2284 HELL -(In the A. V. this word occurs in O. T. Scriptures, cited below, and is the translation of the Hebrew word "sheol," which signifies the unseen state) -In the R. V. of O. T. it appears only in ISA 5:14; 14:9,15; 28:15,18; 57:9; EZE 31:16,17; 32:21,27; AM 9:2; JON 2:2; HAB 2:5 -In the R. V., "sheol" is translated "lowest pit" DE 32:22; PS 86:13 -And it is translated "pit" in PS 55:15 -In the R. V. the word "Sheol" itself occurs in the following scriptures 2SA 22:6; Job 11:8; 26:6; PS 9:17; 16:10; 18:5; 116:3; 139:8; PR 5:5; 7:27; 9:18; 15:11,24; 23:14; 27:20 -"Sheol" is translated "grave" in A. V. in GE 37:35; 42:38; 44:29,31; 1SA 2:6; 1KI 2:6; 9; Job 7:9; 14:13; 17:13; 21:13; 24:19; PS 6:5; 30:3; 31:17; 49:14,15; 88:3; 89:48; 141:7; PR 1:12; 30:16; EC 9:10; SO 8:6; HO 13:14 -In the R. V. the Greek word "gehenna" is translated "hell" in the following scriptures MT 5:22,29,30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15,33; MR 9:43,45,47; LU 12:5; JAS 3:6 -The R. V. has introduced "Hades," the word found in the Greek text, which signifies the unseen world, in the following scriptures MT 11:23; 16:18; LU 10:15; 16:23; AC 2:27,31; RE 1:18; 6:8; 20:13,14 -THE FUTURE HOME OF THE WICKED PS 9:17; PR 5:5; 9:13,15-18; 15:24; 23:13,14; ISA 30:33; 33:14; MT 3:12; 5:29,30; 7:13,14; 8:11,12; 10:28; 13:30,38-42,49,50; 16:18; 18:8,9,34,35; 22:13; 25:28-30,41,46; MR 9:43-48; LU 3:17; 16:23-26,28; AC 1:25; 2TH 1:9; 2PE 2:4; Jude 1:6-23; RE 2:11; 9:1,2; 11:7; 14:10,11; 19:20; 20:10,15; 21:8 .See WICKED, PUNISHMENT OF » 5141 2285 HELM -General scriptures concerning AC 27:40; JAS 3:4 2286 HELMET -A defensive head-gear worn by soldiers 1SA 17:5,38; 2CH 26:14; JER 46:4; EZE 23:24 -FIGURATIVE ISA 59:17; EPH 6:17; 1TH 5:8 2287 HELON -Father of Eliab NU 1:9; 2:7; 7:24,29; 10:16 2288 HEMAM -A son of Lotan GE 36:22 -Called HOMAM 1CH 1:39 2289 HEMAN -1. A man noted for wisdom, to whom Solomon is compared 1KI 4:31; 1CH 2:6 -2. "The singer," a chief Levite, and musician 1CH 6:33; 15:17,19; 16:41 .The king's seer 1CH 25:5 .His sons and daughters temple musicians 1CH 6:33; 25:1-6 ."Maschil of," title of PS 88 2290 HEMATH -1. Another form for HAMATH AM 6:14 -2. An unknown person or place 1CH 2:55 2291 HEMDAN -Son of Dishon GE 36:26 2292 HEMLOCK -A poisonous and bitter plant HO 10:4; AM 6:12 -See GALL » 1932 2293 HEMORRHAGE -Menstruation LE 15:19; MT 9:20; LU 8:43 -A woman suffers for twelve years MR 5:25-29 -See MENSTRUATION » 3291 2294 HEMORRHOIDS -A disease with which the Philistines were afflicted 1SA 5:6,12; 6:4; 5:11; DE 28:27 -See DISEASE » 1428 -See TUMOR » 5011 2295 HEN -FIGURATIVE MT 23:37; LU 13:34 2296 HENA -A city on the Euphrates River 2KI 18:34; 19:13; ISA 37:13 2297 HENADAD -A Levite EZR 3:9; NE 3:18,24; 10:9 2298 HEPHER -1. Son of Gilead, and ancestor of Zelophehad NU 26:32,33; 27:1; JOS 17:2,3 -2. Son of Naarah 1CH 4:6 -3. One of David's heroes 1CH 11:36 -4. A city west of the Jordan River JOS 12:17; 1KI 4:10 2299 HEPHZI-BAH -1. Wife of Hezekiah 2KI 21:1 -2. A prophetic name of Jerusalem ISA 62:4 2300 HERALD -General scriptures concerning ISA 40:3; DA 3:4 -Signified by the word "preacher," 1TI 2:7; 2TI 1:11; 2PE 2:5 -See R.V. (margin). 