143 Dedication - Consecration of a place of worship #2CH 2:4 - Solemn confirmation of a covenant #HEB 9:18 - Devoting any thing to sacred uses #1CH 28:12 - SUBJECTS OF . Tabernacle #NU 7:1-89 . Temple of Solomon #1KI 8:1-63; 2CH 7:5 . Second temple #EZR 6:16,17 . Persons #EX 22:29; 1SA 1:11 . Property #LE 27:28; MT 15:5 . Spoils of war #2SA 8:11; 1CH 18:11 . Tribute from foreigners #2SA 8:10,11 . Walls of cities #NE 12:27 . Houses when built #DE 20:5; PS 30:1 - By idolaters in setting up idols #DA 3:2,3 - THINGS DEDICATED TO GOD . Esteemed holy #LE 27:28; 2KI 12:18 . Placed with the treasures of the Lord's house #1KI 7:51; 2CH 5:1 . Special chambers prepared for #2CH 31:11,12 . Levites place over #1CH 26:20,26; 2CH 31:12 . Applied to the repair and maintenance of the temple #2KI 12:4,5; 1CH 26:27 . For support of priests #NU 18:14; EZE 44:29 . Given to propitiate enemies #2KI 12:17,18 . Law respecting the release of #LE 27:1-34 - Of property often perverted #MR 7:9-13 - Illustrated of devotedness to God #PS 119:38 144 Defilement - Forbidden to the Jews #LE 11:44,45 - THINGS LIABLE TO CEREMONIAL . The person #LE 5:3 . Garments #LE 13:59 . Furniture, etc. #LE 15:9,10; NU 19:14,15 . Houses #LE 14:44 . The land #LE 18:25; DE 21:23 . The sanctuary #LE 20:3; ZEP 3:4 - CEREMONIAL CAUSED BY . Eating unclean things #LE 11:8; AC 10:11,14 . Eating things that died #LE 17:15 . Touching a dead body or a bone #NU 9:6,7; 19:11,16 . Touching a grave #NU 19:16 . Touching a dead beast #LE 5:2; 11:24-28 . Being alone with a dead body #NU 19:14 . Mourning for the dead #LE 21:1-3 . Having a leprosy #LE 13:3,11; NU 5:2,3 . Having an issue, etc. #LE 15:2; NU 5:2 . Touching anything defiled by an issue, etc. #LE 15:5-11 . Going into a leprous house #LE 14:46 . Sacrificing the red heifer #NU 19:7 . Burning the red heifer #NU 19:8 . Gathering the ashes of the red heifer #NU 19:10 . Touching an unclean person #NU 19:22 . Child bearing #LE 12:2 - Causes of, improperly enlarged by tradition #MR 7:2; MT 15:20 - MORAL, CAUSED BY . Following the sins of the heathen #LE 18:24 . Seeking after wizards #LE 19:31 . Giving children to Molech #LE 20:3 . Making and serving idols #EZE 20:17,18; 22:3,4; 23:7 . Blood shedding #ISA 59:3 - Moral, punished #LE 18:24,25,28,29 - Those under, removed from the camp #NU 5:3,4; DE 23:14 - PRIESTS . To decide in all cases of #LE 10:10; 13:3 . Specially required to avoid #LE 21:1-6,11,12 . Not to eat holy things while under #LE 22:2,4-6 . Punished for eating of the holy things while under #LE 22:3 - Cleansed by legal offerings #NU 19:18,19; HEB 9:13 - Neglecting purification from, punished by cutting off #NU 19:13,20 - Ceremonial, abolished under the gospel #AC 10:15; RO 14:14; COL 2:20-22 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of sin #MT 15:11,18; Jude 1:8 . Of unholy doctrines #1CO 3:16,17 145 Delighting in God - Commanded #PS 37:4 - Reconciliation leads to #Job 22:21,26 - Observing the sabbath leads to #ISA 58:13,14 - SAINTS' EXPERIENCE IN . Communion with God #SO 2:3 . The law of God #PS 1:1; 119:24,35 . The goodness of God #NE 9:25 . The comforts of God #PS 94:19 - HYPOCRITES . Pretend to #ISA 