268 Hedges - Antiquity of #1CH 4:23 - Designed for protection #ISA 5:2 - Often made of thorns #MIC 7:4 - PLACED AROUND . Gardens #SO 4:12; LA 2:6 . Vineyards #MT 21:33; MR 12:1 - Difficulty of breaking through #PR 15:19 - Danger of breaking through #EC 10:8 - Desolation caused by removing #PS 80:12,13 - Filled with grasshoppers #NA 3:17 - Poor travellers sought rest under #LU 14:23 - Afcrossed protection in danger #JER 49:3 - Making up gaps in, alluded to #EZE 13:5; 22:30 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of God's protection #Job 1:10 . Of numerous afflictions #Job 3:23; 19:8 . Of heavy judgments #LA 3:7; HO 2:6 . Of holy ordinances #ISA 5:2; MT 21:33 . Of the way of the lazy #PR 15:19 . (Broken down,) of the taking away of protection #PS 80:12; ISA 5:5 269 Heedfulness - Commanded #EX 23:13; PR 4:25-27 - NECESSARY . In the care of the soul #DE 4:9 . In the house and worship of God #EC 5:1 . In what we hear #MR 4:24 . In how we hear #LU 8:18 . In keeping God's commandments #JOS 22:5 . In conduct #EPH 5:15 . In speech #PR 13:3; JAS 1:19 . In worldly company #PS 39:1; COL 4:5 . In giving judgment #1CH 19:6,7 . Against sin #HEB 12:15,16 . Against unbelief #HEB 3:12 . Against idolatry #DE 4:15,16 . Against false Christs, and false prophets #MT 24:4,5,23,24 . Against false teachers #Phm 3:2; COL 2:8; 2PE 3:16,17 . Against presumption #1CO 10:12 . Promises to #1KI 2:4; 1CH 22:13 270 Hell - The place of disembodied spirits #AC 2:31 . Which Christ visited #LU 23:43; AC 2:31; 1PE 3:19 . Contains, a place of rest, Abraham's bosom #LU 16:23 . Paradise #LU 23:43 . And a place of torment #LU 16:23 - The place of future punishment . Destruction from the presence of God #2TH 1:9 - DESCRIBED AS . Everlasting punishment #MT 25:46 . Everlasting fire #MT 25:41 . Everlasting burnings #ISA 33:14 . A furnace of fire #MT 13:42,50 . A lake of fire #RE 20:15 . Fire and brimstone #RE 14:10 . Unquenchable fire #MT 3:12 . Devouring fire #ISA 33:14 - Prepared for the devil, etc. #MT 25:41 - Devils are confined in, until the judgment day #2PE 2:4; Jude 1:6 - Punishment of, is eternal #ISA 33:14; RE 20:10 - The wicked shall be turned into #PS 9:17 - Human power cannot preserve from #EZE 32:27 - The body suffers in #MT 5:29; 10:28 - The soul suffers in #MT 10:28 - The wise avoid #PR 15:24 - Endeavor to keep others from #PR 23:14; Jude 1:23 - The society of the wicked leads to #PR 5:5; 9:18 - The beast, false prophets, and the devil shall be cast into #RE 19:20; 20:10 - The powers of, cannot prevail against the Church #MT 16:18 - Illustrated #ISA 30:33 271 Herbs, etc. - Called the green herbs #2KI 19:26 - GOD . Created #GE 1:11,12; 2:5 . Causes to grow #Job 38:27; PS 104:14 - Each kind of, contains its own seed #GE 1:11,12 - Given as food to man #GE 1:28,29; 9:3 - FOUND IN . The fields #JER 12:4 . The mountains #PR 27:25 . The marshes #Job 8:11 . The deserts #Job 24:5; JER 17:6 - Cultivated in gardens #DE 11:10; 1KI 21:2 - Cultivated for food #PR 15:17; HEB 6:7 - Require rain dew #DE 32:2; Job 38:26,27 - Mode of watering, alluded to #DE 11:10 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Aloe #SO 4:14 . Anise #MT 23:23 . Barley #EX 9:31; 2SA 14:30 . Beans #2SA 17:28 . Bulrushes #EX 2:3; ISA 58:5 . Calamus #SO 