1433 DISPERSION -Of the descendants of Noah GE 10 -After building the tower of Babel GE 11:1-9; DE 32:8 -Of the Jews, foretold JER 16:15; 24:9; JOH 7:35 1434 DISPUTE -(About property) -See PROPERTY » 3973 1435 DISSEMBLING -INSTANCES OF .Joseph GE 42:7-20; 43:26-34 .David 1SA 21:13-15 .See DECEPTION » 1358 .See HYPOCRISY » 2442 1436 DISSENSION -In congregations 1CO 1:10-13; 3:3,4; 11:18,19 1437 DISSIPATION -Dangers of Job 1:5 -See DRUNKENNESS » 1481 1438 DISTAFF -General scriptures concerning PR 31:19 1439 DITCH -FIGURATIVE PR 23:27 1440 DIVINATION -See SORCERY » 4647 1441 DIVINITY OF CHRIST -See JESUS, DIVINITY OF » 2780 1442 DIVORCE -General scriptures concerning EX 21:7-11; DE 21:10-14; 24:1-4; EZR 10:1-16; NE 13:23-30; JER 3:1; MIC 2:9; MAL 2:14-16; MT 5:31,32; 19:3-12; MR 10:2; LU 16:18; 1CO 7:10-17 -Disobedience of the wife to the husband, a sufficient cause for, in the Persian empire ES 1:10-22 -See MARRIAGE » 3212 -FIGURATIVE ISA 50:1; 54:4; JER 3:8 1443 DOCTOR -A teacher, or master MT 8:19; LU 2:46; 5:17; AC 5:34; 1TI 1:7 -See PHYSICIAN » 3858 -See DISEASE » 1428 1444 DOCTRINES -General scriptures concerning JOH 7:16,17 -Guidelines set forth from the leaders in Jerusalem AC 15:6-29 -FALSE MT 5:19; 15:9,13; RO 16:17,18; 1CO 3:1-4,11,21; 11:18,19; 2CO 2:17; 11:3,4; GA 1:6-8; EPH 4:14; COL 2:4,8,18-23; 1TI 1:3,4,6,7,19; 4:1-3,7; 6:3-5,20,21; 2TI 2:14,16-18; 3:6-9,13; 4:3; TIT 1:10,11,14; 3:10,11; HEB 13:9; 2PE 2:1-22; 1JO 4:3; 2JO 1:7-9; Jude 1:4-11 .See MINISTERS, FALSE » 3381 .See SCHISM »(n/a) .See TEACHERS, FALSE » 4833 1445 DODAI -See DODO » 1448 1446 DODANIM -Descendants of Noah GE 10:4 -Called RODANIM 1CH 1:7 1447 DODAVAH -A prophet 2CH 20:37 1448 DODO -1. A descendant of Issachar JUD 10:1 -2. One of David's heroes 2SA 23:9; 1CH 11:12 .Called DODAI 1CH 27:4 -3. A Bethlehemite 2SA 23:24; 1CH 11:26 1449 DOEG -An Edomite, present when Ahimelech helped David 1SA 21:7; PS 52 -Murdered eighty-five priests 1SA 22:18,19 1450 DOER -OF THE WORD MT 7:21; 12:50; LU 11:28; RO 2:13-15; 2CO 8:11; JAS 1:22-27; 4:11 .See HEARERS » 2255 1451 DOG (SODOMITE?) -Price of, not to be brought into the sanctuary DE 23:18 -Shepherd dogs Job 30:1 -Habits of .Licking blood 1KI 21:19; 22:38 .Licking sores LU 16:21 .Returns to eat his own vomit PR 26:11; 2PE 2:22 .Lapping of JUD 7:5 -Dumb and sleeping ISA 56:10,11 -Greyhound PR 30:31 -Epithet of contempt 1SA 17:43; 24:14; 2SA 3:8; 9:8; 16:9; 2KI 8:13; ISA 56:10,11; MT 15:26 -FIGURATIVE PHP 3:2; RE 22:15 1452 DOGMATISM -See COMMANDMENTS, OF MEN » 1164 1453 DOMICILE -RIGHTS OF DE 24:10,11 1454 DOMINION -OF MAN .See MAN, DOMINION OF » 3187 1455 DONATIONS -See LIBERALITY » 3050 1456 DOOR -Posts of, sprinkled with the blood of the