1 Jehoshaphat, invaded by Moab, proclaims a fast. 5 His prayer. 14 The prophecy of Jahaziel. 20 Jehoshaphat exhorts the people, and sets singers to praise the Lord. 22 The great overthrow of his enemies. 26 The people, having blessed God at Berachah, return in triumph. 31 Jehoshaphat's reign. 35 His convoy of ships, according to the prophecy of Eliezer, unhappily perish. VERSE 1 - after this also. * 2Ch 19:5,11; 32:1 - the children of Moab. * Ps 83:5-8 Isa 7:1; 8:9,10; 16:6 - came against. * 2Ch 19:2 Jer 10:24 Re 3:19 VERSE 2 - beyond the sea. That is, the Dead or Salt Sea, the western and northern boundary of Edom, which is the reading of one of Dr. Kennicott's MSS. (89,) instead of {aram}, "Syria." * Ge 14:3 Nu 34:12 Jos 3:16 - Hazazon-tamar. * Ge 14:7 - En-gedi. * Jos 15:62 1Sa 23:29 So 1:14 VERSE 3 - feared. * Ge 32:7-11,24-28 Ps 56:3,4 Isa 37:3-6 Jon 1:16 Mt 10:28 - himself. Heb. his face. seek the Lord. See on ch. * 2Ch 11:16; 19:3 - proclaimed. * Jud 20:26 1Sa 7:6 Ezr 8:21-23 Es 4:16 Jer 36:9 Da 9:3 * Joe 1:14; 2:12-18 Jon 3:5-9 VERSE 4 - ask help of the Lord. * Ps 34:5,6; 50:15; 60:10-12 - the cities. * 2Ch 19:5 Ps 69:35 VERSE 5 - Jehoshaphat. See on ch. * 2Ch 6:12,13; 34:31 2Ki 19:15-19 VERSE 6 - O Lord. See on * Ex 3:6,15,16 1Ch 29:18 - God in heaven. * De 4:39 Jos 2:11 1Ki 8:23 Ps 115:3 Isa 57:15,16; 66:1 Mt 6:9 - rulest not. * 1Ch 29:11,12 Ps 47:2,8 Jer 27:5-8 Da 4:17,25,32-35 - in thine hand. * 1Ch 29:11,12 Ps 62:11 Mt 6:13 - none is able. * Ac 11:17 VERSE 7 - our God. * 2Ch 14:11 Ge 17:7 Ex 6:7; 19:5-7; 20:2 1Ch 17:21-24 - who. Heb. thou. drive out. See on * Ex 33:2 Ps 44:2 - gavest. * Ge 12:7; 13:15 Jos 24:3,13 Ne 9:8 - thy friend. * Isa 41:8 Joh 11:11; 15:15 Jas 2:23 VERSE 8 - built thee. See on ch. * 2Ch 2:4; 6:10 VERSE 9 - If, when evil. See on ch. * 2Ch 6:28-30 1Ki 8:33,37 - and in thy presence. * Mt 18:20 - thy name. See on ch. * 2Ch 6:20 Ex 20:24; 23:21 - is in this house. Several MSS. with the Syriac, Arabic, and Vulgate, read {nikra}, "is invoked:" "thy name is invoked in this house." VERSE 10 - whom thou. * Nu 20:17-21 De 2:4,5,9,19 Jud 11:15-18 VERSE 11 - how they reward us. Six of Dr. Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS. and {räâh}, "evil:" "Behold they reward us evil:" which is also the reading of the Targum. * Ge 44:4 Ps 7:4; 35:12 Pr 17:13 Jer 18:20 - to cast us. * Jud 11:23,24 Ps 83:3-12 VERSE 12 - wilt. * De 32:36 Jud 11:27 1Sa 3:13 Ps 7:6,8; 9:19; 43:1 Isa 2:4; 42:4 * Joe 3:12 Re 19:11 - we have. See on ch. * 2Sa 14:11 1Sa 14:6 2Co 1:8,9 - neither. * 2Ki 6:15 - our eyes. * Ps 25:15; 121:1,2; 123:1,2; 141:8 Jon 2:4 VERSE 13 - all Judah. * De 29:10 Ezr 10:1 Jon 3:5 Ac 21:5 VERSE 14 - Then upon. * Isa 58:9; 65:24 Da 9:20,21 Ac 10:4,31 - came the Spirit. * 2Ch 15:1; 