104 Cities - First mention of #GE 4:17 - Designed for habitations #PS 107:7,36 - Often built to perpetuate a name #GE 11:4 - Often founded and enlarged by blood and rapine #MIC 3:10; HAB 2:12 - BUILT . Of brick and slime #GE 11:3 . Of stone and wood #PS 102:14; EZE 26:12 . Of brick and mortar #EX 1:11,14 . On solid foundations #EZR 6:3; RE 21:14 . With compactness #PS 122:3 . Often of a square form #RE 21:16 . Beside rivers #PS 46:4; 137:1 . On hills #MT 5:14; LU 4:29; RE 17:9 . In plains #GE 11:2,4; 13:12 . In desert places #2CH 8:4; PS 107:35,36 . In pleasant situations #2KI 2:19; PS 48:2 - Arranged in streets and lanes #NU 22:39; ZEC 8:5; LU 14:21 - Entered through gates #GE 34:24; NE 13:19,22 - Surrounded with walls #DE 1:28; 3:5 - Often fortified by nature #PS 125:2; ISA 33:16 - Often fortified by art #2CH 11:5-10,23; PS 48:12,13; JER 4:5; DA 11:15 - Sometimes had suburbs #NU 35:2; JOS 21:3 - WERE CALLED FOR . The family of the founder #GE 4:17; JUD 18:29 . The proprietor of the land #1KI 16:24 . The country in which built #DA 4:29,30 - Numerous #JOS 15:21; 1CH 2:22; JER 2:28 - Densely inhabited #JON 4:11; NA 3:8 - Often great and goodly #GE 10:12; DE 6:10; DA 4:30; JON 3:3 - Often of great antiquity #GE 10:11,12 - Often insignificant #GE 19:20; EC 9:14 - DIFFERENT KINDS OF . Royal #NU 21:26; JOS 10:2; 2SA 12:26 . Fenced #JOS 10:20; ISA 36:1 . Treasure #EX 1:11 . Commercial #ISA 23:11; EZE 27:3 . Chariot #2CH 1:14; 9:25 . Store #2CH 8:4,6 . Levitical #LE 25:32,33; NU 35:7,8 . Refuge #NU 35:6 - Inhabitants of, called citizens #AC 21:39 - Prosperity of, increased by commerce #GE 49:13; DE 33:18,19; EZE 28:5 - Artificial mode of supplying water to #2KI 18:17; 20:20 - Infested by dogs #1KI 14:11; PS 59:6,14 - Under governors #2CH 33:14; 2CO 11:32 - Provided with judges #DE 16:18; 2CH 19:5 - Protected at night by watchmen #PS 127:1; SO 5:7; ISA 21:11 - Furnished with stores #2CH 11:11,12 - Garrisoned in war #2CH 17:2,19 - Often had citadels #JUD 9:51 - A great defence to a country #2CH 11:5 - Afcrossed refuge in times of danger #JER 8:14-16 - Often deserted on the approach of an enemy #1SA 31:7; JER 4:20 - WERE FREQUENTLY . Stormed #JOS 8:3-7; JUD 9:44 . Besieged #DE 28:52; 2KI 19:24,25 . Pillaged #ISA 13:16; JER 20:5 . Wasted by pestilence #1SA 5:11 . Wasted by famine #JER 52:6; AM 4:6 . Depopulated #ISA 17:9; EZE 26:19 . Burned #JUD 20:38,40; ISA 1:7 . Made heaps of ruins #ISA 25:2 . Razed and sown with salt #JUD 9:45 - Difficulty of taking, alluded to #PR 18:19; JER 1:18,19 - Perishable nature of #HEB 13:14 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . Saints #MT 5:14 . Visible church #SO 3:2,3; RE 11:2 . Church triumphant #RE 21:2; 22:19 . Heavenly inheritance #HEB 11:16 . The apostasy #RE 16:10; 17:18 . Riches #PR 10:15 105 Cities of Refuge - Design of #EX 21:13; NU 35:11; JOS 20:3 - Names etc. of #DE 4:41-43; JOS 20:7,8 - REQUIRED TO BE . Easy of access #DE 19:3; ISA 62:10 . Open to all manslayers #JOS 20:4 - Strangers might take advantage of #NU 35:15 - THOSE ADMITTED TO . Were put on their trial #NU 35:12,24 . Not protected outside of #NU 35:26,27 . Obliged to remain in, until