passover lamb EX 12:22 -The law to be written on DE 11:20 -Hinges for PR 26:14 -Made of gold 1KI 7:50 -Doors of the temple made of two leaves, cherubim and flowers carved upon, covered with gold 1KI 6:31-35 -FIGURATIVE .Door of hope HO 2:15 .Of opportunity 1CO 16:9; RE 3:8 .Closed MT 25:10; LU 13:25; RE 3:7 1457 DOORKEEPERS -Of the temple 2KI 25:18 -Of palaces JOH 18:17 1458 DOPHKAH -Camping place of the Israelites NU 33:12 1459 DOR -A town and district of Palestine JOS 11:2 -Conquered by Joshua JOS 12:23; 1KI 4:11 -Allotted to the tribe of Manasseh, although it was situated in the territory of the tribe of Asher JOS 17:11; JUD 1:27 1460 DORCAS -Also called TABITHA -A pious woman of Joppa AC 9:36-42 1461 DOTHAN -A district and town in Palestine GE 37:17 -Syrian army made blind at 2KI 6:13-19 1462 DOUBTING -General scriptures concerning Job 4:3-6; 9:16-23; 23:15-17; 30:20,21; PS 22:2; 31:22; 42:5,6; 49:5; 73:13-17; 77:3,7-9; PR 24:10; ISA 40:27,28; 49:14,15; 50:2; JER 8:18; 15:18; 45:3; LA 3:8,17,18; 5:20; HO 10:3; MT 8:26; 14:31; 17:17; MR 4:38,40; 9:19; LU 8:25; 9:40; 1PE 1:6 -EXEMPLIFIED GE 12:12,13; 15:8; 18:12-14; 19:30; 20:2,11; 26:7; EX 3:11; 4:1,10,13; 5:22,23; 6:12; 14:10-12,15; NU 11:21,22; JUD 6:13,15; 1SA 16:1,2; 17:11,24; 22:3,4; 1KI 18:7-14; 19:13-18; 2KI 13:18,19; JER 1:6; 32:24,25; MT 8:23-27; 11:2,3; 14:29-31; 17:14-21; 28:17; MR 9:14-29; 16:10,11; JOH 14:8-11; AC 9:13,14 .See COWARDICE » 1257 .See MURMURING » 3463 1463 DOUGH -First of, offered to God NU 15:19-21; NE 10:37 -Kneaded JER 7:18; HO 7:4 -Part of, for priest EZE 44:30 -See BREAD » 0884 -See OVEN » 3685 1464 DOVE, TURTLE -Sent out from the ark by Noah GE 8:8-11 -Domesticated ISA 60:8 -Nests of JER 48:28 -Harmlessness of, typical of Christ's gentleness MT 10:16 -Sacrificial uses of GE 15:9 -Prescribed for purification .Of women LE 12:6,8; LU 2:24 .Of Nazarites NU 6:10 .Of lepers LE 14:22 -Burnt offering of LE 1:14-17 -Trespass offering of, for the impecunious LE 5:7-10; 12:8 -Sin offering, for those who touched any dead body NU 6:10 -Market for, in the temple MT 21:12; JOH 2:14 -SYMBOLICAL .Of the Holy Spirit MT 3:16; LU 3:22; JOH 1:32 .See PIGEON » 3865 1465 DOWRY -General scriptures concerning EX 22:16,17; RU 4:3-9 -See WOMEN » 5162 1466 DOXOLOGY -See PRAISE » 3934 1467 DRAGON -A poisonous serpent DE 32:33 -A serpent or the desert PS 91:13; ISA 34:13; JER 9:11; 51:37; MAL 1:3 -Of the sea PS 74:13; ISA 27:1 -A wolf MIC 1:8 -Interpreted as whale, in GE 1:21; Job 7:12 -Serpent EX 7:9 -A term applied .To Pharaoh ISA 51:9 .To Satan RE 20:2 -Symbolical EZE 29:3; 32:2; RE 12; 13; 16:13 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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