128 Creation - The formation of things which had no previous existence #RO 4:17; HEB 11:3 - EFFECTED . By God #GE 1:1; 2:4,5; PR 26:10 . By Christ #JOH 1:3,10; COL 1:16 . By the Holy Spirit #Job 26:13; PS 104:30 . By the command of God #PS 33:9; HEB 11:3 . In the beginning #GE 1:1; MT 24:21 . In six normal days #EX 20:11; 31:17 . According to God's purpose #PS 135:6 . For God's pleasure #PR 16:4; RE 4:11 . For Christ #COL 1:16 - By faith we believe, to be God's work #HEB 11:3 - ORDER OF . First day, making light and dividing it from darkness #GE 1:3-5; 2CO 4:6 . Second day, making the firmament or atmosphere, and separating the waters #GE 1:6-8 . Third day, separating the land from the water, and making it fruitful #GE 1:9-13 . Fourth day, placing the sun, moon, and stars to give light, etc. #GE 1:14-19 . Fifth day, making birds, insects, and fishes #GE 1:20-23 . Sixth day, making beasts of the earth, and man #GE 1:24,28 - God rested from, on the seventh day #GE 2:2,3 - Approved of by God #GE 1:31 - A subject of joy to angels #Job 38:7 - EXHIBITS . The deity of God #RO 1:20 . The power of God #ISA 40:26,28; RO 1:20 . The glory and handiwork of God #PS 19:1 . The wisdom of God #PS 104:24; 136:5 . The goodness of God #PS 33:5 . God as the sole object of worship #ISA 45:16,18; AC 17:24,27 - Glorifies God #PS 145:10; 148:5 - God to be praised for #NE 9:6; PS 146:5,6 - Leads to confidence #PS 124:8; 146:5,6 - Insignificance of man seen from #PS 8:3,4; ISA 40:12,17 - Groans because of sin #RO 8:22 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . The new birth #2CO 5:17; EPH 2:10 . Daily renewal of saints #PS 51:10; EPH 4:24 . Renewal of the earth #ISA 65:17; 2PE 3:11,13 129 Creditors - Defined #PHM 1:18 - MIGHT DEMAND . Pledges #DE 24:10,11; PR 22:27 . Security of others #PR 6:1; 22:26 . Mortgages on property #NE 5:3 . Bills or promissory notes #LU 16:6,7 - To return before sunset, garments taken in pledge #EX 22:26,27; DE 24:12,13; EZE 18:7,12 - PROHIBITED FROM . Taking millstones in pledge #DE 24:6 . Violently selecting pledges #DE 24:10 . Exacting usury from brethren #EX 22:25; LE 25:36,37 . Exacting debts from brethren during sabbatical year #DE 15:2,3 - Might take interest from strangers #DE 23:20 - Sometimes entirely remitted debts #NE 5:10-12; MT 18:27; LU 7:42 - Often cruel in exacting debts #NE 5:7-9; Job 24:3-9; MT 18:28-30 - OFTEN EXACTED DEBTS . By selling the debtor or taking him for a servant #MT 18:25; EX 21:2 . By selling the debtor's property #MT 18:25 . By selling the debtor's family #2KI 4:1; Job 24:9; MT 18:25 . By imprisonment #MT 5:25,26; 18:34 . From the sureties #PR 11:15; 22:26,27 - Were often defrauded #1SA 22:2; LU 16:5-7 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . God's claim upon men #MT 5:25,26; 18:23,25; LU 7:41,47 . The demands of the law #GA 5:3 130 Daily Sacrifice, The - Ordained in mount Sinai #NU 28:6 - A lamb as a burnt offering morning and evening #EX 29:38,39; NU 28:3,4 - Doubled on the sabbath #NU 28:9,10 - REQUIRED TO BE . With a meat and drink offering #EX 29:40,41; NU 28:5-8 . Slowly and entirely consumed #LE 6:9-12 . Perpetually observed #EX 29:42; NU 28:3,6 - Peculiarly acceptable #NU 28:8; PS 141:2 - Secured God's presence and favor #EX 29:43,44 - Times of offering, were seasons of prayer #EZR 9:5; DA 9:20,21; AC 3:1 - Restored after the captivity #EZR 3:3 - The abolition of, foretold #DA 9:26,27; 11:31 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Christ #JOH 1:29,36; 1PE 1:19 . Acceptable prayer #PS 141:2 131 Dan, The Tribe of - Descended from Jacob's fifth son #GE 30:6 - Predictions respecting #GE 49:16,17; DE 33:22 - PERSONS SELECTED FROM . To number the people #NU 1:12 . To spy out the land #NU 13:12 . To divide the land #NU 34:22 - Strength of, on leaving Egypt #NU 1:38,39 - Led the fourth and last division of Israel #NU 2:31; 10:25 - Encamped north of the tabernacle #NU 2:25 - Offering of, at dedication #NU 7:66-71 - Families of #NU 26:42 - Strength of, entering Canaan #NU 26:43 - On Ebal, said amen to the curses #DE 27:13 - Bounds of its inheritance #JOS 19:40-46 - A commercial people #JUD 5:17; EZE 27:19 - Restricted to the hills by Amorites #JUD 1:34 - A PART OF . Sent to seek new settlements #JUD 18:1,2 . Tool Laish and called it Dan #JOS 19:47; JUD 18:8-13,27-29 . Plundered Michah of his idols and his ephod #JUD 18:17-21,27 . Set up Micah's idols in Dan #JUD 18:30,31 - Reproved for not aiding against Sisera #JUD 5:17 - Samson was of #JUD 13:2,24,25 - Some of, at coronation of David #1CH 12:35 - Ruler appointed over, by David #1CH 27:22 132 Darkness - Created by God #PS 104:20; ISA 45:7 - Originally covered the earth #GE 1:2 - Separated from the light #GE 1:4 - Called night #GE 1:5 - Caused by the setting of the sun #GE 15:17; JOH 6:17 - Inexplicable nature of #Job 38:19,20 - Exhibits God's power and greatness #Job 38:8,9 - DEGREES OF, MENTIONED . Great #GE 15:12 . That may be felt #EX 10:21 . Thick #DE 5:22; JOE 2:2 . Gross #JER 13:16 . Outer or extreme #MT 8:12 - EFFECTS OF . Keeps us from seeing objects #EX 10:23 . Causes us to go astray #JOH 12:35; 1JO 2:11 . Causes us to stumble #ISA 59:10 - Often put for night #PS 91:6 - Called the swaddling band of the sea #Job 38:9 - Cannot hide us from God #PS 139:11,12 - THE WICKED . The children of #1TH 5:5 . Live in #PS 107:10 . Walk in #PS 82:5 . Perpetuate their designs in #Job 24:16 . Are full of #MT 6:23 - MIRACULOUS . On mount Sinai #EX 19:16; HEB 12:18 . Over the land of Egypt #EX 10:21,22 . At the death of Christ #MT 27:45 . Before the destruction of Jerusalem #MT 24:29 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Greatness and unsearchableness of God #EX 20:21; 2SA 22:10,12; 1KI 8:12; PS 97:2 . Abstruse and deep subjects #Job 28:3 . Secrecy #ISA 45:19; MT 10:27 . Ignorance and error #Job 37:19; ISA 60:2; JOH 1:5; 3:19; 12:35; AC 26:18 . Anything hateful #Job 3:4-9 . A course of sin #PR 2:13; EPH 5:11 . Heavy afflictions #Job 23:17; PS 112:4; EC 5:17; ISA 5:30; 8:22; 59:9 . The power of Satan #EPH 6:12; COL 1:13 . The grave #1SA 2:9; Job 10:21,22 . The punishment of devils and wicked men #MT 22:13; 2PE 2:4,17; Jude 1:6,13 133 Day - The light first called #GE 1:5 - Natural, from evening to evening #GE 1:5; LE 23:32 - Artificial, the time of the sun's continuance above the horizon #GE 31:39,40; NE 4:21,22 - Prophetical, a year #EZE 4:6; DA 12:12 - ARTIFICIAL, DIVIDED INTO . Break of #GE 32:24,26; SO 2:17 . Morning #EX 29:39; 2SA 23:4 . Noon #GE 43:16; PS 55:17 . Decline of #JUD 19:8,9; LU 9:12; 24:29 . Evening #GE 8:11; PS 104:23; JER 6:4 - Sometimes divided into four parts #NE 9:3 - Later subdivided into twelve hours #MT 20:3,5,6; JOH 11:9 - Time of, ascertained by the dial #2KI 20:11 - Succession of, secured by covenant #GE 8:22 - Made for the glory of God #PS 74:16 - Proclaims the glory of God #PS 19:2 - Under the control of God #AM 5:8; 8:9 - A TIME