024 Anger of God, The - Averted by Christ #LU 2:11,14; RO 5:9; 2CO 5:18,19; EPH 2:14,17; COL 1:20; 1TH 1:10 - Is averted from them that believe #JOH 3:14-18; RO 3:25; 5:1 - Is averted upon confession of sin and repentance #Job 33:27,28; PS 106:43-45; JER 3:12,13; 18:7,8; 31:18-20; JOE 2:12-14; LU 15:18-20 - Is slow #PS 103:8; ISA 48:9; JON 4:2; NA 1:3 - Is righteous #PS 58:10,11; LA 1:18; RO 2:6,8; 3:5,6; RE 16:6,7 - The justice of, not to be questioned #RO 9:18,20,22 - Manifested in terrors #EX 14:24; PS 76:6-8; JER 10:10; LA 2:20-22 - Manifested in judgments and afflictions #Job 21:17; PS 78:49-51; 90:7; ISA 9:19; JER 7:20; EZE 7:19; HEB 3:17 - Cannot be resisted #Job 9:13; 14:13; PS 76:7; NA 1:6 - Aggravated by continual provocation #NU 32:14 - Specially reserved for the day of wrath #ZEP 1:14-18; MT 25:41; RO 2:5,8; 2TH 1:8; RE 6:17; 11:18; 19:15 - AGAINST . The wicked #PS 7:11; 21:8,9; ISA 3:8; 13:9; NA 1:2,3; RO 1:18; 2:8; EPH 5:6; COL 3:6 . Those who forsake him #EZR 8:22; ISA 1:4 . Unbelief #PS 78:21,22; HEB 3:18,19; JOH 3:36 . Impenitence #PS 7:12; PR 1:30,31; ISA 9:13,14; RO 2:5 . Apostasy #HEB 10:26,27 . Idolatry #DE 29:20,27,28; 32:19,20,22; JOS 23:16; 2KI 22:17; Ps 78:58,59; JER 44:3 . Sin, in saints #PS 89:30-32; 90:7-9; 99:8; 102:9,10; ISA 47:6 - Extreme, against those who oppose the gospel #PS 2:2,3,5; 1TH 2:16 - Folly of provoking #JER 7:19; 1CO 10:22 - To be dreaded #PS 2:12; 76:7; 90:11; MT 10:28 - To be deprecated #EX 32:11; PS 6:1; 38:1; 74:1,2; ISA 64:9 - Removal of, should be prayed for #PS 39:10; 79:5; 80:4; DA 9:16; HAB 3:2 - Tempered with mercy to saints #PS 30:5; ISA 26:20; 54:8; 57:15,16; JER 30:11; MIC 7:11 - To be born with submission #2SA 24:17; LA 3:39,43; MIC 7:9 - Should lead to repentance #ISA 42:24,25; JER 4:8 - EXEMPLIFIED AGAINST . The old world #GE 7:21-23 . Builders of Babel #GE 11:8 . Cities of the plain #GE 19:24,25 . Egyptians #EX 7:20; 8:6,16,24; 9:3,9,23; 10:13,22; 12:29; 14:27 . Israelites #EX 32:35; NU 11:1,33; 14:40-45; 21:6; 25:9; 2SA 24:1,15 . Enemies of Israel #1SA 5:6; 7:10 . Nadab, etc. #LE 10:2 . The Spies #NU 14:37 . Korah, etc. #NU 16:31,35 . Aaron and Miriam #NU 12:9,10 . Five Kings #JOS 10:25 . Abimelech #JUD 9:56 . Men of Bethshemesh #1SA 6:19 . Saul #1SA 31:6 . Uzzah #2SA 6:7 . Saul's family #2SA 21:1 . Sennacherib #2KI 19:28,35,37 025 Anointing - With oil #PS 92:10 - With ointment #JOH 11:2 - WAS USED FOR . Decorating the person #RU 3:3 . Refreshing the body #2CH 28:15 . Purifying the body #ES 2:12; ISA 57:9 . Curing the sick #MR 6:13; JAS 5:14 . Healing wounds #ISA 1:6; LU 10:34 . Preparing weapons for war #ISA 21:5 . Preparing the dead for burial #MT 26:12; MR 16:1; LU 23:56 . The Jews were very fond of #PR 27:9; AM 6:6 - WAS APPLIED TO . The head #PS 23:5; EC 9:8 . The face #PS 104:15 . The feet #LU 7:38,39; JOH 12:3 . The eyes #RE 3:18 - OINTMENT FOR . Richly perfumed #SO 4:10; JOH 12:3 . Most expensive #2KI 20:13; AM 6:6; JOH 12:3,5 . Prepared by the apothecary #EC 10:1 . An article of commerce #EZE 27:17; RE 18:13 . Neglected in times of affliction #2SA 12:20; 14:2; DA 10:3 - Neglect of, to guests, a mark of disrespect #LU 7:46 - A token of joy #EC 9:7,8 - Deprivation of, threatened as a punishment #DE 28:40; MIC 6:15 - Why recommended by Christ in times of Fasting #MT 6:17,18 026 Anointing of the Holy Spirit - Is from God #2CO 1:21 - THAT CHRIST SHOULD RECEIVE . Foretold #PS 45:7; ISA 61:1; DA 9:24 . Fulfilled #LU 4:18,21; AC 4:27; 10:38; HEB 1:9 - God preserves those who receive #PS 18:50; 20:6; 89:20-23 - Saints receive #ISA 61:3; 1JO 2:20 - Is abiding in saints #1JO 2:27 - Guides into all truth #1JO 2:27 - Typified #EX 40:13-15; LE 8:12; 1SA 16:13; 1KI 19:16 027 Anointing, Sacred - Antiquity of #GE 28:18; 35:14 - Consecrates to God's service #EX 30:29 - PERSONS WHO RECEIVED . Prophets #1KI 19:16; ISA 61:1 . Priests #EX 40:13-15 . Kings #JUD 9:8; 1SA 9:16; 1KI 1:34 - THINGS WHICH RECEIVED . Tabernacle, etc. #EX 30:26,27; 40:9 . Brazen altar #EX 29:36; 40:10 . Brazen laver #EX 40:11 - THOSE WHO PARTOOK OF . Protected by God #1CH 16:22; PS 105:15 . Not to be injured or insulted #1SA 24:6; 26:9; 2SA 1:14,15; 19:21 - OIL OR OINTMENT FOR . Divinely prescribed #EX 30:23-25 . Compounded by the priests #1CH 9:30 . An holy anointing oil for ever #EX 30:25,31 . Not to be imitated #EX 30:32 . To be put on no stranger #EX 30:33 . Jews condemned for imitating #EZE 23:41 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE ANOINTING . Of Christ with the Holy Spirit #PS 45:7; ISA 61:1; LU 4:18 . Of saints with the Holy Spirit #1JO 2:27 028 Antichrist - Denies the Father and the Son #1JO 2:22 - Denies the incarnation of Christ #1JO 4:3; 2JO 1:7 - Spirit of, prevalent in apostolic times #1JO 2:18 - Deceit, a characteristic of #2JO 1:7 029 Apostates - Described #DE 13:13; HEB 3:12 - Persecution tends to make #MT 24:9,10; LU 8:13 - A worldly spirit tends to make #2TI 4:10 - Never belonged to Christ #1JO 2:19 - Saints do not become #PS 44:18,19; HEB 6:9; 10:39 - It is impossible to restore #HEB 6:4-6 - Guilt and punishment of #ZEP 1:4-6; HEB 10:25-31,39; 2PE 2:17,20-22 - Cautions against becoming #HEB 3:12; 2PE 3:17 - Shall abound in the latter days #MT 24:12; 2TH 2:3; 1TI 4:1-3 - EXEMPLIFIED . Amaziah #2CH 25:14,27 . Professed disciples #JOH 6:66 . Hymenaeus and Alexander #1TI 1:19,20 030 Apostles, The - Christ pre-eminently called "The Apostle" #HEB 3:1 - Ordained by Christ #MR 3:14; JOH 15:16 - Received their title from Christ #LU 6:13 - CALLED BY . God #1CO 1:1; 12:28; GA 1:1,15,16 . Christ #MT 10:1; MR 3:13; AC 20:24; RO 1:5 . The Holy Spirit #AC 20:24; RO 1:5 - Were unlearned men #AC 4:13 - Selected from obscure stations #MT 4:18 - Sent first to the house of Israel #MT 10:5,6; LU 24:47; AC 13:46 - Sent to preach the gospel to all nations #MT 28:19,20; MR 16:15; 2TI 1:11 - Christ always present with #MT 28:20 - Warned against a timid profession of Christ #MT 10:27-33 - The Holy Spirit given to #JOH 20:22; AC 2:1-4; 9:17 - Guided by the Spirit into all truth #JOH 14:26; 15:26; 16:13 - Instructed by the Spirit to answer adversaries #MT 10:19,20; LU 12:11,12 - Specially devoted to the office of the ministry #AC 6:4; 20:27 - Humility urged upon #MT 20:26,27; MR 9:33-37; LU 22:24-30 - Self-denial urged upon #MT 10:37-39 - Mutual love urged upon #JOH 15:17 - Equal authority given to each of #MT 16:19; 18:18; 2CO 11:5 - Were not of the world #JOH 15:19; 17:16 - Were hated by the world #MT 10:22; 24:9; JOH 15:18 - Persecutions and sufferings of #MT 10:16,18; LU 21:16; JOH 15:20; 16:2 - Saw Christ in the flesh #LU 1:2; AC 1:22; 1CO 9:1; 1JO 1:1 - Witnesses of the resurrection and ascension of Christ #LU 24:33-41,51; AC 1:2-9; 10:40,41; 1CO 15:8 - Empowered to work miracles #MT 10:1,8; MR 16:20; LU 9:1; AC 2:43 031 Ark of the Covenant - Dimensions, etc. of #EX 25:10; 37:1 - Entirely covered with gold #EX 25:11; 37:2 - Surrounded with a crown of gold #EX 25:11 - Furnished with rings and staves #EX 25:12-15; 37:3-5 - Tables of testimony alone placed in #EX 25:16,21; 1KI 8:9,21; 2CH 5:10; HEB 9:4 - Mercy-seat laid upon #EX 25:21; 26:34 - Placed in the Holy of Holies #EX 26:33; 40:21; HEB 9:3,4 - The pot of manna and Aaron's rod laid up before #HEB 9:4; EX 16:33,34; NU 17:10 - A copy of the law laid in the side of #DE 31:26 - Anointed with sacred oil #EX 30:26 - Covered with the vail by the priests before removal #NU 4:5,6 - WAS CALLED THE . Ark of God #1SA 3:3 . Ark of God's strength #2CH 6:41; PS 132:8 . Ark of the covenant of the Lord #NU 10:33 . Ark of the testimony #EX 30:6; NU 7:89 - A symbol of the presence and glory of God #NU 14:43,44; JOS 1:6; 1SA 14:18,19; PS 132:8 - Esteemed the glory of Israel #1SA 4:21,22 - Was holy #2CH 35:3 - Sanctified its resting place #2CH 8:11 - The Israelites enquired of the Lord before #JOS 7:6-9; JUD 20:27; 1CH 13:3 - WAS CARRIED . By priests of Levites alone #DE 10:8; JOS 3:14; 2SA 15:24; 1CH 15:2 . Before the Israelites in their journeys #NU 10:33; JOS 3:6 . Sometimes to the camp in war #1SA 4:4,5 - Profanation of, punished #NU 4:5,15; 1SA 6:19; 1CH 15:13 - Protecting of, rewarded #1CH 13:14 - Captured by the Philistines #1SA 4:11 - MIRACLES CONNECTED WITH . Jordan divided #JOS 4:7 . Fall of the walls of Jericho #JOS 6:6-20 . Fall of Dagon #1SA 5:1-4 . Philistines plagued #1SA 5:6-12 . Manner of its restoration #1SA 6:1-18 - At Kirjath-jearim twenty years #1SA 7:1,2 - Removed from Kirjath-jearim to the house of Obed-edom #2SA 6:1-11 - David made a tent for #2SA 6:17; 1CH 15:1 - Brought into the city