1 The sons and chief men of Benjamin. 33 The stock of Saul and Jonathan. VERSE 1 - Bela. * 1Ch 7:6-12 Ge 46:21 - Aharah. * Nu 26:38 - Ahiram. VERSE 2 - Nohah. i.e., quietude. <\\S#5119h\\>. - Rapha. i.e., he healed; the giant the shrunken. <\\S#7498h\\>. * :2; 20:4,6,8 - Also * :37 2Sa 21:16,18,20,22 - (1) One of the sons of Benjamin. * :2 - (2) A chief man of Benjamin, of the stock of Saul. * :37 - Called Rephaiah. * 1Ch 9:43 - (3) An ancient giant, whose descendants were giants. * 1Ch 20:4 VERSE 3 - Addar. The variation in this name is occasioned simply by the transposition of a {Dâleth,] {daleth} and [Rêysh,] {raish}; being in the parallel passage ['Ard <\\S#714h\\>,] Ard, and here [Addâr <\\S#146h\\>,] Addar. * Ge 46:21 Nu 26:40 - Ard. VERSE 4 - Abishua. * 1Ch 6:4 - Naaman. * Ge 46:21 Nu 26:40 - Ahoah. i.e., brotherly; brother of the Lord; brother of rest. <\\S#265h\\>. * 2Sa 23:28 VERSE 5 - Gera. * Jud 3:15 - Shephuphan. [Shuppîym <\\S#8206h\\>,] Shuppim, seems to be merely a contracted form of [Sheph-wphâm <\\S#8197h\\>,] Shupham, or rather, Shephupham, which, by the mutation of [Mêm,] {mem,} into [N-wn,] {noon,} is here changed into [Sheph-wphân <\\S#8197h\\>,] Shephuphan. * 1Ch 7:12 - Shuppim. * Nu 26:39 - Shupham. Huram. Huram appears to be an error for Hupham in the parallel passage of Numbers, which, by contraction, is written Huppim. VERSE 6 - Ehud. * 1Ch 7:10 Jud 3:20-30; 4:1 - Gera. * Ge 46:21 - Geba. * 1Ch 6:60 - Manahath. * 1Ch 2:25,54 VERSE 7 - Naaman. * :4 - Ahiah. i.e., brother, worshipper, or friend of Jehovah. <\\S#281h\\>. - (1) Son of Ehud, descendant of Benjamin. * :7 - (2) A priest in the time of Saul, grandson of Phinehas. * 1Sa 14:3,18 - (3) A prince or scribe of Solomon's. * 1Ki 4:3 - Gera. * Ge 46:21 - Uzza. * 2Ki 21:18 - Ahihud. i.e., my brother is united. <\\S#284h\\>. VERSE 8 - Shaharaim. i.e., double-dawn; two dawns or mornings; morning and evening twilight. <\\S#7842h\\>. in the. * Ru 1:1 - Hushim. * Ge 46:23 - Baara. i.e., brutish; kindling of the moon; she hath kindled. <\\S#1199h\\>. - after he had sent them away. * Ge 25:6 Matthew Poole notes, Ehud or Gera last mentioned; others join these words with the former, and render the place thus, "after he had sent them (his sons) away, with Hushim and Baara his wives," i.e., as he also sent his wives away from him; which may be here mentioned as a brand upon him, to show that he was without natural affection to his wives and children. And it seems the more probable that he divorced them, because we find him married to another wife, ver. 9. * Mt 19:3-9 2Ti 3:3 - wives. * 1Ch 4:5 Ge 4:19 VERSE 9 - Hodesh. i.e., new moon. <\\S#2321h\\>. In the preceding verse it is said that "Hushim and Baara were his wives;" and here it said, "he begat of Hodesh his wife," etc; and then in the eleventh verse, his children by Hushim are mentioned, but not a word of Baara. It is probable, therefore, that Hodesh was another name for Baara; and this is asserted by the Targumist: "And he begat of Baara, that is, of Chodesh, his wife, so