514 Seals - Called signet #GE 38:18,25 - Precious stones set in gold used as #EX 28:11 - Inscriptions upon, alluded to #2TI 2:19 - Generally worn as rings or bracelets #JER 22:24 - IMPRESSIONS OF . Frequently taken in clay #Job 38:14 . Used for security #DA 6:17; MT 27:66 . Attached to all royal decrees #1KI 21:8; ES 3:12; 8:8 . Attached to covenants #NE 9:38; 10:1 . Attached to lease and transfers of property #JER 32:9-12,44 . Set upon treasures #DE 32:34 . Attached to the victims approved for sacrifice, alluded to #JOH 6:27 . Were given by kings as a badge of authority #GE 41:41,42 - Illustrative of . Circumcision #RO 4:11 . Converts #1CO 9:2 . What is dear or valued #SO 8:6; JER 22:24; HAG 2:23 . Secrecy #DA 12:4; RE 5:1; 10:4 . Security #SO 4:12; 2TI 2:19; RE 7:2-8; 20:3 . Full approval #JOH 3:33 . Appropriation of saints to God by the Spirit #2CO 1:22; EPH 1:13; 4:30 . Restraint #Job 9:7; 37:7; RE 20:3 515 Second Coming of Christ, The - Time of, unknown #MT 24:36; MR 13:32 - CALLED THE . Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord #AC 3:19 . Times of restitution of all things #AC 3:21; RO 8:21 . Last time #1PE 1:5 . Appearing of Jesus Christ #1PE 1:7 . Revelation of Jesus Christ #1PE 1:13 . Glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior #TIT 2:13 . Coming of the day of God #2PE 3:12 . Day of our Lord Jesus Christ #1CO 1:8 - FORETOLD BY . Prophets #DA 7:13; Jude 1:14 . Himself #MT 25:31; JOH 14:3 . Apostles #AC 3:20; 1TI 6:14 . Angels #AC 1:10,11 - Signs preceding #MT 24:3-51 - The Manner of . In clouds #MT 24:30; 26:64; RE 1:7 . In the glory of his Father #MT 16:27 . In his own glory #MT 25:31 . In flaming fire #2TH 1:8 . With power and great glory #MT 24:30 . As he ascended #AC 1:9,11 . With a shout and the voice of the Archangel #1TH 4:16 . Accompanied by Angels #MT 16:27; 25:31; MR 8:38; 2TH 1:7 . With his saints #1TH 3:13; Jude 1:14 . Suddenly #MR 13:36 . Unexpectedly #MT 24:44; LU 12:40 . As a thief in the night #1TH 5:2; 2PE 3:10; RE 16:15 . As the lightning #MT 24:27 - The heavens and earth shall be dissolved, etc. at #2PE 3:10,12 - They who shall have died in Christ shall rise first at #1TH 4:16 - The saints alive at, shall be caught up to meet him #1TH 4:17 - Is not to make atonement #HEB 9:28; RO 6:9,10; HEB 10:14 - THE PURPOSES OF, ARE TO . Complete the salvation of saints #HEB 9:28; 1PE 1:5 . Be glorified in his saints #2TH 1:10 . Be admired in them that believe #2TH 1:10 . Bring to light the hidden things of darkness #1CO 4:5 . Judge #PS 50:3,4; JOH 5:22; 2TI 4:1; Jude 1:15; RE 20:11-13 . Reign #ISA 24:23; DA 7:14; RE 11:15 . Destroy death #1CO 15:25,26 - Every eye shall see him at #RE 1:7 - Should be always considered as at hand #RO 13:12; PHP 4:5; 1PE 4:7 - Blessedness of being prepared for #MT 24:46; LU 12:37,38 - SAINTS . Assured of #Job 19:25,26 . Love #2TI 4:8 . Look for #PHP 3:20; TIT 2:13 . Wait for #1CO 1:7; 1TH 1:10 . Haste to #2PE 3:12 . Pray for #RE 22:20 . Should be ready for #MT 24:44; LU 12:40 . Should watch for #MT 24:42; MR 13:35-37; LU 21:36 . Should be patient to #2TH 3:5; JAS 5:7,8 - Shall be preserved to #PHP 1:6; 2TI 4:18; 1PE 1:5; Jude 1:24 - Shall not be ashamed at #1JO 2:28; 4:17 - Shall be blameless at #1CO 1:8; 1TH 3:13; 5:23; Jude 1:24 - Shall be like him at #PHP 3:21; 1JO 3:2 - Shall see him as he is, at #1JO 3:2 - Shall appear with him in glory at #COL 3:4 - Shall receive a crown of glory at #2TI 4:8; 1PE 5:4 - Shall reign with him at #DA 7:27; 2TI 2:12; RE 5:10; 20:6; 22:5 - Faith of, shall be found to praise at #1PE 1:7 - THE WICKED . Scoff at #2PE 3:3,4 . Presume upon the delay of #MT 24:48 . Shall be surprised by #MT 24:37-39; 1TH 5:3; 2PE 3:10 . Shall be punished at #2TH 1:8,9 - The man of sin to be destroyed at #2TH 2:8 - Illustrated #MT 25:6; LU 12:36,39; 19:12,15 516 Seed - Every herb, tree and grass yields its own #GE 1:11,12,29 - Each kind of, has its own body #1CO 15:38 - SOWING OF . Time for, called seed time #GE 8:22 . Necessary to its productiveness #JOH 12:24; 1CO 15:36 . Required constant diligence #EC 11:4,6 . Often attended with great waste #MT 13:4,5,7 . Often attended with danger #PS 126:5,6 - Yearly return of time of sowing, secured by covenant #GE 8:21,22 - The ground carefully ploughed, and prepared for #ISA 28:24,25 - Often sown beside rivers #EC 11:1; ISA 32:20 - Often trodden into the ground, by the feet of oxen #ISA 32:20 - Required to be watered by the rain #ISA 55:10 - In Egypt required to be artificially watered #DE 11:10 - Yielded an abundant increase in Canaan #GE 26:12; MT 13:23 - MOSAIC LAWS RESPECTING . Different kinds of, not to be sown in the same field #LE 19:19; DE 22:9 . If dry, exempted from uncleanness though touched by an unclean thing #LE 11:37 . If wet, rendered unclean by contact with an unclean thing #LE 11:38 . The tithe of, to be given to God #LE 27:30 . Not to be sown during the sabbatical year #LE 25:4,20 . Not to be sown in year of jubilee #LE 25:11 - Difference between, and the plant which grows from it, noticed #1CO 15:37,38 - THE JEWS PUNISHED BY . Its rotting in the ground #JOE 1:17; MAL 2:3 . Its yielding but little increase #ISA 5:10; HAG 1:6 . Its increase being consumed by locusts #DE 28:38; JOE 1:4 . Its increase being consume by enemies #LE 26:16; DE 28:33,51 . Its being choked by thorns #JER 12:13; MT 13:7 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . The word of God #LU 8:11; 1PE 1:23 . Spiritual life #1JO 3:9 - SOWING, ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Preaching the gospel #MT 13:3,32; 1CO 9:11 . Scattering or dispersing a people #ZEC 10:9 . Christian liberality #EC 11:6; 2CO 9:6 . Men's works producing a corresponding recompence #Job 4:8; HO 10:12; GA 6:7,8 . The death of Christ and its effects #JOH 12:24 . The burial of the body #1CO 15:36-38 517 Seeking God - Commanded #ISA 55:6; MT 7:7 - INCLUDES SEEKING . His Name #PS 83:16 . His word #ISA 34:16 . His face #PS 27:8; 105:4 . His strength #1CH 16:11; PS 105:4 . His commandments #1CH 28:8; MAL 2:7 . His precepts #PS 119:45,94 . His kingdom #MT 6:33; LU 12:31 . His righteousness #MT 6:33 . Christ #MAL 3:1; LU 2:15,16 . Honor which comes from him #JOH 5:44 . Justification by Christ #GA 2:16,17 . The city which God has prepared #HEB 11:10,16; 13:14 - By prayer #Job 8:5; DA 9:3 - In his house #DE 12:5; PS 27:4 - SHOULD BE . Immediate #HO 10:12 . Evermore #PS 105:4 . While he may be found #ISA 55:6 . With diligence #HEB 11:6 . With the heart #DE 4:29; 1CH 22:19 . In the day of trouble #PS 77:2 - Ensures . His being found #DE 4:29; 1CH 28:9; PR 8:17; JER 29:13 . His favor #LA 3:25 . His protection #EZR 8:22 . His not forsaking us #PS 9:10 . Life #PS 69:32; AM 5:4,6 . Prosperity #Job 8:5,6; PS 34:10 . Being heard of him #PS 34:4 . Understanding all things #PR 28:5 . Gifts of righteousness #HO 10:12 - Imperative upon all #ISA 8:19 - Afflictions designed to lead to #PS 78:33,34; HO 5:15 - None, by nature, are found to be engaged in #PS 14:2; RO 3:11; LU 12:23,30 - SAINTS . Specially exhorted to #ZEP 2:3 . Desirous of #Job 5:8 . Purpose, in heart #PS 27:8 . Prepare their hearts for #2CH 30:19 . Set their hearts to #2CH 11:16 . Engage in, with the