240 Girdles - Worn upon the loins #1KI 2:5; JER 13:1,11 - Worn by priests about the breasts #RE 1:13 - MADE OF . Fine linen #EZE 16:10 . Twined linen with blue purple, etc. #EX 39:29 . Gold #RE 1:13; 15:6 . Leather #2KI 1:8; MT 3:4 . Sackcloth #ISA 3:24; LA 2:10 - Made for sale by industrious women #PR 31:24 - USED FOR . Strengthening the loins #PR 31:17; ISA 22:21; 23:10 . Girding up the garments when walking #1KI 18:46; 2KI 4:29 . Girding up the garments when working #LU 12:37; 17:8; JOH 13:4 . Suspending the sword #2SA 20:8; NE 4:18 . Suspending the inkhorn #EZE 9:2 . Holding money #MT 10:9; MR 6:8 . Taken off when at rest #ISA 5:27; JOH 13:4 - GIVEN AS . A token of friendship #1SA 18:4 . A reward of military service #2SA 18:11 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Strength #PS 18:39; ISA 22:21 . Gladness #PS 30:11 . Righteousness of Christ #ISA 11:5 . Faithfulness of Christ #ISA 11:5 . Truth #EPH 6:14 241 Glorifying God - Commanded #1CH 16:28; PS 22:23; ISA 42:12 - Due to him #1CH 16:29 - FOR HIS . Holiness #PS 99:9; RE 15:4 . Mercy and truth #PS 115:1; RO 15:9 . Faithfulness and truth #ISA 25:1 . Wondrous works #MT 15:31; AC 4:21 . Judgments #ISA 25:3; EZE 28:22; RE 14:7 . Deliverance #PS 50:15 . Grace to others #AC 11:18; 2CO 9:13; GA 1:24 - Obligation of saints to #1CO 6:20 - Is acceptable through Christ #PHP 1:11; 1PE 4:11 - Christ, an example of #JOH 17:4 - ACCOMPLISHED BY . Relying on his promises #RO 4:20 . Praising him #PS 50:23 . Doing all to him #1CO 10:31 . Dying for him #JOH 21:19 . Confessing Christ #PHP 2:11 . Suffering for Christ #1PE 4:14,16 . Glorifying Christ #AC 19:17; 2TH 1:12 . Bringing forth fruits of righteousness #JOH 15:8; PHP 1:11 . Patience in affliction #ISA 24:15 . Faithfulness #1PE 4:11 - Required in body and spirit #1CO 6:20 - Shall be universal #PS 86:9; RE 5:13 - SAINTS SHOULD . Resolve on #PS 69:30; 118:28 . Unite in #PS 34:3; RO 15:6 . Persevere in #PS 86:12 - All the blessings of God are designed to lead to #ISA 60:21; 61:3 - The holy example of saints may lead others to #MT 5:16; 1PE 2:12 - All, by nature, fail in #RO 3:23 - The wicked averse to #DA 5:23; RO 1:21 - Punishment for not #DA 5:23,30; MAL 2:2; AC 12:23; RO 1:21 - Heavenly host engaged in #RE 4:11 - Exemplified . David #PS 57:5 . The Multitude #MT 9:8; 15:31 . The Virgin Mary #LU 1:46 . Angels #LU 2:14 . Shepherds #LU 2:20 . Man sick of the palsy #LU 5:25 . Woman with infirmity #LU 13:13 . Leper #LU 17:15 . Blind man #LU 18:43 . Centurion #LU 23:47 . The Church at Jerusalem #AC 11:18 . Gentiles at Antioch #AC 13:48 . Abraham #RO 4:20 . Paul #RO 11:36 242 Glory - God is, to his people #PS 3:3; ZEC 2:5 - Christ is, to his people #ISA 60:1; LU 2:32 - The gospel ordained to be, to saints #1CO 2:7 - Of the gospel, exceeds that of the law #2CO 3:9,10 - The joy of saints is full of #1PE 1:8 - SPIRITUAL . Is given by God #PS 84:11 . Is given by Christ #JOH 17:22 . Christ #JOH 17:22 . Is the work of the Holy Spirit #2CO 3:18 - ETERNAL . Procured by the death of Christ #HEB 2:10 . Accompanies salvation by Christ #2TI 2:10 . Inherited by saints #1SA 2:8; PS 73:24; PR 3:35; COL 3:4; 1PE 5:10 . Saints called to #2TH 2:14; 1PE 5:10 . Saints afore prepared to #RO 9:23 . Enhanced by