153 Diet of the Jews, The - In patriarchal age #GE 18:7,8; 27:4 - In Egypt #EX 16:3; NU 11:5 - In the wilderness #EX 16:4-12 - Of the poor, frugal #RU 2:14; PR 15:17 - Of the rich, luxurious #PR 23:1-3; LA 4:5; AM 6:4,5; LU 16:19 - ARTICLES USED FOR . Milk #GE 49:12; PR 27:27 . Butter #DE 32:14; 2SA 17:29 . Cheese #1SA 17:18; Job 10:10 . Bread #GE 18:5; 1SA 17:17 . Parched corn #RU 2:14; 1SA 17:17 . Flesh #2SA 6:19; PR 9:2 . Fish #MT 7:10; LU 24:42 . Herbs #PR 15:17; RO 14:2; HEB 6:7 . Fruit #2SA 16:2 . Dried fruit #1SA 25:18; 30:12 . Honey #SO 5:1; ISA 7:15 . Oil #DE 12:17; PR 21:17; EZE 16:13 . Vinegar #NU 6:3; RU 2:14 . Wine #2SA 6:19; JOH 2:3,10 . Water #GE 21:14; MT 10:42 - Expressed by bread and water #1KI 13:9,16 - Generally prepared by females #GE 27:9; PR 31:15; ISA 8:13 - WAS TAKEN . In the morning, sparingly #JUD 19:5; EC 10:16,17 . At noon #GE 43:16; JOH 4:6,8 . In the evening #GE 24:11,33; LU 24:29,30 . Often sitting #GE 27:19; 43:33 . Often reclining #AM 6:4; JOH 13:23 . With the hand #MT 26:23; LU 22:21 - Thanks given before #MR 8:6; AC 27:35 - Purification before #2KI 3:11; MT 15:2 - A hymn sung after #MT 26:30 - Men and women did not partake of together #GE 18:8,9; ES 1:3,9 - Articles of, often sent as presents #1SA 17:18; 25:18,27; 2SA 16:1,2 154 Diligence - Christ, an example #MR 1:35; LU 2:49 - REQUIRED BY GOD IN . Seeking him #1CH 22:19; HEB 11:6 . Obeying him #DE 6:17; 11:13 . Hearkening to him #ISA 55:2 . Striving after perfection #PHP 3:13,14 . Cultivating Christian graces #2PE 1:5 . Keeping the souls #DE 4:9 . Keeping the heart #PR 4:23 . Labors of love #HEB 6:10-12 . Following every good work #1TI 5:10 . Guarding against defilement #HEB 12:15 . Seeking to be found spotless #2PE 3:14 . Making our call, etc., sure #2PE 1:10 . Self-examination #PS 77:6 . Lawful business #PR 27:23; EC 9:10 . Teaching religion #2TI 4:2; Jude 1:3 . Instructing children #DE 11:19 . Discharging official duties #DE 19:18 - Saints should abound in #2CO 8:7 - IN THE SERVICE OF GOD . Should be preserved in #GA 6:9 . Is not in vain #1CO 15:58 . Preserves from evil #EX 15:26 . Leads to assured hope #HEB 6:11 - God rewards #DE 11:14; HEB 11:6 - IN TEMPORAL MATTERS, LEADS TO . Favor #PR 11:27 . Prosperity #PR 10:4; 13:4 . Honor #PR 12:24; 22:29 - Illustrated #PR 6:6-8 - Exemplified . Jacob #GE 31:40 . Ruth #RU 2:17 . Hezekiah #2CH 31:21 . Nehemiah, etc. #NE 4:6 . Psalmist #PS 119:60 . Apostles #AC 5:42 . Apollos #AC 18:25 . Titus #2CO 8:22 . Paul #1TH 2:9 . Onesiphorus #2TI 1:17 155 Discipline of the Church - Ministers authorised to establish #MT 16:19; 18:18 - CONSISTS IN . Maintaining sound doctrine #1TI 1:3; TIT 1:13 . Ordering its affairs #1CO 11:34; TIT 1:5 . Rebuking offenders #1TI 5:20; 2TI 4:2 . Removing obstinate offenders #1CO 5:3-5,13; 1TI 1:20 - Should be submitted to #HEB 13:17 - Is for edification #2CO 10:8; 13:10 - Decency and order, the objects of #1CO 14:40 - Exercise, in a spirit of charity #2CO 2:6-8 - Prohibits women preaching #1CO 14:34; 1TI 2:12 156 Diseases - Often sent as punishment #DE 28:21; JOH 5:14 - Often brought from other countries #DE 7:15 - Often through Satan #1SA 16:14-16; Job 2:7 - Regarded as