whole heart #2CH 15:12; PS 119:10 . Early in #Job 8:5; PS 63:1; ISA 26:9 . Earnest in #SO 3:2,4 . Characterised by #PS 24:6 - Is never in vain #ISA 45:19 - Blessedness of #PS 119:2 - Leads to joy #PS 70:4; 105:3 - Ends in praise #PS 22:26 - Promise connected with #PS 69:32 - Shall be rewarded #HEB 11:6 - THE WICKED . Are gone out of the way of #PS 14:2,3; RO 3:11,12 . Prepare not their hearts for #2CH 12:14 . Refuse, through pride #PS 10:4 . Not led to, by affliction #ISA 9:13 . Sometimes pretend to #EZR 4:2; ISA 58:2 . Rejected, when too late in #PR 1:28 - They who neglect denounced #ISA 31:1 - Punishment of those who neglect #ZEP 1:4-6 - Exemplified . Asa #2CH 14:7 . Jehoshaphat #2CH 17:3,4 . Uzziah #2CH 26:5 . Hezekiah #2CH 31:21 . Josiah #2CH 34:3 . Ezra #EZR 7:10 . David #PS 34:4 . Daniel #DA 9:3,4 518 Self-delusion - A characteristic of the wicked #PS 49:18 - Prosperity frequently leads to #PS 30:6; HO 12:8; LU 12:17-19 - Obstinate sinners often given up to #PS 81:11,12; HO 4:17; 2TH 2:10,11 - EXHIBITED IN THINKING THAT . Our own ways are right #PR 14:12 . We should adhere to established wicked practices #JER 44:17 . We are pure #PR 30:12 . We are better than others #LU 18:11 . We are rich in spiritual things #RE 3:17 . We may have peace while in sin #DE 29:19 . We are above adversity #PS 10:6 . Gifts entitle us to heaven #MT 7:21,22 . Privileges entitle us to heaven #MT 3:9; LU 13:25,26 . God will not punish our sins #PS 10:11; JER 5:12 . Christ shall not come to judge #2PE 3:4 . Our lives shall be prolonged #ISA 56:12; LU 12:19; JAS 4:13 - Frequently preserved in, to the last #MT 7:22; 25:11,12; LU 13:24,25 - Fatal consequences of #MT 7:23; 24:48-51; LU 12:20; 1TH 5:3 - Exemplified . Ahab #1KI 20:27,34 . Israelites #HO 12:8 . Jews #JOH 8:33,41 . Church of Laodicea #RE 3:17 . Babylon #ISA 47:7-11 519 Self-denial - Christ set an example of #MT 4:8-10; 8:20; JOH 6:38; RO 15:3; PHP 2:6-8 - A test of devotedness to Christ #MT 10:37,38; LU 9:23,24 - NECESSARY . In following Christ #LU 14:27-33 . In the warfare of saints #2TI 2:4 . To the triumph of saints #1CO 9:25-27 - Ministers especially called to exercise #2CO 6:4,5 - SHOULD BE EXERCISED IN . Denying ungodliness and worldly lusts #RO 6:12; TIT 2:12 . Controlling the appetite #PR 23:2 . Abstaining from fleshly lusts #1PE 2:11 . No longer living to lusts of men #1PE 4:2 . Mortifying sinful lusts #MR 9:43; COL 3:5 . Mortifying deeds of the body #RO 8:13 . Not pleasing ourselves #RO 15:1-3 . Not seeking out own profit #1CO 10:24,33; 13:5; PHP 2:4 . Preferring the profit of others #RO 14:20,21; 1CO 10:24,33 . Assisting others #LU 3:11 . Even lawful things #1CO 10:23 . Forsaking all #LU 14:33 . Taking up the cross and following Christ #MT 10:38; 16:24 . Crucifying the flesh #GA 5:24 . Being crucified with Christ #RO 6:6 . Being crucified to the world #GA 6:14 . Putting off the old man which is corrupt #EPH 4:22; COL 3:9 . Preferring Christ to all earthly relations #MT 8:21,22; LU 14:26 - Becomes strangers and pilgrims #HEB 11:13-15; 1PE 2:11 - Danger of neglecting #MT 16:25,26; 1CO 9:27 - Reward of #MT 19:28,29; RO 8:13 - Happy result #2PE 1:4 - Exemplified . Abraham #GE 13:9; HEB 11:8,9 . Widow of Zarephath #1KI 17:12-15 . Esther #ES 4:16 . Rechabites #JER 35:6,7 . Daniel #DA 1:8-16 . Apostles #MT 19:27 . Simon, Andrew, James, and John #MR 1:16-20 . Poor Widow #LU 21:4 . The Christians #AC 2:45; 4:34 . Barnabas #AC 4:36,37 . Paul #AC 20:24; 1CO 9:19,27 . Moses #HEB 11:24,25 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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