58:2 . In heart despise #Job 27:10; JER 6:10 . Promises to #PS 37:4 . Blessedness #PS 112:1 146 Deluge, The - Sent as a punishment for the extreme wickedness of man #GE 6:5-7,11-13,17 - CALLED THE . Flood #GE 9:28 . Waters of Noah #ISA 54:9 - Noah forewarned of #GE 6:13; HEB 11:7 - Long-suffering of God exhibited in deferring #GE 6:3; 1PE 3:20 - The wicked warned of #1PE 3:19,20; 2PE 2:5 - Noah, etc., saved from #GE 6:18-22; 7:13,14 - Date of its commencement #GE 7:11 - Came suddenly and unexpectedly #MT 24:38,39 - PRODUCED BY . Forty days' incessant rain #GE 7:4,12,17 . Opening up of the fountains of the great deep #GE 7:11 - Increased gradually #GE 7:17,18 - Extreme height of #GE 7:19,20 - Time of its increase and prevailing #GE 7:24 - Causes of its abatement #GE 8:1,2 - Decrease of gradual #GE 8:3,5 - Date of its complete removal #GE 8:13 - Complete destruction of whole earth effected by #GE 7:23 - Entire face of the earth changed by #2PE 3:5,6 - Traditional notice of #Job 22:15-17 - THAT IT SHALL NEVER AGAIN OCCUR . Promised #GE 8:21,22 . Confirmed by covenant #GE 9:9-11 . The rainbow a token #GE 9:12-17 . A pledge of God's faithfulness #ISA 54:9,10 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of the destruction of sinners #PS 32:6; ISA 28:2,18 . Of baptism #1PE 3:20,21 . (Unexpectedness of,) of suddenness of Christ's coming #MT 24:36-39; LU 17:26,27-30 147 Denial of Christ - In doctrine #MR 8:38; 2TI 1:8 - In practice #PHP 3:18,10; TIT 1:16 - A characteristic of false teachers #2PE 2:1; Jude 1:4 - Is the spirit of Antichrist #1JO 2:22,23; 4:3 - Christ will deny those guilty of #MT 10:33; 2TI 2:12 - Leads to destruction #2PE 2:1; Jude 1:4,15 - Exemplified . Peter #MT 26:69-75 . The Jews #JOH 18:40; AC 3:13,14 148 Desert, Journey of Israel Through The - Date of its commencement #EX 12:41,42 - Their number commencing #EX 12:37 - Their healthy state commencing #PS 105:37 - A mixed multitude accompanied them in #EX 12:38; NU 11:4 - Commenced in haste #EX 12:39 - Conducted with regularity #EX 13:18 - Under Moses as leader #EX 3:10-12; AC 7:36,38 - By a circuitous route #EX 13:17,18 - Order of marching during #NU 10:14-29 - Order of encamping during #NU 2:1-34 - Difficulty and danger of #DE 8:15 - CONTINUED FORTY YEARS . As a punishment #NU 14:33,34 . To prove and humble them, etc. #DE 8:2 . To teach them to live on God's word #DE 8:3 - Under God's guidance #EX 13:21,22; 15:13; NE 9:12; PS 78:52; ISA 63:11-14 - Under God's protection #EX 14:19,20; PS 105:39; EX 23:20; PS 78:53 - With miraculous provision #EX 16:35; DE 8:3 - Their clothing preserved during #DE 8:4; 29:5; NE 9:21 - Worship of God celebrated during #EX 24:5-8; 29:38-42; 40:24-29 - Justice administered during #EX 18:13,26 - Circumcision omitted during #JOS 5:5 - Caused universal terror and dismay #EX 15:14-16; NU 22:3,4 - Obstructed, etc. by the surrounding nations #EX 17:8; NU 20:21 - Territory acquired during #DE 29:7,8 - Marked by constant murmurings and rebellions #PS 78:40; 95:10; 106:7-39 - Constant goodness and mercy of God to them during #PS 106:10,43-46; 107:6,13 - Commenced from Rameses in Egypt #EX 12:37 - TO SUCCOTH #EX 12:37; NU 