visitations #Job 2:7-10; PS 38:2,7 - Intemperance a cause of #HO 7:5 - Sins of youth a cause of #Job 20:11 - Over-excitement a cause of #DA 8:27 - Were many and divers #MT 4:24 - MENTIONED IN SCRIPTURE . Ague #LE 26:16 . Abscess #2KI 20:7 . Atrophy #Job 16:8; 19:20 . Blindness #Job 29:15; MT 9:27 . Boils and blains #EX 9:10 . Consumption #LE 26:16; DE 28:22 . Demoniacal possession #MT 15:22; MR 5:15 . Deafness #PS 38:13; MR 7:32 . Debility #PS 102:23; EZE 7:17 . Dropsy #LU 14:2 . Dumbness #PR 31:8; MT 9:32 . Dysentery #2CH 21:12-19; AC 28:8 . Emerods #DE 28:27; 1SA 5:6,12 . Fever #DE 28:22; MT 8:14 . Impediment speech #MR 7:32 . Itch #DE 28:27 . Inflammation #DE 28:22 . Issue of blood #MT 9:20 . Lameness #2SA 4:4; 2CH 16:12 . Leprosy #LE 13:2; 2KI 5:1 . Loss of appetite #Job 33:20; PS 107:18 . Lunacy #MT 4:24; 17:15 . Low-spirited #1SA 16:14 . Palsy #MT 8:6; 9:2 . Plague #NU 11:33; 2SA 24:15,21,25 . Scab #DE 28:27 . Sunstroke #2KI 4:18-20; ISA 49:10 . Ulcers #ISA 1:6; LU 16:20 . Worms #AC 12:23 - Children subject to #2SA 12:15; 1KI 17:17 - FREQUENTLY . Loathsome #PS 38:7; 41:8 . Painful #2CH 21:15; Job 33:19 . Tedious #DE 28:59; JOH 5:5; LU 13:16 . Complicated #DE 28:60,61; AC 28:8 . Incurable #2CH 21:18; JER 14:19 - Physicians undertook the cure of #JER 8:22; MT 9:12; LU 4:23 - Medicine used for curing #PR 17:22; ISA 1:6 - Art of curing, defective #Job 13:4; MR 5:26 - God often entreated to cure #2SA 12:16; 2KI 20:1-3; PS 6:2; JAS 5:14 - Not looking to God in, condemned #2CH 16:12 - THOSE AFFLICTED WITH . Anointed #MR 6:13; JAS 5:14 . Often laid in the streets to receive advice from passers by #MR 6:56; AC 5:15 . Often divinely supported #PS 41:3 . Often divinely cured #2KI 20:5; JAS 5:15 - Illustrative of sin #ISA 1:5 157 Disobedience to God - Provokes his anger #PS 78:10,40; ISA 3:8 - Forfeits his favor #1SA 13:14 - Forfeits his promised blessings #JOS 5:6; 1SA 2:30; JER 18:10 - Brings a curse #DE 11:28; 28:15 - A characteristic of the wicked #EPH 2:2; TIT 1:16; 3:3 - The wicked persevere in #JER 2:21 - Heinousness of, illustrated #JER 35:14 - Men prone to excuse #GE 3:12,13 - Shall be punished #ISA 42:24,25; HEB 2:2 - Acknowledge the punishment of, to be just #NE 9:32,33; DA 9:10,11,14 - Warnings against #1SA 12:15; JER 12:17 - Bitter results of, illustrated #JER 9:13,15 - Exemplified . Adam and Eve #GE 3:6,11 . Pharaoh #EX 5:2 . Nadab, etc. #LE 10:1 . Moses, etc. #NU 20:8,11,24 . Saul #1SA 28:18 . The prophet #1KI 13:20-23 . Israel #2KI 18:9-12 . Jonah #JON 1:2,3 158 Divination - An abominable practice #1SA 15:23 - All who practised it, abominable #DE 18:12 - PRACTISED BY . Diviners #DE 18:14 . Enchanters #DE 18:10; JER 27:9 . Witches #EX 22:18; DE 18:10 . Charmers #DE 18:11 . Wizards #DE 18:11; 1SA 28:3 . Consulters of familiar spirits #DE 18:11 . Magicians #GE 41:8; DA 4:7 . Astrologers #ISA 47:13; DA 4:7 . Sorcerers #JER 27:9; AC 13:6,8 . Necromancers #DE 18:11 . Soothsayers #ISA 2:6; DA 2:27 . False prophets #JER 14:14; EZE 13:3,6 - EFFECTED THROUGH . Enchantments #EX 7:11; NU 24:1 . Sorcery #ISA 47:12; AC 8:11 . Observing times #2KI 21:6 . Observing heavenly bodies #ISA 37:13 . Raising the dead #1SA 28:11,12 . Inspecting