GOD -PROVIDENCE OF GE 1:29,30; 2:16; 8:22; 9:1-3; 22:14,17; 26:4,5; 28:20,21; 49:11,12,20,24,25; EX 15:26; 23:22,25,26; 34:24; LE 25:18-22; 26:4-6,10; NU 10:29; DE 1:10; 2:7; 4:4,40; 5:29,33; 6:2-25; 7:13-24; 8:3,4,18; 10:18; 11:7,8,12-15; 12:7,28; 13:17,18; 15:4-6; 26:19; 28:2-13; 29:5,9; 30:15-20; 32:11-14,47; JOS 1:8; RU 1:6; 1SA 2:7,8; 14:6; 2SA 7:8,9; 1KI 2:3,4; 9:4,5; 1CH 17:7,8; 22:9,13; 28:8; 29:12,14,16; 2CH 1:12; 7:17,18; 20:3-30; 30:9; 31:10; EZR 8:22; NE 9:25; Job 5:6-11,24-26; 8:6,7,20,21; 11:17-19; 12:23; 22:18,24,25,28; 29:5,19,20; 33:14-30; 36:11; 37:6-24; 38:25-27,41; 39:5,6; PS 21:3-5; 23:1-6; 33:12,15; 34:7,9,10; 36:6,7; 37:3,19,22,25,34; 40:5; 44:1-3; 65:9-13; 67:6; 68:6,9,10; 69:35,36; 71:6,7,15; 72:16; 78:52-55; 81:13-16; 85:12; 87:5; 100:3; 103:3-5; 104:10-19,24-30; 105:14-45; 107:1-43; 111:5; 113:6-9; 115:16; 116:1-15; 118:5,6,13,14; 122:9; 127:1-5; 128:2-6; 135:6-12; 136:5-25; 144:12-15; 145:15,16; 146:7-9; 147:8,9,13,14; PR 2:21; 3:1,2; 10:22,27; 11:10,11,31; 13:25; 14:11,19,34; 15:6; 16:7,9; 28:10; EC 2:24,26; 3:13; 5:19; ISA 1:19; 25:4; 30:23-26; 33:16; 43:20; 46:3,4; 48:17,21; 51:2; AC 7:34-36; ISA 55:10; 61:9; 62:9; 65:13,23; JER 5:24; 10:13; 14:22; 22:15; 27:6; 30:19; 31:35; 33:11; 51:16; EZE 36:9-11,28-38; DA 5:18; 6:20-22; HO 2:8,21,22; 11:3; JOE 2:18-26; AM 4:7-12; 9:13; JON 4:6; HAG 2:19; ZEC 3:7; 8:12; 9:17; 10:1; MAL 3:10-12; MT 5:5,45; 6:26,30-33; 10:29-31; LU 12:6,7,24-28; 22:35; JOH 6:31; AC 14:17; 1CO 2:9; 16:2; 2CO 9:8-10 -INSTANCES OF .Saving Noah GE 7:1 .The call of Abraham GE 12:1 .Protecting Abraham, Sarah, and Abimelech GE 20:3-6 .The deliverance of Lot GE 19 .The care of Isaac GE 26:2,3 .The mission of Joseph GE 39:2,3,23; 45:7,8; 50:20; PS 105:17-22 .Warning Pharaoh about the famine GE 41 .Delivering the Israelites EX 3:8; 11:3; 13:18; AC 7:34-36 .The pillar of cloud EX 13:21; 14:19,20 .Dividing the Red Sea EX 14:21 .Delaying and destroying Pharaoh EX 14:25-30 .Purifying the waters of Marah EX 15:25 .Supplying manna and quail EX 16:13-15; NU 11:31,32 .Supplying water at Meribah NU 20:7-11; NE 9:10-25 .Protection of homes while at feasts EX 34:24 .In the conquest of Canaan PS 44:2,3 .Saving David's army 2SA 5:23-25 .The revolt of the ten tribes 1KI 12:15,24; 2CH 10:15 .Fighting the battles of Israel 2CH 13:12,18; 14:9-14; 16:9; 20:15,17,22,23; 32:21,22 .Restoring Manasseh after his conversion 2CH 33:12,13 .Feeding Elijah and the widow 1KI 17; 19:1-8 .In prospering Hezekiah 2KI 18:6,7; 2CH 32:29 .In prospering Asa 2CH 14:6,7 .In prospering Jehoshaphat 2CH 17:3,5; 20:30 .In prospering Uzziah 2CH 26:5-15 .In prospering Jotham 2CH 27:6 .In prospering Job Job 1:10; 42:10,12 .In prospering Daniel DA 1:9 .In turning the heart of the king of Assyria to favor the Jews EZR 6:22 .In rescuing Jeremiah LA 3:52-58; with JER 38:6-13 .Restoration of the Jews 2CH 36:22,23; EZR 1:1 .Rescuing the Jews from Haman's plot, the Book of Esther .Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem NE 6:16 .Warning Joseph in dreams MT 1:20; 2:13,19,20 .Warning the wise men from the east MT 2:12,13 .Restoring Epaphroditus PHP 2:27 .In the banishment of John to Patmos RE 1:9 .See GOD, GOODNESS OF .See GOD, PRESERVER, above .See OVERRULING INTERPOSITIONS OF, below -PROVIDENCE OF, OVERRULING INTERPOSITIONS OF THE GE 45:5-7; 50:20; EX 14:4; NU 22:12-18; 23:1-30; 24:10-13; DE 2:30; 23:4,5; JOS 11:20; JUD 9:23,24; 1SA 2:6-9; 2SA 17:14; 1KI 11:14-40; 12:15; 1CH 5:26; 2CH 10:15; 36:22,23; EZR 1:1; 5:5; 6:22; NE 6:16; ES 6:1-12; 7:10; 9:1,25; Job 5:12; PS 17:13,14; 33:10; 75:7; 76:10; 105:17; 127:1,2; PR 13:22; 14:19; 16:7,33; 19:21; 21:1,18; 28:8; EC 2:26; 3:1,10; ISA 8:9,10; 10:5-7; 13:3-5; 41:2,4; 43:14; 44:28; 45:1-6,13; 48:14,15; 54:16,17; JER 51:20,21; 52:3; EZE 21:26,27; 29:19,20; DA 11:27; AC 3:17,18; 5:38,39; 7:9,10; RO 1:10; 8:28; 1CO 4:19; 16:7; PHP 1:12,19; PHM 1:15; JAS 4:15; RE 17:17 .See GOD, GOODNESS OF .See GOD, PRESERVER -PROVIDENCE OF, MYSTERIOUS AND MISINTERPRETED Job 10:15; 12:6; 21:7; 24:1-12; 33:13; PS 10:5; 73:2-5,12-17; 89:47; PR 28:5; EC 7:15; 8:12-17; 9:2,11; JER 12:1,2; 50:7; DA 12:10; MIC 4:12; HAB 1:2,3,11,13,14; MAL 3:14,15 .See BLINDNESS, SPIRITUAL » 0831 -INSTANCES OF .Elijah's trials 1KI 19 .Job's Job 3:19-23; with 1; 2 .Israelites EX 5:20-23 -RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JUD 5:11; EZR 9:15; Job 36:3; PS 5:8; 7:9; 48:10; 50:6; 71:15,19; 72:1; 88:12; 89:16; 97:2; 111:3; 112:4; 116:5; 119:40,137,142,144,172; 143:1; 145:7,17; ISA 41:10; 51:8; 56:1; JER 4:2; 9:24; 12:1; LA 3:34,36; DA 9:7; HO 14:9; MIC 7:9; MT 6:33; JOH 17:25; AC 17:31; RO 1:17; 3:4-6,21,22; 9:14; 10:3,4; 2TI 4:8; 1PE 2:23; 2PE 1:1; 1JO 2:1; RE 16:5 .See GOD, HOLINESS OF .See GOD, JUDGE, AND HIS JUSTICE -SAVIOUR GE 48:16; EX 15:2; DE 32:15,31,39; 33:25-29; 1SA 2:2; Job 33:24,27-29; PS 3:8; 18:30,31; 19:14; 25:5; 27:1; 28:8; 31:5; 33:18,19; 34:22; 36:9; 37:39,40; 50:23; 62:1,2,6,7; 65:5; 68:19,20; 71:16; 74:12; 76:8,9; 85:9; 88:1; 96:2; 98:2,3; 111:9; 118:14,21,27; 121:7; 133:3; 145:9; 149:4; ISA 12:2; 25:4,9; 26:1; 33:22; 35:4; 41:14; 43:3,11,12,14; 44:6,22-24; 45:15,17,21,22; 46:12,13; 47:4; 48:17; 49:25; 50:2; 52:3,9,10; 59:1; 60:16; 63:8,16; JER 3:23; 8:22; 14:8; 30:17; 33:6; 50:34; EZE 37:23; HO 1:7; 13:4,9; JOE 3:16; JON 