33:5 - TO ETHAM #EX 13:20; NU 33:6 - BETWEEN BAALZEPHON AND PIHAHIROTH #EX 14:2; NU 33:7 . Overtaken by Pharaoh #EX 14:9 . Exhorted to look to God #EX 14:13,14 . The cloud removed to the rear #EX 14:19,20 . Red Sea divided #EX 14:16,21 - THROUGH THE RED SEA #EX 14:22,29 . Faith exhibited in passing #HEB 11:29 . Pharaoh and his host destroyed #EX 14:23-28; PS 106:11 . Israel's song of praise #EX 15:1-21; PS 106:12 - THROUGH THE WILDERNESS OF SHUR OR ETHAM #EX 15:22; NU 33:8 - TO MARAH #EX 15:23; NU 33:8 . Murmuring of the people on account of bitter water #EX 15:24 . Water sweetened #EX 15:25 - TO ELIM #EX 15:27; NU 33:9 - BY THE RED SEA #NU 33:10 - THROUGH THE WILDERNESS OF SIN #EX 16:1; NU 33:11 . Murmuring for bread #EX 16:2,3 . Quails given for one night #EX 16:8,12,13 . Manna sent #EX 16:4,8,16-31 - TO DOPHKAH #NU 33:12 - TO ALUSH #NU 33:13 - TO REPHIDIM #EX 17:1; NU 33:14 . Murmuring for water #EX 17:2,3 . Water brought from the rock #EX 17:5,6 . Called Massah and Meribah #EX 17:7 . Amalek opposes Israel #EX 17:8 . Amalek overcome #EX 17:9-13 - TO MOUNT SINAI #EX 19:1,2; NU 33:15 . Jethro's visit #EX 18:1-6 . Judges appointed #EX 18:14-26; DE 1:9-15 . Moral law given #EX 19:3; 20:1-26 . Covenant made #EX 24:3-8 . Moral law written on tables #EX 31:18 . Order for making the tabernacle, etc. #EX 24:1-27:21 . Tribe of Levi taken instead of the first-born #NU 3:11-13 . Aaron and his sons selected for priesthood #EX 28:1-29:46; NU 3:1-3,10 . Levites set apart #NU 3:5-9 . Golden calf made #EX 32:1,4 . Tables of testimony broken #EX 32:19 . People punished for idolatry #EX 32:25-29,35 . God's glory shown to Moses #EX 33:18-23; 34:5-8 . The tables of testimony renewed #EX 34:1-4,27-29; DE 10:1-5 . Tabernacle first set up #EX 40:1-38 . Nadab and Abihu destroyed for offering strange fire #LE 10:1,2; NU 3:4 . Passover first commemorated #NU 9:1-5 . Second numbering of the people #NU 1:1-46; EX 38:25,26 - TO KIBROTHHATTAAVAH #NU 33:16 . Complaining punished by fire #NU 11:1-3 . Called Taberah #NU 11:3 . Murmuring of the mixed multitude and of Israel, for flesh #NU 11:4-9 . Flesh promised #NU 11:10-15,18-23 . Seventy elders appointed to assist Moses #NU 11:16,17,24-30 . Quails sent for a month #NU 11:19,20,31,32 . Their murmuring punished #NU 11:33; PS 78:30,31 . Why called Kibrothhattaavah #NU 11:34 - TO HAZEROTH #NU 11:35; 33:17 . Aaron and Miriam envy Moses #NU 12:1,2 . Miriam punished by leprosy #NU 12:10 . Delayed seven day for Miriam #NU 12:14,15 - TO KADESHBARNEA IN WILDERNESS OF RITHMAH OR PARAN #DE 1:19; NU 32:8; 12:16; 33:18 . The people anxious to have the land of Canaan searched #DE 1:22 . Moses commanded to send spies #NU 13:1,2 . Persons selected as spies #NU 13:3-16 . Spies sent #JOS 14:7; NU 13:17-20 . Spies bring back evil report #NU 13:26-33 . The people terrified and rebel #NU 14:1-4 . Punishment for rebellion #NU 14:26,35; 32:11-13; DE 1:35,36,40 . Guilty spies slain by plague #NU 14:36,37 . People smitten by Amalek for going up without the Lord #NU 14:40-45; DE 1:41-44 - RETURNED BY THE WAY TO THE RED SEA #NU 14:25; DE 1:40; 2:1 . Sabbath breaker stoned #NU 15:32-36 . Rebellion of Korah #NU 