1807 FAVORITISM -INSTANCES OF .Jacob, for Rachel GE 29:30,34 .Elkanah, for Hannah 1SA 1:4,5 .Rebekah, for Jacob GE 27:6-17 .Jacob, for Joseph GE 37:3,4 .Joseph, for Benjamin GE 43:34 .Forbidden in parents DE 21:15-17 .See PARTIALITY » 3736 1808 FEAR -See COWARDICE » 1257 -Also see FEAR OF GOD, below 1809 FEAR OF GOD -REVERENCE GE 35:5; EX 18:21; 20:18-20; LE 22:32; DE 4:10; 5:29; 6:2,13; 10:12,20,21; 13:4; 14:23; 28:49,58; JOS 4:24; 24:14; 1SA 2:30; 12:14,24; 2SA 23:3; 1KI 8:40; 2KI 17:28,36,39; 1CH 16:30; 2CH 19:7,9; EZR 10:3; NE 5:9; Job 28:28; 37:24; PS 2:11; 4:4; 15:4; 19:9; 22:23,25; 25:12-14; 31:19; 33:8,18; 34:7,9; 46:10; 52:6; 60:4; 64:9; 66:16; 67:7; 72:5; 76:7; 85:9; 86:11; 89:7; 90:11; 96:4,9; 99:1; 102:15; 103:11,17; 111:5,10; 112:1; 115:11,13; 118:4; 119:63,74,79; 128:1,4; 130:4; 135:20; 145:19; 147:11; PR 1:7; 2:5; 3:7; 8:13; 9:10; 10:27; 13:13; 14:2,16,26,27; 15:16,33; 16:6; 19:23; 22:4; 23:17; 24:21; 28:14; 31:30; EC 3:14; 5:7; 7:18; 8:12; 12:13; ISA 2:10,19-21; 8:13; 25:3; 29:13,23; 33:6,13; 50:10; 59:19; 60:5; JER 5:22; 10:7; 32:39,40; 33:9; ISA 3:5; MIC 7:16,17; ZEP 1:7; 3:7; ZEC 2:13; MAL 1:6; 3:16; 4:2; MT 10:28; LU 1:50; 12:5; 23:40; AC 10:35; 13:16,26; RO 11:20; 2CO 7:1; EPH 5:21; 6:5; PHP 2:12; COL 3:22; HEB 5:5,7; 12:28,29; JAS 2:19; 1PE 1:17; 2:17,18; 3:2,15; 1JO 4:16-18; RE 11:18; 14:7; 19:5 -CONSPICUOUS INSTANCES OF THOSE WHO FEARED .Noah, in preparing the ark HEB 11:7 .Abraham, tested in the offering of his son Isaac GE 22:12 .Jacob, in the vision of the ladder, and the covenant of God GE 28:16,17; 42:18 .The midwives of Egypt, in refusing to take the lives of the Hebrew children EX 1:17,21 .The Egyptians, at the time of the plague of thunder and hail and fire EX 9:20 .The nine and one-half tribes of Israel west of the Jordan River JOS 22:15-20 .Phinehas, in turning away the anger of God at the time of the plague NU 25:11; with 25:6-15 .Obadiah, in sheltering one-hundred prophets against the wrath of Jezebel 1KI 18:3,4 .Jehoshaphat, in proclaiming a feast, when the land was about to be invaded by the armies of the Ammonites and Moabites 2CH 20:3 .Nehemiah, in his reform of the public administration NE 5:15 .Hanani, which qualified him to be ruler over Jerusalem NE 7:2 .Job, according to the testimony of Satan Job 1:8 .David PS 5:7; 119:38 .Hezekiah, in his treatment of the prophet Micah, who prophesied harm against Jerusalem JER 26:19 .Jonah, during the storm JON 1:9 .The Jews, in obeying the voice of the Lord HAG 1:12 .Levi, in receiving the covenant of life and peace HAG 1:5 .The women at the grave MT 28:8 .Cornelius, who revered God with all his house AC 10:2 .See CONVICTION OF SIN » 1222 .See