2:9; ZEC 9:11,12,16; LU 1:68; JOH 3:16,17; 6:39; RO 1:16; 6:23; 8:30-32; 1CO 1:18; 2CO 5:18; EPH 1:3,5; 1TH 5:9; 2TH 2:16,17; 1TI 2:3,4; 4:10; 2TI 1:9; TIT 1:2,3; 2:10,11; 3:4,5; 1PE 1:5; 1JO 4:9,10; 5:11; RE 7:10; 19:1 .See GOD, PRESERVER, above -SELF-EXISTENT .See GOD, ETERNITY OF, above -SOVEREIGN GE 14:18-20,22; 24:3; EX 8:22; 9:29; 15:18; 18:11; 19:5; NU 27:16; DE 2:19; 4:39; 10:14,17; 32:8,39,41-43; JOS 2:11; 3:11; 1SA 2:6-8; 2KI 19:15; 1CH 29:11,12; 2CH 20:6; NE 9:6; Job 9:12; 12:9,10,16,17; 25:2; 33:13; 34:13,24,33; 36:1-33; 41:11; PS 10:16; 22:28,29; 24:1,10; 29:10; 44:4; 47:2,3,7,8; 50:10-12; 59:13; 65:5; 66:7; 67:4; 74:12; 75:6,7; 76:11,12; 82:1,8; 83:18; 89:11,18; 93:1,2; 95:3-5; 96:10; 97:1,2,5,9; 98:6; 99:1; 103:19; 105:7; 113:4; 115:3,16; 135:5,6; 136:2,3; 145:11-13; 146:10; EC 9:1; ISA 24:23; 33:22; 37:16; 40:22,23; 43:15; 44:6; 45:7,23; 52:7; 54:5; JER 10:10; 18:1-23; 27:5-7; 32:27,28; LA 3:37,38; 5:19; EZE 16:50; 17:24; 18:4; DA 2:20,21,47; 4:3,17,25,34,35,37; 5:18,26-28; 6:26; MIC 4:7,13; HAG 2:8; MAL 1:14; MT 6:10,13; 11:25; 20:15; LU 1:53; 10:21; JOH 10:29; 19:11; AC 17:24-26; RO 9:19; 14:11; 1CO 10:26; EPH 4:6; 1TI 6:15,16; HEB 1:3; JAS 4:12; RE 1:6; 4:11; 11:4,13,17; 19:6 .See GOD, POWER OF -A SPIRIT JOH 4:24; AC 17:29 -TRuth NU 23:19; DE 32:4; 1SA 15:29; PS 25:10; 31:5; 33:4; 40:10; 43:3; 57:3; 71:22; 86:11,15; 89:14; 91:4; 100:5; 108:4; 117:2; 132:11; 138:2; 146:6; ISA 25:1; 65:6; JER 10:10; DA 4:37; 9:13; JOH 8:26; 17:17,19; RO 3:4,7; TIT 1:2; RE 6:10; 15:3 .See GOD, FAITHFULNESS OF, above .See GOD, JUDGE, AND HIS JUSTICE, above .See GOD, RIGHTEOUSNESS OF, above .See also TRuth » 5006 -UBIQUITOUS 1KI 8:27; 2CH 2:6; PS 139:3,5,7-10; JER 23:23,24; AC 7:48,49 .See GOD, ETERNITY OF, above .See GOD, INFINITE, above .See GOD, OMNIPRESENT, above .See GOD, POWER OF, above .See GOD, PRESENCE OF, above .See GOD, PROVIDENCE OF, above -UNCHANGEABLE .See IMMUTABLE -UNITY OF DE 6:4; 1KI 8:60; 20:28; ISA 42:8; MR 12:29,32; JOH 17:3; 1CO 8:4,6; GA 3:20; 1TI 2:5; JAS 2:19 -UNSEARCHABLE GE 32:29; DE 29:29; JUD 13:18; 1KI 8:12,27; 2CH 2:6; 6:1,18; Job 5:8,9; 9:10; 11:7-9; 26:9,14; 36:26; 37:5,23; PS 77:19; 92:5; 97:2; 139:6; 145:3; PR 25:2; 30:4; EC 3:11; 7:24; 11:5; ISA 40:28; 45:15; 55:8,9; JER 23:24; NA 1:3; MT 11:27; RO 11:33,34; 1CO 2:10,11,16; EPH 3:8 .See MYSTERIES » 3475 -VOICE OF .See ANTHROPOMORPHISM » 0314 -WISDOM OF EZR 7:25; Job 9:4; 12:13,16; PS 104:24; 136:5; 147:5; PR 3:19,20; 8:12,22,27-31; ISA 31:2; JER 10:7,12; 51:15; DA 2:20-22,28; RO 16:27; 1CO 1:24,25; EPH 1:8; 3:10; 1TI 1:17; Jude 1:25; RE 7:12 .See GOD, KNOWLEDGE OF, above .See GOD, OMNISCIENT, above -WORKS