041 Ass, The Wild - Inhabits wild and solitary places #Job 39:6; ISA 32:14; DA 5:21 - Ranges the mountains for food #Job 39:8 - Brays when hungry #Job 6:5 - Suffers in time of scarcity #JER 14:6 - DESCRIBED AS . Fond of liberty #Job 39:5 . Intractable #Job 11:12 . Unsocial #HO 8:9 - Despises his pursuers #Job 39:7 - Supported by God #PS 104:10,11 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Intractableness of natural man #Job 11:12 . The wicked in their pursuit of sin #Job 24:5 . Israel in their love of idols #JER 2:23,24 . The Assyrian power #HO 8:9 . The Ishmaelites (Hebrew) #GE 16:12 042 Assurance - Produced by faith #EPH 3:12; 2TI 1:12; HEB 10:22 - Made full by hope #HEB 6:11,19 - Confirmed by love #1JO 3:14,19; 4:18 - Is the effect of righteousness #ISA 32:17 - Is abundant in the understanding of the gospel #COL 2:2; 1TH 1:5 - SAINTS PRIVILEGED TO HAVE, OF . Their election #PS 4:3; 1TH 1:4 . Their redemption #Job 19:25 . Their adoption #RO 8:16; 1JO 3:2 . Their salvation #ISA 12:2 . Eternal life #1JO 5:13 . The unalienable love of God #RO 8:38,39 . Union with God and Christ #1CO 6:15; 2CO 13:5; EPH 5:30; 1JO 2:5; 4:13 . Peace with God by Christ #RO 5:1 . Preservation #PS 3:6,8; 27:3-5; 46:1-3 . Answers to prayer #1JO 3:22; 5:14,15 . Continuance in grace #PHP 1:6 . Comfort in affliction #PS 73:26; LU 4:18,19; 2CO 4:8-10,16-18 . Support in death #PS 23:4 . A glorious resurrection #Job 19:26; PS 17:15; PHP 3:21; 1JO 3:2 . A kingdom #HEB 12:28; RE 5:10 . A crown #2TI 4:7,8; JAS 1:12 - Give diligence to attain to #2PE 1:10,11 - Strive to maintain #HEB 3:14,18 - Confident hope in God restores #PS 42:11 - Exemplified . David #PS 23:4; 73:24-26 . Paul #2TI 1:12; 4:18 043 Assyria - Antiquity and origin of #GE 10:8-11 - Situated beyond the Euphrates #ISA 7:20 - Watered by the river Tigris #GE 2:14 - CALLED . The land of Nimrod #MIC 5:6 . Shinar #GE 11:2; 14:1 . Asshur #HO 14:3 - Nineveh, chief city of #GE 10:11; 2KI 19:36 - Governed by kings #2KI 15:19,29 - CELEBRATED FOR . Fertility #2KI 18:32; ISA 36:17 . Extent of conquests #2KI 18:33-35; 19:11-13; ISA 10:9-14 . Extensive commerce #EZE 27:23,24 - Idolatry, the religion of #2KI 19:37 - AS A POWER, WAS . Most formidable #ISA 28:2 . Intolerant and oppressive #NA 3:19 . Cruel and destructive #ISA 10:7 . Selfish and reserved #HO 8:9 . Unfaithful, etc. #2CH 28:20,21 . Proud and haughty #2KI 19:22-24; ISA 10:8 . An instrument of God's vengeance #ISA 7:18,19; 10:5,6 - Chief men of, described #EZE 23:6,12,23 - Armies of, described #ISA 5:26-29 - PUL KING OF . Invaded Israel #2KI 15:19 . Brought off by Menahem #2KI 15:19,20 - TIGLATHPILESER KING OF . Ravaged Israel #2KI 15:29 . Asked to aid Ahaz against Syria #2KI 16:7,8 . Took money from Ahaz, but strengthened him not #2CH 28:20,21 . Conquered Syria #2KI 16:9 - SHALMANESER KING OF . Reduced Israel to tribute #2KI 17:3 . Was conspired against by Hoshea #2KI 17:4 . Imprisoned Hoshea #2KI 17:4 . Carried Israel captive #2KI 17:5,6 . Re-peopled Samaria from Assyria #2KI 17:24 - SENNACHERIB KING OF . Invaded Judah #2KI 18:13 . Bought off by Hezekiah #2KI 18:14-16 . Insulted and threatened Judah #2KI 18:17-32; 19:10-13 . Blasphemed the Lord #2KI 18:33-35 . Prayed against by Hezekiah #2KI 19:14-19 . Reproved for pride and blasphemy #2KI 19:12-34; ISA 37:21-29 . His army destroyed by God #2KI 19:35 . Assassinated by his sons #2KI 19:36 - Condemned for oppressing God's people #ISA 52:4 - Manasseh taken captive to #2CH 33:11 - The re-peopling of Samaria from, completed by Asnappar #EZR 4:10 - Idolatry of, brought into Samaria #2KI 17:29 - Judah condemned for trusting to #JER 2:18,36 - Israel condemned for trusting to #HO 5:13; 7:11; 8:9 - The Jews condemned