called because he espoused her anew." But it might be more probable to adopt Poole's view, given in the Note to verse 8, then to suppose Shaharaim divorced then remarried Baara after sending her away, accepting her back again, now giving her a new and more suitable name. - Johab. * Ge 10:29 - Zibia. i.e., a gazelle; honorable chief. <\\S#6644h\\>. - Mesha. i.e., waters of devastation; making to forget; equalizing; existing; retreat, removal, deliverance. <\\S#4331h\\>. only here. - (1) A king of Moab in the time of Ahab. * 2Ki 3:4 - (2) A son of Caleb. * 1Ch 2:42 - (3) A descendant of Benjamin. * :9 - Malcham. i.e., most high king; their king. <\\S#4445h\\>. VERSE 10 - Jeuz. i.e., counselor; he will take counsel. <\\S#3263h\\>. - Shachia. i.e., captivation; captive of the Lord; the return of Jah. <\\S#7634h\\>. - Mirma. i.e., deceit, guile, fraud. <\\S#4821h\\>. * :10 VERSE 11 - Hushim. * Ge 46:23 - Abitub. i.e., good; father of goodness. <\\S#36h\\>. - Elpaal. i.e., God the maker; God the reward. <\\S#508h\\>. * :12,18 VERSE 12 - Ono. Ono is stated by Reland to have been three miles from Lydda. * Ezr 2:33 Ne 6:2; 7:37; 11:35 - Lod. Lod, or Lydda, was situated about four leagues from Joppa, and a day's journey, or about thirty-two miles N.W. from Jerusalem; and, according to the Antonine Itinerary, twelve miles from Jamnia, eighteen from Eleutheropolis, and twenty two from Bethar. Josephus says it was a village, not yielding to a city in greatness; and that it was one of three toparchies dismembered from Samaria, and given to the Jews. It was destroyed by Cesitus in the Jewish war, and, when rebuilt, was called Diospolis. It is now called Loudd, and is a poor village, situated in a fine plain about a league to the E.N.E. of Ramia. VERSE 13 - Shema. * :21 - Shimhi. the fathers. * 1Ch 2:49,50,52; 4:4 - Aijalon. * Jos 19:42 - Ajalon. VERSE 14 - Ahio. * 2Sa 6:3 - Shashak. i.e., eagerness; vehement desire; the rusher; the longed-for. <\\S#8349h\\>. * :25 - Jeremoth. * Ezr 10:26 VERSE 15 - Zebadiah. * 1Ch 26:2 - Arad. i.e., an ambush; wild ass; untamed. <\\S#6166h\\>. * :15 - Also * Nu 21:1; 33:40 Jos 12:14 Jud 1:16 - (1) A chief Benjamite descended through Beriah. * :15 - (2) A royal city of the Canaanites. * Nu 21:1 Jos 12:14 - Ader. i.e., a flock; set in order; musterer, caretaker. <\\S#5738h\\>. VERSE 16 - Beriah. * :13 VERSE 17 - Zebadiah. * 1Ch 26:2 - Meshullam. * 1Ch 9:12 - Hezeki. i.e., my strong one; strength of the Lord. <\\S#2395h\\>. - Heber. * Ge 46:17 VERSE 18 - Ishmerai. i.e., preservative; will be kept of the Lord. <\\S#3461h\\>. - Jezliah. i.e., Jah preserves; he will be drawn out of the Lord; he shall pour out suitably; he will cause her to flow forth. <\\S#3152h\\>. - Jobab. * Ge 10:29 - Elpaal. * :11 VERSE 19 - Jakim. i.e., God sets up. <\\S#3356h\\>. * :19; 24:12 - (1) A chief man of Benjamin. * :19 - (2) The son of Aaron, to whom the twelfth lot fell. * 1Ch 24:12 - Zichri. * 1Ch 9:15 - Zabdi. * Jos 7:1 VERSE 20 - Elienai. i.e., Gof of my eyes. <\\S#462h\\>. - Zilthai. i.e., protection; shadow