1 The number and offices of the singers. 8 Their division by lot into four and twenty orders. VERSE 1 - the captains. That is, the chief of the several orders; not military captains. * 1Ch 12:28; 23:2; 24:5,6 2Ch 23:1,9 - Asaph. See on ch. * 1Ch 6:33,39,44; 15:16-19 - prophesy. The word prophesy, here, seems to mean no more than praising God by singing inspired prophetical hymns. * :3 1Sa 10:5 2Ki 3:15 1Co 14:24-26 - harps. * 1Ch 15:16-21; 16:4,5,42; 23:5-7 2Ch 23:13; 29:25,26; 31:2; 34:12 * Ezr 3:10,11 Ne 12:24,27,43-46 Ps 81:2; 92:1-3; 150:3-5 * Re 15:2-4 VERSE 2 - Asaph. * :1; 6:39; 15:17; 16:5 Ps 73:1; 74:1; 75:1; 76:1; 77:1; 78:1 *titles * Ps 79:1; 80:1; 81:1; 82:1; 83:1 *titles - Asarelah. "Otherwise called Jesharelah. ver. 14." - under the hands. * :3,6 Isa 3:6 - according to the order of the king. Heb. by the hands of the king. * :6 *marg: VERSE 3 - Jeduthun. * 1Ch 9:16; 16:41,42 2Ch 29:14 - Gedaliah. * :9 - Zeri. * :11 - Izri. Jeshaiah. * :15 - Mattithiah. * :21; 15:18,21 - six. "With Shimei, mentioned ver. 17." Shimei is not only mentioned in the parallel passage, but is supplied here by the Arabic version. - to give thanks. * Ps 92:1 Jer 33:11 VERSE 4 - Heman. * 1Ch 6:33; 15:17,19; 16:41,42 Ps 88:1 *title - Bukkiah. * :13 - Mattaniah. * :16 - Uzziel. * :18 - Azareel. * 1Ch 24:24 - Shebuel. * :20; 24:20 - Shubael. Jerimoth. * :22; 24:30 - Hananiah. * :23 - Hanani. * :25 - Eliathah. * :27 - Giddalti. * :29 - Romamti-ezer. * :31 - Joshbekashah. * :24 - Mallothi. * :26 - Hothir. * :28,30 VERSE 5 - the king's seer. * 1Ch 21:9 1Sa 9:9 - words. or, matters. to lift up. This may denote that he presided over those who used wind instruments. - God gave. * 1Ch 28:5 Ge 33:5 Ps 127:3 Isa 8:18 VERSE 6 - under the hands. * :2,3 - for song. * :1-3; 15:22; 23:5 Ps 68:25 Eph 5:19 Col 3:16 - according to the king's order. Heb. by the hands of the king. * :2 *marg: - Asaph. See on ver. * :1-4 VERSE 7 - two hundred. These two hundred and eighty-eight, being twenty-four courses of twelve each, were more skilful than the other Levites; and being placed under the twenty-four sons of the chief singers, they had the four thousand before mentioned divided among them, to officiate by courses, according to their instructions: ch. 23:5. - instructed. or, taught. * So 3:8 Isa 29:13 Ho 10:11 - cunning. or, intelligent. In music, etc. * 1Ch 15:22 VERSE 8 - cast lots. See on ch. * 1Ch 24:5 Le 16:8 1Sa 14:41,42 Pr 16:33 Ac 1:26 - ward against ward. * 1Ch 24:31; 26:13,16 Ne 12:24 - the teacher. Even among the twenty-four leaders, some were more expert than others; some were teachers, and others were scholars; but every one was taken by the solemn casting of lots, without any regard to these distinctions. Thus all things were disposed for the preserving of order, and avoiding all disputes about precedence: there being no respect had, in this divine distribution, to birth, but the younger in course preceded the elder. * 1Ch 15:22 2Ch 23:13 VERSE 9 - Joseph. * :2 - the second. Dr. Geddes, chiefly on the authority of the Arabic, adds, "who with his sons and brethren were twelve." VERSE 10 - Zaccur. * :2 VERSE 11 - Izri. [ .] Izri, seems to be called [Tserîy <\\S#6874h\\>,] Zeri, by the aph'resis of [Y"wd,] {yood.