OF JUDGMENT CALLED A DAY OF . Anger #LA 2:21 . Wrath #Job 20:28; ZEP 1:15,18; RO 2:5 . Visitation #MIC 7:4 . Destruction #Job 21:30 . Darkness #JOE 2:2; ZEP 1:15 . Trouble #PS 102:2 . Calamity #DE 32:35; JER 18:17 . Adversity #PR 24:10 . Vengeance #PR 6:34; ISA 61:2 . Slaughter #ISA 30:25; JER 12:3 . Evil #JER 17:17; AM 6:3; EPH 6:13 . The Lord #ISA 2:12; 13:6; ZEP 1:14 - A TIME OF MERCY CALLED A DAY OF . Salvation #2CO 6:2 . Redemption #EPH 4:30 . Visitation #JER 27:22; 1PE 2:12 . God's power #PS 110:3 - A TIME OF FESTIVITY CALLED A . Good day #ES 8:17; 9:19 . Day of good tidings #2KI 7:9 . Day which the Lord has made #PS 118:24 . Solemn day #NU 10:10; HO 9:5 . Day of gladness #NU 10:10 - The time for labor #PS 104:22 - Wild beasts hide during #PS 104:22 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Time of judgment #1CO 3:13; 4:3 . Spiritual light #1TH 5:5,8; 2PE 1:19 . The path of the just #PR 4:18 134 Dead, The - They who have departed this life #GE 23:2; 25:8; Job 1:19 - TERMS USED TO EXPRESS . Corpses #2KI 19:35; NA 3:3 . Carcases #NU 14:29,32,33; 1KI 13:24 . Those who are not #MT 2:18 . Deceased #ISA 26:14; MT 22:25 - CHARACTERISED BY . Being without the Spirit #JAS 2:26 . Being incapable of motion #MT 28:4; RE 1:17 . Ignorance of all human affairs #EC 9:5 . Absence of all human passions #EC 9:6 . Inability to glorify God #PS 115:17 - Return not to this life #Job 7:9,10; 14:10,14 - Eyes of, closed by nearest of kin #GE 46:4 - Were washed and laid out #AC 9:37 - Were wrapped in lined with spices #JOH 19:40 - MOURNING FOR, OFTEN . Very great #GE 27:35; JER 31:15; MT 2:18; JOH 11:33 . Loud and clamorous #JER 16:6; MR 5:38 . By hired mourners #JER 9:17,18; AM 5:16 . With plaintive music #JER 48:36; MT 9:23 . Testified by change of apparel #2SA 14:2 . Testified by taring the hair #JER 16:7 . Testified by covering the head #2SA 19:4 . Testified by rending the garments #GE 37:34; 2SA 3:31 . Lasted many days #GE 37:34; 50:3,10 - Regard often shown to the memory of #RU 1:8 - Too soon forgotten #PS 31:12; EC 9:5 - Heathenish expressions of grief for, forbidden #LE 19:28; DE 14:1,2 - All offerings to, forbidden #DE 26:14 - Touching of, caused uncleanness #NU 19:11,13,16; 9:6,7 - In a house rendered it unclean #NU 19:14,15 - Even bones of, caused uncleanness #NU 19:16; 2CH 34:5 - A priest not to mourn for, except when near of kin #LE 21:1-3; EZE 44:25 - High priest in no case to mourn for #LE 21:10,11 - Nazarites not to touch or mourn for #NU 6:6,7 - Those defiled by, removed from the camp #NU 5:2 - Uncleanness contracted from, removed by the water separation #NU 19:12,18 - IDOLATERS . Tore themselves for #JER 16:7 . Offered sacrifices for #PS 106:28 . Invoked and consulted #1SA 28:7,8 . Consecrated part of their crops to #DE 26:14 - The Jews looked for a resurrection from #ISA 26:19; AC 24:15 - Instances of, restored to life before Christ #1KI 17:22; 2KI 4:34-36; 13:21 - Instances of, restored by Christ #MT 9:25; LU 7:15; JOH 11:44; AC 9:40; 20:12 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Man's state by nature #2CO 5:4; EPH 2:1,5 . A state of deep affliction, etc. #PS 88:5,6; 143:3; ISA 59:10 . Freedom from the power of sin #RO 6:2,8,11; COL 3:3 . Freedom from the law #RO 7:4 . Faith without works #1TI 5:6; JAS 2:17,26 . Diviners etc. #ISA 8:19 . Impotence #GE 20:3; RO 4:19 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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