1205 CONSTANCY -In obedience PS 119:31,33 -In friendship PR 27:10 -Under suffering MT 5:12; HEB 12:5; 1PE 4:12-16 -In prayer LU 18:1; RO 12:12; EPH 6:18; COL 4:2; 1TH 5:17 -In beneficence GA 6:9 -In profession HEB 10:23 -INSTANCES OF RU 1:14 .Jonathan 1SA 18:1; 20:16 .Priscilla and Aquila RO 16:3,4 .See CHARACTER » 1032 .See STABILITY » 4684 1206 CONSTELLATIONS -General scriptures concerning ISA 13:10 -The serpent Job 26:13 -Orion Job 9:9; AM 5:8 -See ASTRONOMY » 0470 1207 CONSTITUTION -AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE RULER AND PEOPLE DE 17:18-20; 2SA 5:3; 2CH 23:2,3; JER 34:8-11; DA 6:12-15 1208 CONSUMPTION -General scriptures concerning LE 26:16; DE 28:22 1209 CONTEMPT OF COURT -See COURT » 1251 1210 CONTENTION -See STRIFE » 4721 1211 CONTENTMENT -General scriptures concerning PS 16:6; 37:7,16; PR 14:10,14; 15:13,15,30; 16:8; 17:1,22; 30:8; EC 2:24; 3:12,13; 4:6; 5:12; 6:7-9; 8:15; 9:7-9; LU 3:14; 1CO 7:17,20,21,24; GA 5:26; PHP 4:11,12; 1TI 6:6-8; HEB 13:5 -See AFFLICTION, RESIGNATION IN » 0130 -See RESIGNATION » 4129 -INSTANCES OF .Esau, in refusing Jacob's present GE 33:9 .Barzillai, in refusing to go with David to Jerusalem 2SA 19:33-37 .The Shunammite, in refusing to make a request of Elisha 2KI 4:13 1212 CONTINENCE -General scriptures concerning Job 31:1; MT 5:27,28; 19:12; RO 13:13; 1CO 7:1-9,25-29,36-38; 9:27; COL 3:5; 1TI 4:12; 5:1,2; RE 14:1,4,5 -See CHASTITY » 1043 -INSTANCES OF .Joseph GE 39:7-12 .Uriah 2SA 11:8-13 .Boaz RU 3:6-13 .Joseph, husband of Mary MT 1:24,25 .Paul 1CO 7:8 1213 CONTINENTS -General scriptures concerning GE 1:9,10; Job 26:7,10; 28:8-11; 38:4-18; PS 95:5; 104:5-9; 136:6; PR 8:29; 30:4 -See GEOLOGY » 1983 1214 CONTINGENCIES -IN DIVINE GOVERNMENT OF MAN GE 2:16,17; 3:3; 4:7; 18:19; EX 19:5; LE 26:3-28; DE 7:12-26; 11:26-28; 30:15,16,19; JOS 24:15; 2SA 24:12-14; 1KI 3:14; 20:42; 1CH 28:7; 2CH 26:5; Job 36:11,12; JER 11:4; 12:17; 18:8-10; 22:4,5; EZE 33:14-16; JON 3:10; MT 19:17; 23:37; 26:39,42; MR 11:26; JOH 9:41; 14:23; 15:6,7; COL 1:22,23; 2TH 2:8-10; HEB 3:14; RE 2:22; 3:3; 22:17 .See BLESSINGS, CONTINGENT ON OBEDIENCE » 0829 .See PREDESTINATION » 3941 .See WILL » 5145 1215 CONTRActs -Between Abraham and Abimelech, concerning wells of water GE 21:25-32 -Violated GE 26:15 -First contract between Laban and Jacob for Laban's daughter GE 29:15-20,27-30 -Violated GE 29:23-27 -Second contract GE 30:28-34 -Violated GE 30:37-43; 31:7 -For cattle GE 30:27-29,31-34 -See FRAUD » 1891 -Between Solomon and Hiram 1KI 5:9-11; 9:11 -Dissolved .By mutual consent EX 4:18 .By blotting out COL 2:14 -Modes of ratifying .By giving presents GE 21:25-30; 1SA 18:4 -By consummating in the presence of the public at the gate of the city GE 23:18; RU 4:1,2 -By erecting a heap of stones GE 31:44-54 -By oaths GE 26:3,31; JOS 9:15,20; 1CH 16:16; HEB 6:16,17 -By joining hands PR 6:1; 11:21; 17:18; 22:26; EZE 17:18 -With salt NU 18:19 -By taking off the shoe RU 4:6-8 -Written instrument JER 32:10-15 -See COVENANTS » 1254 -See VOWS » 5100 -SCRIPTURES ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE BINDING FORCE OF EX 21:2-6; LE 6:1,2,4-7; JOS 9:3-9,15,16,18-27; MT 20:1-16; GA 3:15 .See COVENANT » 1254 .See LAND » 2990 1216 