} * :3 - Zeri. VERSE 12 - Nethaniah. * :2 VERSE 13 - Bukkiah. i.e., emptied by Jah; emptied out by Jehovah; emptying of the Lord. <\\S#1232h\\>. * :4 VERSE 14 - Jesharelah. This variation rises from the mutation of ['Aleph,] {aleph,} and [Y"wd,] {yood;} the word being written in the parallel passage ['Asar'êlâh <\\S#841h\\>,] {Asarelah,} and here, [Yesar'êlâh <\\S#3480h\\>,] Jesarelah. * :2 - Asarelah. VERSE 15 - Jeshaiah. i.e., safety of Jah. * :3 VERSE 16 - Mattaniah. i.e., gift of Jah. * :4 VERSE 17 - Shimei. i.e., hearing. * 2Sa 16:5 VERSE 18 - Azareel. Probably this person was called by both names; or Uzziel may be a mistake for Azareel. In the Syriac and Arabic, the name is nearly the same in both places. * :4 - Uzziel. VERSE 19 - Hashabiah. * :3 VERSE 20 - Shubael. * :4 - Shebuel. VERSE 21 - Mattithiah. i.e., gift of Jah. * :3 VERSE 22 - Jerimoth. i.e., high places. * :4; 23:23; 24:30 VERSE 23 - Hananiah. i.e., whom Jehovah gave; the grace of Jah; graciously given of the Lord. <\\S#2608h\\>. * :23 2Ch 26:11 Jer 36:12 - Also. * :4; 3:19,21; 8:24 Ezr 10:28 Ne 3:8,30; 7:2; 10:23; 12:12,41 Jer 28:1 * Jer 28:5,10,11,12,13,15,17; 37:13 Da 1:6,7,11,19 - Also. * Da 2:17 - (1) A Benjamite, son of Shashak. * 1Ch 8:24 - (2) A son of Heman, singer for David's sanctuary. * :4,23 - (3) One of king Uzziah's captains. * 2Ch 26:11 - (4) Father of Jeremiah's contemporary, the prince of Zedekiah. * Jer 36:12 - (5) A false prophet, contemporary with Jeremiah, the son of Azzur of Gibeon. * Jer 28:1 - (6) Grandfather, or remoter ancestor, of Irijah, the captain of the watch who arrested Jeremiah on the charge of intending to desert to the Chaleans. * Jer 37:13 - (7) A companion of Daniel, afterwards called Shadrach. * Da 1:6,7 - (8) A son of Zerubbabel, and father of Pelatiah and Jeshaiah. * 1Ch 3:19,21 - perhaps the ancestor of Christ called, by transposition of the constituent parts of the name, Joanan. * Lu 3:27 - (9) A son of Bebai, induced by Ezra to put away his strange wife. * Ezr 10:28 - (10) One who helped rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. * Ne 3:8 - (11) Another who helped rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. * Ne 3:10 - (12) A priest who blew a trumpet at the dedication of the wall. * Ne 12:41 - (13) One who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah. * Ne 10:23 - (14) The governor of the castle and joint ruler with Hanani, Nehemiah's brother, over Jerusalem. * Ne 7:2 - (15) A priest, head of the father's house of Jeremiah, in the days of the high priest Joiakim, a generation after the exile. * Ne 12:12 VERSE 24 VERSE 25 - Hanani. i.e., my grace. * :4 VERSE 26 - Mallothi. i.e., my fulness. * :4 VERSE 27 - Eliathah. i.e., my God hath come. * :4 VERSE 28 - Hothir. i.e., he has made abundant. * :4 VERSE 29 - Giddalti. i.e., I have made great. * :4 VERSE 30 - Mahazioth. i.e., vision of a sign. * :4 VERSE 31 - Romamti-ezer. i.e., I have exalted help. * :4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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