1. The seven last plagues (plhgav epta tav escatav). Lit., seven plagues the last. Rev., "which are the last." See on Mark iii. 10; Luke x. 30. Is filled up (etelesqh). More correctly, brought to an end (telov). Rev., finished. Lit., was finished, the prophetic aorist, which speaks of a thing foreseen and decided as if already done.

2. A sea of glass (qalassan ualinhn). Rev., better, a glassy sea. See on ch. iv. 6.

Had gotten the victory over the beast (nikwntav ek tou qhriou). The expression is peculiar. Lit., conquered out of The construction is unique in the New Testament. The phrase signifies, not as A.V., victory over, but coming triumphant out of ( ek). So Rev., that come victorious from the beast.

Over his mark. Omit.

Standing on (epi). Better, as Rev., by: on the shore of, as did the Israelites when they sang the song alluded to in ver 3.

The harps of God. Omit the. Instruments devoted wholly to His praise. Compare ch. v. 8; xiv. 2.

3. The song of Moses. See Exodus 15. Compare Deuteronomy 32; to which some refer this allusion.

The servant of God. See Exod. xiv. 31; Num. xii. 7; Psalm cv. 26; Heb. iii. 5.

The song of the Lamb. There are not two distinct songs. The song of Moses is the song of the Lamb. The Old and the New Testament churches are one.

Great and marvelous are Thy works. Psalm cxi. 2; cxxxix. 14; 1 Chronicles xvi. 9.

Just and true are Thy ways. Rev., righteous for just. See Deuteronomy xxxii. 4.

King of saints (basileuv twn agiwn). The readings differ. Some read for saints, ejqnwn of the nations; others aijwnwn of the ages. So Rev. Compare Jer. x. 7.

4. Who shall not fear Thee? See Jer. x. 7. Omit thee.

Holy (osiov). See on Luke i. 75. The term is applied to Christ in Acts ii. 27, 35; Heb. vii. 26. To God only here and ch. xvi. 5, where the correct reading is oJ osiov thou holy one, instead of oJ ejsomenov which shalt be. All nations shall come. Compare Psalm lxxxvi. 9; Isa. ii. 2-4; lxvi. 93; Micah iv. 2.

Judgments ( dikaiwmata). Not merely divine decisions, but righteous acts generally. So Rev. Primarily, the word signifies that which has been deemed right so as to have the force of law. Hence an ordinance (Luke i. 6; Heb. ix. 1; Rom. i. 32). A judicial decision for or against (Romans v. 16). A righteous deed. See ch. xix. 8.

5. Behold. Omit.

The temple of the tabernacle (o naov thv skhnhv). The sanctuary of the tabernacle. See on Matt. iv. 5.

Of the testimony. See Acts vii. 44. The tabernacle was called "the Tabernacle of the Testimony" because it contained the ark with the law of God which testifies against sin. See Exod. xxv. 16, 21; xxx. 36; xxxiv. 29; xxxviii. 21. Compare ch. xi. 19.

6. Linen ( linon). The Rev. follows the reading liqon stone, after the analogy of Ezek. xxviii. 13, "Every precious stone was thy covering." The idea is that of raiment studded with precious stones. See on ch. ii. 17.

White (laupron). Mostly applied in the New Testament to clothing, as Luke xxiii. 11; Acts x. 30; Jas. ii. 2. Also to the water of life (ch. xxii. 1), and the morning-star (ch. xxii. 16). Rev., bright.

Girt round their breasts. As the Lord in the vision of i. 13; where, however, mastoiv paps is used instead of sthqh breasts.

7. Vials (fialav). Rev., bowls. See on ch. v. 8.

8. Smoke. Compare Exod. xl. 34; 1 Kings viii. 10; Ps. xviii. 8; Isa. vi. 4; Ezek. x. 2-4.

None was able to enter. "God cannot be approached at the moment when He is revealing Himself in all the terrors of His indignation" (Milligan). See Exod. xix. 21.


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