583 Trust - God is the true object of #PS 65:5 - The fear of God leads to #PR 14:26 - ENCOURAGEMENTS TO . The everlasting strength of God #ISA 26:4 . The goodness of God #NA 1:7 . The loving-kindness of God #PS 36:7 . The rich bounty of God #1TI 6:17 . The care of God for us #1PE 5:7 . Former deliverances #PS 9:10; 2CO 1:10 - Should be with the whole heart #PR 3:5 - Should be from youth up #PS 71:5 - OF SAINTS IS . Not in the flesh #PHP 3:3,4 . Not in themselves #2CO 1:9 . Not in carnal weapons #1SA 17:38,39,45; PS 44:6; 2CO 10:4 . In God #PS 11:1; 31:14; 2CO 1:9 . In the word of God #PS 119:42 . In the mercy of God #PS 13:5; 52:8 . In Christ #EPH 3:12 . Through Christ #2CO 3:4 . Grounded on the covenant #2SA 23:5 . Strong in the prospect of death #PS 23:4 . Fixed #2SA 22:3; PS 112:7 . Unalterable #Job 13:15 . Despised by the wicked #ISA 36:4,7 . For ever #PS 52:8; 62:8; ISA 26:4 - Saints plead, in prayer #PS 25:20; 31:1; 141:8 - The Lord knows those who have #NA 1:7 - Exhortations to #PS 4:5; 115:9-11 - LEADS TO . Being compassed with mercy #PS 32:10 . Enjoyment of perfect peace #ISA 26:3 . Enjoyment of all temporal and spiritual blessings #ISA 57:13 . Enjoyment of happiness #PR 16:20 . Rejoicing in God #PS 5:11; 33:21 . Fulfilment of all holy desires #PS 37:5 . Deliverance from enemies #PS 37:40 . Safety in times of danger #PR 29:25 . Stability #PS 125:1 . Prosperity #PR 28:25 - KEEPS FROM . Fear #PS 56:11; ISA 12:2; HEB 13:6 . Sliding #PS 26:1 . Desolation #PS 34:22 - To be accompanied by doing good #PS 37:3 - Blessedness of placing, in God #PS 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; JER 17:7 - OF THE WICKED . Is not in God #PS 78:22; ZEP 3:2 . Is in idols #ISA 42:17; HAB 2:18 . Is in man #JUD 9:26; PS 118:8,9 . Is in their own heart #PR 28:26 . Is in their own righteousness #LU 18:9,12 . Is in vanity #Job 15:31; ISA 59:4 . Is in falsehood #ISA 28:15; JER 13:25 . Is in earthly alliances #ISA 30:2; EZE 17:15 . Is in wealth #PS 49:6; 52:7; PR 11:28; JER 48:7; MR 10:24 . Is vain and delusive #ISA 30:7; JER 2:37 . Shall make them ashamed #ISA 20:5; 30:3,5; JER 48:13 . Shall be destroyed #Job 18:14; ISA 28:18 - Woe and curse of false #ISA 30:1,2; 31:1-3; JER 17:5 - Of saints--Illustrated #PS 91:12; PR 18:10 - Of the wicked--Illustrated #2KI 18:21; Job 8:14 - Of saints-Exemplified . David #1SA 17:45; 30:6 . Hezekiah #2KI 18:5 . Jehoshaphat #2CH 20:12 . Shadrach etc. #DA 3:28 . Paul #2TI 1:12 - Of the wicked-Exemplified . Goliath #1SA 17:43-45 . Benhadad #1KI 20:10 . Sennacherib #2CH 32:8 . Israelites #ISA 31:1 584 Truth - God is a God of #DE 32:4; PS 31:15 - Christ is #JOH 14:6; 7:18 - Christ was full of #JOH 1:14 - Christ spoke #JOH 8:45 - The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of #JOH 14:17 - The Holy Spirit guides into all #JOH 16:13 - The word of God is #DA 10:21; JOH 17:17 - God regards, with favor #JER 5:3 - The judgments of God are according to #PS 96:13; RO 2:2 - SAINTS SHOULD . Worship God in #JOH 4:24; PS 145:18 . Serve God in #JOS 24:14; 1SA 12:24 . Walk before God in #1KI 2:4; 2KI 20:3 . Keep religious feasts with #1CO 5:8 . Esteem, as inestimable #PR 23:23 . Rejoice in #1CO 13:6 . Speak, to one another #ZEC 8:16; EPH 4:25 . Meditate upon #PHP 4:8 . Write upon the tables of the heart #PR 3:3 - God desires in the heart #PS 51:6 - The fruit of the Spirit is in #EPH 5:9 - MINISTERS SHOULD . Speak #2CO 12:6; GA 4:16 . Teach in #1TI 2:7 . Approve themselves by #2CO 4:2; 