1490 DUTY (TAX) -Tribute (a tax) levied on foreign commerce by Solomon 1KI 10:15 1491 DUTY -OF MAN TO GOD DE 6:5; 10:12,13; 11:1; 30:15-20; JOS 22:5; 23:11; PS 31:23; PR 23:26; MT 4:10; 12:50; 22:21,36-40; LU 17:10; 21:3,4; JOH 4:34; 6:38; 14:15,21; 15:14; AC 4:19,20; 5:29; Jude 1:21 .See COMMANDMENTS » 1164 .See FAITHFULNESS » 1784 .See OBEDIENCE » 3618 -OF MAN TO MAN LE 19:18; ISA 58:6,7; MT 7:12; 25:34-46; LU 10:25-37 .See COMMANDMENTS » 1164 .See CHILDREN » 1076 .See HUSBAND » 2428 .See MINISTER, DUTIES OF » 3381 .See PARENTS » 3726 .See WIFE » 5143 1492 DWARFS -Forbidden to be priests LE 21:20 1493 DYEING -General scriptures concerning EX 25:5; 26:14; ISA 63:1; EZE 23:15 1494 DYING -See DEATH » 1350 1495 DYSENTERY -General scriptures concerning AC 28:8 1496 DYSPEPSIA -Of Timothy 1TI 5:23 1497 EAGLE -Forbidden as food LE 11:13; DE 14:12 -The swift flight of DE 28:49; Job 9:26; PR 30:19; JER 4:13; 49:22; LA 4:19 -The nest of DE 32:11; Job 39:27-30; JER 49:16 -Carries her young upon her wings EX 19:4; DE 32:11 -The long life of PS 103:5 -The molting of MIC 1:16 -Gier-eagle LE 11:18 -FIGURATIVE EX 19:4; DE 32:11; JER 48:40; HO 8:1 -SYMBOLICAL EZE 1:10; 10:14; 17:3; DA 7:4; RE 4:7; 12:14 1498 EAR -Blood put upon, in consecration of priest EX 29:20; LE 8:23 -In cleansing lepers LE 14:14,25 -Anointed with oil in purifications LE 14:17,28 -Bored as a sign of servitude EX 21:5,6; PS 40:6 -See DEAFNESS » 1349 -FIGURATIVE .Anthropomorphic uses of PS 17:6; 39:12; 77:1; 80:1; 84:8 .For more extended anthropomorphic uses, consult a concordance 1499 EARNEST -A pledge or token PS 86:17; 2CO 1:22; 5:5; EPH 1:14 -See TOKEN » 4951 1500 EARNESTNESS -See ZEAL » 5223 1501 EAR-RING -Of gold PR 25:12 -Offering of .For the golden calf EX 32:2,3 .For the tabernacle EX 35:22 -Worn for idolatrous purposes GE 35:4; ISA 3:20 1502 EARTH -Primitive condition of GE 1:6,7; Job 26:7; PS 104:5-9 -Design of ISA 45:18 -Ancient notions concerning 1SA 2:8; Job 9:6; RE 7:1 -Cursed of God GE 3:17,18; RO 8:19-22 -Circle of ISA 40:22 -God's footstool ISA 66:1; LA 2:1 -Given to man PS 115:16 -Early divisions of GE 10; 11; DE 32:8 -Perpetuity of GE 49:26; DE 33:15; PS 78:69; 104:5; EC 1:4; HAB 3:6 -A new earth ISA 65:17; 66:22; RE 21:1 -CREATED BY GOD GE 1:1; 2KI 19:15; 2CH 2:12; NE 9:6; PS 90:2; 102:25; 115:15; 146:6; PR 8:22-26; ISA 37:16; 45:18; JER 10:12; 27:5; 32:17; 51:15; JOH 17:24; 2PE 3:5; RE 10:6; 14:7 .BY CHRIST JOH 1:3,10; HEB 1:10 .See CREATION » 1264 .See GOD, CREATOR » 2043 -DESTRUCTION OF PS 102:25-27; ISA 24:19,20; 51:6; MT 5:18; 24:3,14,29-31,35-39; MR 13:24-37; LU 21:26-36; HEB 1:10-12; 2PE 3:10-13; RE 20:11; 21:1 1503 EARTHENWARE -See POTTERY » 3930 1504 EARTHQUAKES -General scriptures concerning Job 9:6; PS 18:7; 46:2,3; 104:32; JER 4:24 -As judgments PS 18:15; 60:2; ISA 13:13,14; 24:19,20; 29:6; NA 1:5 -Prophecies of EZE 38:19; ZEC 14:4; MT 24:7; MR 13:8; LU 21:11; RE 11:19 -INSTANCES OF .At Sinai EX 19:18; PS 68:8; 77:18; 114:4-7; HEB 12:26 .When Korah, Dathan, and