CONTRITION -See REPENTANCE » 4116 -See SIN, CONFESSION OF » 4587 1217 CONVENTION -For counsel PR 15:22 1218 CONVERSATION -General scriptures concerning MT 5:37; 12:35-37; EPH 4:29; COL 3:8; 4:6; JAS 5:12 -See TONGUE » 4958 1219 CONVERSION -See REGENERATION » 4097 -INSTANCES OF .See CONVERTS, below 1220 CONVERTS -"Wayside," MT 13:4,19 -"Stony ground," MT 13:5,20,21 -"Choked," MT 13:7,22 -"Good ground," MT 13:8,23; LU 8:4-15 -See BACKSLIDERS » 0563 -See PROSELYTES »(n/a) -See REVIVALS » 4150 -INSTANCES OF .Ruth RU 1:16 .Nebuchadnezzar DA 4 .The mariners with Jonah JON 1:5,6,9,14,16 .Ninevites JON 3 .Gadarenes LU 8:35-39 .The Samaritans JOH 4:28-42 .The thief on the cross LU 23:39-43 .At Pentecost, about three-thousand people AC 2:41 .Post-pentecostal AC 4:4 .The eunuch AC 8:35-38 .Saul of Tarsus AC 9:3-18 .Sergius Paulus AC 13:7,12; 26:12-23 .Cornelius AC 10 .Jews and Greeks at Antioch AC 13:43 .Lydia AC 16:14,15 .Jailer AC 16:27-34 .Greeks AC 17:4,12 -ZEALOUS .INSTANCES OF .Nebuchadnezzar DA 3:29; 4:1-37 .Andrew JOH 1:40,41 .Philip JOH 1:43-45 .The woman of Samaria JOH 4:28,29 .The man possessed by demons LU 8:39 .The blind men MT 9:31; JOH 9:8-38 .The deaf man MR 7:36 1221 CONVEYANCE -OF LAND .See LAND » 2990 1222 CONVICTION -OF SIN GE 4:13; DE 28:65-67; Job 40:4,5; PS 31:10; 38:1-22; 51:1-4,7-17; ISA 6:5; LA 1:20; EZE 7:16,17,25,26; 33:10; MIC 7:17; LU 5:8; AC 2:37; 9:6; 16:29,30; RO 2:15; 1CO 14:24,25 .See SIN, CONFESSION OF » 4587 -INSTANCES OF .Adam and Eve, after their disobedience GE 3:8-10 .Joseph's brother, on account of their cruelty to Joseph GE 42:21,22; 44:16; 45:3; 50:15-21 .Pharaoh .After the plague of hail EX 9:27,28 .The plague of locusts EX 10:16,17 .The death of the firstborn EX 12:32 .The Israelites .After being rebuked and punished for worshiping the golden calf EX 33:4 .The death of the ten spies and their being sentenced to wander for forty years NU 14:39,40 .Their complaining against God and being bitten by fiery serpents NU 21:7 .Saul, after sparing Agag and the best of the spoils 1SA 15:24 .David after the pestilence sent on account of his numbering the people 1CH 21:30 .See PSALMS, PENITENTIAL » 3987 .Widow of Zarephath, when her son died 1KI 17:18 .Belshazzar, when he "saw the part of the hand that wrote," DA 5:6 .Darius, when Daniel was in the lions' den DA 6:18 .Mariners .After casting Jonah into the sea JON 1:16 .At the preaching of Jonah JON 3; MT 12:41; LU 11:32 .Jonah, in the belly of the great fish JON 2 .Herod, when he heard of the fame of Jesus MT 14:2; MR 6:14; LU 9:7 .Jews, when Jesus commanded the guiltless man to cast the first stone at the woman taken in adultery JOH 8:9 .Judas, after his betrayal of Jesus MT 27:3-5 .Saul of Tarsus, when he saw Jesus on the way to Damascus AC 9:6 .Felix, under the preaching of Paul AC 24:25 .Philippian jailer, after the earthquake AC 16:30 .See WICKED » 5141 -FROM GOD Job 33:14-30; JOH 6:44,45; 16:7-11; AC 16:14 .See PENITENTS » 3790 .See REMORSE » 4113 .See REPENTANCE » 4116 .See SIN, CONFESSION OF » 4587 -UNJUST, OF INNOCENT PERSONS .See ACCUSATION, FALSE » 0065 .See INDICTMENTS » 2497 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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