present afflictions #2CO 4:17 . Present afflictions not worthy to be compared with #RO 8:18 - Of the Church shall be rich and abundant #ISA 60:11-13 - The bodies of saints shall be raised in #1CO 15:43; PHP 3:21 - Saints shall be, of their ministers #1TH 2:19,20 - TEMPORAL . Is given by God #DA 2:37 . Passes away #1PE 1:24 . The devil tries to seduce by #MT 4:8 - Of hypocrites turned to shame #HO 4:7 - Seek not, from man #MT 6:2; 1TH 2:6 - OF THE WICKED . Is in their shame #PHP 3:19 . Ends in destruction #ISA 5:14 243 Glory of God, The - Exhibited in Christ #JOH 1:14; 2CO 4:6; HEB 1:3 - EXHIBITED IN . His name #DE 28:58; NE 9:5 . His majesty #Job 37:22; PS 93:1; 104:1; 145:5,12; ISA 2:10 . His power #EX 15:1,6; RO 6:4 . His works #PS 19:1; 111:3 . His holiness #EX 15:11 - DESCRIBED AS . Great #PS 138:5 . Eternal #PS 104:31 . Rich #EPH 3:16 . Highly exalted #PS 8:1; 113:4 - EXHIBITED TO . Moses #EX 34:5-7; 33:18-23 . Stephen #AC 7:55 . His Church #DE 5:24; PS 102:16 - Enlightens the Church #ISA 60:1,2; RE 21:11,23 - Saints desire to behold #PS 63:2; 90:16 - God is jealous #ISA 42:8 - Reverence #ISA 59:19 - Plead in prayer #PS 79:9 - Declare #1CH 16:24; PS 145:5,11 - Magnify #PS 57:5 - The earth is full of #ISA 6:3 - The knowledge of, shall fill the earth #HAB 2:14 244 Gluttony - Christ was falsely accused of #MT 11:19 - The wicked addicted to #PHP 3:19; Jude 1:12 - LEADS TO . Carnal security #ISA 22:13; 1CO 15:32; LU 12:19 . Poverty #PR 23:21 - Of princes, ruinous to their people #EC 10:16,17 - Is inconsistent in saints #1PE 4:3 - Caution against #PR 23:2,3; LU 21:34; RO 13:13,14 - Pray against temptations to #PS 141:4 - Punishment of #NU 11:33,34; PS 78:31; DE 21:21; AM 6:4,7 - Danger of, illustrated #LU 12:45,46 - Exemplified . Esau #GE 25:30-34; HEB 12:16,17 . Israel #NU 11:4; PS 78:18 . Sons of Eli #1SA 2:12-17 . Belshazzar #DA 5:1 245 Goat, The - Clean and fit for food #DE 14:4,5 - Offered in sacrifice #GE 15:9; LE 16:5,7 - The male, best for sacrifice #LE 22:19; PS 50:9 - First-born of, not redeemed #NU 18:17 - Jews had large flocks of #GE 32:14; 1SA 25:2 - Most profitable to the owner #PR 27:26 - Milk of, used as food #PR 27:27 - THE YOUNG OF . Called kids #GE 37:31 . Kept in small flocks #1KI 20:27 . Fed near the shepherds' tents #SO 1:8 . Not to be seethed in milk of mother #EX 23:19 . Offered in sacrifice #LE 4:23; 5:6 . Offered at the passover #EX 12:5; 2CH 35:7 . Considered a delicacy #GE 27:9; JUD 6:19 . Given as a present #GE 38:17; JUD 15:1 - THE HAIR OF . Offered for tabernacle #EX 25:4; 35:23 . Made into curtains, for covering the tabernacle #EX 35:26; 36:14-18 . Made into pillows #1SA 19:13 - Skin of, often used as clothing #HEB 11:37 - Bashan celebrated for #DE 32:14 - The Arabians traded in #EZE 27:21 - Flocks of, always led by a male #JER 50:8 - When wild dwelt in the hills and rocks #1SA 24:2; Job 39:1; PS 104:18 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of Macedonian empire #DA 8:5,21 . Of the wicked #ZEC 10:3; MT 25:32,33 . (Flock of,) of the church #SO 4:1 246 God - Is a spirit #JOH 4:24; 2CO 3:17 - IS DECLARED TO BE . Light #ISA 60:19; JAS 1:17; 1JO 1:5 . Love #1JO 4:8,16 . Invisible #Job 23:8,9; JOH 1:18; 5:37; COL 1:15; 1TI 1:17 . Unsearchable #Job 