the inside of beasts #EZE 21:21 . The flight of arrows #EZE 21:21,22 . Cups #GE 44:2,5 . Rods #HO 4:12 . Dreams #JER 29:8; ZEC 10:2 . Connected with idolatry #2CH 33:5,6 . Books of, numerous and expensive #AC 19:19 . A lucrative employment #NU 22:7; AC 16:16 - THOSE WHO PRACTISED . Regarded as wise men #DA 2:12,27 . Regarded with awe #AC 8:9,11 . Consulted in difficulties #DA 2:2; 4:6,7 . Used mysterious words and gestures #ISA 8:19 - A system of fraud #EZE 13:6,7; JER 29:8 - Frustrated by God #ISA 44:25 - Could not injure the Lord's people #NU 23:23 - THE LAW . Forbade to the Israelites the practice of #LE 19:26; DE 18:10,11 . Forbade seeking to #LE 19:31; DE 18:14 . Punished with death those who used #EX 22:18; LE 20:27 . Punished those who sought to #LE 20:6 - The Jews prone to #2KI 17:17; ISA 2:6 159 Divisions - Forbidden in the church #1CO 1:10 - Condemned in the church #1CO 1:11-13; 11:18 - Unbecoming in the church #1CO 12:24,25 - ARE CONTRARY TO THE . Unity of Christ #1CO 1:13; 12:13 . Desire of Christ #JOH 17:21-23 . Purpose of Christ #JOH 10:16 . Spirit of the church #1CO 11:16 - Are proof of a carnal spirit #1CO 3:3 - Avoid those who cause #RO 16:17 - Evil of, illustrated #MT 12:25 160 Divorce - Law of marriage against #GE 2:24; MT 19:6 - PERMITTED . By the Mosaic law #DE 24:1 . On account of hardness of heart #MT 19:8 - Often sought by the Jews #MIC 2:9; MAL 2:14 - Sought on slight grounds #MT 5:31; 19:3 - Not allowed to those who falsely accused their wives #DE 22:18,19 - WOMEN . Could obtain #PR 2:17; MR 10:12 . Could marry after #DE 24:2 . Responsible for vows after #NU 30:9 . Married after, could not return to first husband #DE 24:3,4; JER 3:1 . Afflicted by #ISA 54:4,6 - Priests not to marry women after #LE 21:14 - Of servants, regulated by law #EX 21:7,11 - Of captives, regulated by law #DE 21:13,14 - Forced on those who had idolatrous wives #EZR 10:2-17; NE 13:23,30 - Jews condemned for love of #MAL 2:14-16 - Forbidden by Christ except for adultery #MT 5:32; 19:9 - Prohibition of, offended the Jews #MT 19:10 - Illustrative of God's casting off of the Jewish church #ISA 50:1; JER 3:8 161 Doctrines, False - Destructive to faith #2TI 2:18 - Hateful to God #RE 2:14,15 - Unprofitable and vain #TIT 3:9; HEB 13:9 - SHOULD BE AVOIDED BY . Ministers #1TI 1:4; 6:20 . Saints #EPH 4:14; COL 2:8 . All men #JER 23:16; 29:8 - The wicked love #2TI 4:3,4 - The wicked given up to believe #2TH 2:11 - TEACHERS OF . Not to be countenanced #2JO 1:10 . Should be avoided #RO 16:17,18 . Bring reproach on religion #2PE 2:2 . Speak perverse things #AC 20:30 . Attract many #2PE 2:2 . Deceive many #MT 24:5 . Shall abound in the latter days #1TI 4:1 . Pervert the gospel of Christ #GA 1:6,7 . Shall be exposed #2TI 3:9 - TEACHERS OF, ARE DESCRIBED AS . Cruel #AC 20:29 . Deceitful #2CO 11:13 . Covetous #TIT 1:11; 2PE 2:3 . Ungodly #JUD 1:4,8 . Proud and ignorant #1TI 6:3,4 . Corrupt and reprobate #2TI 3:8 - Try, by Scripture #ISA 8:20; 1JO 4:1 - Curse on those who teach #GA 1:8,9 - Punishment on those who teach #MIC 3:6,7; 2PE 2:1,3 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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