * 2Ch 26:5 - prepared. or, established. * 2Ch 19:3 VERSE 7 - Now the rest. * 2Ch 20:34; 26:22,23; 32:32,33 - A.M. 3262. B.C. 742. they are written. There is not so much found in the book of Kings, which we have now, as here: in both places we have abridged accounts; the larger histories having been lost. VERSE 8 - He was. * :1 2Ki 15:33 VERSE 9 - Jotham. * 2Ki 15:38 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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