for following the idolatries of #EZE 16:28; 23:5,7-49 - The greatness, extent, duration, and fall, illustrated #EZE 31:3-17 - PREDICTIONS RESPECTING . Conquest of the Kenites by #NU 24:22 . Conquest of Syria by #ISA 8:4 . Conquest and captivity of Israel by #ISA 8:4; HO 9:3; 10:6; 11:5 . Invasion of Judah by #ISA 5:26; 7:17-20; 8:8; 10:5,6,12 . Restoration of Israel from #ISA 27:12,13; HO 11:11; ZEC 10:10 . Destruction of #ISA 10:12-19; 14:24,25; 30:31-33; 31:8,9; ZEC 10:11 . Participation in the blessings of the gospel #ISA 19:23-25; MIC 7:12 044 Atonement, The - Explained #RO 5:8-11; 2CO 5:18,19; GA 1:4; 1JO 2:2; 4:10 - Foreordained #RO 3:25; 1PE 1:11,20; RE 13:8 - Foretold #ISA 53:4-6,8-12; DA 9:24-27; ZEC 13:1,7; JOH 11:50,51 - Effected by Christ alone #JOH 1:29,36; AC 4:10,12; 1TH 1:10; 1TI 2:5,6; HEB 2:9; 1PE 2:24 - Was voluntary #PS 40:6-8; HEB 10:5-9; JOH 10:11,15,17,18 - EXHIBITS THE . Grace and mercy of God #RO 8:32; EPH 2:4,5,7; 1TI 2:4; HEB 2:9 . Love of God #RO 5:8; 1JO 4:9,10 . Love of Christ #JOH 15:13; GA 2:20; EPH 5:2,25; RE 1:5 - Reconciles the justice and mercy of God #ISA 45:21; RO 3:25,26 - Necessity for #ISA 59:16; LU 19:10; HEB 9:22 - Made but once #HEB 7:27; 9:24-28; 10:10,12,14; 1PE 3:18 - Acceptable to God #EPH 5:2 - Reconciliation to God effected by #RO 5:10; 2CO 5:18-20; EPH 2:13-16; COL 1:20-22; HEB 2:17; 1PE 3:18 - Access to God by #HEB 10:19,20 - Remission of sins by #JOH 1:29; RO 3:25; EPH 1:7; 1JO 1:7; RE 1:5 - Justification by #RO 5:9; 2CO 5:21 - Sanctification by #2CO 5:15; EPH 5:26,27; TIT 2:14; HEB 10:10; 13:12 - Redemption by #MT 20:28; AC 20:28; 1TI 2:6; HEB 9:12; RE 5:9 - HAS DELIVERED SAINTS FROM THE . Power of sin #RO 8:3; 1PE 1:18,19 . Power of the World #GA 1:4; 6:14 . Power of the devil #COL 2:15; HEB 2:14,15 - Saints glorify God for #1CO 6:20; GA 2:20; PHP 1:20,21 - Saints rejoice in God for #RO 5:11 - Saints praise God for #RE 5:9-13 - Faith in, indispensable #RO 3:25; GA 3:13,14 - Commemorated in the Lord's supper #MT 26:26-28; 1CO 11:23-26 - Ministers should fully set forth #AC 5:29-31,42; 1CO 15:3; 2CO 5:18-21 - Typified #GE 4:4; HEB 11:4; GE 22:2; HEB 11:17,19; EX 12:5,11,14; 1CO 5:7; EX 24:8; HEB 9:20; LE 16:30,34; HEB 9:7,12,28; LE 17:11; HEB 9:22 045 Atonement, The Day of - Tenth day of seventh month #LE 23:26,27 - A day of humiliation #LE 16:29,31; 23:27 - Observed as a sabbath #LE 23:28,32 - Offerings to be made on #LE 16:3,5-15 - The high priest entered into the holy place on #LE 16:2,3; HEB 9:7 - ATONEMENT MADE ON . For the holy place #EX 30:10; LE 16:15,16 . For the high priest #LE 16:11; HEB 9:7 . For the whole congregation #LE 16:17,24; 23:28; HEB 9:7 - The sins of the people borne off by the scapegoat on #LE 16:21 - Punishment for not observing #LE 23:29,30 - Year of Jubilee commenced on #LE 25:9 - Typical #HEB 9:8,24 046 Atonement, Under the Law - Made by sacrifice #LE 1:4,5 - By priests alone #1CH 6:49; 2CH 29:24 - NECESSARY FOR . Propitiating God #EX 32:30; LE 23:27,28; 2SA 21:3 . Ransoming #EX 30:15,16; Job 33:24 . Purifying #EX 29:36 - OFFERED FOR . The congregation #NU 15:25; 2CH 29:24 . The priests #EX 29:31-33; LE 8:34 . Persons sinning ignorantly #LE 4:20-35 . Persons sinning wilfully #LE 6:7 . Persons swearing rashly #LE 5:4,6 . Persons withholding evidence #LE 5:1,6 . Persons unclean #LE 5:2,3,6 . Women after childbirth #LE 12:8 . The altar #EX 29:36,37; LE 16:18,19 . The holy place #LE 16:16,17 . The healed leper #LE 14:18 . The leprous house healed #LE 14:53 - Extraordinary cases of #EX 32:30-34; NU 16:47; 25:10-13 - Typical of Christ's atonement #RO 5:6-11 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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