24:20 Nu 11:25,26; 24:2 VERSE 15 - Be not afraid. * 2Ch 32:7,8 Ex 14:13,14 De 1:29,30; 20:1,4; 31:6,8 Jos 11:6 Ne 4:14 * Ps 17:1,2 Isa 41:10-16; 43:1,2 - the battle. * 2Ch 32:8 1Sa 17:47 VERSE 16 - cliff. Heb. ascent. Ziz. The cliff of Ziz was probably near Ziza, which Ptolemy places in Arabia Petra', long. 69 11/24° lat 31°. - brook. or, valley. the wilderness. The wilderness of Jeruel seems, from ver. 20, to have been a part of the wilderness of Tekoa. - Jeruel. i.e., foundation of God; founded of God; fear ye God; taught of God. <\\S#3385h\\>. * :16 VERSE 17 - not need. * :22,23 Ex 14:13,14,25 - stand ye still. * Ps 46:10,11 Isa 30:7,15 La 3:26; 3:26 - for the Lord. * 2Ch 15:2; 32:8 Nu 14:9 Ps 46:7,11 Isa 8:9,10; 41:10 Am 5:14 Mt 1:23 * Mt 28:20 Ro 8:31 2Ti 4:22 VERSE 18 - bowed his head. * 2Ch 7:3 Ge 24:26 Ex 4:31 - fell before. * Job 1:20 Ps 95:6 VERSE 19 - Levites. * 1Ch 15:16-22; 16:5,42; 23:5; 25:1-7 - Korhites. * Ps 44:1; 49:1 *titles - a loud. * 2Ch 5:13 Ezr 3:12,13 Ne 12:42,43 Ps 81:1; 95:1,2 VERSE 20 - Tekoa. * 2Ch 11:6 2Sa 14:2 1Ch 4:5 Jer 6:1 - Hear ye. See on ver. * :15 - Believe in the Lord. * Isa 7:9; 26:3 Joh 11:40; 14:1 Ro 8:31 Heb 11:6 - believe his. * Ex 14:31 Lu 16:31 Joh 5:46,47; 13:20 VERSE 21 - consulted. * 1Ch 13:1,2 Pr 11:14 - appointed. * 2Ch 29:25-30; 30:21 Ezr 3:10,11 Ne 12:27 - that should praise. Heb. praisers of. the beauty. * 1Ch 16:29 Ps 29:2; 50:2; 90:17; 96:9 - Praise the Lord. * 2Ch 5:13; 7:3,6 1Ch 16:34,41 Ezr 3:11 Ps 106:1; 107:1; 136:1-26 * Jer 33:11 VERSE 22 - when they. Heb. in the time that they, etc. to sing and to. Heb. in singing and. the Lord set ambushments. Houbigant's version is, "the Lord set against the children of Amon and Moab ambushments of those who came from mount Seir against Judah; and the children of Ammon and Moab were smitten: but they afterwards rose up against the inhabitants of mount Seir, and utterly destroyed them; who being destroyed, they rose up one against one another, and mutually destroyed each other." * Jud 7:22 1Sa 14:16,20 2Ki 6:17 Ps 35:5,6 Isa 19:2 Eze 38:21 - were smitten. or, smote one another. VERSE 23 - mount Seir. * Ge 14:6; 36:8,9 De 2:5 Jos 24:4 Eze 35:2,3 - to destroy another. Heb. for the destruction. VERSE 24 - they were dead. * Ex 14:30 1Ch 5:22 Ps 110:6 Isa 37:36 Jer 33:5 - none escaped. Heb. there was not an escaping. * Ezr 9:14 VERSE 25 - they found. * Ex 12:35,36 1Sa 30:19,20 2Ki 7:9-16 Ps 68:12 Ro 8:37 - dead bodies. Instead of {pegarim,} "dead bodies," eight MSS. and several ancient editions read {begadim,} "garments." None of the ancient versions, except the Chaldee, have dead bodies: garments would therefore appear to be the true reading; and the succeeding clause should be rendered, "which they seized for