1 Samuel anoints Saul. 2 He confirms him by prediction of three signs. 9 Saul's heart is changed, and he prophesies. 14 He conceals the matter of the kingdom from his uncle. 17 Saul is chosen at Mizpeh by lot. 26 The different affections of his subjects. VERSE 1 - a vial. * 1Sa 2:10; 9:16; 16:13; 24:6; 26:11 2Ki 9:3-6 Ac 13:21 Re 5:8 - kissed him. * 2Sa 19:39 1Ki 19:18 Ps 2:12 Ho 13:2 1Th 5:26 - captain. * 1Sa 8:9,19; 13:14 Jos 5:14,15 2Sa 5:2 2Ki 20:5 Heb 2:10 - his inheritance. * Ex 19:5,6 De 32:9 Ps 78:71; 135:4 Jer 10:16 VERSE 2 - Rachel's. * Ge 35:19 Jer 31:15 - Zelzah. * Jos 18:28 - The asses. * :16; 9:3-5 - care. Heb. business. VERSE 3 - Tabor. * Jos 19:12,22 Jud 4:6,12; 8:18 Ps 89:12 - Beth-el. * Ge 28:19,22; 35:1,3,6,7 - three kids. * Le 1:10; 3:6,12; 7:13; 23:13 Nu 15:5-12 VERSE 4 - salute thee. Heb. ask thee of peace. * Jud 18:15 VERSE 5 - hill of God. * :10; 13:3 - a company. * 1Sa 19:20 2Ki 2:3,5,15; 4:38; 6:1 - a psaltery. * Ex 15:20,21 2Ki 3:15 1Ch 13:8; 15:19-21,27,28; 16:5,42; 25:1-6 * 2Ch 29:25-27 Ps 49:4; 150:3-6 VERSE 6 - Spirit. * :10; 16:13; 19:23,24 Nu 11:25 Jud 3:10 Mt 7:22 - another man. * :9-12 VERSE 7 - let it be. Heb. it shall come to pass that, etc. signs. * Ex 4:8 Lu 2:12 Joh 6:14 - that thou do as occasion, etc. Heb. do for thee as thine hand shall find. * Jud 9:33 - God. * Ge 21:20 De 20:1 Jud 6:12 Isa 7:14; 45:1,2 Mt 1:23; 28:20 VERSE 8 - to Gilgal. * 1Sa 11:14,15; 13:4,8-15; 15:33 VERSE 9 - back. Heb. shoulder. gave. Heb. turned. another heart. * :6 - and all those signs. The following history of Saul is given by the Afghans, a people generally supposed to be of Jewish origin: "In a war which raged between the children of Israel and the Amalekites, the latter being victorious, plundered the Jews, and obtained possession of the ark of the covenant. Considering this [as] the God of the Jews, they threw it into the fire, which did not affect it. They afterwards attempted to cleave it with axes, but without success: every individual who treated it with indignity, was punished for his temerity. They then placed it in their temple; but all their idols bowed to it. At length they fastened it upon a cow, which they turned loose in the wilderness. When the prophet Samuel arose, the children of Israel said to him, 'We have been totally subdued by the Amalekites, and have no king. Raise to us a king, that we may be enabled to contend for the glory of God.' Samuel said, 'In case you are led out to battle, are you determined to fight?' They answered, 'What has befallen us, that we should not fight against infidels? That nation has banished us from our country and children.' At this time the angel Gabriel descended, and delivering a wand, said, 'It is the command of God, that the person whose stature shall correspond with this wand, shall be king of Israel.' Melec Tlút was at that time a man of inferior condition, and performed the humble employment of feeding the goats and cows of others. One day, a cow under his charge was accidentally lost. Being disappointed in his searches, he was greatly distressed, and applied to Samuel saying, 'I have lost a cow, and I do not possess the means of satisfying the owner. Pray for me that I may be extricated from this difficulty.' Samuel perceiving that he was a man of lofty stature, asked his name. He answered, Tlút. Samuel then said, 'Measure Tlút with the wand which the angel Gabriel brought.' His stature was equal to it. Samuel then said, 'God has raised Tlút to be your king.' The children of Israel answered, 'We are greater than our king. We are men of dignity, and he is of inferior condition. How shall he be our king?' Samuel informed them, they should know that God had constituted Tlút king, by his restoring the ark of the covenant. He accordingly restored it, and they acknowledged him their sovereign." Asiatic Researches, vol. ii. p. 119, et seq. * :2-5 Jud 6:21,36-40; 7:11 Isa 38:7,8 Mr 14:16 VERSE 10 - they came. * :5; 19:20-24 VERSE 11 - when all. * Joh 9:8,9 Ac 3:10 - one to another. Heb. a man to his neighbor. What is this. * Mt 13:54,55 Ac 2:7,8; 4:13; 9:21 - Is Saul. * 1Sa 19:24 Joh 7:15 VERSE 12 - of the same place. Heb. from thence. who is their. * Isa 54:13 Joh 6:45; 7:16 Jas 1:17 VERSE 13 VERSE 14 - And he said. * 1Sa 9:3-10 - no where. * 2Ki 5:25 VERSE 15 VERSE 16 - matter. * 1Sa 9:27 Ex 4:18 Jud 14:6 Pr 29:11 VERSE 17 - unto the Lord. * 1Sa 7:5,6 Jud 20:1 VERSE 18 - Thus saith. * Jud 2:1; 6:8,9 Ne 9:9-12,27,28 VERSE 19 - And ye have. * 1Sa 8:7-9,19; 12:12,17-19 - by your tribes. * Nu 17:2 Jos 7:14-26 Mic 5:2 VERSE 20 - caused. * 1Sa 14:41 Jos 7:16-18 Ac 1:24-26 VERSE 21 VERSE 22 - enquired. * 1Sa 23:2-4,11,12 Nu 27:21 Jud 1:1; 20:18,23,28 - hid. * 1Sa 9:21; 15:17 Lu 14:11 VERSE 23 - he was higher. * 1Sa 9:2; 16:7; 17:4 VERSE 24 - See ye him. * De 17:15 2Sa 21:6 - God save the king. Heb. Let the king live. * 1Ki 1:25,21,39 2Ki 11:12 Mt 21:9 VERSE 25 * 1Sa 8:11-18 De 17:14-20 Eze 45:9,10; 46:16-18 Ro 13:1-7 1Ti 2:2 * Tit 3:1 1Pe 2:13,14 VERSE 26 - Gibeah. * 1Sa 11:4; 15:34 Jos 18:28 Jud 19:12-16; 20:14 2Sa 21:6 - whose hearts. * Ezr 1:5 Ps 110:3 Ac 7:10; 13:48 VERSE 27 - children. * 1Sa 2:12; 11:12 De 13:13 2Sa 20:1 2Ch 13:7 Ac 7:35,51,52 - brought him. * 2Sa 8:2 1Ki 4:21; 10:25 2Ch 17:5 Ps 72:10 Mt 2:11 - he held his peace. or, he was as though he had been deaf. * Ps 38:13 Isa 36:21 Mt 27:12-14 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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