210 Feasts of Trumpets, The - Held the first day of seventh month #LE 23:24; NU 29:1 - A memorial of blowing of trumpets #LE 23:24 - A holy convocation and rest #LE 23:24,25 - Sacrifices at #NU 29:2-6 211 Feasts, The Anniversary - Instituted by God #EX 23:14 - Enumerated #EX 23:15,16 - CALLED . Appointed feasts #ISA 1:14 . Feasts of the Lord #LE 23:4 . Solemn feasts #2CH 8:13; LA 1:4 . Solemn meetings #ISA 1:13 - Were a time of thankfulness #PS 122:4 - All males to attend #EX 23:17; 34:23 - Children commenced attending, when twelve years old #LU 2:42 - Females often attended #1SA 1:3,9; LU 2:41 - The Jews attended gladly #PS 122:1,2 - The Jews went up to, in large companies #PS 42:4; LU 2:44 - The dangers and difficulties encountered in going up to, alluded to #PS 84:6,7 - The land divinely protected during #EX 34:24 - Offerings to made at #EX 34:20; DE 16:16,17 - WERE SEASONS OF . Joy and gladness #PS 42:4; ISA 30:20 . Sacrificing #1SA 1:3; 1KI 9:25; 2CH 8:13 . Entertainments #1SA 1:4,9 . The ten tribes seduced by Jeroboam from attending #1KI 12:27 . The Jews dispersed in distant parts often attended #AC 2:5-11; 8:27 . Christ attended #JOH 5:1; 7:10 . Rendered unavailing by the impiety of the Jews #ISA 1:13,14; AM 5:21 . Illustrative of general assembly of the church #HEB 12:23 212 Feet, The - Necessary members of the body #1CO 12:15,21 - PARTS OF, MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Heel #PS 41:9; 49:5; HO 12:3 . Sole #DE 11:24; 1KI 5:3 . Toes #EX 29:20; 2SA 21:20; DA 2:41 - Often swift #2SA 2:18; 22:34 - WERE LIABLE TO . Disease #1KI 15:23 . Swelling from walking #DE 8:4 . Injury from stones, etc. #PS 91:12 - Early use of shoes #EX 12:11 - Of women often adorned with tingling ornaments #ISA 3:16,18 - OF THE JEWS . Neglected in affliction #2SA 19:24; EZE 24:17 . Bare in affliction #2SA 15:30 . Washed frequently #2SA 11:8; SO 5:3 - Stamped on the ground in extreme joy or grief #EZE 6:11; 25:6 - Washing for others, a menial office #1SA 25:41; JOH 13:5-14 - Of strangers and travellers washed #GE 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 1TI 5:10 - Neglect of washing, disrespectful to guest #LU 7:44 - Respect exhibited by falling at #1SA 25:24; 2KI 4:37; ES 8:3; MR 5:22; AC 10:25 - Reverence expressed by kissing #LU 7:38,45 - Sleep expressed by covering #1SA 24:3 - Subjection expressed by licking the dust of #ISA 49:23 - Condemnation expressed by shaking the dust from #MT 10:14; MR 6:11 - Subjugation of enemies expressed by placing on their necks #JOS 10:24; PS 110:1 - Origin of uncovering in consecrated places #EX 3:5; JOS 5:15 - Of enemies often maimed and cut off #JUD 1:6,7; 2SA 4:12 - OF CRIMINALS . Bound with fetters #PS 105:18 . Placed in stocks #Job 13:27; AC 16:24 - Path of, to be pondered #PR 4:26 - To be refrained from evil #PR 1:15; HEB 12:13 - To be turned to God's testimonies #PS 119:59 - To be directed by God's word #PS 119:105 - To be guided by wisdom and discretion #PR 3:21,23,26 - OF THE WICKED . Swift to mischief #PR 6:18 . Swift to shed blood #PR 1:16; RO 3:15 . Ensnared #Job 18:8; PS 9:15 - OF SAINTS . At liberty #PS 18:36; 31:8 . Kept by God #1SA 2:9; PS 116:8 . Established by God #PS 66:9; 121:3 . Guided by Christ #ISA 