1 The Israelites are overcome by the Philistines at Ebenezer. 3 They fetch the ark unto the terror of the Philistines. 10 They are smitten again, the ark taken, and Hophni and Phinehas are slain. 12 Eli at the news, falling backward, breaks his neck. 19 Phinehas's wife, discouraged in her travail with I-chabod, dies. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2863. B.C. 1141. An. Ex. Is. 350. came. or, came to pass. Heb. was. * 1Sa 3:11 - Eben-ezer. That is, the place afterwards so called: See the Parallel Texts. * 1Sa 5:1; 7:12 - Aphek. This Aphek was situated in the tribe of Judah, and is probably the same as Aphekah. * Jos 15:53 It must be carefully distinguished from that near Jezreel, and another in Asher. * 1Sa 29:1 Jos 19:30 1Ki 20:30 VERSE 2 - put. * 1Sa 17:8,21 - they joined battle. Heb. the battle was spread. Israel. * Jos 7:5-8,12 Ps 44:9,10 - and they. * Ps 79:7,8; 106:40,41 La 3:40 - the army. Heb. the array. VERSE 3 - Wherefore. * De 29:24 Ps 74:1,11 Isa 50:1; 58:3 - Let us. * 1Sa 14:18 Nu 31:6 Jos 6:4,5 2Sa 15:25 Isa 1:11-15 Jer 7:4,8-15 * Mt 3:9,10 - fetch. Heb. take unto us. the ark. * Nu 10:33 De 31:26 Jos 4:7 1Ch 17:1 Jer 3:16 Heb 9:4 - it may save. * Jer 7:8-11 Am 5:21,22 Mt 23:25-28 Ro 2:28,29 1Co 10:1-5 * 2Ti 3:5 1Pe 3:21 Jude 1:5 VERSE 4 - which dwelleth. * 2Sa 6:2 2Ki 19:15 Ps 80:1; 99:1 - the cherubims. * Ex 25:18-22 Nu 7:89 - Hophni. * 1Sa 2:12-17,22 Ps 50:16,17 Mal 1:9 Ac 19:15,16 - with the ark. * Nu 4:5,15 VERSE 5 - all Israel. They vainly supposed that the ark would save them, when the God of it had departed from them because of their wickedness. * Jud 15:14 Job 20:5 Jer 7:4 Am 6:3 Mic 2:11 VERSE 6 - What meaneth. * Ex 32:17,18 VERSE 7 - were afraid. * Ex 14:25; 15:14-16 De 32:30 - heretofore. Heb. yesterday or the third day. VERSE 8 - smote. * Ex 7:5; 9:14 Ps 78:43-51 VERSE 9 - Be strong. * 2Sa 10:12 1Co 16:13 Eph 6:10,11 - as they have. * De 28:47,48 Jud 10:7; 13:1 Isa 14:2; 33:1 - quit yourselves like men. Heb. be men. VERSE 10 - Israel. * :2 Le 26:17 De 28:25 Ps 78:9,60-64 - every man. * 2Sa 20:1 1Ki 12:16; 22:36 2Ki 14:12 - a very great. * 2Sa 18:7 2Ch 13:17; 28:5,6 Isa 10:3-6 VERSE 11 - the ark. * 1Sa 2:32 Ps 78:61 - the two sons. * 1Sa 2:34 Ps 78:64 Isa 3:11 - were slain. Heb. died. VERSE 12 - with his clothes rent. These, as we have already remarked, were the general signs of sorrow and distress. * 2Sa 1:2 - with earth. * Jos 7:6 2Sa 13:19; 15:32 Ne 9:1 Job 2:12 VERSE 13 - sat upon. * 1Sa 1:9 - his heart. * Jos 7:9 Ne 1:3,4 Ps 26:8; 79:1-8; 137:4-6 VERSE 14 - What meaneth. * :6 VERSE 15 - ninety. * 1Sa 3:2 Ps 90:10 - and his eyes. See on * Ge 27:1 - were dim. Heb. stood. VERSE 16 - What is there done. Heb. What is the thing. * 2Sa 1:4 - my son. See on ch. * 1Sa 3:6 Jos 7:19 VERSE 17 - Israel. * :10,11; 3:11 VERSE 18 - when he made. * :21,22 Ps 26:8; 42:3,10; 69:9 La 2:15-19 - his neck. * 1Sa 2:31,32; 3:12,13 Le 10:3 1Co 11:30-32 1Pe 4:17,18 - And he had. "He seems to have been a judge to do justice only, and that in south-west Israel." VERSE 19 - with child. <\\See definition 02030\\>. * Ge 16:11; 38:24,25 Ex 21:22 Jud 13:5,7 2Sa 11:5 2Ki 8:12; 15:16 * Isa 7:14; 26:17 Jer 20:17; 31:8 Am 1:13 - be delivered. or, cry out. bowed herself. * Ge 4:7; 49:9 1Ki 8:54 Isa 45:23 - came upon her. Heb. were turned. * 1Sa 10:6 Da 10:16 VERSE 20 - Fear not. * Ge 35:17,18 Joh 16:21 - neither did she regard it. Heb. and set not her heart. * Ps 77:2 VERSE 21 - I-chabod. that is, Where is the glory?. or, There is no glory. The glory. * Ps 26:8; 78:61,64; 106:20 Jer 2:11 Ho 9:12 VERSE 22 - The glory. * Ps 137:5,6 Joh 2:17 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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