4:14 . Cummin #ISA 28:27; MT 23:23 . Cucumber #NU 11:5; ISA 1:8 . Fitches #ISA 28:25,27 . Flag #EX 2:3; Job 8:11 . Flax #EX 9:31 . Garlic #NU 11:5 . Gourds #2KI 4:39 . Grass #NU 22:4 . Heath #JER 17:6; 48:6 . Hyssop #EX 12:22; 1KI 4:33 . Leeks #NU 11:5 . Lentiles #GE 25:34 . Mandrakes #GE 30:14; SO 7:13 . Mallows #Job 30:4 . Millet #EZE 4:9 . Melon #NU 11:5 . Mint #MT 23:23 . Myrrh #SO 4:14 . Onions #NU 11:5 . Reeds #Job 40:21; ISA 19:6 . Rushes #Job 8:11 . Rye #EX 9:32 . Saffron #SO 4:14 . Spikenard #SO 4:14 . Tares or Darnel #MT 13:30 . Wheat #EX 9:32; JER 12:13 - Bitter, used at passover #EX 12:8; NU 9:11 - Poisonous, not fit for man's use #2KI 4:39,40 - DESTROYED BY . Hail and lightning #EX 9:22-25 . Locusts, etc. #EX 10:12,15; PS 105:34,35 . Drought #ISA 42:15 . Tithable among the Jews #LU 11:42 - Were sometimes used instead of animal food by weak saints #RO 14:2 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the wicked #2KI 19:26; PS 37:2 . (Dew on,) of grace given to saints #ISA 18:4 272 High Places - Used for idolatrous worship #1KI 11:7,8 - God sometimes worshipped on #1SA 9:12; 1KI 3:2,4; 2CH 33:17 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Gibeon #1KI 3:4 . Arnon #NU 21:28 . Baal #NU 22:41 . Tophet #JER 7:31 . Bamah #EZE 20:29 . Aven #HO 10:8 - Adorned with tapestry #EZE 16:16 - Surrounded with groves #1KI 14:23 - BUILT BY . Solomon #1KI 11:7 . Jeroboam #1KI 12:31 . Jehoram #2CH 21:11 . Ahaz #2CH 28:25 . Manasseh #2KI 21:3; 2CH 33:3 . People of Judah #1KI 14:23 . People of Israel #2KI 17:9 - Priests ordained for #1KI 12:32; 13:33 - Sacrifices and incense offered to idols upon #2KI 12:3; 16:4 - Enchantments used upon #NU 23:3; 24:1 - Of the Canaanites to be destroyed #NU 33:52 - THE JEWS . Built, in their cities #2KI 17:9 . Built, in all their streets #EZE 16:24,31 . Condemned for building #EZE 16:23-35 . Provoked God with #1KI 14:22,23; PS 78:58 . Threatened with destruction of #LE 26:30 . Punished for #2KI 17:11,18 - DESTROYED . Asa, partially #2CH 14:3,5; 15:17 . Jehoshaphat #2CH 17:6 . Hezekiah #2KI 18:4; 2CH 31:1 . Josiah #2KI 23:8; 2CH 34:3 - NOT REMOVED . Jehoash #2KI 12:3 . Amaziah #2KI 14:4 . Azariah #2KI 15:4 . Jotham #2KI 15:35 273 High Priest, The - Specially called of God #EX 28:1,2; HEB 5:4 - Consecrated to his office #EX 40:13; LE 8:12 - WAS CALLED . The priest #EX 29:30; NE 7:65 . God's high priest #AC 23:4 . Ruler of the people #EX 22:28; AC 23:5 - The office of, hereditary #EX 29:29 - Next in rank to the king #LA 2:6 - Often exercised chief civil power #1SA 4:18 - DUTIES OF . Offering gifts and sacrifices #HEB 5:1 . Lighting the sacred lamps #EX 30:8; NU 8:3 . Making atonement in the most holy place once a year #LE 16:1-34; HEB 9:7 . Bearing before the Lord the names of Israel for a memorial #EX 28:12,29 . Enquiring of God by Urim and Thummim #1SA 23:9-12; 30:7,8 . Consecrating the Levites #NU 9:11-21 . Appointing priests to offices #1SA 2:36 . Taking charge of money collected in the sacred treasury #2KI 12:10; 22:4 . Presiding in the superior court #MT 26:3,57-62; AC 5:21-28; 23:1-5 . Taking the census of the people #NU 1:3 . Blessing the people #LE 9:22,23 - Sometimes enabled to prophesy #JOH 11:49-52 - Assisted by a deputy #2SA 15:24; LU 3:2 - THE DEPUTY