of David #2SA 6:12-15; 1CH 15:25-28 - Brought by Solomon into the temple with great solemnity #1KI 8:1-6; 2CH 5:2-9 - A type of Christ #PS 40:8; RE 11:19 032 Armies - Antiquity of #GE 14:1-8 - Ancient, often numerous #JOS 11:4; 1SA 13:5 - Of different nations often confederated #JOS 9:2; 10:5; JUD 3:13; 1KI 20:1 - Troops often hired for #1CH 19:7; 2CH 25:6 - WERE COMPOSED OF . Bowmen and slingers #1CH 12:2; JER 4:29 . Spearmen or heavy troops #PS 68:30; AC 23:23 . Cavalry #EX 14:9; 1KI 20:20 . War chariots #JOS 17:16; JUD 4:3 - Often consisted of the whole effective strength of nations #NU 21:23; 1SA 29:1 - Furnished with standards #SO 6:4; ISA 10:18; JER 4:21 - Accompanied by beasts of burden and wagons for baggage #JUD 7:12; 2KI 7:7; EZE 23:2 - Generally in three divisions #GE 14:15; Job 1:17 - WERE LED BY . Kings in person #2KI 18:13; 25:1 . Experienced captains #2KI 18:17,24 - CALLED THE . Wings of a nation #ISA 8:8; JER 48:40 . Power of Kings #2CH 32:9 . Hosts #JOS 10:5; JUD 8:10 . Bands #2KI 24:2; 1CH 7:4 - Began their campaigns in the spring #2SA 11:1 - Often went on foreign service #JER 5:15; 50:3 - MARCHED . Often in open line #HAB 1:6,8 . With order and precision #ISA 5:27; JOE 2:7,8 . With rapidity #JER 48:40; HAB 1:8 . With noise and tumult #ISA 17:12,13; JOE 2:5 - EMPLOYED IN . Fighting battles #1SA 17:2,3; 1CH 19:17 . Besieging cities #DE 20:12; ISA 29:3 . Assaulting cities #JOS 7:3,4; JUD 9:45 - Often surprised their enemies #JOS 8:2; 2CH 13:15; JER 51:12 - Commenced battles with a shout #1SA 17:20; 2CH 13:15; JER 51:14 - Toil and fatigue often endured by #EZE 29:18 - Divided the spoil #EX 15:9; ZEC 14:1 - Sent out foraging parties #2KI 5:2 - Exercised savage cruelties on the vanquished #JER 50:42; LA 5:11-13; AM 1:13 - Frequently the instrument of God's vengeance #ISA 13:5 - In latter ages received pay #LU 3:14; 1CO 9:7 - ENCAMPED . In the open fields #2SA 11:11; 1CH 11:15 . Before cities #JOS 10:5; 1SA 11:1 - Fear occasioned by #NU 22:3; JER 6:25 - Devastation occasioned by #ISA 37:18; JER 5:17 - OFTEN DESTROYED BY . Their enemies #EX 17:13; JOS 10:10,20; JUD 11:33; 2SA 18:7; 1KI 20:21 . Themselves through divine intervention #JUD 7:22; 1SA 14:15,16; 2CH 20:23 . Supernatural means #JOS 10:11; 2KI 19:35 . Brought their idols with them #1CH 14:12 - COMPARED TO . Whirlwinds #JER 25:32 . Waters of a river #ISA 8:7 . Caterpillars #JER 51:14,27 . Grasshoppers #JUD 6:3-5; 7:12 . Locusts #ISA 33:4; RE 9:3,7 . Flies #ISA 7:18,19 . Clouds #EZE 38:9-16 . Overflowing torrents #ISA 28:2; DA 11:10,26 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Multitudes of angels #1KI 22:19; PS 148:2; DA 4:35; MT 26:53 . The Church #DA 8:10-13; SO 6:4,10 . Numerous and heavy afflictions #Job 19:12 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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