461 Providence of God, The - Is his care over his works #PS 145:9 - IS EXERCISED IN . Preserving his creatures #NE 9:6; PS 36:6; MT 10:29 . Providing for his creatures #PS 104:27,28; 136:25; 147:9; MT 6:26 . The special preservation of saints #PS 37:28; 91:11; MT 10:30 . Prospering saints #GE 24:48,56 . Protecting saints #PS 91:4; 140:7 . Delivering saints #PS 91:3; ISA 31:5 . Leading saints #DE 8:2,15; ISA 31:5 . Leading saints #DE 8:2,15; ISA 63:12 . Bringing His words to pass #NU 26:65; JOS 21:45; LU 21:32,33 . Ordering the ways of men #PR 16:9; 19:21; 20:24 . Ordaining the conditions and circumstances of men #1SA 2:7,8; PS 75:6,7 . Determining the period of human life #PS 31:15; 39:5; AC 17:26 . Defeating wicked designs #EX 15:9-19; 2SA 17:14,15; PS 33:10 . Overruling wicked designs for good #GE 45:5-7; 50:20; PHP 1:12 . Preserving the course of nature #GE 8:22; Job 26:10; PS 104:5-9 . Directing all events #JOS 7:14; 1SA 6:7-10,12; PR 16:33; ISA 44:7; AC 1:26 . Ruling the elements #Job 37:9-13; ISA 50:2; JOH 1:4,15; NA 1:4 . Ordering the minutest matters #MT 10:29,30; LU 21:18 - Is righteous #PS 145:17; DA 4:37 - Is ever watchful #PS 121:4; ISA 27:3 - Is all pervading #PS 139:1-5 - Sometimes dark and mysterious #PS 36:6; 73:16; 77:19; RO 11:33 - ALL THINGS ARE ORDERED BY . For his glory #ISA 63:14 . For good to saints #RO 8:28 - The wicked made to promote the designs #ISA 10:5-12; AC 3:17,18 - TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED . In prosperity #DE 8:18; 1CH 29:12 . In adversity #Job 1:21; PS 119:15 . In public calamities #AM 3:6 . In our daily support #GE 48:15 . In all things #PR 3:6 - Cannot be defeated #1KI 22:30,34; PR 21:30 - Man's efforts are vain without #PS 127:1,2; PR 21:31 - SAINTS SHOULD . Trust in #MT 6:33,34; 10:9,29-31 . Have full confidence in #PS 16:8; 139:10 . Commit their works to #PR 16:3 . Encourage themselves #1SA 30:6 . Pray in dependence upon #AC 12:5 . Pray to be guided by #GE 24:12-14; 28:20,21; AC 1:24 - Result of depending upon #LU 22:35 - Connected with the use of means #1KI 21:19; 22:37,38; MIC 5:2; LU 2:1-4; AC 27:22,31,32 - Danger of denying #ISA 10:13-17; EZE 28:2-10; DA 4:29-31; HO 2:8,9 462 Prudence - Exhibited in the manifestation of God's grace #EPH 1:8 - Exemplified by Christ #ISA 52:13; MT 21:24-27; 22:15-21 - Intimately connected with wisdom #PR 8:12 - The wise celebrated for #PR 16:21 - THEY WHO HAVE . Get knowledge #PR 18:15 . Deal with knowledge #PR 13:16 . Look well to their goings #PR 14:15 . Understand the ways of God #HO 14:9 . Understand their own ways #PR 14:8 . Crowned with knowledge #PR 14:18 . Not ostentatious of knowledge #PR 12:23 . Foresee and avoid evil #PR 22:3 . Are preserved by it #PR 2:11 . Suppress angry feelings #PR 12:16; 19:11 . Regard reproof #PR 15:5 . Keep silence in the evil time #AM 5:13 - Saints act with #PS 112:5 - Saints should especially exercise, in their intercourse with unbelievers #MT 10:16; EPH 5:15; COL 4:5 - Virtuous wives act with #PR 31:16,26 - The young should cultivate #PR 3:21 - OF THE WICKED . Fails in times of perplexity #JER 49:7 . Keeps them from the knowledge of the gospel #MT 11:25 . Denounced by God #ISA 5:21; 29:15 . Defeated by God #ISA 29:14; 1CO 1:19 . Necessity for-Illustrated #MT 25:3,9; LU 14:28-32 - Exemplified . Jacob #GE 32:3-23 . Joseph #GE 41:39 . Jethro #EX 18:19-23 . Gideon #JUD 8:1-3 . David #1SA 16:18 . Abigail #1SA 25:23-31; 2SA 