TSK - 1 KINGS 16


1 Jehu's prophecy against Baasha. 5 Elah succeeds him. 8 Zimri, conspiring against Elah, succeeds him. 11 Zimri executes Jehu's prophecy. 15 Omri, made king by the soldiers, forces Zimri desperately to burn himself. 21 The kingdom being divided, Omri prevails against Tibni. Omri builds Samaria. 25 His wicked reign. 27 Ahab succeeds him. 29 Ahab's most wicked reign. 34 Joshua's curse upon Hiel the builder of Jericho. VERSE 1 - A.M. 3073. B.C. 931. Jehu. * :7 2Ch 19:2; 20:34 - Hanani. * 1Ki 15:33 2Ch 16:7-10 VERSE 2 - I exalted thee. * 1Ki 14:7 1Sa 2:8,27,28; 15:17-19 2Sa 12:7-11 Ps 113:7,8 Lu 1:52 - thou has walked. See on ch. * 1Ki 13:33,34; 15:34 - has made my people. See on ch. * 1Ki 14:16; 15:26 Ex 32:21 1Sa 2:24; 26:19 Mt 5:19 VERSE 3 - will make thy house. * :11,12; 14:10; 15:29,30; 21:21-24 Isa 66:24 Jer 22:19 VERSE 4 - shall the dogs eat. See on ch. * 1Ki 14:11 VERSE 5 - A.M. 3051-3074. B.C. 953-930. the rest. See on ch. * 1Ki 14:19; 15:31 2Ch 16:1-6 VERSE 6 - A.M. 3074. B.C. 930. Baasha. * 1Ki 14:20; 15:25 - Tirzah. * 1Ki 14:17; 15:21 - Elah. * :8,13,14 VERSE 7 - the hand. See on ver. * :1,2 - and against his house. * Ex 20:5 - in provoking. * :13 - with the work. * Ps 115:4 Isa 2:8; 44:9-20 - because he killed him. This the Vulgate understands of Jehu the prophet; some think Baasha is intended; others Nadab the son of Jeroboam; and others Jeroboam, whom Baasha destroyed in his posterity by cruelly murdering them all. * 1Ki 14:14; 15:27-29 2Ki 10:30,31 Isa 10:6,7 Ho 1:4 Ac 2:23; 4:27,28 VERSE 8 - A.M. 3075. B.C. 929. In the twenty. Baasha began to reign in the third year of Asa, and reigned 24 years; yet he died and was succeeded by Elah in the 26th year of Asa; and, in like manner, Elah, who began to reign in the 26th year of Asa, and was killed in the 27th, is said to have reigned two years. Thus it is evident that a part of a year is calculated as a whole year. In the Chinese annals, the whole year in which a king dies is ascribed to his reign, the years of the succeeding king being reckoned only from the beginning of the following year. * :8 VERSE 9 - his servant. * 2Ki 9:31 - conspired. * 1Ki 15:27 2Ki 9:14; 12:20; 15:10,25,30 - drinking. * 1Ki 20:16 1Sa 25:36-38 2Sa 13:28,29 Pr 23:29-35 Jer 51:57 * Da 5:1-4,30 Na 1:10 Hab 2:15,16 Mt 24:49-51 Lu 21:34 - steward of. Heb. which was over. * Ge 15:2; 24:2,10; 39:4,9 VERSE 10 - Zimri. * 2Ki 9:31 - reigned. * :15 VERSE 11 - he slew. * 1Ki 15:29 Jud 1:7 - he left him. See on ch. * 1Ki 14:10 1Sa 25:22,34 - neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends. or, both his kinsmen and his friends. VERSE 12 - according. See on ver. * :1-4 - by Jehu the prophet. Heb. by the hand of Jehu the prophet. * :1,7; 14:18 2Ki 14:25 2Ch 10:15 Pr 26:6 