532 Sickness - Sent by God #DE 28:59-61; 32:39; 2SA 12:15; AC 12:23 - The devil sometimes permitted to inflict #Job 2:6,7; LU 9:39; 13:16 - Often brought on by intemperance #HO 7:5 - Often sent as a punishment of sin #LE 26:14-16; 2CH 21:12-15; 1CO 11:30 - One of God's four sore judgments on a guilty land #EZE 14:19-21 - GOD . Promises to heal #EX 23:25; 2KI 20:5 . Heals #DE 32:39; PS 103:3; ISA 38:5,9 . Exhibits his mercy in healing #PHP 2:27 . Exhibits his power in healing #LU 5:17 . Exhibits his love in healing #ISA 38:17 . Often manifests saving grace to sinners during #Job 33:19-24; PS 107:17-21 . Permits saints to be tried by #Job 2:5,6 . Strengthens saints in #PS 41:3 . Comforts saints in #PS 41:3 . Hears the prayers of those in #PS 30:2; 107:18-20 . Preserves saints in time of #PS 91:3-7 . Abandons the wicked to #JER 34:17 . Persecutes the wicked by #JER 29:18 - Healing of, lawful on the Sabbath #LU 13:14-16 - Christ compassionate those in #ISA 53:4; MT 8:16,17 - CHRIST HEALED . Being present #MR 1:31; MT 4:23 . Not being present #MT 8:13 . By imposition of hands #MR 6:5; LU 13:13 . With a touch #MT 8:3 . Through the touch of his garment #MT 14:35,36; MR 5:27-34 . With a word #MT 8:8,13 - Faith required in those healed of, by Christ #MT 9:28,29; MR 5:34; 10:52 - Often incurable by human means #DE 28:27; 2CH 21:18 - The Apostles were endued with power to heal #MT 10:1; MR 16:18,20 - THE POWER OF HEALING . One of the miraculous gifts bestowed on the early Church #1CO 12:9,30; JAS 5:14,15 - SAINTS . Acknowledge that, comes from God #PS 31:1-8; ISA 38:12,15 . Are resigned under #Job 2:10 . Mourn under, with prayer #ISA 38:14 . Pray for recovery from #ISA 38:2,3 . Ascribe recovery from, to God #ISA 38:20 . Praise God for recovery from #PS 103:1-3; ISA 38:19; LU 17:15 . Thank God publicly for recovery form #ISA 38:20; AC 3:8 . Feel for others in #PS 35:13 . Visit those in #MT 25:36 - Visiting those in, an evidence of belonging to Christ #MT 25:34,36,40 - Pray for those afflicted with #AC 28:8; JAS 5:14,15 - God's aid should be sought in #2CH 16:12 - THE WICKED . Have much sorrow, with #EC 5:17 . Forsake those in #1SA 30:13 . Visit not those in #MT 25:43 - Not visiting those in, an evidence of not belonging to Christ #MT 25:43,45 - Illustrative of sin #LE 13:45,46; ISA 1:5; JER 8:22; MT 9:12 533 Sidonians, The - Descended from Sidon, son of Canaan #GE 10:15; 1CH 1:13 - Formerly a part of the Phoenician nation #MT 15:21,22; MR 7:24,26 - Dwelt on the sea coast #LU 6:17; AC 27:3 - CITIES OF MENTIONED . Zidon #JOS 11:8; 19:28 . Zarephath or Sarepta #1KI 17:9; LU 4:26 . Governed by kings #JER 25:22; 27:3 - CHARACTER OF . Careless and secure #JUD 18:7 . Idolatrous #1KI 11:5 . Superstitious #JER 27:3,9 . Wicked and unrepentant #MT 11:21,22 - Engaged in extensive commerce #ISA 23:2 - Were skilful sailors #EZE 27:8 - Supplied the Jews with timber #1CH 22:4; EZR 3:7 - Supplied from Judea with provisions #AC 12:20; EZE 27:17 - TERRITORY OF . Bordered on the land of Canaan #GE 10:19 . Given by God to Israel #GE 49:13; JOS 13:6 . Allotted to the tribe of Asher #JOS 19:24,28 . Visited by our Lord #MT 15:21 - Israel unable to expel #JUD 1:31; 3:3 - Hostile and oppressive to God's people #JUD 10:12; EZE 28:22,24; JOE 3:5,6 - Solomon intermarried with #1KI 11:1 - Ahab intermarried with #1KI 16:31 - Israel followed the idolatry of #JUD 10:6; 1KI 11:33 - PREDICTIONS RESPECTING . Territory of, to be given to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon #JER 27:3,6 . Partaking with the