1 David, tempted by Satan, forces Joab to number the people. 5 The number of the people being brought, David repents of it. 9 David having three plagues propounded by God, chooses the pestilence. 14 After the death of seventy thousand, David by repentance prevents the destruction of Jerusalem. 18 David, by Gad's direction, purchases Ornan's threshing- floor; where having built an altar, God gives a sign of his favor by fire, and stays the plague. 28 David sacrifices there, being restrained from Gibeon by fear of the angel. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2987. B.C. 1017. An. Ex. Is. 474. Satan. * 2Sa 24:1 1Ki 22:20-22 Job 1:6-12; 2:1,4-6 Zec 3:1 Mt 4:3 * Lu 22:31 Joh 13:2 Ac 5:3 Jas 1:13 Re 12:10 - provoked David. * Lu 11:53 Heb 10:24 VERSE 2 - Joab. * 2Sa 24:2-4 - Beer-sheba. * Jud 20:1 1Sa 3:20 2Sa 3:10; 17:11; 24:15 1Ki 4:25 2Ch 30:5 - bring. * 1Ch 27:23,24 - that I may. * De 8:13-17 2Ch 32:25,26 Pr 29:23 2Co 12:7 VERSE 3 - The Lord. * 1Ch 19:13 Ps 115:14 Pr 14:28 Isa 26:15; 48:19 - why will. * Ge 20:9 Ex 32:21 Nu 32:9,10 1Sa 2:24 1Ki 14:16 VERSE 4 - the king's. * Ec 8:4 - Wherefore. * Ex 1:17 Da 3:18 Ac 5:29 - and went. * 2Sa 24:3-8 VERSE 5 - a thousand. The Syriac has 800,000 as in the parallel passage of Samuel. * 1Ch 27:23 2Sa 24:9 VERSE 6 - Levi. * Nu 1:47-49 - Joab. * 2Sa 3:27; 11:15-21; 20:9,10 VERSE 7 - And God was displeased with this thing. Heb. And it was evil in the eyes of God concerning this thing. * 2Sa 11:27 1Ki 15:5 - he smote. * :14 Jos 7:1,5,13; 22:16-26 2Sa 21:1,14; 24:1 VERSE 8 - I have sinned. * 2Sa 12:13; 24:10 Ps 25:11; 32:5 Jer 3:13 Lu 15:18,19 1Jo 1:9 - do away. * Ps 51:1-3 Ho 14:2 Joh 1:29 - I have done. * Ge 34:7 1Sa 13:13; 26:21 2Sa 13:13 2Ch 10:9 VERSE 9 - Gad. * 1Ch 29:29 1Sa 9:9 2Sa 24:11 VERSE 10 - offer thee. Heb. stretch out. choose. * Jos 24:15 Pr 1:29-31 - that I may. * Nu 20:12 2Sa 12:10-12 1Ki 13:21,22 Pr 3:12 Re 3:19 VERSE 11 - Choose thee. Heb. Take to thee. * Pr 19:20 VERSE 12 - three year's famine. In 2 Sa 24:13, it is seven years; but the Septuagint has there [tria <\\S#5140g\\> etos <\\S#2094\\>,] three years, as here; which is, no doubt, the true reading; the letter [Zayin,] {zayin,} seven, being mistaken for [Giymel,] {gimmel,} three. * Le 26:26-29 2Sa 21:1; 24:13 1Ki 17:1 2Ki 8:1 La 4:9 Lu 4:25 - to be destroyed. * Le 26:17,36,37 De 28:15,25,51,52 Jer 42:16 - the sword. * :16 Isa 66:16 Jer 12:12; 47:6 - even the pestilence. * Le 26:10,25 De 28:22,27,35 Ps 91:6 Eze 14:19-21 - the angel. * :15,16 Ex 12:23 2Ki 19:35 Mt 13:49,50 Ac 12:23 Re 7:1-3 - Now therefore. * 2Sa 24:13,14 VERSE 13 - I am in. * 2Ki 6:15; 7:4 Es 4:11,16 Joh 12:27 Php 1:23 - let me fall. David here acted nobly: had he chosen war, his personal safety was in no danger, as there was an ordinance preventing him from going to battle; and in famine, his wealth would have secured his