VERSE 13 - in provoking. * 1Ki 15:30 - vanities. * De 32:21 1Sa 12:21 2Ki 17:15 Isa 41:29 Jer 10:3-5,8,15 * Jon 2:8 Ro 1:21-23 1Co 8:4; 10:19,20 VERSE 14 - they not written. See on ver. * :5 VERSE 15 - seven. * :8 2Ki 9:31 Job 20:5 Ps 37:35 - And the people were encamped. * 1Ki 15:27 Jos 19:44; 21:23 VERSE 16 - Omri. * :30 2Ki 8:26 2Ch 22:2 Mic 6:16 VERSE 17 - besieged Tirzah. * Jud 9:45,50,56,57 2Ki 6:24,25; 18:9-12; 25:1-4 Lu 19:43,44 VERSE 18 - and burnt the king's house. * Jud 9:54 1Sa 31:4,5 2Sa 17:23 Job 2:9,10 Mt 27:5 VERSE 19 - in doing. * :7,13; 15:30 Ps 9:16; 58:9-11 - in his. See on ch. * 1Ki 12:28; 14:16; 15:26,34 VERSE 20 - the rest. * :5,14,27; 14:19; 15:31; 22:39 VERSE 21 - divided. * :8,29; 15:25,28 Pr 28:2 Isa 9:18-21; 19:2 Mt 12:25 * 1Co 1:12,13 Eph 4:3-5 VERSE 22 VERSE 23 - A.M. 3079-3086. B.C. 925-918. the thirty. As it is stated in verses 10 and 15, that Zimri began to reign in the 27th year of Asa; and as he reigned only seven days, and Omri immediately succeeded him, this could not be the 31st, but in the 27th year of Asa. Jarchi, from Sedar Olam, reconciles this, by stating that Tibni and Omri began to reign jointly in the 27th year of Asa; and that Tibni dying about five years afterwards, Omri began to reign alone in the 31st year of Asa. * 2Ch 22:2 - twelve years. * :8,29 VERSE 24 - the name of the city. * 1Ki 13:32; 18:2; 20:1; 22:37 2Ki 17:1,6,24 Joh 4:4,5 Ac 8:5-8 - Samaria. Heb. Shomeron. Samaria was situated on a agreeable and fertile hill in the tribe of Ephraim, twelve miles from Dothaim and four from Atharoth, according to Eusebius, and one day's journey from Jerusalem, according to Josephus. VERSE 25 - did worse. * :30,31,33; 14:9 Mic 6:16 VERSE 26 - he walked. * :2,7,19; 12:26-33; 13:33,34 - their vanities. See on ver. * :13 Ps 31:6 Jer 8:19; 10:3,8; 14:22; 16:19; 18:15 Ac 14:15 * Ro 1:21-23 VERSE 27 - the rest. * :5,14,20; 15:31 VERSE 28 - So Omri slept. See on ver. * :6 VERSE 29 - A.M. 3086-3107. B.C. 918-897. Samaria. See on ver. * :24 VERSE 30 - above. * :25,31,33; 14:9; 21:25 2Ki 3:2 VERSE 31 - as if it had been a light thing. Heb. was it a light thing. * Ge 30:15 Nu 16:9 Isa 7:13 Eze 8:17; 16:20,47; 34:18 - took to wife. * Ge 6:2 De 7:3,4 Jos 23:12,13 Ne 13:23-29 - Jezebel. * 1Ki 18:4,19; 19:1,2; 21:5-14,25 2Ki 9:30-37 Re 2:20 - the Zidonians. * 1Ki 11:1 Jud 10:12; 18:7 - and went. See on ch. * 1Ki 11:4-8 - served Baal. * 1Ki 21:25,26 Jud 2:11; 3:7; 10:6 2Ki 10:18; 17:16 VERSE 32 - the house of Baal. * 2Ki 10:21,26,27 VERSE 33 - made a grove. * Ex 34:13 2Ki 13:6; 17:16; 21:3 Jer 17:1,2 - did more to provoke. * :30; 21:19,25; 22:6,8 VERSE 34 * Jos 6:26; 23:14,15 Zec 1:5 Mt 24:35 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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