6:7,8; 7:14 - Civil officers should be men of #EX 18:21 - Kings are preserved by #PR 20:28 - THEY WHO SPEAK . Show forth righteousness #PR 12:17 . Shall be established #PR 12:19 . Are the delight of God #PR 12:22 - THE WICKED . Destitute of #HO 4:1 . Speak not #JER 9:5 . Uphold not #ISA 59:14,15 . Plead not for #ISA 59:4 . Are not valiant for #JER 9:3 . Punished for want of #JER 9:5,9; HO 4:1 - THE GOSPEL AS . Came by Christ #JOH 1:17 - Christ bear witness to #JOH 18:37 - Is in Christ #RO 9:1; 1TI 2:7 - John bears witness to #JOH 5:33 - Is according to godliness #TIT 1:1 - Is sanctifying #JOH 17:17,19 - Is purifying #1PE 1:22 - Is part of Christian armor #EPH 6:14 - Revealed abundantly to saints #JER 33:6 - Abides continually with saints #2JO 1:2 - Should be acknowledged #2TI 2:25 - Should be believed #2TH 2:12,13; 1TI 4:3 - Should be obeyed #RO 2:8; GA 3:1 - Should be loved #2TH 2:10 - Should be manifested #2CO 4:2 - Should be rightly divided #2TI 2:15 - The wicked turn away from #2TI 4:4 - The wicked resist #2TI 3:8 - The wicked destitute of #1TI 6:5 - The church is the pillar and ground of #1TI 3:15 - The devil is void of #JOH 8:44 585 Truth of God, The - Is one of his attributes #DE 32:4; ISA 65:16 - Always goes before his face #PS 89:14 - He keeps, for ever #PS 146:6 - DESCRIBED AS . Great #PS 57:10 . Plenteous #PS 86:15 . Abundant #EX 34:6 . Inviolable #NU 23:19; TIT 1:2 . Reaching to the clouds #PS 57:10 . Enduring to all generations #PS 100:5 - United with mercy in redemption #PS 85:10 - EXHIBITED IN HIS . Counsels of old #ISA 25:1 . Ways #RE 15:3 . Works #PS 33:4; 11:7; DA 4:37 . Judicial statutes #PS 19:9 . Administration of justice #PS 96:13 . Word #PS 119:160; JOH 17:17 . Fulfilment of promises in Christ #2CO 1:20 . Fulfilment of his covenant #MIC 7:20 . Dealings with saints #PS 25:10 . Deliverance of saints #PS 57:3 . Punishment of the wicked #RE 16:7 - Remembered toward saints #PS 98:3 - Is a shield and buckler to saints #PS 9:14 - WE SHOULD . Confide in #PS 31:5; TIT 1:2 . Plead, in prayer #PS 89:49 . Pray for its manifestation to ourselves #2CH 6:17 . Pray for its exhibition to others #2SA 2:6 . Make known to others #ISA 38:19 . Magnify #PS 71:22; 138:2 - IS DENIED BY . The devil #GE 3:4,5 . The self-righteous #1JO 1:10 . Unbelievers #1JO 5:10 - Exemplified towards . Abraham #GE 24:27 . Jacob #GE 32:10 . Israel #PS 98:3 586 Types of Christ - Adam #RO 5:14; 1CO 15:45 - Abel #GE 4:8,10; HEB 12:24 - Abraham #GE 17:5; EPH 3:15 - Aaron #EX 28:1; HEB 5:4,5; LE 16:15; HEB 9:7,24 - Ark #GE 7:16; 1PE 3:20,21 - Ark of the Covenant #EX 25:16; PS 40:8; ISA 42:6 - Atonement, sacrifices offered on the day of #LE 16:15,16; HEB 9:12,24 - Brazen serpent #NU 21:9; JOH 3:14,15 - Brazen altar #EX 27:1,2; HEB 13:10 - Burnt offering #LE 1:2,4; HEB 10:10 - Cities of refuge #NU 35:6; HEB 6:18 - David #2SA 8:15; EZE 37:24; PS 89:19,20; PHP 2:9 - Eliakim #ISA 22:20-22; RE 3:7 - First-fruits #EX 22:29; 1CO 15:20 - Golden candlestick #EX 25:31; JOH 8:12 - Golden altar #EX 40:5,26,27; RE 8:3; HEB 13:15 - Isaac #GE 22:1,2; HEB 11:17-19 - Jacob #GE 32:28; JOH 11:42; HEB 7:25 - Jacob's ladder #GE 28:12; JOH 1:51 - Joseph #GE 50:19,20 - Joshua #JOS 1:5,6; HEB 4:8,9; JOS 11:23; AC 20:32 - Jonah #JON 1:17; MT 12:40 - Laver of brass #EX 30:18-20; ZEC 13:1; EPH 5:26,27 - Leper's offering #LE 14:4-7; RO 4:25 - Man #EX 16:11-15; JOH 6:32-35 - Melchizedek #GE 14:18-20; HEB 7:1-17 - Mercy-seat #EX 25:17-22; RO 3:25; HEB 4:16 - Morning