1963 GEDALIAH -1. Governor appointed by Nebucbadnezzar after carrying the Jews into captivity 2KI 25:22-24 .Jeremiah committed to the care of JER 39:14; 40:5,6 .Warned of the conspiracy of Ishmael by Johanan, and the captains of his army JER 40:13-16 .Killed by Ishmael 2KI 25:25,26; JER 41:1-10 -2. A musician 1CH 25:3,9 -3. A priest, who divorced his Gentile wife after the exile EZR 10:18 -4. Ancestor of Zephaniah ZEP 1:1 -5. A prince who caused imprisonment of Jeremiah JER 38:1 1964 GEDEON -See GIDEON » 2006 1965 GEDER -An ancient city of Canaan JOS 12:13 -Possibly identical with GEDOR, number two or number three 1966 GEDERAH -A city in the plain of Judah JOS 15:3,6 1967 GEDEROTH -A city in the plain of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:41; 2CH 28:18 1968 GEDEROTHAIM -A city in the plain of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:36 1969 GEDOR -1. A city in the mountains of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:58 -2. The town of Jeroham 1CH 12:7 .Possibly identical with GEDER (which see) » 1965 -3. Valley of, taken by Simeonites 1CH 4:39 .See GEDER » 1965 -4. An ancestor of Saul 1CH 8:31; 9:37 -5. Either a place or a person (authorities disagree) 1CH 4:4,18 1970 GEHAZI -Servant of Elisha 2KI 4:12,29,31 -Covetousness of, and the judgment of leprosy upon 2KI 5:20-27 -Mentions to King Jehoram the miracles of Elisha, his master 2KI 8:4,5 1971 GEHENNA -See HELL » 2284 1972 GELILOTH -A place mentioned, as marking the boundary of the tribe of Benjamin JOS 18:17 -Gilgal is substituted JOS 15:7 1973 GEMALLI -Father of Ammiel NU 13:12 1974 GEMARIAH -1. Son of Shaphan JER 36:10-12,25 -2. An ambassador of Zedekiah to Nebuchadnezzar JER 29:3 1975 GENEALOGY -General scriptures concerning NU 1:18; 2CH 12:15; NE 7:5 -Of no spiritual significance MT 3:9; 1TI 1:4; TIT 3:9 -From Adam to Noah GE 4:16-22; 5; 1CH 1:1-4; LU 3:36-38 -To Abraham GE 11:10-32; 1CH 1:4-27; LU 3:34-38 -To Jesus MT 1:1-16; LU 3:23-38 -Of the descendants of Noah GE 10 -Of Nahor GE 22:20-24 -Of Abraham, by his wife Keturah GE 25:1-4; 1CH 1:32,33 -Of Ishmael GE 25:12-16; 1CH 1:28-31 -Of Esau GE 36; 1CH 1:35-54 -Of Jacob GE 35:23-26; EX 1:5; 6:14-27; NU 26; 1CH 2:9 -Of Pharez to David RU 4:18-22 -Of the Jews who returned from the captivity EZR 7:1-5; 8:1-15; NE 7; 11:12 -Of Joseph MT 1; LU 3:23-38 1976 GENERALS, DISTINGUISHED -See ABRAHAM » 0055 -See JOSHUA » 2855 -See SAUL » 4267 -See DAVID » 1341 -See JOAB » 2805 -See AMASA » 0238 -See GIDEON » 2006 -See BENAIAH » 0678 -See NAAMAN » 3478 -See JEPHTHAH » 2745 -See BEN-HADAD » 0689 -See SENNACHERIB » 4331 -See CAPTAINS » 0972 1977 GENEROSITY -See LIBERALITY » 3050 1978 GENIUS -Mechanical, a divine inspiration EX 28:3; 31:2-11; 35:30-35; 36:1 1979 GENNESARET -See GALILEE » 1931 1980 GENTILES -UNCLASSIFIED SCIPTURES RELATING TO JER 10:2,3; MT 6:7,8,31,32; AC 14:16; 17:4,16,17,22-27; RO 1:18-32; 2:1-15; 1CO 10:20; 12:2; GA 2:15; EPH 2:12; 4:17-19; 5:12; 1TH 4:4; 1PE 4:3,4 .See IDOLATRY » 2460 .See MISSIONS » 3403 -PROPHECIES OF THE CONVERSION OF GE 12:3,5; 22:18; 49:10; DE 32:21; PS 2:8; 22:27-31; 46:4,10; 65:2,5; 66:4; 68:31,32; 72:1-20; 86:9; 102:15,18-22; 145:10,11; ISA 2:2-5; 9:1-7; 11:1-10; 18:7; 24:16; 35:1-10; 40:4-11; 42:1-12; 45:6,8,22-24; 49:1,5,6,18-23; 54:1-3; 55:5; 56:3,6-8; 60:1,3-5,8-14; 65:1; 66:7-23; JER 3:17; 4:2; 16:19-21; EZE 47:3-5; DA 2:35,44,45; 7:13,14; HO 2:23; JOE 2:28-32; AM 9:11,12; MIC 4:3,4; HAG 2:7; ZEC 2:10,11; 6:15; 8:1-23; 9:1,9-17; 14:8-21; MAL 1:11; MT 3:9; 8:11; 12:17-21; 19:30; MR 10:31; LU 13:29,30; 21:24; JOH 10:16; AC 9:15 .See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING PROSPERITY OF » 1107 -CONVERSION OF AC 10:45; 11:1-18; 13:2,46-48; 14:27; 15:7-9,12-31; 18:4-6; 26:16-18; 28:28; RO 1:5-7; 9:22-30; 10:19,20; 11:11-13,17-21; 15:9-12; GA 1:15,16; 2:2; 3:14; EPH 3:1-8; COL 3:11; 1TH 2:16; 1TI 3:16; 2TI 1:11; RE 11:15; 15:4 .See MISSIONS » 3403 .See CHURCH, PROPHECIES CONCERNING PROSPERITY OF » 1107 .See JESUS, KINGDOM OF, PROPHECIES CONCERNING » 2780 1981 GENTLENESS -OF CHRIST ISA 40:11; 2CO 10:1; MT 11:29 .See JESUS, COMPASSION OF » 2780 .See JESUS, HUMILITY OF » 2780 .See JESUS, MEEKNESS OF » 2780 -OF GOD 2SA 22:36; PS 18:35; ISA 40:11 .See GOD, COMPASSION OF » 2043 .See GOD, LONG-SUFFERING OF » 2043 .Of Paul 1TH 2:7 -EXHORTATIONS TO GA 5:22; 2TI 2:24-26; TIT 3:1,2; JAS 3:17 .See HUMILITY » 2417 .See KINDNESS » 2932 .See MEEKNESS » 3262 .See PATIENCE » 3755 1982 GENUBATH -Son of Hadad 1KI 11:20 1983 GEOLOGY -General scriptures concerning GE 1:9,10; 1SA 2:8; 2SA 22:16; Job 12:8,9; 28:9-11; PS 18:15; 24:1,2; 104:5-13; 136:6; PR 30:4; JER 31:37; HAB 3:9; 2PE 3:5-7 -See CREATION » 1264 -See EARTH » 1502 -See METEOROLOGY » 3332 -See ASTRONOMY » 0470 -See also HOT SPRINGS » 2406 1984 GERA -Possibly the name of three men; more probably of one -The son of Bela GE 46:21; JUD 3:15; 2SA 16:5; 19:16,18; 1KI 2:8; 1CH 8:3,5,7 1985 GERAH -A weight equal to thirteen and seven-tenths grains, Paris -Also a coin equivalent to about three cents American money and three half-pence English money EX 30:13; LE 27:25; NU 3:47 1986 GERAR -1. A city of the Philistines GE 10:19 .Abimelech, king of GE 20:1; 26:6 .Visited by Abraham GE 20:1 .Visited by Isaac GE 26:1; 2CH 14:13,14 -2. A valley GE 26:17-22 1987 GERGESENES -See GADARENES » 1920 1988 GERIZIM -Mount of blessing DE 11:29; 27:12; JOS 8:33 -Jotham addresses the Shechemites from, against the conspiracy of Abimelech JUD 9:7 -Samaritans worship at JOH 4:20 1989 GERSHOM -1. Son of Moses EX 2:22; 18:3; 1CH 23:15,16; 26:24 -2. GERSHOM .See GERSHON » 1990 -3. A descendant of Phinehas EZR 8:2 -4. A Levite JUD 18:30 1990 GERSHON -Also called GERSHOM -Son of Levi GE 46:11; EX 6:16,17; NU 3:17-26; 4:22-28,38; 7:7; 10:17; 26:57; JOS 21:6; 1CH 6:1,16,17,20,43,62,71; 15:7; 23:6 1991 GESHAM -A descendant of Caleb 1CH 2:47 1992 GESHEM -Also called GASHMU, an Arabian -Opposed Nehemiah in building Jerusalem NE 2:19; 6:1-6 1993 GESHUR -District east of the sources of the Jordan River. The inhabitants of, not subdued by the Israelites DE 3:14; JOS 13:2-13; 1CH 2:23 -Inhabitants of one of the villages of, exterminated, and the spoils taken by David 1SA 27:8 -David marries a princess of 2SA 3:3; 1CH 3:2 -Absalom takes refuge in, after the murder of Amnon 2SA 1:3 1994 GETHSEMANE -(A garden near Jerusalem) -Jesus betrayed in MT 26:36-50; MR 14:32-46; LU 22:39-49; JOH 18:1,2 1995 GEZER -Also called GAZER, GAZARA, GAZERA, and GOB -A Canaanitish royal city -King of, defeats Joshua JOS 10:33; 12:12 -Canaanites not all expelled from, but made to pay tribute (taxes) JOS 16:10; JUD 1:29 -Allotted to the half-tribe of Ephraim JOS 16:3,10; 1CH 7:28 -Assigned to Levites JOS 21:21 -Battle with Philistines at 1CH 20:4; 2SA 21:18 -Struck by David 1SA 27:8 -Fortified by Solomon 1KI 9:15-17; 12:23 1996 GHOST -Soul AC 5:5,10; 12:23 -See SPIRIT » 4671 -See MAN, CREATED A SPIRIT » 3187 1997 GIAH -A place on the way to the wilderness of Gibeon 2SA 2:24 1998 GIANTS -General scriptures concerning GE 6:4 -See ANAKIM » 0281 -See EMIMS » 1629 -See GOLIATH » 2056 -See ISHBI-BENOB » 2562 -See OG » 3634 -See REPHAIM » 4121 -See ZAMZUMMIM » 5208 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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