48:17; LU 1:79 - ILLUSTRATIVE . (Set on a rock,) of stability #PS 40:2 . (Set in a large place,) of liberty #PS 31:8 . (Sliding,) of yielding to temptation #Job 12:5; PS 17:5; 38:16; 94:18 . (Treading under,) of complete destruction #ISA 18:7; LA 1:15 . (Washed or dipped in oil,) of abundance #DE 33:24; Job 29:6 . (Dipped in blood,) of victory #PS 68:23 213 Fig-tree, The - Produces a rich sweet fruit #JUD 9:11 - Not found in desert places #NU 20:5 - ABOUNDED IN . Egypt #PS 105:33 . Canaan #NU 13:23; DE 8:8 - Often grew wild #AM 7:14 - Sometimes planted in vineyards #LU 13:6 - Propagated by the Jews #AM 4:9 - Required cultivation #LU 13:8 - Fruit of, formed after winter #SO 2:11,13 - Leaves of, put forth, a sign of the approach of summer #MT 24:32 - Reasonableness of expecting fruit upon, when full of leaves #MR 11:13 - FRUIT OF . Eaten fresh from the tree #MT 21:18,19 . Eaten dried in cakes #1SA 30:12 . Gathered and kept in baskets #JER 24:1 . First ripe esteemed #JER 24:2; HO 9:10 . Used in the miraculous healing of Hezekiah #2KI 20:7; ISA 38:21 . Sold in the markets #NE 13:15 . Sent as presents #1SA 25:18; 1CH 12:40 - A species of, produced vile and worthless fruit #JER 29:17 - Leaves of, used by Adam for covering #GE 3:7 - Afcrossed a thick shade #JOH 1:48,50 - Often unfruitful #LU 13:7 - Failure of, a great calamity #HAB 3:17 - THE JEWS PUNISHED BY . God's breaking down #HO 2:12 . Failure of fruit on #JER 8:13; HAG 2:19 . Enemies devouring fruit of #JER 5:17 . Barking and eating of, by locusts #JOE 1:4,7,12; AM 4:9 - ILLUSTRATIVE . (Barren,) of mere professors of religion #MT 21:19; LU 13:6,7 . (Sitting under one's own,) of prosperity and peace #1KI 4:25; MIC 4:4 - FRUIT OF, ILLUSTRATIVE . Of good works #MT 7:16 . (Good,) of saints #JER 24:2,3 . (Bad,) of wicked men #JER 24:2-8 . (First ripe,) of the fathers of the Jewish church #HO 9:10 . (Untimely and dropping,) of the wicked ripe for judgment #ISA 34:4; NA 3:12; RE 6:13 214 Fire - Can be increased in intensity #DA 3:19,22 - Though small, kindles a great matter #JAS 3:5 - THINGS CONNECTED WITH . Burning coals #PR 26:21 . Flame #SO 8:6; ISA 66:15 . Sparks #Job 18:5; ISA 1:31 . Ashes #1KI 13:3; 2PE 2:6 . Smoke #ISA 34:10; JOE 2:30 - Kept alive by fuel #PR 26:20; ISA 9:5 - CHARACTERISED AS . Bright #EZE 1:13 . Spreading #JAS 3:5 . Enlightening #PS 78:14; 105:39 . Heating #MR 14:54 . Melting #PS 68:2; ISA 64:2 . Purifying #NU 31:23; 1PE 1:7; RE 3:18 . Drying #Job 15:30; JOE 1:20 . Consuming #JUD 15:4,5; PS 46:9; ISA 10:16,17 . Insatiable #PR 30:16 - SACRED . Came from before the Lord #LE 9:24 . Always burning on the altar #LE 6:13 . All burn offerings consumed by #LE 6:9,12 . Incense burned with #LE 16:12; NU 16:46 . Guilt of burning incense without #LE 10:1 . Restored to the temple #2CH 7:1-3 - Frequently employed as an instrument of divine vengeance #PS 97:3; ISA 47:14; 66:16 - MIRACULOUS . In the burning bush #EX 3:2 . Plagued the Egyptians #EX 9:23,24 . Led the people of Israel in the desert #EX 13:22; 40:38 . On Mount Sinai at giving of law #DE 4:11,37 . Destroyed Nadab and Abihu #LE 10:2 . Destroyed the people at Taberah #NU 11:1 . Consumed the company of Korah #NU 16:35 . Consumed the sacrifice of Gideon #JUD 6:21 . Angel ascended in #JUD 13:20 . Consumed the sacrifice of Elijah #1KI 18:38 . Destroyed the enemies of Elijah #2KI 1:10,12 . Elijah taken up in a chariot of #2KI 2:11 - God appeared in #EX 3:2; 19:18 - Christ shall appear in #DA 7:10; 2TH 1:8 - Punishment of the wicked shall be in #MT 13:42; 25:41 - IN HOUSES . Lighted in the winter #JER 36:22 . Lighted in spring mornings #JOH 18:18 . Not to be lighted on the Sabbath #EX 35:3 . Made of charcoal #JOH 18:18 . Made of wood #AC 28:3 - Injury from, to be made good by the person who kindled it #EX 22:6 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . God's protection #NU 9:16; ZEC 2:5 . God's vengeance #DE 4:24; HEB 12:29 . Christ as judge #ISA 10:17; MAL 3:2 . The Holy Spirit #ISA 4:4; AC 2:3 . The church destroying her enemies #OB 1:18 . The word of God #JER 5:14; 23:29 . Zeal of saints #PS 39:3; 119:139 . Zeal of angels #PS 104:4; HEB 1:7 . God's enemies #ISA 10:17; OB 1:18 . Lust #PR 6:27,28 . Wickedness #ISA 9:18 . The tongue #PR 16:27; JAS 3:6 . The self-righteous #ISA 65:5 . The hope of hypocrites #ISA 50:11 . Persecution #LU 12:49-53 . Affliction #ISA 43:2 . Judgments #JER 48:45; LA 1:13; EZE 39:6 215 First Born, The - Of man and beast dedicated to God #EX 13:2,12; 22:29 - Dedicated to commemorate the sparing of the first born of Israel #EX 13:15; NU 3:13; 8:17 - OF CLEAN BEASTS . Not to labor #DE 15:19 . Not shorn #DE 15:19 . Not taken from the dam for seven days #EX 22:30; LE 22:27 . Offered in sacrifice #NU 18:17 . Could not be a free-will offering #LE 27:26 . Antiquity of offering #GE 4:4 . Flesh of, the priest's portion #NU 18:18 - OF CLEAN BEASTS . To be redeemed #NU 18:15 . Law of redemption for #NU 18:16 - Of the ass to be redeemed with lamb or its neck broken #EX 13:13; 34:20 - OF ISRAEL . Tribe of Levi taken for #NU 3:12,40-43; 8:18 . To be redeemed #EX 34:20; NU 18:15 . Price of redemption for #NU 3:46,47 . Price of, given to the priests #NU 3:48-51 - Laws respecting, restored after the captivity #NE 10:36 - Laws respecting, observed at Christ's birth #LU 2:22,23 - The beginning of strength and excellency of power #GE 49:3; DE 21:17 - Precious and valuable #MIC 6:7; ZEC 12:10 - Objects of special love #GE 25:28; JER 31:9,20 - PRIVILEGES OF . Precedence in the family #GE 48:13,14 . Authority over the younger children #GE 27:29; 1SA 20:29 . Special blessing by the father #GE 27:4,35 . The father's title and power #2CH 21:3 . A double portion of inheritance #DE 21:17 . In case of death the next brother to raise up seed to #DE 25:5,6; MT 22:24-28 . Not to be alienated by parents through caprice #DE 21:15,16 . Could be forfeited by misconduct #GE 49:3,4,8; 1CH 5:1 . Could be sold #GE 25:31,33; HEB 12:16,17 - INSTANCES OF SUPERSEDED . Cain #GE 4:4,5 . Japheth #GE 10:21 . Ishmael #GE 17:19-21 . Esau #GE 25:23; RO 9:12,13 . Manasseh #GE 48:15-20 . Reuben, etc. #1CH 5:1,2 . Aaron #EX 7:1,2; NU 12:2,8 . David's brothers #1SA 16:6-12 . Adonijah #1KI 2:15,22 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . The dignity, etc. of Christ #PS 89:27; RO 8:29; COL 1:18 . The dignity, etc. of the church #HEB 12:23 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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