OF GE 1:10,18,21,25; DE 32:4; PS 26:7; 33:4; 40:5; 66:3; 75:1; 86:8; 92:4,5; 111:2,4,6; 118:17; 136:1-26; 139:14; EC 3:11,14; JER 10:12 .See CREATION » 1264 .See GOD, CREATOR .See WORKS » 5169 2044 GODLESSNESS -General scriptures concerning DE 7:10; 32:15; 1SA 2:30; Job 8:11-13; 35:10; PS 2:2,4; 9:17; 10:4; 14:2,3; 28:5; 36:1; 50:22; 52:7; 53:2-4; 54:3; 55:19; 86:14; PR 14:2; ISA 1:3; 5:12; 17:10; 22:11; 30:1,2,9-13; 31:1; JER 2:32; DA 5:23; HO 7:2-4; MAL 2:17; 3:8; JOH 5:42,44; 15:23-25; RO 1:21,22,28; 3:11,18; 8:6-8; EPH 4:18; COL 1:21; HEB 10:26,27; JAS 4:4 -See IMPENITENCE » 2481 -See OBDURACY » 3615 -See PRAYERLESSNESS » 3937 -See REPROBACY » 4124 -See UNBELIEF » 5026 -See WICKED » 5141 2045 GODLINESS -See HOLINESS » 2363 -See RIGHTEOUSNESS » 4168 2046 GODLY -See RIGHTEOUS » 4167 2047 GODS -See IDOL » 2459 -See IDOLATRY » 2460 -See IMAGE » 2473 2048 GOG -1. A Reubenite 1CH 5:4 -2. A Scythian prince .Prophecy against EZE 38; 39; RE 20:8 2049 GOLAN -(A town in Bashan) -Given to the tribe of Manasseh as a city of refuge DE 4:43; JOS 20:8 -A Levitical city JOS 21:27; 1CH 6:71 2050 GOLD -Exported from Havilah GE 2:11,12 -From Ophir 1KI 9:28; 10:11; 1CH 29:4; 2CH 8:18; Job 22:24 -Tarshish 1KI 22:48 -Parvaim 2CH 3:6 -Sheba 1KI 10:10; 2CH 9:9; PS 72:15 -Uphaz JER 10:9 -Refined Job 28:19; 31:24; PR 8:19; 17:3; 27:21; ZEC 13:9; MAL 3:3 -Used in the arts .Beaten work 2CH 9:15 .Made into wire threads and worked into embroidered tapestry EX 39:3 .Apparel PS 45:9,13 .In ornamenting the priests' garments EX 39 .Modeled into forms of fruits PR 25:11 .Into ornaments GE 24:22; EX 3:22; 11:2; 28:11; NU 31:50,51; SO 1:10; 5:14; EZE 16:17 .Crowns made of EX 25:25; 37:2-11; 39:30; ES 8:15; PS 21:3; ZEC 6:11 .The lampstands made of, for the tabernacle EX 25:31-38; 37:17-24 .Shields of 1KI 10:16,17 .Overlaying with EX 25:11,13,24,28; with 25:1-40; 26:27,29; 30:5; 36:34,36,38; 37:2,4,11,15; 1KI 6:20-22,28,30,32,35 .Bedsteads made of ES 1:6 -Wedge of JOS 7:21; ISA 13:12 -Used as money GE 44:8; with 44:1; 1CH 21:25; EZR 8:25-28; ISA 13:17; 60:9; EZE 7:19; 28:4; MT 2:11; 10:9; AC 3:6; 20:33; 1PE 1:18 -Solomon rich in 1KI 10:2,14,21 -Vessels and utensils made of, for the tabernacle EX 25:26,29,38,39; 37:16 -For the temple 1CH 18:11; 22:14,16; 29:2-7 -Altar lamps, and other articles made of 1KI 7:48,49-51; 2KI 25:15; JER 52:19; EZR 8:27; DA 5:3 -See: Overlaying with, above -Belongs to God EZE 16:17 -FIGURATIVE EC 12:6; JER 51:7; LA 4:1; 1CO 3:12 -SYMBOLICAL DA 2:32-45; RE 21:18,21 .See GOLDSMITH » 2054 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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