11:7; 37:23; PS 145:3; ISA 40:28; RO 11:33 . Incorruptible #RO 1:23 . Eternal #DE 33:27; PS 90:2; RE 4:8-10 . Immortal #1TI 1:17; 6:16 . Omnipotent #GE 17:1; EX 6:3 . Omniscient #PS 139:1-6; PR 5:21 . Omnipresent #PS 139:7; JER 23:23 . Immutable #PS 102:26,27; JAS 1:17 . Only-wise #RO 16:27; 1TI 1:17 . Glorious #EX 15:11; PS 145:5 . Most High #PS 83:18; AC 7:48 . Perfect #MT 5:48 . Holy #PS 99:9; ISA 5:16 . Just #DE 32:4; ISA 45:21 . True #JER 10:10; JOH 17:3 . Upright #PS 25:8; 92:15 . Righteous #EZR 9:15; PS 145:17 . Good #PS 25:8; 119:68 . Great #2CH 2:5; PS 86:10 . Gracious #EX 34:6; PS 116:5 . Faithful #1CO 10:13; 1PE 4:19 . Merciful #EX 34:6,7; PS 86:5 . Long-suffering #NU 14:18; MIC 7:1 . Jealous #JOS 24:19; NA 1:2 . Compassionate #2KI 13:23 . A consuming fire #HEB 12:29 - None beside him #DE 4:35; ISA 44:6 - None before him #ISA 43:10 - None like to him #EX 9:14; DE 33:26; 2SA 7:22; ISA 46:5,9; JER 10:6 - None good but he #MT 19:17 - Fills heaven and earth #1KI 8:27; JER 23:24 - Should be worshipped in spirit and in truth #JOH 4:24 247 Gold - Found in the earth #Job 28:1,6 - ABOUNDED IN . Havilah #GE 2:11 . Ophir #1KI 9:28; PS 45:9 . Sheba #PS 72:15; ISA 60:6 . Parvaim #2CH 3:6 - Belongs to God #JOE 3:5; HAG 2:8 - DESCRIBED AS . Yellow #PS 68:13 . Malleable #EX 39:3; 1KI 10:16,17 . Fusible #EX 32:3,4; PR 17:3 . Precious #EZR 8:27; ISA 13:12 . Valuable #Job 28:15,16 - Most valuable when pure and fine #Job 28:19; PS 19:10; 21:3; PR 3:14 - Refined and tried by fire #ZEC 13:9; 1PE 1:7 - Working in, a trade #NE 3:8; ISA 40:19 - An article of commerce #EZE 27:22 - The patriarchs were rich in #GE 13:2 - Imported by Solomon #1KI 9:11,28; 10:11 - Abundance of, in Solomon's reign #2CH 1:15 - Offerings of, for tabernacle #EX 35:22 - Offerings of, for temple #1CH 22:14; 29:4,7 - Used as money #MT 10:9; AC 3:6 - Priestly and royal garments adorned with #EX 28:4-6; PS 45:9,13 - WAS USED FOR . Overlaying the tabernacle #EX 36:34,38 . Overlaying the temple #1KI 6:21,22 . Overlaying cherubims in temple #2CH 3:10 . Overlaying the ark, etc. #EX 25:11-13 . Overlaying floor of temple #1KI 6:30 . Overlaying throne of Solomon #1KI 10:18 . Mercy seat and cherubims #EX 25:17,18 . Sacred candlesticks #EX 25:31; 2CH 4:7,20 . Sacred utensils #EX 25:29,38; 2CH 4:19-22 . Crowns #2SA 12:30; PS 21:3 . Sceptres #ES 4:11 . Chains #GE 41:42; DA 5:29 . Rings #SO 5:14; JAS 2:2 . Earrings #JUD 8:24,26 . Ornaments #JER 4:30 . Shields #2SA 8:7; 1KI 10:16,17 . Vessels #1KI 10:21; ES 1:7 . idols #EX 20:23; PS 115:4; DA 5:4 . Couches #ES 1:6 . Footstools #2CH 9:18 - Estimated by weight #1CH 28:14 - Given as presents #1KI 15:19; MT 2:11 - Exacted as tribute #1KI 20:3,5; 2KI 23:33,35 - Taken in war, dedicated to God #JOS 6:19; 2SA 8:11; 1KI 15:15 - Kings of Israel not to multiply #DE 17:17 - Jews condemned for multiplying #ISA 2:7 - Vanity of heaping up #EC 2:8,11 - LIABLE TO . Grow dim #LA 4:1 . Canker and rust #JAS 5:3 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Saints after affliction #Job 23:10 . Tried faith #1PE 1:7 . The doctrines of grace #RE 3:18 . True converts #1CO 3:12 . Babylonish empire #DA 2:38 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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