061 Boldness, Holy - Christ set an example of #JOH 7:26 - Is through faith in Christ #EPH 3:12; HEB 10:19 - A characteristic of saints #PR 28:1 - PRODUCED BY . Trust in God #ISA 50:7 . The fear of God #AC 4:19; 5:29 . Faithfulness to God #1TI 3:13 - Express your trust in God with #HEB 13:6 - Have, in prayer #EPH 3:12; HEB 4:16 - Saints shall have, in judgment #1JO 4:17 - Exhortations to #JOS 1:7; 2CH 19:11; JER 1:8; EZE 3:9 - Pray for #AC 4:29; EPH 6:19,20 - MINISTERS SHOULD EXHIBIT, IN . Faithfulness to their people #2CO 7:4; 10:1 . Preaching #AC 4:31; PHP 1:14 . Reproving sin #ISA 58:1; MIC 3:8 . The face of opposition #AC 13:46; 1TH 2:2 - Exemplified . Abraham #GE 18:22-32 . Jacob #GE 32:24-29 . Moses #EX 32:31,32; 33:18 . Aaron #NU 16:47,48 . David #1SA 17:45 . Elijah #1KI 18:15,18 . Nehemiah #NE 6:11 . Shadrach #DA 3:17,18 . Daniel #DA 6:10 . Joseph of Arimathaea #MR 15:43 . Peter and John #AC 4:8-13 . Stephen #AC 7:51 . Paul #AC 9:27,29; 19:8 . Barnabas #AC 14:3 . Apollos #AC 18:26 062 Bondage, Spiritual - Is to the devil #1TI 3:7; 2TI 2:26 - Is to the fear of death #HEB 2:14,15 - Is to sin #JOH 8:34; AC 8:23; RO 6:16; 7:23; GA 4:3; 2PE 2:19 - Deliverance from, promised #ISA 42:6,7 - Christ delivers from #LU 4:18,21; JOH 8:36; RO 7:24,24; EPH 4:8 - The gospel, the instrument of deliverance from #JOH 8:32; RO 8:2 - Saints are delivered from #RO 6:18,22 - Deliverance from, illustrated #DE 4:20 - Typified . Israel in Egypt #EX 1:13,14 063 Books - Probable origin of #Job 19:23,24 - MADE OF . Papyrus or paper reed #ISA 19:7 . Parchment #2TI 4:13 - Made in a roll #ISA 34:4; JER 36:2; EZE 2:9 - Written with pen and ink #JER 36:18; 3JO 1:13 - Often written on both sides #EZE 2:10 - Often sealed #ISA 29:11; DA 12:4; RE 5:1 - Often dedicated to persons of distinction #LU 1:3; AC 1:1 - Were numerous and most expensive #AC 19:19 - The ancients fond of making #EC 12:12 - Divine communications recorded in #EX 17:14; ISA 30:8; JER 36:2; RE 1:19 - Important events recorded in #EZR 4:15; 6:1,2; ES 2:23 - Erasures in, alluded to #EX 32:33; NU 5:23 - NOT EXTANT, BUT MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Wars of the Lord #NU 21:14 . Jasher #JOS 10:13; 2SA 1:18 . Samuel concerning the kingdom #1SA 10:25 . Chronicles of David #1CH 27:24 . Acts of Solomon #1KI 11:41 . Natural history by Solomon #1KI 4:32,33 . History of the kings #1CH 9:1 . Samuel the seer #1CH 29:29 . Nathan #1CH 29:29; 2CH 9:29 . Shemaiah #2CH 12:15 . Gad the seer #1CH 29:29 . Ahijah the Shilonite #2CH 9:29 . Visions of Iddo #2CH 9:29; 12:15 . Jehu the son of Hanani #2CH 20:34 . Sayings of the seers #2CH 33:19 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Memorials of God's providence #PS 56:8; 139:16 . Memorials of conversation and conduct of men #DA 7:10; MAL 3:16; RE 20:12 . The record of the church of Christ #DA 12:1; HEB 12:23; RE 20:12,15; 22:19 064 Bottles - First mention of, in Scripture #GE 21:14 - Ancients often drank from #HAB 2:15 - USED FOR HOLDING . Water #GE 21:14,15,19 . Milk #JUD 4:19 . Wine #1SA 1:24; 16:20 - Some, made of earthenware #JER 19:1 - MADE OF SKINS . Shrivelled and