490 Rings - Antiquity of #GE 24:22; 38:18 - Made of gold and set with precious stones #NU 31:50,51; SO 5:14 - WERE WORN . On the hands #GE 41:42 . On the arms #2SA 1:10 . In the ears #Job 42:11; HO 2:13; EZE 16:12 . In the nose #ISA 3:21 - Rich men distinguished by #JAS 2:2 - Women of rank adorned with #ISA 3:16,21 - OF KINGS . Used for sealing decrees #ES 3:12; 8:8,10 . Given to favorites as a mark of honor #GE 41:42; ES 3:10; 8:2 - Numbers of, taken from Midianites #NU 31:50 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the glory of Christ #SO 5:14 . (Put on the hands,) of favor #LU 15:22 491 Rivers - Source of #Job 28:10; PS 104:8,10 - Enclosed within banks #DA 12:5 - Flow through valleys #PS 104:8,10 - SOME OF . Great and mighty #GE 15:18; PS 74:15 . Deep #EZE 47:5; ZEC 10:11 . Broad #ISA 33:21 . Rapid #JUD 5:21 . Parted into many streams #GE 2:10; ISA 11:5 - Run into the sea #EC 1:7; EZE 47:8 - God's power over, unlimited #ISA 50:2; NA 1:4 - USEFUL FOR . Supplying drink to the people #JER 2:18 . Commerce #ISA 23:3 . Promoting vegetation #GE 2:10 . Bathing #EX 2:5 - Baptism often performed in #MT 3:6 - Of Canaan abounded with fish #LE 11:9,10 - BANKS OF . Covered with flags #EX 2:3,5 . Planted with trees #EZE 47:7 . Frequented by doves #SO 5:12 . Frequented by wild beasts #JER 49:19 . Places of common resort #PS 137:1 . Frequently overflowed #JOS 3:15; 1CH 12:15 . Peculiarly fruitful #PS 1:3; ISA 32:20 - Gardens often made beside #NU 24:6 - Cities often built beside #PS 46:4; 137:1 - Often the boundaries of kingdoms #JOS 22:25; 1KI 4:24 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Of Eden #GE 2:10 . Of Jotbath #DE 10:7 . Of Ethiopia #ISA 18:1 . Of Babylon #PS 137:1 . Of Egypt #GE 15:18 . Of Damascus #2KI 5:12 . Of Ahava #EZR 8:15 . Of Judah #JOE 3:18 . Of Philippi #AC 16:13 . Abana #2KI 5:12 . Arnon #DE 2:36; JOS 12:1 . Chebar #EZE 1:1,3; 10:15,20 . Euphrates #GE 2:14 . Gihon #GE 2:13 . Gozan #2KI 17:6; 1CH 5:26 . Hiddekel #GE 2:14 . Jabbok #DE 2:37; JOS 12:2 . Jordan #JOS 3:8; 2KI 5:10 . Kanah #JOS 16:8 . Kishon #JUD 5:21 . Pharpar #2KI 5:12 . Pison #GE 2:11 . Ulai #DA 8:16 - Many, crossable in some places #GE 32:22; JOS 2:7; ISA 16:2 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the abundance of grace in Christ #ISA 32:2; JOH 1:16 . Of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit #PS 46:4; ISA 41:18; 43:19,20; JOH 7:38,39 . Of heavy afflictions #PS 69:2; ISA 43:2 . Of abundance #Job 20:17; 29:6 . Of people flying from judgments #ISA 23:10 . (Steady course of,) of peace of saints #ISA 66:12 . (Fruitfulness of trees planted by,) of the permanent prosperity of saints #PS 1:3; JER 17:8 . (Drying up of,) of God's judgments #ISA 19:1-8; JER 51:36; NA 1:4; ZEC 10:11 . (Overflowing of,) of God's judgments #ISA 8:7,8; 28:2,18; JER 47:2 492 Rocks - Often composed of Flint #DE 8:15; 32:13 - DESCRIBED AS . Hard #JER 5:3 . Durable #Job 19:24 . Barren #EZE 26:4,14; AM 6:12; LU 8:6 - Often sharp-pointed and craggy #1SA 14:4 - Often had holes and clefts #EX 33:22 - Were a defence to a country #ISA 33:16 - Dreaded by mariners #AC 27:20 - INHABITED BY . Wild goats #Job 39:1 . Conies #PS 104:18; PR 30:26 . Doves #SO 2:14; JER 48:28 . Eagles #Job 39:28; JER 49:16 - The olive tree flourished amongst #DE 32:13; Job 29:6 - Bees often made their honey amongst #DE 32:13; PS 81:16 - USED AS . Altars #JUD 6:20,21,26; 13:19 . Places for idolatrous worship #ISA 57:5 . Places of Observation #EX 33:21; NU 23:9 . Places of safety in danger #1SA 13:6; ISA 2:19; JER 16:16; RE 6:15 . Places for shelter by the poor in their distress #Job 24:8; 30:3,6 - The shadow of, grateful to travellers during the heat of the day #ISA 32:2 - Houses often built on #MT 7:24,25 - Tombs often hewn out of #ISA 22:16; MT 27:60 - Important events often engraved upon #Job 19:24 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Adullam #1CH 11:15 . Bozez #1SA 14:4 . Engedi #1SA 24:1,2 . Etam #JUD 15:8 . Horeb in Rephidim #EX 17:1-6 . Meribah in Kadesh #NU 20:1-11 . Oreb #JUD 7:25; ISA 10:26 . Rimmon #JUD 20:45 . Seneh #1SA 14:4 . Selahammahlekoth in the wilderness of Maon #1SA 23:25,28 . Selah in the valley of salt #2KI 14:7; 2CH 25:11,12 - Man's industry in cutting through #Job 28:9,10 - Hammers used for breaking #JER 23:29 - Casting down from, a punishment #2CH 25:12 - MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH . Water brought from #EX 17:6; NU 20:11 . Fire ascended out of #JUD 6:21 . Broken in pieces by the wind #1KI 19:11 . Rent at the death of Christ #MT 27:51 - God's power exhibited in removing #Job 14:18; NA 1:6 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . God as creator of his people #DE 32:18 . God as the strength of his people #PS 18:1,2; 67:2; ISA 17:10 . God as defence of his people #PS 31:2,3 . God as refuge of his people #PS 94:22 . God as salvation of his people #DE 32:15; PS 89:26; 95:1 . Christ as refuge of his people #ISA 32:2 . Christ as foundation of his church #MT 16:18; 1PE 2:6 . Christ as source of spiritual gifts #1CO 10:4 . Christ as a stumbling stone to the wicked #ISA 8:14; RO 9:33; 1PE 2:8 . A place of safety #PS 27:5; 40:2 . Whatever we trust in #DE 32:31,37 . The ancestor of a nation #ISA 51:1 493 Roe, The - Clean and fit for food #DE 12:15; 14:5 - Male of, called the roebuck #1KI 4:23 - DESCRIBED AS . Cheerful #PR 5:19 . Wild #2SA 2:18 . Swift #1CH 12:8 - Inhabits the mountains #1CH 12:8 - Often hunted by men #PR 6:5 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Christ #SO 2:9,17 . The church #SO 4:5; 7:3 . A good wife #PR 5:19 . The swift of foot #2SA 2:18 494 Roman Empire, The - Called the world from its extent #LU 2:1 - REPRESENTED BY THE . Legs of iron in Nebuchadnezzar's vision #DA 2:33,40 . Terrible beast in Daniel's vision #DA 7:7,19 - Rome the capitol of #AC 18:2; 19:21 - Judea a province of, under a procurator or a governor #LU 3:2; AC 23:34,26; 25:1 - ALLUSIONS TO MILITARY AFFAIRS OF . Strict obedience to superiors #MT 8:8,9 . Use of the panoply or defensive armor #RO 13:12; 2CO 6:7; EPH 6:11-17 . Soldiers not allowed to entangle themselves with earthly cares #2TI 2:4 . Hardship endured by soldiers #2TI 2:3 . The soldier's special comrade who shared his toils and dangers #PHP 2:25 . Danger of sentinels' sleeping #MT 28:13,14 . Expunging from the muster roll name of soldiers guilty of crimes #RE 3:5 . Crowning of soldiers who distinguished themselves #2TI 4:7,8 . Triumphs of victorious generals #2CO 2:14-16; COL 2:15 . Different military officers #AC 21:31; 23:23,24 . Italian and Augustus' band #AC 10:1; 27:1 - ALLUSIONS TO JUDICIAL AFFAIRS OF . Person accused, examined by scourging #AC 22:24,29 . Criminals delivered over to the soldiers for execution #MT 27:26,27 . Accusation in writing placed over the head of those executed #JOH 19:19 . Garments of those executed given to the soldiers #MT 27:35; JOH 19:23 . Prisoners chained to soldiers for safety #AC 21:33; 12:6; 2TI 1:16; AC 28:16 . Accusers and accused confronted together #AC 23:35; 25:16-19 . Accused person protected from popular violence #AC 23:20,24-27 . Power of life and death vested in its authorities #JOH 18:31,39,40; 19:10 . All appeals made to the emperor #AC 25:11,12 . Those who appealed to Caesar, to be brought before him #AC 26:32 - ALLUSIONS TO CITIZENSHIP OF . Obtained by purchase #AC 22:28 . Obtained by birth #AC 22:28 . Exempted from the degradation scourging #AC 16:37,38; 22:25 - ALLUSIONS TO GRECIAN GAME ADAPTED BY . Gladiatorial fights #1CO 4:9; 15:32 . Foot races #1CO 9:24; PHP 2:16; 3:11-14; HEB 12:1,2 . Wrestling #EPH 6:12 . Training of combatants #1CO 9:25,27 . Crowning of conquerors #1CO 9:25; PHP 3:14; 2TI 4:8 . Rules observed in conducting #2TI 2:5 - EMPERORS OF, MENTIONED . Tiberius #LU 3:1 . Augustus #LU 2:1 . Claudius #AC 11:28 . Nero #PHP 4:22; 2TI 4:22 - PREDICTIONS RESPECTING . Its universal dominion #DA 7:23 . Its division into ten parts #DA 2:41-43; 7:20,24 . Origin of papal power in #DA 7:8,20-25 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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