themselves." - precious jewels. * Ex 3:22 Nu 31:15 Jud 8:24-26 Pr 3:15 - it was so much. * Eze 39:8,9 VERSE 26 - Berachah. that is, Blessing. Having previously sought deliverance by fasting and prayer, and received the assurance of it with grateful joy, Jehoshaphat and his army returned immediate and fervent thanks and praise to the Lord, who had in so wonderful a manner performed his promise. Scott, who quotes the following from Bp. Patrick: "They did not return every man to his own home; but first went back to Jerusalem, to bless the Lord again for hearing their prayer and making good his promises." - blessed. * Ex 15:1-19 2Sa 22:1 Ps 103:1,2; 107:21,22 Lu 1:68 Re 19:1-6 - the name. * Ge 28:19; 32:20 Ex 17:15 1Sa 7:12 Isa 62:4 Ac 1:19 - unto this day. * 2Ch 5:9 VERSE 27 - forefront. Heb. head. * 2Sa 6:14,15 Mic 2:13 Heb 6:20 - the Lord. * 1Sa 2:1 Ne 12:43 Ps 20:5; 30:1 Isa 35:10; 51:11 Re 18:20 VERSE 28 - with psalteries. Instead of celebrating his own heroism or the valour of his troops on this memorable occasion, this excellent prince sung with his whole army the praises of Jehovah, the God of hosts, who disposes of the victory according to his pleasure. This conduct was becoming the descendant and successor of David, the man after God's own heart, and of a religious people, the peculiar inheritance of Jehovah. * 2Sa 6:5 1Ch 13:8; 23:5; 25:6 Ps 57:8; 92:3; 149:3; 150:3-5 * Re 14:2,3 VERSE 29 - the fear. * 2Ch 17:10 Ge 35:5 Ex 23:27 Jos 5:1 2Ki 7:6 - they had heard. * Ex 15:14-16 Jos 2:9-11; 9:9-11 VERSE 30 - his God. * 2Ch 14:6,7; 15:15 Jos 23:1 2Sa 7:1 Job 34:29 Pr 16:7 Joh 14:27 VERSE 31 - A.M. 3090-3115. B.C. 914-889. Jehoshaphat. * 1Ki 22:41-44 VERSE 32 - he walked. See on ch. * 2Ch 17:3-6 - the way. See on ch. * 2Ch 14:2-5,11-13 1Ki 15:11 - departed not. * 2Ch 16:7-12 Ps 18:21; 36:3 VERSE 33 - the high places. * 2Ch 14:3; 17:6 - had not. See on ch. * 2Ch 12:14; 19:3; 30:19 De 29:4 1Sa 7:3 VERSE 34 - the rest. See on ch. * 2Ch 12:15; 13:22; 16:11 - book. Heb. words. Jehu the son of Hanani. * 2Ch 19:2 1Ki 16:1,7 - is mentioned. Heb. was made to ascend. VERSE 35 - A.M. 3108. B.C. 896. did Jehoshaphat. * 1Ki 22:48,49 - who did very. * 2Ki 1:2-16 VERSE 36 - And he joined. "At first Jehoshaphat was unwilling, 1 Ki 22:28, 49." - Tarshish. "Tarsos in the great sea," says the Targumist, by which is meant a a place in the Mediterranean, called the Great Sea by the Hebrews. See on * 1Ki 10:22 - Tharshish. Ezion-gaber. * 1Ki 9:26 - Ezion-geber. VERSE 37 - Because. See on ch. * 2Ch 19:2 Jos 7:11,12 Pr 13:20 - the Lord. * 2Ch 16:9 Pr 9:6; 13:20 Heb 12:6 Re 3:19 - And the ships. * 1Ki 22:48 - to Tarshish. * 2Ch 9:21 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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