15:32-34; 17:6-14 . Aged counsellors of Rehoboam #1KI 12:7 . Solomon #2CH 2:12 . Nehemiah #NE 2:12-16; 4:13-18 . The Poor Wise Man #EC 9:15 . The Scribe #MR 12:32-34 . Gamaliel #AC 5:34-39 . Sergius Paulus #AC 13:7 . Paul #AC 23:6 463 Publicans - The collectors of the public taxes #LU 5:27 - Suspected of extortion #LU 3:13 - Often guilty of extortion #LU 19:8 - Chiefs of, were very rich #LU 19:2 - THE JEWS . Despised #LU 18:11 . Classed with the most infamous characters #MT 11:19; 21:32 . Despised our Lord for associating with #MT 9:11; 11:19 - Often kind to their friends #MT 5:46,47 - Often hospitable #LU 5:29; 19:6 - MANY OF . Believed the preaching of John #MT 21:32 . Received John's baptism #LU 3:12; 7:29 . Attended the preaching of Christ #MR 2:15; LU 15:1 . Embraced the gospel #MT 21:31 - Matthew the apostle was of #MT 10:3 464 Punishment of the Wicked, The - Is from God #LE 26:18; ISA 13:11 - ON ACCOUNT OF THEIR . Sin #LA 3:39 . Iniquity #JER 36:31; EZE 3:17-18; 18:4,13,20; AM 3:2 . Idolatry #LE 26:30; ISA 10:10,11 . Rejection of the law of God #1SA 15:23; HO 4:6-9 . Ignorance of God #2TH 1:8 . Evil ways and doings #JER 21:14; HO 4:9; 12:2 . Pride #ISA 10:12; 24:21; LU 14:11 . Unbelief #MR 16:16; RO 11:20; HEB 3:18,19; 4:2 . Covetousness #ISA 57:17; JER 51:13 . Oppressing #ISA 49:26; JER 30:16,20 . Persecuting #JER 11:21,22; MT 23:34-36 . Disobeying God #NE 9:26,27; EPH 5:6 . Disobeying the gospel #2TH 1:8 - Is the fruit of their sin #Job 4:8; PR 22:8; RO 6:21; GA 6:8 - Is the reward of their sins #PS 91:8; ISA 3:11; JER 16:18; RO 6:23; HEB 2:2 - Often brought about by their evil designs #ES 7:10; PS 37:15; 57:6 - Often commences in this life #PR 11:31 - IN THIS LIFE BY . Sickness #LE 26:16; PS 78:50 . Famine #LE 26:19,20,26,29; PS 107:34 . Noisome beasts #LE 26:22 . War #LE 26:25,32,33; JER 6:4 . Deliverance to enemies #NE 9:27 . Fear #LE 26:36,37; Job 18:11 . Reprobate mind #RO 1:28 . Put in slippery places #PS 73:3-19 . Trouble and distress #ISA 8:22; ZEP 1:15 . Cutting off #PS 94:23 . Bringing down their pride #ISA 13:11 - Future, shall be awarded by Christ #MT 16:27; 25:31,41 - FUTURE DESCRIBED AS . Hell #PS 9:17; MT 5:29; LU 12:5; 16:23 . Darkness #MT 8:12; 2PE 2:17 . Death #RO 5:12-17; 6:23 . Resurrection of damnation #JOH 5:29 . Rising to shame and everlasting contempt #DA 12:2 . Everlasting destruction #PS 52:5; 92:7; 2TH 1:9 . Everlasting fire #MT 25:41; Jude 1:7 . Second death #RE 2:11; 21:8 . Damnation of hell #MT 23:33 . Eternal damnation #MR 3:29 . Blackness of darkness #2PE 2:17; Jude 1:13 . Everlasting burnings #ISA 33:14 . The wrath of God #JOH 3:36 . Wine of the wrath of God #RE 14:10 . Torment with fire #RE 14:10 . Torment for ever and ever #RE 14:11 . The righteousness of God requires #2TH 1:6 . Often sudden and unexpected #PS 35:8; 64:7; PR 29:1; LU 12:20; 1TH 5:3 - SHALL BE . According to their deeds #MT 16:27; RO 2:6,9; 2CO 5:10 . According to the knowledge possessed by them #LU 12:47,48 . Increased by neglect of privileges #MT 11:21-24; LU 10:13-15 . Without mitigation #LU 16:23-26 . Accompanied by remorse #ISA 66:24; MR 9:44 - No combination avails against #PR 11:21 - Deferred, emboldens them in sin #EC 8:11 - Should be a warning to others #NU 26:10; 1CO 10:6-11; Jude 1:7 - Consummated at the day of judgment #MT 25:31,46; RO 2:5,16; 2PE 2:9 465 Punishments - Antiquity of #GE 4:13,14 - Power of inflicting, given to civil officers #Job 