Abiram were swallowed up NU 16:31,32 .When Jonathan and his armor-bearer attacked the garrison at Gibeah 1SA 14:15 .When the Lord revealed himself to Elijah in the still small voice 1KI 19:11 .In Canaan, in the days of Uzziah, king of Judah AM 1:1; ZEC 14:5 .At the crucifixion of Jesus MT 27:51 .At the resurrection of Jesus MT 28:2 .When Paul and Silas were in prison at Philippi AC 16:26 -FIGURATIVE PS 60:2 -SYMBOLICAL RE 6:12-14; 11:13; 16:18,20 1505 EAST SEA -See DEAD SEA » 1348 1506 EAST WIND -See WIND » 5149 1507 EASTER (A.V.) -(Should be translated "Passover," as in R. V. and most other translations) AC 12:4 1508 EATING -The host acting as waiter GE 18:8 -Favored guests served a double portion GE 43:34 -Table used in JUD 1:7 -Sitting at table EX 32:6 -Reclining on couches AM 6:4,7; LU 7:37,38; JOH 13:25 -Ablutions before MT 15:2 -See FEASTS » 1810 -See FOOD » 1861 -See GLUTTONY » 2036 1509 EBAL -1. Son of Joktan 1CH 1:22 -2. A Horite GE 36:23; 1CH 1:40 -3. A mountain of Ephraim. Half of the tribes of Israel stand on, to respond Amen to the curses of the law DE 11:29; 27:12,13; JOS 8:33 .Altar built on JOS 8:30 .See GERIZIM » 1988 1510 EBED -1. Father of Gaal JUD 9:26-35 -2. A captive returned from Babylon EZR 8:6 1511 EBED-MELECH -(An Ethiopian) -Jeremiah rescued by JER 38:7-13 -Prophecy concerning JER 39:16-18 1512 EBENEZER -Name of a memorial stone 1SA 7:12 -Philistines defeat the Israelites at 1SA 4 -Philistines remove the ark of the covenant from 1SA 5:1 1513 EBER -Also called HEBER -1. The probable founder of the Hebrew race GE 10:21-25; 11:14; 1CH 1:19,25; LU 3:35 .Prophecy concerning NU 24:24 -2. A Gadite, called HEBER 1CH 5:13 -3. A Benjamite 1CH 8:12 -4. A Benjamite of Jerusalem 1CH 8:22 -5. A priest NE 12:20 1514 EBIASAPH -Also called ASAPH -A son of Korah 1CH 6:23; 9:19; 26:1 1515 EBONY -(A fossil) -Merchandise in EZE 27:15 1516 EBRONAH -The thirtieth camping place of the Israelites NU 33:34,35 1517 ECCLESIASTICISM -Jewish, rebuked by Jesus MT 9:10-13; 23:2-4,8-10,13-35; MR 9:49,50 -Jewish, to be overthrown MT 21:19,20,28-44 -Traditional rules of the Jewish MT 15:1-20; MR 7:2-23 -See COMMANDMENTS OF MEN » 1164 -Arrogance of MT 12:2-7; 23:4 -See MINISTERS, FALSE » 3381 -See CHURCH » 1107 -See USURPATION, IN ECCLESIASTICAL AFFAIRS » 5052 1518 ECLIPSE -Of the sun and moon ISA 13:10; EZE 32:7,8; JOE 2:10,31; 3:15; AM 8:9; MIC 3:6; MT 24:29; MR 13:24; AC 2:20; RE 6:12,13; 8:12 -See SUN » 4739 -See MOON » 3431 -FIGURATIVE ISA 60:19 1519 ECONOMY -POLITICAL .See ECONOMICS » 1520 .See GOVERNMENT » 2069 1520 ECONOMICS -POLITICAL GE 41:33-57 -HOUSEHOLD PR 24:27; 31:10-31; EC 11:4-6; JOH 6:12,13 -See FAMILY » 1792 -See FRUGALITY » 1901 -See INDUSTRY » 2498 1521 ED -Name of the altar, erected by the tribes, Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh at the fords of the Jordan River JOS 22:34 1522 EDAR -A tower GE 35:21; MIC 4:8 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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