1 God's covenant in a vision with Solomon. 10 The mutual presents of Solomon and Hiram. 15 In Solomon's works the Gentiles were his bondmen, the Israelites honorable servants. 24 Pharaoh's daughter removes to her house. 25 Solomon's yearly solemn sacrifices. 26 His navy fetches gold from Ophir. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3013. B.C. 991. it came. * 1Ki 6:37,38; 7:1,51 2Ch 7:11-22 - the house. * 2Ch 8:1-6 Ec 2:4 - all Solomon's. * :11,19 Ec 2:10; 6:9 VERSE 2 - as he. * 1Ki 3:5; 11:9 2Ch 1:7-12; 7:12 VERSE 3 - I have heard. * 2Ki 20:5 Ps 10:17; 66:19; 116:1 Da 9:23 Joh 11:42 Ac 10:31 * 1Jo 5:14 - I have hallowed. * 1Ki 8:10,11 Ex 20:11 Nu 16:38 Mt 6:9 - to put. * 1Ki 8:29 De 12:5,11,21; 16:11 - mine eyes. * De 11:12 2Ch 6:40; 7:15,16 Ps 132:13,14 So 4:9,10 Jer 15:1 VERSE 4 - And if thou. * 1Ki 3:14; 8:25; 11:4,6,38; 14:8; 15:5 Ge 17:1 De 28:1 2Ch 7:17,18 * Job 23:11,12 Ps 15:2; 26:1,11 Pr 20:7 Zec 3:7 Lu 1:6 1Th 4:1,2 - in integrity. * Pr 10:9; 28:18 VERSE 5 - I will establish. * 1Ki 2:4; 6:12; 8:15,20 2Sa 7:12,16 1Ch 22:9,10 Ps 89:28-39 * Ps 132:11,12 VERSE 6 - if ye. * 1Sa 2:30 2Sa 7:14-16 1Ch 28:9 2Ch 7:19-22; 15:2 - go. * 1Ki 11:4-10 Jos 23:15,16 VERSE 7 - will I cut. * Le 18:24-28 De 4:26; 29:26-28 2Ki 17:20-23; 25:9,21 Jer 7:15 * Jer 24:9 Eze 33:27-29 Lu 21:24 - this house. See on ver. * :3 2Ki 25:9 2Ch 7:20; 36:19 Jer 7:4-14; 26:6,18; 52:13 La 2:6,7 * Eze 24:21 Mic 3:12 Mt 24:2 Lu 21:24 - and Israel. * De 28:37 Ne 4:1-4 Ps 44:14 Isa 65:15 Jer 24:9 La 2:15,16 * Joe 2:17 VERSE 8 - at. * 2Ch 7:21 Isa 64:11 Jer 19:8; 49:17; 50:13 Da 9:12 - Why. * De 29:24-26 Jer 22:8,9,28 VERSE 9 - Because. * De 29:25-28 2Ch 7:22 Jer 2:10-13,19; 5:19; 16:10-13; 50:7 * La 2:16,17; 4:13-15 Eze 36:17-20 Zep 1:4,5 - therefore. * Jer 12:7,8 VERSE 10 - at the end of twenty. * :1; 6:37,38; 7:1 2Ch 8:1-18 VERSE 11 - Now Hiram. See on ch. * 1Ki 5:6-10 2Ch 2:8-10,16 - king Solomon. * 2Ch 8:2 - of Galilee. See on * Jos 20:7 VERSE 12 - they pleased him not. Heb. were not right in his eyes. * Nu 22:34 Jud 14:3 *margins VERSE 13 - my brother. * 1Ki 5:1,2 Am 1:9 - Cabul. that is, Displeasing, or dirty. Josephus says that {Cabul,} in the Phoenician language, signifies [ ,] displeasing; and that these cities were situated in the neighborhood of Tyre. Most commentators are persuaded that the city Cabul in the tribe of Asher was one; and probably from this Hiram took occasion to give this name to all the other cities which Solomon had ceded to him. * Jos 19:27 VERSE 14 * :11,28; 10:10,14,21 VERSE 15 - A.M. 2989-3029. B.C. 1015-975. the reason. * :21 - See on ch. * 1Ki 5:13 - to build. * :10; 6:38; 7:1 2Ch 8:1 - Millo. Millo is said to have been a deep valley, between the ancient city of Jebus and the city of David on mount Zion. This Solomon filled up, and built upon; and it became a fortified place, and a place for public assemblies. * :24; 11:27 Jud 9:6,20 2Sa 5:9 2Ki 12:20 - the wall. * Ps 51:18 - Hazor. Probably the city Hazor in Naphtali, and the famous capital of Jabin, situated in the lake Merom or Semechon, and placed by Josephus south of Tyre, near Ptolemais. * Jos 11:1; 19:36 Jud 4:2 2Ki 15:29 - Megiddo. * 1Ki 4:12 Jos 17:11 Jud 5:19 2Ki 9:27; 23:29,30 2Ch 35:22 Zec 12:11 - Gezer. * :16,17 Jos 10:33; 16:10; 21:21 Jud 1:29 1Ch 6:67; 20:4 VERSE 16 - daughter. See on ver. * :24; 3:1 VERSE 17 - Beth-horon. * Jos 16:3; 19:44; 21:22 2Ch 8:4-6,7-18 VERSE 18 - Baalath. * Jos 19:44 - Tadmor. * 2Ch 8:4 VERSE 19 - the cities of store. * 1Ki 4:26-28 Ex 1:11 - that which Solomon desired. Heb. the desire of Solomon which he desired. See on ver. * :1 Ec 2:10; 6:9 VERSE 20 - left. * 2Ch 8:7,8-18 - Amorites. * Ge 15:19-21 Ex 23:23,28-33; 34:11,12 De 7:1-3 VERSE 21 - left. * Jud 1:21,27-35; 2:20-23; 3:1-4 Ps 106:34-36 - not. * Jos 15:63; 17:12,16-18 - levy. * :15; 5:13 Jud 1:28,35 - tribute. He made them do the most laborious parts of the public works, the Israelites being exempt from all but the more honorable employments. - bond-service. * Ge 9:25,26 Ezr 2:55-58 Ne 7:57; 11:3 VERSE 22 - of the children. * Le 25:39 - but they were men. * 1Ki 4:1-27 1Sa 8:11,12 2Ch 8:9,10 VERSE 23 - chief. * 1Ki 5:16 2Ch 2:18; 8:10 VERSE 24 - Pharaoh's. * :16; 3:1; 7:8 2Ch 8:11 - the city of David. * 2Sa 5:9 - Millo. * :15; 11:27 2Ch 32:5 VERSE 25 - three times. * Ex 23:14-17; 34:23 De 16:16 2Ch 8:12,13 - he burnt. * Ex 30:7 1Ch 23:13 2Ch 26:16-21; 29:11; 34:25 - upon the altar that was before. Heb. upon it which was before. So he finished the house. * 1Ki 6:38 2Ch 8:16 VERSE 26 - made a navy. * 2Ch 8:12,17,18-11:4 - Ezion-geber. * 1Ki 22:48 Nu 33:35 De 2:8 - Eloth. * 2Ki 14:22 - shore. Heb. lip. VERSE 27 - his servants. * 1Ki 5:6,9; 22:49 2Ch 20:36,37 VERSE 28 - Ophir. * 1Ki 10:11 Ge 10:29 1Ch 29:4 2Ch 8:18; 9:10 Job 22:24; 28:16 Ps 45:9 * Isa 13:12 - four hundred. * 2Ch 8:18 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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