and evening sacrifices #EX 29:38-41; JOH 1:29,36 - Moses #NU 12:7; HEB 3:2; DE 18:15; AC 3:20-22 - Noah #GE 5:29; 2CO 1:5 - Passover lamb #EX 12:3-6,46; JOH 19:36; 1CO 5:7 - Peace offerings #LE 3:1; EPH 2:14,16 - Red heifer #NU 19:2-6; HEB 9:13,14 - Rock of Horeb #EX 17:6; 1CO 10:4 - Samson #JUD 16:30; COL 2:14,15 - Scape goat #LE 16:20-22; ISA 53:6,12 - Sin offering #LE 4:2,3,12; HEB 13:11,12 - Solomon #2SA 7:12,13; LU 1:32,33; 1PE 2:5 - Tabernacle #EX 40:2,34; HEB 9:11; COL 2:9 - Table and show bread #EX 25:23-30; JOH 1:16; 6:48 - Temple #1KI 6:1,38; JOH 2:19,21 - Tree of life #GE 2:9; JOH 1:4; RE 22:2 - Trespass offering #LE 6:1-7; ISA 53:10 - Vail of the tabernacle and temple #EX 40:21; 2CH 3:14; HEB 10:20 - Zerubbabel #ZEC 4:7-9; HEB 12:2,3 587 Tyre - Antiquity of #ISA 23:7; JOS 19:29 - CALLED . The daughter of Zidon #ISA 23:12 . The daughter of Tarshish #ISA 23:10 . The joyous city #ISA 23:7 . The crowning city #ISA 23:8 . The renowned city #EZE 26:17 - Insular position of #EZE 26:17; 27:4,25 - Strongly fortified #JOS 19:29; 2SA 24:7; EZE 26:17; ZEC 9:3 - Governed by kings #1KI 5:1; JER 25:22 - CELEBRATED FOR . Its beauty #EZE 27:3,4 . Its commerce #ISA 23:2,3; EZE 27:3,12-25 . Its wealth #EZE 27:33; 28:4,5; ZEC 9:3 . Strength and beauty of its ships #EZE 27:5-7 - Soldiers of, supplied by Persia, etc. #EZE 27:10,11 - INHABITANTS OF . Sea-faring men #EZE 26:17 . Mercantile men #ISA 23:8 . Proud and haughty #ISA 23:9; EZE 28:2,17 . Self-conceited #EZE 28:3-5 . Superstitious #JER 27:2,3,9 . Wicked #EZE 28:18 - Often confederated against the Jews and rejoiced in their calamities #PS 83:7; EZE 26:2; AM 1:9 - David and Solomon formed alliances with #1KI 5:1; 2CH 2:3 - SUPPLIED . Seamen for Solomon's navy #1KI 9:27; 2CH 8:18 . A master-builder for the temple #2CH 2:7,13 . Stones and timber for building the temple #1KI 5:6,9; 2CH 2:8,9,16 . Timber for rebuilding the temple and city #EZR 3:7 - The Jews condemned for purchasing from the people of, on the Sabbath #NE 13:16 - CHRIST . Alluded to the depravity of #MT 11:21,22 . Visited the coasts of #MT 15:21; MR 7:24 . Was followed by many from #MR 3:8; LU 6:17 . Paul found disciples at #AC 21:3,4 . Depended for provision upon Galilee #AC 12:20 - Propitiated the favor of Herod #AC 12:20 - PROPHECIES RESPECTING . Envy against the Jews a cause of its destruction #EZE 26:2 . Pride a cause of its destruction #EZE 28:2-6 . To be destroyed by the king of Babylon #ISA 23:13,14; JER 27:3,6; EZE 26:7-13 . Inhabitants of, to emigrated to other countries #ISA 23:6,12 . To be scraped as the top of a rock, and to be a place for the spreading nets #EZE 26:3-5,14 . The king of Babylon to be rewarded with the spoil of Egypt for his service against #EZE 29:18-20 . To lie waste and be forgotten for seventy years #ISA 23:15 . Its restoration to commercial greatness after seventy years #ISA 23:16,17 . Its second destruction by the Macedonians #EZE 27:32; 28:7,8,18; ZEC 9:2-4 . The ruins of the first city to be employed in making a causeway to effect the destruction of insular Tyre #EZE 26:12 . Never to recover its greatness #EZE 26:21 . Its inhabitants to be sold as slaves, as a recompence for their selling the Jews #JOE 3:4-8 . All nations to be terrified at its destruction #EZE 26:15-18; 27:29-36; ZEC 9:5 . To participated in the blessings of the gospel #PS 45:12; ISA 23:18 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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