other nations of God's judgments #JER 25:22-28; EZE 32:20 . All their helpers to be cut off #JER 47:4 . That God should be glorified in the judgments upon them #EZE 28:21-23 . Their spoiling and oppression of the Jews to be fully recompensed #JOE 3:4,8 - Many of, attended Christ's ministry #MR 3:8 - Having revolted from Herod, were obliged to propitiate him #AC 12:20 534 Sieges - Fenced cities invested by #2KI 18:13 - Threatened as a punishment #DE 28:52 - DESCRIBED AS . Encamping against #2SA 12:28; 2CH 32:1 . Pitching against #2KI 25:1 . Compassing about with armies #2KI 6:14; LU 21:20 . Setting in array against #JER 50:9 . Being against round about #JER 51:2 - Often lasted for a long time #2KI 17:5 - Great noise and tumult of, alluded to #JOE 2:5 - THOSE ENGAGED IN . Built forts and mounts #EZE 4:2; 26:8 . Dug a trench round the city #LU 19:43 . Invested the city on every side #EZE 23:24 . Cut off all supplies #2KI 19:24 . Frequently laid ambushes #JUD 9:34 . Called upon the city to surrender #1KI 20:2,3; 2KI 18:18,20 . Employed battering rams against the walls #EZE 4:2; 26:9 . Cast arrows and other missiles into the city #2KI 19:32 . Often suffered much during #EZE 29:18 - The Jews forbidden to cut down fruit trees for the purpose of #DE 20:19,20 - Extreme difficulty of taking cities by, alluded to #PR 18:19 - CITIES INVESTED BY . Repaired and newly fortified beforehand #2CH 32:5; ISA 22:9,10; NA 3:14 . Supplied with water beforehand #NA 3:14 . The inhabitants of, cut off beforehand supplies of water outside, useful to besiegers #2CH 32:3,4 . Were strictly shut up #JOS 6:1 . Walls of, defended by the inhabitants #2SA 11:20,21; 2KI 18:26; 2CH 32:18 . Sometimes used ambushes or sorties #JER 51:12 . Often suffered from famine #2KI 6:26-29; 25:3; EZE 6:12 . Often suffered from pestilence #JER 21:6; 32:24 . Often demanded terms of peace #1SA 11:1-3 . Frequently taken by ambush #JUD 9:43,44 . Frequently taken by assault #JOS 10:35; 2SA 12:29 . Frequently helped by allies #1SA 11:11; 23:5 . Inhabitants of, exhorted to be courageous #2CH 32:6-8 - CITIES TAKEN BY . Given up to pillage #JER 50:26,27 . Inhabitants of, often put to the sword #JOS 10:28,30,32,35; JER 50:30 . Frequently broken down #JUD 9:45 . Frequently destroyed by fire #JOS 8:19 . Sometimes sown with salt #JUD 9:45 . Sometimes called after the name of the captor #2SA 12:28 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Jericho #JOS 6:2-20 . Ai #JOS 7:2-4; 8:1-19 . Makkedah #JOS 10:28 . Libnah #JOS 10:29,30 . Lachish #JOS 10:31,32 . Eglon #JOS 10:34,35 . Hebron #JOS 10:36,37 . Debir #JOS 10:38,39 . Shechem #JUD 9:34,45 . Thebez #JUD 9:50 . Jabesh-gilead #1SA 11:1 . Keilah #1SA 23:1 . Ziklag #1SA 30:1,2 . Rabbah #2SA 11:1; 12:26-29 . Gibbethon #1KI 16:15 . Tirzah #1KI 16:17 . Samaria #1KI 20:1; 2KI 6:24; 17:5 . Ramoth-gilead #1KI 22:4,29 . Cities of Israel in Galilee #2KI 15:29 . Cities of Judah #2KI 18:13 . Jerusalem #2KI 24:10,11; 25:1,2 - Illustrative Of . The omnipresence of God #PS 139:5 . The judgments of God #MIC 5:1 . Zion in her affliction #ISA 1:8 535 Silver - Veins of, found in the earth #Job 28:1 - Generally found in an impure state #PR 25:4 - Comparative value of #ISA 60:17 - DESCRIBED AS . White and shining #PS 68:13,14 . Fusible #EZE 22:20,22 . Malleable #JER 10:9 - Purified by fire #PR 17:3; ZEC 13:9 - PURIFIED, CALLED . Refined silver #1CH 29:4 . Choice silver #PR 8:19 - Tarshish carried on extensive commerce in #JER 10:9; EZE 27:12 - The patriarchs rich in #GE 13:2; 24:35 - Used as money from the