FAITH » 1783 -CULTIVATED EX 3:5; 19:12,13; HEB 12:18-24 -GUILTY Job 5:20-25; 18:11; PR 1:24-27; 10:24; DA 5:6; JAS 2:19 -INSTANCES OF GUILTY FEAR .Adam and Eve GE 3:8-13 .The guards at Jesus' tomb MT 28:4 .Judas MT 27:3-5 .Demons JAS 2:19 .See CONVICTION, OF SIN » 1222 -A MOTIVE OF OBEDIENCE LE 19:14,32; 25:17,36,43; NU 32:15; DE 6:13-15; 7:4; 8:5,6; 10:12,13,20; 13:4,6-11; 14:23; 15:9; 17:11-13; 19:16-20; 21:18-21; 28:14-68; 31:11-13; JOS 23:11-16; 1SA 12:14,15,24,25; Job 13:21; 31:1-4,13-15,23; PR 16:6; ISA 1:20; JER 4:4; 22:5; MT 10:28; LU 12:4,5; 2CO 5:10,11; 2TI 4:1,2; 2PE 3:10-12; RE 14:9,10 .See PUNISHMENT, DESIGN OF, TO SECURE OBEDIENCE » 3998 .See REWARD, A MOTIVE FOR FAITHFULNESS » 4152 1810 FEASTS -Ancient customs at .Men alone present at GE 40:20; 43:32,34; 1SA 9:22; ES 1:8,9; MR 6:21; LU 14:24 -Men and women attend EX 32:6; with 32:2,3; DA 5:1-3 -Riddles propounded at JUD 14:12 -Marriage feasts provided by the bridegroom JUD 14:10,17 -Guests arranged according to age GE 43:33 -Rank 1SA 9:22; LU 14:8-10 -Reclined on couches AM 6:4,7; LU 7:38; JOH 13:25 -Served in one dish MT 26:23 -Were presided over by a master of ceremonies JOH 2:8,9 -Host served GE 18:8 -Wine served at ES 5:6; 7:7 -Music at ISA 5:12; AM 6:4,5; LU 15:25 -Dancing at MT 14:6; LU 15:25 -Given by kings 1SA 20:5; 25:36; 2SA 9:10; 1KI 2:7; 4:22; 18:19; ES 1:3-8; DA 5:1-4 -Drunkenness at 1SA 25:36; ES 1:10; DA 5:1-4 -Covenants ratified by GE 26:28-30 -Celebrations by .Birthdays GE 40:20; MR 6:21 .Coronations 1KI 1:25; 1CH 12:38-40 .National deliverances ES 8:17; 9:17-19 -FIGURATIVE MT 22:1-14; LU 14:16-24; RE 19:9,17 -ANNUAL FESTIVALS -(Instituted by Moses) .Designated as SOLEMN FEASTS NU 15:3; 2CH 8:13; LA 2:6; EZE 46:9 .SET FEASTS NU 29:39; EZR 3:5 .APPOINTED FEASTS ISA 1:14 .HOLY CONVOCATIONS LE 23:4 .First and last days were SABBATIC LE 23:39,40; NU 28:18-25; 29:12,35; NE 8:1-18 .Kept with rejoicing LE 23:40; DE 16:11-14; 2CH 30:21-26; EZR 6:22; NE 8:9-12,17; PS 42:4; 122:4; ISA 30:29; ZEC 8:19 .Divine protection given during EX 34:24 .The three principal were: PASSOVER, PENTECOST, TABERNACLES .All males were required to attend EX 23:17; 34:23; DE 16:16; PS 42:4; 122:4; EZE 36:38; LU 2:44; JOH 4:45; 7 .Aliens (non-Jews) were permitted to attend JOH 12:20; AC 2:1-11 .Attended by women 1SA 1:3,9; LU 2:41 .Observed .By Jesus MT 26:17-20; LU 2:41,42; 22:15; JOH 2:13,23; 5:1; 7:10; 10:22 .By Paul AC 18:21; 19:21; 20:6,16; 24:11,17 .For full treatment of annual feasts .See PASSOVER » 3749 .See PENTECOST » 3795 .See PURIM » 4002 .See TABERNACLES » 4781 .See TRUMPETS » 5003 1811 FEET -Bells worn on ISA 3:16,18 -Washing of, as an example, by Jesus JOH 