of the Lord; my shadows. <\\S#6769h\\>. * :20; 12:20 - (1) A man of Benjamin. * :20 - (2) A captain of Manasseh. * 1Ch 12:20 - Eliel. i.e., to whom God gives strength; strength of strength; God of might. <\\S#447h\\>. * :20,22; 5:24; 6:34; 11:46,47; 12:11; 15:9,11 2Ch 31:13 - (1) A Levite, family of Kohath, ancestor of Samuel the prophet. * 1Ch 6:34 - (2) A Mahavite, one of David's mighty men. * 1Ch 11:46 - (3) Another of David's mighty men. * 1Ch 11:47 - (4) One of the Gadites who came to David at Ziklag. * 1Ch 12:11 - (5) A Levite, a son of Hebron, who lived in David's time. * 1Ch 15:9,11 - (6) a Benjamite, son of Shimhi. * :20 - (7) Another Benjamite, a son of Shashak. * :22 - (8) A chief man of the half-tribe of Manasseh east of the Jordan. * 1Ch 5:24 - (9) An oveseer of the tithes and offerings in the reign of Hezekiah. * 2Ch 31:13 VERSE 21 - Shimhi. * :13 - Shema. VERSE 22 - Ishpan. i.e., strong one; he shall hide or cover; he will make them prominent. <\\S#3473h\\>. - Heber. * Ge 46:17 - Eliel. * :20 VERSE 23 - Abdon. * Jud 12:13 - Zichri. * 1Ch 9:15 - Hanan. * 1Ch 9:44 VERSE 24 - Hananiah. * 1Ch 25:23 - Elam. * Ge 10:22 - Antothijah. i.e., answer of the Lord; answers or afflictions of Jah. <\\S#6070h\\>. VERSE 25 - Iphedeiah. i.e., the Lord will redeem. <\\S#3301h\\>. - Penuel. * 1Ch 4:4 - Shashak. * :14 VERSE 26 - Shamsherai. i.e., sun-like; he desolated my observers; careful keeping of the Lord. <\\S#8125h\\>. - Shehariah. i.e., Jah has sought; sought of the Lord; sought early of Jah. <\\S#7841h\\>. - Athaliah. i.e., whom Jehovah remembered; due season for Jah; shaken, taken away, or afflicted of the Lord. <\\S#6271h\\>. * :26 2Ki 11:1,3,13,14 2Ch 22:12 Ezr 8:7 - Also <\\S#6271h\\>. * 2Ki 8:26; 11:2,20 2Ch 22:2,10,11; 23:12,13,21; 24:7 - (1) The wife of Jehoram, king of Judah, a daughter of Ahab by Jezebel, and granddaughter of Omri. * 2Ki 8:16,26; 11:1-16 2Ch 21:6; 22:2 - Slew all her grandchildren. * 2Ki 11:1 - excepting Joash. * 2Ch 22:10,11 - (2) A Benjamite of the house of Jeroham. * :26 - (3) A man of the father's house of Elam. * Ezr 8:7 VERSE 27 - Jaresiah. i.e., nourished of the Lord; honey which is of Jah. <\\S#3298h\\>. - Eliah. i.e., my God is Jah. <\\S#452h\\>. * :27 2Ki 1:3,4,8,12 Ezr 10:21,26 Mal 4:5 - (1) A Benjamite, a son of Jeroham, resident at Jerusalem. * :27 - (2) An Israelite induced by Ezra to put away his foreign wife. * Ezr 10:26 - For <\\S#452h\\>, rendered "Elijah," see on. * 1Ki 17:1 VERSE 28 - smelt. * Jos 15:63; 18:28 Jud 1:21 Ne 11:1,7-9 - Jerusalem. Jerusalem, the ancient capital of Judea, is situated in long. 35 deg. 20. min. E., lat. 31 deg. 47 min 47 sec. N.; and, according to the best authorities, 136 miles S.W. of Damascus, 34 miles S. of Shechem or Nablous, 45 miles E. of Jaffa, 27 miles N. of Hebron, and about 20 miles W. of Jericho. The city of Jerusalem was built on hills, and encompassed with mountains, (Ps 125:2,) in a stony and barren soil, and was about sixteen furlongs in length, say Strabo. The ancient city of