TSK - 1 KINGS 19


1 Elijah, threatened by Jezebel, flees to Beer-sheba. 4 In the wilderness, being weary of his life, he is comforted by an angel. 9 At Horeb God appears unto him, sending him to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha. 19 Elisha, taking leave of his friends, follows Elijah. VERSE 1 - Ahab. * 1Ki 16:31; 21:5-7,25 - how he had slain. See on ch. * 1Ki 18:40 VERSE 2 - So let. * 1Ki 2:28; 20:10 Ru 1:17 2Ki 6:31 - if I. * Ex 10:28; 15:9 2Ki 19:10-12,22,27,28 Da 3:15 - to-morrow. * Pr 27:1 Ac 12:4-6 Jas 4:13,14 VERSE 3 - he arose. * Ge 12:12,13 Ex 2:15 1Sa 27:1 Isa 51:12,13 Mt 26:56,70-74 * 2Co 12:7 - Beer-sheba. * 1Ki 4:25 Ge 21:31 Am 7:12,13 VERSE 4 - sat down. * 1Ki 13:14 Ge 21:15,16 Joh 4:6 - he requested. * :3 Nu 11:15 2Ki 2:11 Job 3:20-22 Jer 20:14-18 Jon 4:3,8 * Php 1:21-24 - for himself. Heb. for his life. better. * Am 6:2 Na 3:8 Mt 6:26 Ro 3:9 VERSE 5 - as he lay. * Ge 28:11-15 - an angel. * Ps 34:7,10 Da 8:19; 9:21; 10:9,10 Ac 12:7 Heb 1:14; 13:5 VERSE 6 - cake. * 1Ki 17:6,9-15 Ps 37:3 Isa 33:16 Mt 4:11; 6:32 Mr 8:2,3 Joh 21:5,9 - head. Heb. bolster. VERSE 7 - the angel. See on ver. * :5 - because the journey. * De 33:25 Ps 103:13,14 VERSE 8 - in the strength. * Da 1:15 2Co 12:9 - forty days. * Ex 24:18; 34:28 De 9:9,18 Mt 4:2 Mr 1:13 Lu 4:2 - Horeb. See on * Ex 3:1; 19:18 Mal 4:4,5 VERSE 9 - unto a cave. * Ex 33:21,22 Jer 9:2 Heb 11:38 - What doest thou. * :13 Ge 3:9; 16:8 Jer 2:18 Jon 1:3,4 VERSE 10 - very jealous. * Ex 20:5; 34:14 Nu 25:11,13 Ps 69:9; 119:139 Joh 2:17 - thrown down. * :14; 18:4,30 Jer 2:30 Ho 5:11 Mic 6:16; 7:2 - I only. * 1Ki 18:4,20,22; 20:13,22,35,41,42; 22:8 Ro 11:2-4 - they seek my life. * :2; 18:10,17 VERSE 11 - stand upon the mount. * Ex 19:20; 24:12,18; 34:2 Mt 17:1-3 2Pe 1:17,18 - the Lord passed. * Ex 33:21-23; 34:6 Hab 3:3-5 - and a great. * Ex 19:16; 20:18 Job 38:1 Ps 50:3 Isa 30:30 Eze 1:4; 37:7 * Na 1:3,6 Heb 12:18-21 Re 20:11 - but the Lord was not in the wind. * Zec 4:6 - an earthquake. * 1Sa 14:15 Ps 68:8 Na 1:5 Zec 14:5 Mt 24:7; 27:51-54; 28:2 * Heb 12:26 Re 11:19; 16:18 VERSE 12 - a fire. * 1Ki 18:38 Ge 15:17 Ex 3:2 De 4:11,12,33 2Ki 1:10; 2:11 Heb 12:29 - a still. * Ex 34:6 Job 4:16; 33:7 Zec 4:6 Ac 2:2,36,37 VERSE 13 - he wrapped his face. This he did to signify his reverence; for covering the face was a token of respect among the Asiatics, as uncovering the head is among Europeans. See on ch. * 1Ki 18:42 Ex 3:5,6; 33:23 Isa 6:2,5 - What doest. * :9 Ge 16:8 Joh 21:15-17 VERSE 14 - I have been. See on ver. * :9,10 Isa 62:1,6,7 - forsaken. * De 29:25; 31:20 Ps 78:37 Isa 1:4 Jer 22:9 Da 11:30 Ho 6:7 * Heb 8:9 VERSE 15 - wilderness of Damascus. The wilderness of Damascus seems to have been that part of Arabia Deserta which lay on the south-east of that city, and east of the Trachonites, or the Djebel Haouran and El Ledja; at which the prophet could arrive without meeting Jezebel or any of his enemies. * Ge 14:15 2Ki 8:7 Ac 9:2,3 - anoint. * Isa 45:1 Jer 1:10; 27:2-22 - Hazael. * 2Ki 8:8-15,28; 9:14 Am 1:4 VERSE 16 - Jehu. See on * 2Ki 9:1-3,6-14 - Elisha. See on ver. * :19-21 Lu 4:27 - Eliseus. Abel-meholah. * 1Ki 4:12 Jud 7:22 VERSE 17 - him that escapeth. * Isa 24:17,18 Am 2:14; 5:19 - the sword of Hazael. * 2Ki 8:12; 10:32; 13:3,22 - the sword of Jehu. * 2Ki 9:14-26; 10:6-11 - Elisha slay. * 2Ki 2:23,24 Isa 11:4 Jer 1:10 Ho 6:5 Re 19:21 VERSE 18 - Yet I have left. or, Yet I will leave. * Isa 1:9; 10:20-22 Ro 11:4,5 - the knees. * Ex 20:5 Isa 49:23 Ro 14:10-12 Php 2:10 - every mouth. Idolaters often kissed their hand in honor of their idols; and hence the origin of adoration from {ad,} to and {os, oris,} the mouth. Cicero mentions a statue of Hercules, the chin and lips of which were considerably worn by the kissing of his worshippers. * Job 31:27 Ps 2:12 Ho 13:2 VERSE 19 - Elisha. See on ver. * :16 - he with. * Ex 3:1 Jud 6:11 Ps 78:70-72 Am 7:14 Zec 13:5 Mt 4:18,19 - his mantle. * :13 1Sa 28:14 2Ki 2:8,13,14 VERSE 20 - he left. * Mt 4:20,22; 9:9; 19:27 - Let me, I pray. * Mt 8:21,22 Lu 9:61,62 Ac 20:37 - Go back again. Heb. Go, return. VERSE 21 - boiled their flesh. * 2Sa 24:22 - gave unto. * Lu 5:28,29 - ministered. * 1Ki 18:43 Ex 24:13 Nu 27:18-20 2Ki 2:3; 3:11 Ac 13:5 2Ti 4:11 * Phm 1:13 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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