1 To abstain from meats offered to idols. 8 We must not abuse our Christian liberty, to the offence of our brethren; 11 but must bridle our knowledge with charity. VERSE 1 - touching. * :10; 10:19-22,28 Nu 25:2 Ac 15:10,19,20,29; 21:25 Re 2:14,20 - we are. * :2,4,7,11; 1:5; 4:10; 13:2; 14:20; 15:34 Ro 14:14,22 Col 2:18 - Knowledge. * 1Co 4:18; 5:2,6; 13:4 Isa 5:21; 47:10 Ro 11:25; 12:16; 14:3,10 - but. * 1Co 13:1-13 Eph 4:16 VERSE 2 - if. * Pr 26:12; 30:2-4 Ro 11:25 Ga 6:3 1Ti 1:5-7; 6:3,4 VERSE 3 - love. * 1Co 2:9 Ro 8:28 Jas 1:12; 2:5 1Pe 1:8 1Jo 4:19; 5:2,3 - is. * Ex 33:12,17 Ps 1:6; 17:3; 139:1,2 Na 1:7 Mt 7:23 Joh 10:14 * Joh 21:17 Ro 8:29; 11:2 Ga 4:9 2Ti 2:19 Re 2:9,13,19 * Re 3:8,9,15,16 VERSE 4 - we know. * 1Co 10:19,20 Ps 115:4-8 Isa 41:24; 44:8,9 Jer 10:14; 51:17,18 * Hab 2:19,20 Ac 19:26 - there is. * :6 De 3:24; 4:39; 6:4; 32:39 Isa 37:16,20; 44:6,8,24; 45:5,14 * Jer 10:10 Mr 12:29 Eph 4:6 1Ti 1:17; 2:5 Jude 1:25 VERSE 5 - that. * De 10:17 Jer 2:11,28; 11:13 Da 5:4 Joh 10:34,35 Ga 4:8 2Th 2:4 VERSE 6 - one God. See on ver. * :4 Jon 1:9 Mal 2:10 Joh 10:30; 14:9,10; 17:3; 20:17 Eph 1:3; 3:14 * Eph 4:6 1Pe 1:2,3 - of whom. * Ac 17:28 Ro 11:36 Eph 4:6 - and we. * Joh 14:20; 17:21-23 - in him. or, for him. * 1Co 6:13 - and one. * 1Co 12:3 Mt 11:27; 28:18 Joh 5:20-29; 13:13; 17:23 Ac 2:36; 5:31 * Eph 1:20-23; 4:5 Php 2:9-11 Col 1:16,17 1Ti 2:5,6 1Pe 1:21 * Re 1:18 - and we by. * Joh 1:3 Col 1:6 Heb 1:2,3 VERSE 7 - there. * 1Co 1:10,11 - with. Rather, as Dr. Doddridge renders, 'with consciousness of (some religious regard to) the idol,' as [suneidesis <4893>,] and formerly conscience, also imports. * :9,10; 10:28,29 Ro 14:14,23 VERSE 8 - meat. * 1Co 6:13 Ro 14:17 Col 2:20-23 Heb 13:9 - are we the better. or, have we the more. are we the worse. or, have we the less. VERSE 9 - take. * :10; 10:24,29 Mt 18:6,7,10 Lu 17:1,2 Ro 14:20,21 Ga 5:13 1Pe 2:16 * 2Pe 2:19 - liberty. or, power. a stumbling-block. * 1Co 10:32 Le 19:14 Isa 57:14 Eze 14:3; 44:12 Ro 14:13-15,20 Ga 5:13 * Re 2:14 - weak. * :12; 9:22 Isa 35:3 Ro 14:1,2; 15:1 2Co 11:21 VERSE 10 - which hast. * :1,2 - sit. * 1Co 10:20,21 Nu 25:2 Jud 9:27 Am 2:8 - shall not. * 1Co 10:28,29,32 Ro 14:14,23 - emboldened. Gr. edified. * :1 VERSE 11 - shall. * :13; 10:33; 11:1 Ro 14:15,20,21; 15:1-3 VERSE 12 - when. * Ge 20:9; 42:22 Ex 32:21 1Sa 2:25; 19:4,5; 24:11 Mt 18:21 - ye sin against. * 1Co 12:12 Ex 16:8 Mt 12:49,50; 18:10,11; 25:40,45 Ac 9:4,5 VERSE 13 - if meat. * 1Co 6:12; 9:12,19-23; 10:33; 11:1; 13:5 Ro 14:21 2Co 11:29 2Ti 3:8,9 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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