Jebus, taken by David from the Jebusites, was not large, and stood on a mountain south of that on which the temple was erected. Here David built a new city, called the city of David, wherein was the royal palace. Between these two mountains lay the valley of Millo, filled up by David and Solomon; and after the reign of Manasseh, another city is mentioned, called the second. The Maccabees considerably enlarged Jerusalem on the north, enclosing a third hill; and Josephus mentions a fourth hill, called Bezetha, which Agrippa joined to the former: this new city lay north of the temple, along the brook Kidron. See note ch. 9:34. VERSE 29 - the father. * 1Ch 9:35,36 - Jehiel. VERSE 30 - Abdon. * 1Ch 9:36,37 VERSE 31 - Zacher. * 1Ch 9:37 - Zechariah. VERSE 32 - Shimeah. * 1Ch 9:38 - Shimeam. VERSE 33 - Ner. * 1Ch 9:39 1Sa 9:1; 14:50,51 - Kish. * 1Sa 9:1 Ac 13:21 - Cis. Saul. * 1Sa 14:49; 31:2 - Abinadab. * 1Sa 14:49 - Ishui. Esh-baal. * 2Sa 2:8; 4:12 - Ish-bosheth. VERSE 34 - Merib-baal. * 2Sa 4:4; 9:6,10; 19:24-30 - Mephibosheth. Micah. * 2Sa 9:12 - Micha. VERSE 35 - Tarea. * 1Ch 9:41 - Tahrea. VERSE 36 - Jehoadah. * 1Ch 9:42 - Jarah. VERSE 37 - Rapha. * 1Ch 9:43 - Rephiah. VERSE 38 - Azrikam. * 1Ch 3:23 - Bocheru. i.e., his first born; the first-born is he. <\\S#1074h\\>. * :38; 9:44 Here is a case of a son being given a name which literally means "firstborn," but he was not born first, but second. This is another evidence that "firstborn" does not mean born first, but has primary reference to certain legal privileges pertaining to the birthright. The eldest son succeeded to the father's rank and position as head of the family or tribe, and as represntative of its perogatives. He also inherited a double portion of his father's property, a right guaranteed even when his mother was the less loved of two wives (De 21:17; 2 Ki 2:9). A birthright might be sold to a younger brother, as Esau sold his birthright to Jacob (Ge 25:29, 34; Heb 12:16). It might also be forfeited on account of misconduct (1 Ch 5:1). * 1Ch 26:10 Ge 41:51; 48:18 Le 23:10 2Ch 21:3 Job 18:13 Ps 89:20,27 * Jer 31:9 Col 1:15 - Ishmael. * Ge 16:11 - Sheariah. i.e., gate of Jah; Jah estimates; estimated of the Lord. <\\S#8187h\\>. * :38; 9:44 - Obadiah. * Ob 1:1 - Hanan. * 1Ch 9:44 VERSE 39 - Eshek. i.e., oppression. <\\S#6232h\\>. - Ulam. * 1Ch 7:16 - Jehush. i.e., whom God hastens; a flock; hasty; he will gather together; he will succor; he will assemble (or hasten). <\\S#3266h\\>. * :39; 1:35; 7:10; 23:10,11 Ge 36:5 - Jeush. * Ge 36:14,18 2Ch 11:19 - (1) A son of Easu. * 1Ch 1:35 Ge 36:5,14,18 - (2) A Benjamite, son of Bilhan. * 1Ch 7:10 - (3) A Levite family of Gershon and a son of Shimei. * 1Ch 23:10,11 - (4) A descendant of Jonathan. * :39 - (5) A son of Rehoboam. * 1Ch 11:19 - the second. * 1Ch 2:13; 3:1,15; 7:12 - Aher. * 1Ch 7:15 - Eliphelet. * 1Ch 3:6 VERSE 40 - archers. * 1Ch 12:2 2Ch 14:8 - many sons. * Ps 127:3-5; 128:3-6 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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