dried by smoke #PS 119:83 . Marred by age and use #JOS 9:14,13 . When old, unfit for holding new wine #MT 9:17; MR 2:22 . Sometimes probably of large dimensions #1SA 25:18; 2SA 16:1 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the clouds #Job 38:37 . Of God's remembrance #PS 56:8 . Of sinners ripe for judgment #JER 13:12-14 . (Dried up,) of the afflicted #PS 119:83 . (Ready to burst,) of the impatient #Job 32:19 . (Broken,) of severe judgments #ISA 30:14; JER 19:10; 48:12 065 Bow, The - An instrument of war #GE 48:22; ISA 7:24 - Sometimes used in hunting #GE 27:3 - For shooting arrows #1CH 12:2 - Called the battle bow #ZEC 9:10; 10:4 - THOSE WHO USED, CALLED . Bowmen #JER 4:29 . Archers #1SA 31:3; JER 51:3 - Usually of steel #2SA 22:35; Job 20:24 - Held in the left hand #EZE 39:3 - Drawn with full force #2KI 9:24 - The Jews taught to use #2SA 1:18 - USED EXPERTLY BY . Lydians #JER 46:9 . Elamites #JER 49:35 . Philistines #1SA 31:2,3 . Sons of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh #1CH 5:18 . Benjamites #1CH 12:2; 2CH 14:8 - Given as a token of friendship #1SA 18:4 - Often furnished by the state #2CH 26:14 - Of the vanquished, broken and burned #PS 37:15; EZE 39:9 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of strength and power #Job 29:20 . Of the tongue of the wicked #PS 11:2; JER 9:3 . (When deceitful,) of the hypocrite #PS 78:57; HO 7:16 . (When broken,) of the overthrow of power #1SA 2:4; JER 49:35; HO 1:5; 2:18 066 Brass, or Copper - Dug out of the mountains #DE 8:9 - Purified by smelting #Job 28:2 - CHARACTERISED BY . Strength #Job 40:18 . Hardness #LE 26:19 . Yellow color #EZR 8:27 . Fusibility #EZE 22:18,20 . Sonorousness #1CO 13:1 - Takes a high polish #2CH 4:16; EZE 1:7 - Inferior in value to gold and silver #ISA 60:17; DA 2:32,39 - Antiquity of working in #GE 4:22 - Extensive commerce in #EZE 27:13; RE 18:12 - Working in, a trade #GE 4:22; 1KI 7:14; 2CH 24:12; 2TI 4:14 - Canaan abounded in #DE 8:9; 33:25 - TAKEN IN WAR . Often in great quantities #JOS 22:8; 2SA 8:8; 2KI 25:13-16 . Cleansed by fire #NU 31:21-23 . Generally consecrated to God #JOS 6:19,24; 2SA 8:10,11 - Offerings of, for the tabernacle #EX 38:29 - Collected by David for the temple #1CH 22:3,14,16; 29:2 - Offerings of, for the temple #1CH 29:6,7 - Coined for money #MT 10:9; MR 12:41 - MADE INTO . Mirrors #EX 38:8 . Gates #PS 107:16; ISA 45:2 . Bars for gates #1KI 4:13 . Fetters #JUD 16:21; 2KI 25:7 . Shields #1KI 14:27; 2CH 12:10 . Helmets #1SA 17:5 . Greaves for the legs #1SA 17:6 . Household vessels #MR 7:4 . Sacred vessels #EX 27:3; 1KI 7:45 . Altars #EX 27:2; 39:39 . Sockets for pillars #EX 38:10,11,17 . Lavers #EX 30:18; 1KI 7:38 . Pillars #1KI 7:15,16 . idols #DA 5:4; RE 9:20 . Instruments of music #1CH 15:19 - Moses made the serpent of #NU 21:9; 2KI 18:4 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Obstinate sinners #ISA 48:4; JER 6:28 . The decrees of God #ZEC 6:1 . The strength and firmness of Christ #DA 10:6; RE 1:15 . Strength given to saints #JER 15:20; MIC 4:13 . Macedonian empire #DA 2:39 . Extreme drought #DE 28:23 . The earth made barren #LE 26:19 067 Bread - Given by God #RU 1:6; MT 6:11 - Yielded by the earth #Job 28:5; ISA 55:10 - MADE OF . Wheat #EX 29:2; PS 81:16 . Barley #JUD 7:13; JOH 6:9 . Beans, millet, etc. #EZE 4:9 . Manna (in the wilderness) #NU 11:8 - Corn ground for making #ISA 28:28 - Was kneaded #GE 18:6; JER 7:18; HO 7:4 - Troughs used for kneading #EX 12:34 - Usually leavened #LE 23:17; MT 13:33 - Sometimes unleavened #EX 12:18; 1CO 5:8 - WAS FORMED INTO . Loaves #1SA 10:3,4; MT 14:17 . Cakes #2SA 6:19; 1KI 17:13 . Wafers #EX 16:31; 29:23 - WAS BAKED . On hearths #GE 18:6 . On coals of fire #ISA 44:19; JOH 21:9 . In ovens #LE 26:26; HO 7:4-7 - Making of, a trade #GE 40:2; JER 37:21 - Ordinary, called common bread #1SA 21:4 - Sacred, called hallowed bread #1SA 21:4,6 - Nutritious and strengthening #PS 104:15 - When old, dry and mouldy #JOS 9:5,12 - Often put for the whole substance of man #GE 3:19; 39:6; MT 6:11 - The principal food used by the ancients #GE 18:5; 21:14; 27:17; JUD 19:5 - Broken for use #LA 4:4; MT 14:19 - Kept in baskets #GE 40:16; EX 29:32 - Publicly sold #MT 14:15; 15:33 - In times of scarcity, sold by weight #LE 26:26; EZE 4:16 - Scarceness of, sent as a punishment #PS 105:16; ISA 3:1; EZE 5:16 - Plenty of, promised to the obedient #LE 26:5 - Often given as a present #1SA 25:18; 2SA 16:12; 1CH 12:40 - Served round after funerals #EZE 24:17-22 - With water, the food of prisons #1KI 22:27 - Crumb of, used to wipe the fingers, thrown under the table #MT 15:27; LU 16:21 - First fruit of, offered to God #NU 15:19,20 - Offered with sacrifices #EX 29:2,23; NU 28:2 - Placed on table of shew bread #EX 25:30 - Multitudes miraculously fed by Christ with #MT 14:19-21; 15:34-37 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of Christ #JOH 6:33-35 . (When broken,) of the death of Christ #MT 26:26; 1CO 11:23,24 . (Partaking of,) of communion of saints #AC 2:46; 1CO 10:17 . (Want of,) of extreme poverty #PR 12:9; ISA 3:7 . (Seeking of begging,) of extreme poverty #1SA 2:36; PS 37:25; LA 1:11 . (Fulness of,) of abundance #EZE 16:49 . (Eating without scarceness,) of plenty #DE 8:9 . (Of adversity,) of heavy affliction #ISA 30:20 . (Of tears,) of sorrow #PS 80:5 . (Of deceit,) of unlawful gain #PR 20:17 . (Of wickedness,) of oppression #PR 4:17 . (Of idleness,) of sloth #PR 31:27 068 Breastplate - A part of defensive armor #1KI 22:34 - A part of the high priest's dress #EX 28:4 - FOR SOLDIERS . Made of iron #RE 9:9 . Bright and shining #RE 9:17 - FOR THE HIGH PRIEST . Materials of #EX 28:15; 39:8 . Form and dimensions of #EX 28:16; 39:9 . Made from the offering of the people #EX 35:9 - Had names of the tribes engraved on precious stones #EX 28:17-21; 39:10,14 - Inseparably united to the ephod #EX 28:22-28; 39:15-21 - The Urim and Thummim placed in #EX 28:30; LE 8:8 - Worn as a memorial #EX 28:29; ISA 49:16 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE . Righteous judgment of Christ #ISA 59:17 . Defence of righteousness #EPH 6:14 . Defence of faith and love #1TH 5:8 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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