2301 HERBS -Given for food GE 1:29,30; PR 15:17 -See VEGETATION » 5074 2302 HEREDITY -General scriptures concerning GE 5:3; EX 20:5,6; 34:7; NU 14:18,33; Job 14:4; 21:19; PS 37:28; 51:5; 58:3; ISA 14:20,21; 48:8; 65:6,7; JER 31:29,30; 32:18; EZE 18:2,19,20; MT 3:9; JOH 3:6,7; 9:2; RO 5:12; 1CO 15:22; EPH 2:3 2303 HERES -Mountain JUD 1:35 2304 HERESH -A Levite 1CH 9:15 2305 HERESY -The propagation of, forbidden under severe penalties DE 13; TIT 3:10,11; 2JO 1:10,11 -Teachers of, among early Christians AC 15:24; 2CO 11:4; GA 1:7; 2:4; 2PE 2; Jude 1:3-16; RE 2:2 -Paul and Silas accused of AC 16:20,21,23 -Paul accused of AC 18:13 -Disavowed by Paul AC 24:13-16 -See TEACHERS, FALSE » 4833 2306 HERMAS -A Christian at Rome RO 16:14 2307 HERMES -A Greek Christian RO 16:14 2308 HERMOGENES -A Christian, who deserted Paul 2TI 1:15 2309 HERMON -A mountain in the north of Palestine -Called .SIRION DE 3:8,9; PS 29:6 .SION DE 4:48; PS 133:3 .SHENIR DE 3:9; 1CH 5:23; SO 4:8 2310 HEROD -1. King of Judah (Herod the Great) MT 2 -2. Tetrarch of Galilee (Herod Antipas) LU 3:1; 23:7 .Incest of MT 14:3,4; MR 6:17-19 .Beheads John the Baptist MR 6:16-28; MT 14:3-11 .Desires to see Jesus LU 9:7,9; 23:8 .Tyranny of LU 13:31,32 .Jesus tried by LU 23:6-12,15; AC 4:27 -3. Son of Aristobulus (Herod Agrippa I) AC 12:1-23 2311 HERODIANS -A Jewish faction -Seek to entangle Jesus MT 22:16; MR 12:13 -Conspire to kill Jesus MR 3:6; 12:13 2312 HERODIAS -Daughter of Aristobulus MT 14:3,6; MR 6:17,19,22; LU 3:19 2313 HERODION -A Roman Christian RO 16:11 2314 HERON -General scriptures concerning LE 11:19; DE 14:18 2315 HESED -Father of one of Solomon's officers 1KI 4:10 2316 HESHBON -A city -Of the Amorites NU 21:25-35; DE 1:4 -Built by Reuben NU 32:37 -Allotted to Gad JOS 21:38,39 -Fish pools at SO 7:4 -Prophecy concerning ISA 16:8; JER 48:2,34,35; 49:1-3 2317 HESHMON -A town in the south of the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:27 2318 HETH -Son of Canaan, and ancestor of the Hittites GE 10:15; 23:3,5,7,10,16,18; 27:46; 49:32; 1CH 1:13 -See HITTITES » 2348 2319 HETHLON -A place on the northern frontier of Palestine EZE 47:15; 48:1 2320 HEZEKI -A Benjamite 1CH 8:17 2321 HEZEKIAH -1. King of Judah 2KI 16:20; 18:1,2; 1CH 3:13; 2CH 29:1; MT 1:9 .Religious zeal of 2CH 29; 30; 31 .Purges the nation of idolatry 2KI 18:4; 2CH 31:1; 33:3 .Restores the true forms of worship 2CH 31:2-21 .His piety 2KI 18:3,5,6; 2CH 29:2; 31:20,21; 32:32; JER 26:19 .Military operations of 2KI 18:19; 1CH 4:39-43; 2CH 32; ISA 36; 37 .Sickness and restoration of 2KI 20:1-11; 2CH 32:24; ISA 38:1-8 .His psalm of thanksgiving ISA 38:9-22 .His lack of wisdom in showing his resources to commissioners of Babylon 2KI 20:12-19; 2CH 32:25,26,31; ISA 39 .Prospered by God 2KI 18:7; 2CH 32:27-30 .Conducts the Gihon Brook into Jerusalem 2KI 18:17; 20:20; 2CH 32:4,30; 33:14; NE 2:13-15; 3:13,16; ISA 7:3; 22:9-11; 36:2 .Scribes of PR 25:1 .Death and burial of 2KI 20:21; 2CH 32:33 .Prophecies concerning 2KI 19:20-34; 20:5,6,16-18; ISA 38:5-8; 39:5-7; JER 26:18,19 -2. Son of Neariah 1CH 3:23 -3. One of the exiles EZR 2:16; NE 7:21 .Called Hizkijah NE 10:17 2322 HEZION -Grandfather of Ben-hadad 1KI 15:18 2323 HEZIR -1. A Levite 1CH 24:15 -2. A prince of Judah NE 10:20 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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