13:4-14 -Sitting at DE 33:3; LU 10:39; AC 22:3 -See ABLUTION » 0051 1812 FELIX -(The Roman governor of Judaea) -Paul tried before AC 23:24-35; 24 -Trembles under Paul's preaching AC 24:25 -Leaves Paul in bonds AC 24:26,27; 25:14 1813 FELLOWSHIP -General scriptures concerning EC 4:9-12; AM 3:3 -See FRATERNITY » 1889 -See FELLOWSHIP » 1813 -WITH GOD GE 5:22,24; 6:9; EX 29:45; 33:14-17; LE 26:12; ISA 57:15; ZEC 2:10; MR 9:37; JOH 14:23; 17:21,23; 2CO 6:16; 13:11; 1JO 1:3,5-7; 3:24; RE 21:3,4 -WITH CHRIST PS 45:9-16; MT 12:48-50; 18:20; MR 9:37; LU 8:21; 24:32; JOH 6:51-57; 14:20-23; 15:1-8; 17:21-23,26; RO 7:4; 8:1,10,17; 11:17; 12:5; 1CO 1:9; 6:13-15,17; 10:16; 12:12,27; 2CO 11:2; 13:5; EPH 5:30,32; COL 1:27; 3:3; 1TH 5:9,10; HEB 2:11; 1JO 2:6,24,28; 3:6,24; 4:13; 5:12,20; 2JO 1:9; RE 3:20 .See COMMUNION » 1168 -OF THE HOLY SPIRIT RO 8:9; 1CO 3:16; 2CO 13:14 .See COMMUNION » 1168 .See HOLY SPIRIT » 2367 -OF THE RIGHTEOUS PS 55:14; 119:63; AM 3:3; MAL 3:16; MT 17:4; 20:25-28; 23:8; MR 10:42-45; LU 22:32; 24:13-15; JOH 13:34; 15:12; 17:11,21-23; AC 1:14; 2:1,42,44-47; 17:4; 20:35; RO 1:12; 14:1-4,10,13-16,18-21; 15:1-7; 1CO 1:10; 10:16,17; 12:13; 16:19,20; GA 2:9; 6:2,10; EPH 2:14-22; 5:2,19,30; PHP 1:3,5,27; 2:1,2; COL 2:2; 3:16; 1TH 4:18; 5:11,14; HEB 3:13; 10:24; 13:1; JAS 5:16; 1PE 2:17; 3:8,9; 1JO 1:3,7; 3:14; 4:7,8,11-13 .See COMMUNION OF SAINTS » 1168 -WITH THE WICKED GE 49:6; EX 33:15,16; 34:13-16; NU 25:1-8; DE 31:16,17; JOS 23:12,13; EZR 6:21,22; 9:14; PS 6:8; 26:4,5; 50:18; 102:6-8; PR 12:11; 28:19; 29:24; 1CO 5:11; 15:33; 2PE 2:18,19; 3:17 .See the following sub-topics .PUNISHMENT OF NU 33:56; JOS 23:13; JUD 2:3; 3:5-8; EZR 9:7,14; PS 106:41,42; RE 2:16,22,23 .See COMPANY, EVIL » 1170 .See INFLUENCE » 2503 -WITH THE WICKED FORBIDDEN EX 23:32,33; 34:12; NU 16:26; DE 7:2-4; 12:30; 13:6-11; JOS 23:6,7,13; JUD 2:2; EZR 9:1,2,12; 10:11; PS 1:1; PR 1:10-15; 4:14,15; 9:6; 14:7; MT 18:17; RO 16:17; 1CO 5:9-11; 2CO 6:14-17; EPH 5:11; 2TH 3:6,14,15; 1TI 6:3-5; 2TI 3:2-7; 2PE 3:17; 2JO 1:9-11; RE 18:1-4 -THE EVIL OF FELLOWSHIP WITH THE WICKED EXEMPLIFIED .By Solomon 1KI 11:1-8 .By Rehoboam 1KI 12:8,9 .By Jehoshaphat 2CH 18:3; 19:2; 20:35-37 .By Jehoram 2CH 21:6 .By Ahaziah 2CH 22:3-5 .By the Israelites EZR 9:1,2 .By Israel EZE 44:7 .By Judas Iscariot MT 26:14-16 -INSTANCES OF THOSE WHO AVOIDED FELLOWSHIP WITH THE WICKED .Man of God 1KI 13:7-10 .Nehemiah NE 6:2-4; 10:29-31 .David PS 101:4-7; 119:115 .Jeremiah JER 15:17 .Joseph of Arimathaea LU 23:51 .Church of Ephesus RE 2:6 .See COMPANY, EVIL » 1170 .See INFLUENCE, EVIL » 2503 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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