1391 DESIGN -In nature, evidence of Job 12:7-11; PR 16:4 1392 DESIRE -SPIRITUAL DE 4:29; PS 9:1; 17:1; 22:26; 24:6; 25:5,15; 27:8,14; 33:20; 34:10; 37:4,7,9,34; 39:12; 40:1,8; 42:1-11; 51:1-17; 62:1; 63:1,8; 68:28; 69:3,32; 70:4; 81:10; 84:2; 86:11,12,16; 94:19; 105:4; 118:17; 119:2,10,20,40,77,88,116,117,122,133,149,156; 123:1,2; 130:5,6; 143:5,6; PR 2:3-5; 8:17,34; ISA 8:17,19; 26:8,9; 40:31; 55:1,2,6; JER 29:13; LA 3:25,26,41; HO 10:12; HAB 3:2; MT 5:6; LU 6:21; 10:42; JOH 12:20,21; PHP 3:12-14; HEB 11:6 .See HUNGER, SPIRITUAL » 2419 .See THIRST, FIGURATIVE » 4896 -EVIL .See IMAGINATION » 2474 .See LUST » 3109 1393 DESPAIR -See DESPONDENCY » 1394 1394 DESPONDENCY -General scriptures concerning NU 17:12,13; DE 28:65-67; Job 3:1-26; 17:13-16; PS 31:22; 77:7-9; PR 13:12; ISA 2:19; JER 2:25; 8:20; 18:12; LA 3:1-21; 5:22; HO 10:8; JON 2:2-4; MIC 7:1-7; MT 24:30; LU 13:27,28; 23:29,30; RE 6:14-17; 9:5,6 -See AFFLICTION » 0130 -See RESIGNATION » 4129 -See SORROW » 4650 -See SUFFERING » 4734 -INSTANCES OF .Cain, when God pronounced judgment upon him for the murder of Abel GE 4:13,14 .Hagar, when cast out of the household of Abraham on account of the jealousy of Sarah GE 21:15,16 .Moses .When sent on his mission to the Israelites EX 4:1,10,13; 6:12 .At the Red Sea EX 14:15 .When the people craved for meat NU 11:15 .The Israelites, on account of the cruel oppressions of the Egyptians EX 6:9 .Elijah, when he fled from Jezebel to the wilderness and sat under the juniper tree, and wanted to die 1KI 19:4 .Jonah after he had preached to the Ninevites JON 4:3,8 .The sailors with Paul AC 27:20 .Job, see the above extracts from the Book of Job .Jeremiah, see the above extracts from the Lamentations of Jeremiah -COMFORT IN ISA 35:3,4; LU 18:1-8; HEB 12:12,13 .See AFFLICTION, CONSOLATION IN » 0130 .See RIGHTEOUS, PROMISES TO » 4167 1395 DESPOTISM -See GOVERNMENT, MONARCHICAL, TYRANNY IN » 2069 1396 DETECTIVES -General scriptures concerning LU 20:20 -See SPIES » 4667 1397 DEUEL -Also called REUEL -Captain of the tribe of Dan NU 1:14; 2:14; 7:42; 10:20 1398 DEVIL -See DEMON » 1383 -See SATAN » 4264 1399 DEVOTION -TO GOD .See RELIGION » 4109 .For conspicuous instances of, study: ENOCH, NOAH, ABRAHAM MOSES, DAVID'S later history, SOLOMON'S earlier life, JOSIAH, ASA, ISAIAH, ELIJAH, JEREMIAH, DANIEL, SHADRACH, MESHACH, and ABED-NEGO -TO JESUS .See PETER » 3819 .See John » 2822 .See PAUL » 3764 .See MARY MAGDALENE » 3216 .For elaborated topics covering the subject .See LOVE OF MAN FOR GOD » 3095 .See CONSECRATION » 1201 .See ZEAL » 5223 1400 DEW -A merciful providence DE 33:13 -Forms imperceptibly 2SA 17:12 -In the night Job 29:19 -From the clouds PR 3:20 -Called the dew of heaven DA 4:15 -Absence of 1KI 17:1 -Miraculous profusion and