31:11; RO 13:4 - Designed to be a warning to others #DE 13:11; 17:13; 19:20 - WERE INFLICTED . On the guilty #DE 24:16; PR 17:26 . Without pity #DE 19:13,21 . Without partiality #DE 13:6-8 . By order of civil officers #AC 16:22 . By order of kings #2SA 1:13-16; 1KI 2:23-46 . Immediately after sentence was passed #DE 25:2; JOS 7:25 . By the witnesses #DE 13:9; 17:7; JOH 8:7; AC 7:58,59 . By the people #NU 15:35,36; DE 13:9 . By soldiers #2SA 1:15; MT 27:27-35 - Sometimes deferred until God was consulted #NU 15:34 - Sometimes deferred for a considerable time #1KI 2:5,6,8,9 - SECONDARY KINDS OF . Imprisonment #EZR 7:26; MT 5:25 . Confinement in a dungeon #JER 38:6; ZEC 9:11 . Confinement in stocks #JER 20:2; AC 16:24 . Fine, or giving of money #EX 21:22; DE 22:19 . Restitution #EX 21:36; 22:1-4; LE 6:4,5; 24:18 . Retaliation or injuring according to the injury done #EX 21:24; DE 19:21 . Binding with chains and fetters #PS 105:18 . Scourging #DE 25:2,3; MT 27:26; AC 22:25; 2CO 11:24 . Selling the criminal #MT 18:25 . Banishment #EZR 7:26; RE 1:9 . Torturing #MT 18:34; HEB 11:37 . Putting out the eyes #JUD 16:21; 1SA 11:2 . Cutting off hands and feet #2SA 4:12 . Mutilating the hands and feet #JUD 1:5-7 . Cutting off nose and ears #EZE 23:25 . Plucking out the hair #NE 13:25; ISA 50:6 . Confiscating the property #EZR 7:26 - Inflicting of capital, not permitted to the Jews by the Romans #JOH 18:31 - CAPITAL KINDS OF . Burning #GE 38:24; LE 20:14; DA 3:6 . Hanging #NU 25:4; DE 21:22,23; JOS 8:29; 2SA 21:12; ES 7:9,10 . Crucifying #MT 20:19; 27:35 . Beheading #GE 40:19; MR 6:16,27 . Slaying with the sword #1SA 15:33; AC 12:2 . Stoning #LE 24:14; DE 13:10; AC 7:59 . Cutting in pieces #DA 2:5; MT 24:51 . Sawing asunder #HEB 11:37 . Exposing to wild beasts #DA 6:16,24; 1CO 15:32 . Bruising in mortars #PR 27:22 . Casting headlong from a rock #2CH 25:12 . Casting into the sea #MT 18:6 - Strangers not exempted from #LE 20:2 - Were sometimes commuted #EX 21:29,30 - For murder not to be commuted #NU 35:31,32 466 Purifications or Baptisms - Of Israel at the exodus #EX 14:22; 1CO 10:2 - Of Israel before receiving the law #EX 19:10 - Of priests before consecration #EX 29:4 - Of Levites before consecration #NU 8:6,7 - Of high priest on day of atonement #LE 16:4,24 - Of things for burnt-offerings #2CH 4:6 - Of individuals who were ceremonially unclean #LE 15:2-13; 17:15; 22:4-7; NU 19:7-12,21 - Of the healed leper #LE 14:8,9 - Of Nazarites after vow expired #AC 21:24,26 - Used by the devout before entering God's house #PS 26:6; HEB 10:22 - Multiplied by traditions #MT 15:2; MR 7:3,4 - MEANS USED FOR . Water of separation #NU 19:9 . Running water #LE 15:13 . Water mixed with blood #EX 24:5-8; HEB 9:19 - WAS BY . Sprinkling #NU 19:13,18; HEB 9:19 . Washing parts of the body #EX 30:19 . Washing the whole body #LE 8:6; 14:9 - Of priests performed in the brazen laver #EX 30:18; 2CH 4:6 - Vessels in the houses of the Jews for #JOH 2:6 - Consequence of neglecting those prescribed by law #LE 17:16; NU 19:13,20 - Availed to sanctifying the flesh #HEB 9:13 - Insufficient for spiritual purification #Job 9:30,31; JER 2:22 - The Jews laid great stress on #JOH 3:25 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Purification by the blood of Christ #HEB 9:9-12 . Regeneration #EPH 5:26; 1JO 1:7 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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