earliest times #GE 23:15,16; 37:28; 1KI 16:24 - Very abundant in the reign of Solomon #1KI 10:21,22,27; 2CH 9:20,21,27 - The working in, a trade #AC 19:24 - MADE INTO . Cups #GE 44:2 . Dishes #NU 7:13,84,85 . Bowls #NU 7:13,84 . Thin plates #JER 10:9 . Chains #ISA 40:19 . Wires (alluded to) #EC 12:6 . Sockets for the boards of the tabernacle #EX 26:19,25,32; 36:24,26,30,36 . Ornaments and hooks for the pillars of the tabernacle #EX 27:17; 38:19 . Candlesticks #1CH 28:15 . Tables #1CH 28:16 . Beds or couches #ES 1:6 . Vessels #2SA 8:10; EZR 6:5 . idols #PS 115:4; ISA 2:20; 30:22 . Ornaments for the person #EX 3:22 - Given by the Israelite for making the tabernacle #EX 25:3; 35:24 - Given by David and his subjects for making the temple #1CH 28:14; 29:2,6-9 - Taken in war often consecrated to God #JOS 6:19; 2SA 8:11; 1KI 15:15 - Taken in war purified by fire #NU 31:22,23 - Often given as presents #1KI 10:25; 2KI 5:5,23 - Tribute often paid in #2CH 17:11; NE 5:15 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the words of the Lord #PS 12:6 . Of the tongue of the just #PR 10:20 . Of good rulers #ISA 1:22,23 . Of the Medo-Persian kingdom #DA 2:32,39 . Of saints purified by affliction #PS 66:10; ZEC 13:9 . (Labor of seeking for,) of diligence required for attaining knowledge #PR 2:4 . (Reprobate,) of the wicked #JER 6:30 . (Dross of,) of the wicked #ISA 1:22; EZE 22:18 - Wisdom to be esteemed more than #Job 28:15; PR 3:14; 8:10,19; 16:16 536 Simeon, The Tribe of - Descended from Jacob's second son by Leah #GE 29:33 - Predictions respecting #GE 49:5-7 - PERSONS SELECTED FROM . To number the people #NU 1:6 . To spy out the land #NU 13:5 . To divide the land #NU 34:20 - Formed part of the second division of Israel in their journeys #NU 10:18,19 - Encamped under the standard of Reuben south of the tabernacle #NU 2:12 - Strength of, on leaving Egypt #NU 1:22,23; 2:13 - Offering of, at the dedication #NU 7:36-41 - Families of #NU 26:12-13 - Strength of, on entering Canaan #NU 26:14 - Plagued for following the idolatry, of Midian, which accounts for their decrease #NU 25:9,14; 26:14; 1:23 - On Mount Gerizim said amen to the blessings #DE 27:12 - Inheritance of, within Judah #JOS 19:1-8 - Bounds of their inheritance with cities and villages #JOS 19:2-8; 1CH 4:28-33 - United with Judah in expelling the Canaanites from their inheritance #JUD 1:3,17 - Many of, at the coronation of David #1CH 12:25 - Officer appointed over, by David #1CH 27:16 - Part of, united with Judah under Asa #2CH 15:9 - Josiah purged their land of idols #2CH 34:6 - Part of, destroyed the remnant of the Amalekites, and dwelt in their land #1CH 4:39-43 537 Simplicity - Is opposed to fleshly wisdom #2CO 1:12 - Necessity for #MT 18:2,3 - SHOULD BE EXHIBITED . In preaching the gospel #1TH 2:3-7 . In acts of benevolence #RO 12:8 . In all our conduct #2CO 1:12 . Concerning our own wisdom #1CO 3:18 . Concerning evil #RO 16:19 . Concerning malice #1CO 14:20 - Exhortation to #RO 16:19; 1PE 2:2 - THEY WHO HAVE THE GRACE OF . Are made wise by God #MT 11:25 . Are made wise by the word of God #PS 19:7; 119:130 . Are preserved by God #PS 116:6 . Made circumspect by instruction #PR 1:4 . Profit by the correction of others #PR 19:25; 21:11 - Beware of being corrupted from that, which is in Christ #2CO 11:3 - Illustrated #MT 6:22 - Exemplified . David #PS 131:1,2 . Jeremiah #JER 1:6 . The Christians #AC 2:46; 4:32 . Paul #2CO 1:12 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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