absence of JUD 6:36-40 -See METEOROLOGY » 3332 -FIGURATIVE PS 110:3; ISA 26:19; HO 6:4; 13:3; 14:5 1401 DIADEM. (R. V., MITRE) -General scriptures concerning EZE 21:26 1402 DIAL -A contrivance for indicating time by the sun's rays 2KI 20:11; ISA 38:8 1403 DIAMOND -One of the jewels in the breastplate EX 28:18; 39:11; JER 17:1; EZE 28:13 1404 DIANA -Goddess of the Ephesians AC 19:24,27,28,35 1405 DIBLAIM -Father of Hosea's wife HO 1:3 1406 DIBLATH -An unknown place EZE 6:14 1407 DIBON -1. Also called DIBON-GAD and DIMON .A city on the northern banks of the Arnon NU 21:30 .Israelites encamp at NU 33:45 .Allotted to Gad and Reuben NU 32:3,34; JOS 13:9,17 .Taken by Moab ISA 15:2,9; JER 48:18,22 -2. A city in the tribe of Judah NE 11:25 .Probably identical with DIMINAH JOS 15:22 1408 DIBRI -Father of Shelomith LE 24:11 1409 DIDYMUS (TWIN) -Surname of Thomas JOH 11:16 1410 DIKLAH -Son of Joktan, and name of a district inhabited by his descendants GE 10:27 1411 DILEAN -A city of Judah JOS 15:38 1412 DILIGENCE -Jesus an example of MR 1:35; LU 2:49 -Required by God in seeking him 1CH 22:19; HEB 11:6 -Obeying him DE 6:17; 11:13 -Listening to him ISA 55:2 -Striving after perfection PHP 3:13,14 -Cultivating proper behaviors of a true Christian 2PE 1:5 -Keeping the soul DE 4:9 -Keeping the heart PR 4:23 -Labors of love HEB 6:10-12 -Following every good work 1TI 3:10 -Guarding against defilement HEB 12:15 -Seeking to be found spotless 2PE 3:14 -Making our calling sure 2PE 1:10 -Self-examination PS 77:6 -Lawful business PR 27:23; EC 9:10 -Preserving "the faith" through teaching 2TI 4:2; Jude 1:3 -Instructing children DE 6:7; 11:19 -Discharging official duties DE 19:18 -Saints should abound in 2CO 8:7 -Required in the service of God JOH 9:4; GA 6:9 -Is not in vain 1CO 15:58 -Preserves from evil EX 15:26 -Leads to assured hope HEB 6:11 -God rewards DE 11:14; HEB 11:6 -In temporal matters leads to favor PR 11:27 -Prosperity PR 10:4; 13:4 -Honor PR 12:24; 22:29 -FIGURATIVE PR 6:6-8 .Exemplified .Ruth RU 2:17 .Hezekiah 2CH 31:21 .Nehemiah and his helpers NE 4:6 .Psalmist PS 119:60 .Apostles AC 5:42 .Apollos AC 18:25 .Titus 2CO 8:22 .Paul 1TH 2:9 .Onesiphorus 2TI 1:17 .See INDUSTRY » 2498 .See ZEAL » 5223 .See IDLENESS » 2458 .See SLOTHFULNESS » 4616 1413 DIMNAH -A Levitical city of Zebulun JOS 21:35 1414 DIMON -See DIBON, number one » 1407 1415 DIMONAH -See DIBON, number two » 1407 1416 DINAH -Daughter of Jacob and Leah GE 30:21 -Ravishment of GE 34 1417 DINHABAH -A city of Edom GE 36:32; 1CH 1:43 1418 DINNER -Eaten at noon GE 43:16 -See FEASTS » 1810 1419 DIONYSIUS -A convert of Paul AC 17:34 1420 DIOTREPHES -A false teacher 3JO 1:9 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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