1 Saul's overthrow and death. 8 The Philistines triumph over Saul. 11 The kindness of Jabesh-gilead towards Saul and his sons. 13 Saul's sin, for which the kingdom was translated from him to David. VERSE 1 - A.M. 2948. B.C. 1056. the Philistines fought. * 1Sa 28:1; 29:1,2; 31:1,2-13 - slain. or, wounded. mount. * :8 1Sa 28:4; 31:1 2Sa 1:6,21; 21:12 VERSE 2 - Jonathan. * 1Ch 8:33; 9:39 1Sa 14:6,39,40 2Ki 23:29 Isa 57:1,2 - Abinadab. * 1Sa 14:49 - Ishui. the sons. * Ex 20:5 2Ki 25:7 VERSE 3 - went. * 1Sa 31:3-6 2Sa 1:4-10 Am 2:14 - archers. Heb. shooters with bows. hit. Heb. found. he was. * Ge 49:23,24 VERSE 4 - Draw. * Jud 9:54 - uncircumcised. * Jud 15:18 1Sa 14:6; 17:26,36 2Sa 1:20 - abuse. or mock. * Jud 16:21,23-25 - he was. * 1Sa 31:4 2Sa 1:14-16 - Saul took. * :5 2Sa 1:9,10; 17:23 1Ki 16:18 Mt 27:4,5 Ac 1:18; 16:27 VERSE 5 VERSE 6 - Saul. * 1Sa 4:10,11,18; 12:25 Ec 9:1,2 Ho 13:10,11 - all his house. "All his men," in Samuel; that is, all who were present with him in the battle; and his family received such a blow, that it never recovered itself again. For though Ishbosheth reigned over a part of the country, yet it was not in any splendor. This history seems to be repeated here as an introduction to that of the kingdom of David. VERSE 7 - then they. * Le 26:31,36 De 28:33,43 Jud 6:2 1Sa 13:6; 31:7 VERSE 8 - to strip. * 1Sa 31:8 2Ki 3:23 2Ch 20:25 VERSE 9 - took. * :4 1Sa 31:9,10 2Sa 1:20 Mt 14:11 - tidings. * Jud 16:23,24 Da 5:2-4,23 VERSE 10 - their gods. * 1Sa 31:10 - Ashtaroth. in the temple. * 1Sa 5:2-7 VERSE 11 - when. * 1Sa 11:1-11; 31:11-13 2Sa 2:4-7 VERSE 12 - the oak. * Ge 35:8 2Sa 21:12-14 - fasted. * Ge 50:10 2Sa 3:35 VERSE 13 - committed. Heb. transgressed. even against. * 1Sa 13:13; 15:2,23 - for asking. * 1Sa 28:7-20 - a familiar. * Ex 22:18 Le 19:31; 20:6 De 18:10-14 2Ki 21:6 Isa 8:19 * Ac 8:9-11; 16:16-18 VERSE 14 - enquired. * Jud 10:11-16 1Sa 28:6 Eze 14:3-6 - he slew. * Pr 17:13 Isa 10:7,15 - turned. * 1Sa 13:14; 15:28; 16:1,11-13; 28:17 2Sa 3:9,10; 5:3 - Jesse. Heb. Isai. GOTO NEXT CHAPTER - TSK INDEX & SEARCH

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