the high priest's death #NU 35:25,28 - Afcrossed no asylum to murderers #EX 21:14; NU 35:16-21 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of Christ #PS 91:2; ISA 25:4 . Of the hope of the gospel #HEB 6:18 . (The way to,) of Christ #ISA 35:8; JOH 14:6 106 Clouds - Formed from the sea #1KI 18:44; AM 9:6 - Are garment of the sea #Job 38:9 - GOD . Established #PR 8:28 . Balanced in the air #Job 37:16 . Disposed in order #Job 37:15 . Brings over the earth #GE 9:14 . Binds up #Job 26:8 . Spreads out #Job 26:9 . Scatters #Job 37:11 - Power and wisdom of God exhibited in forming #PS 135:6,7; 147:5,8; JER 10:13; 51:16 - Power and wisdom of God exhibited in condensing #Job 36:27,28; 37:10,11; PR 3:20 - Made for the glory of God #PS 148:4 - CALLED THE . Clouds of heaven #DA 7:13; MT 24:30 . Windows of heaven #GE 7:11; ISA 24:18 . Bottles of heaven #Job 38:37 . Chambers of God #PS 104:3,13 . Waters above the firmament #GE 1:7 . Dust of God's feet #NA 1:3 - DIFFERENT KINDS OF, MENTIONED . White #RE 14:14 . Bright #Job 37:11; ZEC 10:1 . Thick #Job 22:14; 37:11 . Black #1KI 18:45 . Swift #ISA 19:1 . Great #EZE 1:4 . Small #1KI 18:44 - Often cover the heavens #PS 147:8 - Often obscure the sun, etc. #Job 36:32; EZE 32:7 - Often dispersed by the wind #HO 13:3 - USES OF . To give rain #JUD 5:4; PS 104:13,14 . To supply dew #PR 3:20; ISA 18:4 . To moderate heat #ISA 25:5 - From the west, bring rain #LU 12:54 - Though small, often bring much rain #1KI 18:44,45 - Thunder and lightning come from #PS 77:17,18 - The rainbow appears in #GE 9:13,14 - Frequently the instrument of God's judgments #GE 7:11,12; Job 37:13; PS 77:17 - MAN . Ignorant of the spreading of #Job 36:29 . Ignorant of the disposing of #Job 37:15 . Ignorant of the balancing of #Job 37:16 . Cannot number #Job 38:37 . Cannot cause to rain #Job 38:34 . Cannot stay #Job 38:37 - ILLUSTRATIVE . Of multitudes of persons #ISA 60:8; HEB 12:1 . Of hostile armies #JER 4:13; EZE 38:9,16 . Of sins of men #ISA 44:22 . Of judgments of God #LA 2:1; EZE 30:3; 34:12; JOE 2:2 . Of unsearchableness of God #2SA 22:12; PS 97:2; EZE 1:4 . (Riding upon,) of the power and greatness of God #PS 104:3; ISA 19:1 . (Passing away,) of the goodness and prosperity of hypocrites #HO 6:4; 13:3 . (Without water,) of false teachers #Jude 1:12 . (Carried away by a storm,) of false teachers #2PE 2:17 . (Without rain,) of the fraudulent #PR 25:14 . (A morning without,) of wise rulers #2SA 23:3,4 . (When seasonable,) of the favor of good rulers #PR 16:15 107 Cloud of Glory - First manifestation of #EX 13:20,21 - CALLED . The cloud #EX 34:5 . Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire #EX 13:22 . Cloudy pillar #EX 33:9,10 . Cloud of the Lord #NU 10:34 . The presence of God #EX 33:14,15 - God's glory manifested in #EX 16:10; 40:35 - God came down in #EX 34:5; NU 11:25 - God spoke from #EX 24:16; PS 99:7 - WAS DESIGNED TO . Regulate the movements of Israel #EX 40:36,37; NU 9:17-23 . Guide Israel #EX 13:21; NE 9:19 . Show light to Israel #PS 105:39 . Defend Israel #EX 14:19; PS 105:39 . Cover the tabernacle #EX 40:34; NU 9:15 - Was dark to the enemies of Israel #EX 