OF . Called the second priest #2KI 25:18 . Had oversight of the tabernacle #NU 4:16 . Had oversight of the Levites #NU 3:32 - To marry a virgin of Aaron's family #LE 21:13,14 - Forbidden to mourn for any #LE 21:1-12 - To be tender and compassionate #HEB 5:2 - Needed to sacrifice for himself #HEB 5:1-3 - SPECIAL GARMENTS OF . Ephod with its curious girdle #EX 28:6,7 . Girdle #EX 28:4,39 . Broidered coat #EX 28:4,39 . Robe of the ephod #EX 28:31-35 . Breastplate #EX 28:15-29 . Linen mitre #EX 28:4,39 . Plate or crown of gold, etc. #EX 28:36-38 - Made by divine wisdom given to Bezaleel, etc. #EX 28:3; 36:1; 39:1 - Were for beauty and ornament #EX 28:2 - Worn at his consecration #LE 8:7,9 . Worn seven days after consecration #EX 29:30 . Descended to his successors #EX 29:29 - Wore the ordinary priest's garments when making atonement in the holy place #LE 16:4 - Office of, promised to the posterity of Phinehas for his zeal #NU 25:12,13 - Family of Eli degraded from office of, for bad conduct #1SA 2:27-36 - Sometimes deposed by the kings #1KI 2:27 - Office of, made annual by the Romans #JOH 11:49-51; AC 4:6 - TYPIFIED CHRIST IN . Being called of God #HEB 5:4,5 . His title #HEB 3:1 . His appointment #ISA 61:1; JOH 1:32-34 . Making atonement #LE 16:33; HEB 2:17 . Splendid dress #EX 28:2; JOH 1:14 . Being liable to temptation #HEB 2:18 . Compassion and sympathy for the weak and ignorant #HEB 4:15; 5:1,2 . Marrying a virgin #LE 21:13,14; 2CO 11:2 . Holiness of office #LE 21:15; HEB 7:26 . Performing by himself all the services on day of atonement #LE 16:1-34; HEB 1:3 . Bearing the names of Israel upon his heart #EX 28:29; SO 8:6 . Alone entering into most holy place #HEB 9:7,12,24; 4:14 . Interceding #NU 16:43-48; HEB 7:25 . Blessing #LE 9:22,23; AC 3:26 - INFERIOR TO CHRIST IN . Needing to make atonement for his own sins #HEB 5:2,3; 7:26-28; 9:7 . Being of the order of Aaron #HEB 6:20; 7:11-17; 8:4,5,1,2,6 . Being made without an oath #HEB 7:20-22 . Not being able to continue #HEB 7:23,24 . Offering oftentimes the same sacrifices #HEB 9:25,26,28; 10:11,12,14 . Entering into holiest every year #HEB 9:7,12,25 274 Highways - Roads for public use #NU 20:19; DE 2:27 - Called the king's highway #NU 20:17 - Marked out by heaps of stones #JER 31:21 - Generally broad #JUD 20:32,45; MT 7:13 - Generally straight #1SA 6:12; ISA 40:3 - Made to all cities of refuge #DE 19:2,3 - Often made in deserts #ISA 40:3 - INFESTED WITH . Serpents #GE 49:17 . Wild beasts #1KI 13:24; ISA 35:9 . Robbers #JER 3:2; LU 10:30-33 - Beggars sat by sides of #MT 20:30; MR 10:46 - Often obstructed #JER 18:15 - All obstructions removed from, before persons of distinction #ISA 40:3,4; MT 3:3 - By-paths more secure in times of danger #JUD 5:6 - Desolation of, threatened as a punishment #LE 26:22; ISA 33:8 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of Christ #JOH 14:6 . Of the way of holiness #ISA 35:8 . Of facilities for the restoration of the Jews #ISA 11:16; 62:10 . (Made in the deserts,) of facilities for the spread of the gospel #ISA 40:3; 43:19 . (Narrow,) of the way of life #MT 7:14 . (Broad,) of the way to destruction #MT 7:13 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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