16:1-19 . Korah, etc. punished #NU 16:30-35 . Plague sent #NU 16:41-46 . Plague stayed #NU 16:47-50 . God's choice of Aaron confirmed #NU 17:1-13 - TO RIMMONPAREZ #NU 33:19 - TO LIBNAH OR LABAN #NU 33:20; DE 1:1 - TO RISSAH #NU 33:21 - TO KEHELATHAH #NU 33:22 - TO MOUNT SHAPHER #NU 33:23 - TO HARADAH #NU 33:24 - TO MAKHELOTH #NU 33:25 - TO TAHATH #NU 33:26 - TO TARAH #NU 33:27 - TO MITHCAH #NU 33:28 - TO HASHMONAH #NU 33:29 - TO MOSEROTH OR MOSERA #NU 33:30 - TO BENE-JAAKAN #NU 33:31 - TO HORHAGIDGAD OR GUDGODAH #NU 33:32; DE 10:7 - TO JOTBATHAH OR LAND OF RIVERS #NU 33:33; DE 10:7 - Several of these stations probably revisited #DE 10:6,7; NU 33:30-32 - TO EBRONAH #NU 33:34 - TO EZIONGABER #NU 33:35 - TO KADESH IN THE WILDERNESS OF ZIN #NU 20:1; 33:36; JUD 11:16 . Miriam dies and is buried #NU 20:1 . Second murmuring for water #NU 20:2-6 . Moses striking the rock instead of speaking to it, disobeys God #NU 20:7-11 . Moses and Aaron punished #NU 20:12 . Called Meribah to commemorate the murmuring #NU 20:13; 27:14 . Orders given respecting Edom #DE 2:3-6 . The king of Edom refuses a passage #NU 20:14-21; JUD 11:17 - TO MOUNT HOR #NU 20:22; 33:37 . Aaron dies #NU 20:28,29; 33:38,39 . Arad conquered #NU 21:1-3; 33:40 . Called Hormah #NU 21:2,3 - TO ZALMONAH #NU 33:41 . Murmuring of the people #NU 21:4,5 . Fiery serpents sent #NU 21:6 . Brazen serpent raised up #NU 21:7-9 - TO PUNON #NU 33:42 - TO OBOTH #NU 21:10; 33:43 - TO IJEABARIM BEFORE MOAB #NU 21:11; 33:44 . Orders given respecting Moab #DE 2:8,9 - TO ZARED OR DIBON-GAD #NU 21:12; 33:45 - TO ALMONDIBLATHAIM #NU 33:46 - ACROSS THE BROOK ZERED #DE 2:13 . Time occupied in going from Kadeshbarnea to this station #DE 2:14 . Order to pass through Ar #DE 2:18 . Orders given respecting Ammon #DE 2:19 - ACROSS THE ARNON #NU 21:13-15; DE 2:24 - TO BEER OR THE WELL #NU 21:16 - TO MATTANAH #NU 21:18 - TO NAHALIEL #NU 21:19 - TO BAMOTH #NU 21:19 - TO THE MOUNTAINS OF ABARIM #NU 21:20; 33:47 . The Amorites refuse a passage to Israel #NU 21:21-23; DE 2:26-30 . Sihon conquered #NU 21:23-32; DE 2:32-36 . Og conquered #NU 21:33-35; DE 3:1-11 . Reubenites, etc. obtained the land taken from the Amorites #NU 32:1-42; DE 3:12-17 - RETURN TO THE PLAINS OF MOAB #NU 22:1; 33:48,49 . Balak sends for Balaam #NU 22:5,6,15-17 . Balaam not permitted to curse Israel #NU 22:9-41; 23:1-24:25 . Israel seduced to idolatry, etc. by advice of Balaam #NU 25:1-3; RE 2:14 . Israel punished #NU 25:5,9 . Third numbering #NU 26:1-62 . All formerly numbered over twenty years old, except Caleb and Joshua, dead #NU 26:63-65; 14:29 . The law of female inheritance settled #NU 27:1-11; 36:1-9 . Appointment of Joshua #NU 27:15-23 . Midianites destroyed and Balaam slain #NU 31:1-54; 25:17,18 . The law rehearsed #DE 1:3 . The law written by Moses #DE 31:9 . Moses beholds Canaan #DE 34:1-4 . Moses dies and is buried #DE 34:5,6 . Joshua ordered to cross Jordan #JOS 1:2 . Two spies sent to Jericho #JOS 2:1 - ACROSS THE RIVER JORDAN #JOS 4:10 - Illustrative of the pilgrimage of the church #SO 8:5; 1PE 1:17 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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