14:20 - Was the Shekinah over the mercy-seat #LE 16:2 - Continued during the journeyings of Israel #EX 13:22; 40:38 - Manifested in the temple of Solomon #1KI 8:10,11; 2CH 5:13; EZE 10:4 - SPECIAL APPEARANCES OF; . At the murmuring for bread #EX 16:10 . At giving of the law #EX 19:9,16; 24:16-18 . At sedition of Aaron and Miriam #NU 12:5 . At the murmuring of Israel on the report of the spies #NU 14:10 . At the rebellion of Korah etc. #NU 16:19 . At the murmuring of Israel on account of Korah's death #NU 16:42 . At Christ's transfiguration #MT 17:5 . At Christ's ascension #AC 1:9 - Our Lord shall make his second appearance in #LU 21:27; AC 1:11 - ILLUSTRATIVE OF . The glory of Christ #RE 10:1 . The protection of the church #ISA 4:5 108 Commandments, The Ten - Spoken by God #EX 20:1; DE 5:4,22 - Written by God #EX 32:16; 34:1,28; DE 4:13; 10:4 - Enumerated #EX 20:3-17 - Summed up Christ #MT 22:35-40 - Law of, is spiritual #MT 5:28; RO 7:14 . See LAW of God »T0000331 109 Commerce - The barter of one commodity for another #1KI 5:8,11 - The exchange of commodities for money #1KI 10:28,29 - CALLED . Trade #GE 34:10; MT 25:16 . Traffic #GE 42:34; EZE 17:4 . Buying and selling #JAS 4:13 - ARTICLES OF, CALLED . Merchandise #EZE 26:12; MT 22:5 . Wares #JER 10:17; EZE 27:16; JON 1:5 - PERSONS ENGAGED IN, CALLED . Merchants #GE 37:28; PR 31:24 . Chapmen #2CH 9:14 . Traffickers #ISA 23:8 . Sellers and buyers #ISA 24:2 - Carried on in fairs, etc. #EZE 27:12,19; MT 11:16 - Inland, by caravans #Job 6:19; ISA 21:13 - Maritime, by ships #2CH 8:18; 9:21 - Persons of distinction engaged in #ISA 23:8 - Increased the wealth of nations and individuals #2CH 9:20-22; PR 31:14-18; EZE 28:4,5 - CARRIED ON BY . Ishmaelites #GE 37:25 . Egyptians #GE 42:2-34 . Ethiopians #ISA 45:14 . Ninevites #NA 3:16 . Syrians #EZE 27:16,18 . People of Tarshish #EZE 27:25 . People of Tyre #EZE 28:5,13,16 . Jews #EZE 27:17 - OF THE JEWS . Under strict laws #LE 19:36,37; 25:14,17 . Commenced after their settlement in Canaan #GE 49:13; JUD 5:17 . Greatly extended by Solomon #1KI 9:26,27; 2CH 9:21 . Checked in Jehoshaphat's time #1KI 22:48,49 - Success in, led to pride, etc. #EZE 28:2,16-18 - Evil practices connected with #PR 20:14; EZE 22:13; HO 12:7 - Denunciations connected with abuses of #ISA 23:11; EZE 7:12,13; 27:32-36; 28:16-18 - ARTICLES OF . Blue cloth #EZE 27:24 . Brass #EZE 27:13 . Corn #1KI 5:11; EZE 27:17 . Cattle #EZE 27:21 . Chests of rich apparel #EZE 27:24 . Chariots #1KI 10:29 . Clothes for chariots #EZE 27:20 . Embroidery #EZE 27:16,24 . Gold #2CH 8:18 . Honey #EZE 27:17 . Horses #1KI 10:29; EZE 27:14 . Ivory #2CH 9:21; EZE 27:15 . Iron and steel #EZE 27:12,19 . Land #GE 23:13-16; RU 4:3 . Lead #EZE 27:12 . Linen #1KI 10:28 . Oil #1KI 5:11; EZE 27:17 . Perfumes #SO 3:6 . Precious stones #EZE 27:16,22; 28:13,16 . Purple #EZE 27:16 . Slaves #GE 37:28,36; DE 24:7 . Silver #2CH 9:21 . Timber #1KI 5:6,8 . Tin #EZE 27:12 . White wool #EZE 27:18 . Wine #2CH 2:15; EZE 27:18 - Illustrative of intercourse with the apostasy #RE 18:3-19 GOTO NEXT LIST - TORREY'S INDEX & SEARCH

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