and his family's support; but all were equally exposed to the pestilence. * Heb 10:31 - great. or, many. * Ex 34:6,7 Ps 5:7; 51:1,2; 69:13,16; 86:5,15; 103:8; 106:7; 130:7 * Isa 55:7; 63:7,15 La 3:32 Jon 3:9; 4:2 Mic 7:18 Hab 3:2 - but let me. * 2Ch 28:9 Pr 12:10 Isa 46:7; 47:6 VERSE 14 - the Lord. * Nu 16:46-49 2Sa 24:15 - seventy. * Ex 12:30 Nu 25:9 1Sa 6:19 2Ki 19:35 VERSE 15 - unto Jerusalem. * 2Sa 24:16 Jer 7:12; 26:9,18 Mt 23:37,38 - repented him. See on * Ge 6:6 Ex 32:14 Jud 2:18; 10:16 Ps 78:38 Jer 18:7-10 Jon 4:2 - It is enough. * Ex 9:28 1Ki 19:4 Ps 90:13 Mr 14:41 - Ornan. * 2Sa 24:18 - Araunah. * 2Ch 3:1 VERSE 16 - saw the angel. * Ge 3:24 Ex 14:19,20 Nu 22:31 Jos 5:13,14 2Ki 6:17 - clothed. * 1Ki 21:27 2Ki 19:1 Ps 35:13,14 Jon 3:6-8 - fell upon. * Nu 14:5; 16:22 VERSE 17 - Is it not I. * :8 2Sa 24:17 Ps 51:4 Eze 16:63 - these sheep. * 1Ki 22:17 Ps 44:11 - what have. * 2Sa 24:1 - let thine. * Ge 44:33 Ex 32:32,33 Joh 10:11,12 Ro 9:3 1Jo 3:16 - on my father's. * Ex 20:5 2Sa 12:10 Ps 51:14 Isa 39:7,8 - that they should. * Jos 22:18 VERSE 18 - the angel. * :11 Ac 8:26-40 - that David. * :15 2Sa 24:18 2Ch 3:1 VERSE 19 - went up. * 2Ki 5:10-14 Joh 2:5 Ac 9:6 VERSE 20 - And Ornan, etc. or, When Ornan turned back and saw the angel, then he, and his four sons with him, hid themselves. * Jud 6:11 VERSE 21 - bowed himself. * 1Sa 25:23 2Sa 24:18-20 VERSE 22 - Grant. Heb. Give. * 1Ki 21:2 - thou shalt grant. * 2Sa 24:21 - that the plague. * Nu 16:48; 25:8 VERSE 23 - Take it. * Ge 23:4-6 2Sa 24:22,23 Jer 32:8 - the oxen. * 1Sa 6:14 1Ki 19:21 Isa 28:27,28 VERSE 24 - Nay. * Ge 14:23; 23:13 De 16:16,17 Mal 1:12-14 Ro 12:17 - for I will not. It is a maxim from heaven, "Honor the Lord with thy substance." He who has a religion that costs him nothing, has a religion that is worth nothing; nor will any man esteem the ordinances of God, if those ordinances cost him nothing. Had Araunah's noble offer been accepted, it would have been Araunah's sacrifice, not David's; nor would it have answered the end of turning away the displeasure of the Most High. It was David that sinned, not Araunah; therefore David must offer sacrifice. VERSE 25 * 2Sa 24:24,25 VERSE 26 - built there. * Ex 20:24,25; 24:4,5 - and called. * 1Sa 7:8,9 Ps 51:15; 91:15; 99:9 Pr 15:8 Isa 65:24 Jer 33:3 - by fire. * Le 9:24 Jud 6:21; 13:20 1Ki 18:24,38 2Ch 3:1; 7:1 VERSE 27 - the Lord. * :15,16 2Sa 24:16 Ps 103:20 Heb 1:14 - he put. * :12,20 Jer 47:6 Eze 21:30 Mt 26:52 Joh 18:11 VERSE 28 - threshingfloor. * Ge 50:10 De 16:13 *marg: VERSE 29 - the tabernacle. * Ex 40:1-38 - Gibeon. * 1Ch 16:39 1Ki 3:4-15 2Ch 1:3,13 VERSE 30 - he was afraid. * :16; 13:12 De 10:12 2Sa 6:9 Job 13:21; 21:6; 23:15 Ps 90:11 * Ps 119:120 Jer 5:22; 10:7 Heb 12:28,29 Re 1:17; 15:4 GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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