1029 CHANCELLOR -A state officer EZR 4:8,9,17 -See CABINET » 0930 1030 CHANGE OF VENUE -Granted Paul AC 23:17-35 -Declined by Paul AC 25:9,11 1031 CHAPITER -Head of a pillar EX 36:38; 1KI 7:16-42; 2KI 25:17; 2CH 4:12,13; JER 52:22 1032 CHARACTER -OF SAINTS .Attentive to Christ's voice JOH 10:3,4 .Blameless and harmless PHP 2:15 .Bold PR 28:1 .Contrite ISA 57:15; 66:2 .Devout AC 8:2; 22:12 .Faithful RE 17:14 .Fearing God MAL 3:16; AC 10:2 .Following Christ JOH 10:4,27 .Godly PS 4:3; 2PE 2:9 .Guileless JOH 1:47 .Holy DE 7:6; 14:2; COL 3:12 .Humble PS 34:2; 1PE 5:5 .Hungering for righteousness MT 5:6 .Just GE 6:9; HAB 2:4; LU 2:25 .Led by the Spirit RO 8:14 .Liberal ISA 32:8; 2CO 9:13 .Loathing themselves EZE 20:43 .Loving COL 1:4; 1TH 4:9 .Lowly PR 16:19 .Meek ISA 29:19; MT 5:5 .Merciful PS 37:26; MT 5:7 .New creatures 2CO 5:17; EPH 2:10 .Obedient RO 16:19; 1PE 1:14 .Poor in spirit MT 5:3 .Prudent PR 16:21 .Pure in heart MT 5:8; 1JO 3:3 .Righteous ISA 60:21; LU 1:6 .Sincere 2CO 1:12; 2:17 .Steadfast AC 2:42; COL 2:5 .Taught by God ISA 54:13; 1JO 2:27 .True 2CO 6:8 .Undefiled PS 119:1 .Upright 1KI 3:6; PS 15:2 .Watchful LU 12:37 .Zealous of good works TIT 2:14 .See RIGHTEOUS, DESCRIBED » 4167 -OF THE WICKED .Abominable RE 21:8 .Alienated from God EPH 4:18; COL 1:21 .Blasphemous LU 22:65; RE 16:9 .Blinded 2CO 4:4; EPH 4:18 .Boastful PS 10:3; 49:6 .Conspiring against saints NE 4:8; 6:2; PS 38:12 .Corrupt MT 7:17; EPH 4:22 .Covetous MIC 2:2; RO 1:29 .Deceitful PS 5:6; RO 3:13 .Delighting in the iniquity of others PR 2:14; RO 1:32 .Despising saints NE 2:19; 4:2; 2TI 3:3,4 .Destructive ISA 59:7 .Disobedient NE 9:26; TIT 3:3; 1PE 2:7 .Enticing to evil PR 1:10-14; 2TI 3:6 .Envious NE 2:10; TIT 3:3 .Evildoers JER 13:23; MIC 7:3 .Fearful PR 28:1; RE 21:8 .Fierce PR 16:29; 2TI 3:3 .Foolish DE 32:6; PS 5:5 .Forgetting God Job 8:13 .Fraudulent PS 37:21; MIC 6:11 .Froward PR 21:8; ISA 57:17 .Glorying in their shame PHP 3:19 .Hard-hearted EZE 3:7 .Hating the light Job 24:13; JOH 3:20 .Heady and high-minded 2TI 3:4 .Hostile to God RO 8:7; COL 1:21 .Hypocritical ISA 29:13; 2TI 3:5 .Ignorant of God HO 4:1; 2TH 1:8 .Impudent EZE 2:4 .Incontinent 2TI 3:3 .Infidel PS 10:4; 14:1 .Loathsome PR 13:5 .Lovers of pleasure, not of God 2TI 3:4 .Lying PS 58:3; 62:4; ISA 59:4 .Mischievous PR 24:8; MIC 7:3 .Murderous PS 10:8; 94:6; RO 1:29 .Prayerless Job 21:15; PS 53:4 .Persecuting PS 69:26; 109:16 .Perverse DE 32:5 .Proud PS 59:12; OB 1:3; 2TI 3:2 .Rebellious ISA 1:2; 30:9 .Rejoicing in the affliction of saints PS 35:15 .Reprobate 2CO 13:5; 2TI 3:8; TIT 1:16 .Selfish 2TI 3:2 .Sensual PHP 3:19; Jude 1:19 .Sold under sin 1KI 21:20; 2KI 17:17 .Stiff-hearted EZE 2:4 .Stiff-necked EX 33:5; AC 7:51 .Uncircumcised in heart JER 9:26 .Unclean ISA 64:6; EPH 4:19 .Unjust PR 11:7; ISA 26:18 .Unmerciful RO 1:31 .Ungodly PR 16:27 .Unholy 2TI 3:2 .Unprofitable MT 25:30; RO 3:12 .Unruly TIT 1:10 .Unthankful LU 6:35; 2TI 3:2 .Untoward AC 2:40 .Unwise DE 32:6 .See WICKED, DESCRIBED » 5141 -GOOD PR 22:1; EC 7:1 -DEFAMATION OF, PUNISHED DE 22:13-19 -REVEALED IN COUNTENANCE ISA 3:9 .See COUNTENANCE » 1248 .See FACE » 1780 -FIRMNESS OF PS 57:7; 108:1; 112:7; MT 10:22; MR 4:20; 1CO 7:20; 2TH 2:15; 3:3; HEB 10:23; 13:9; JAS 1:25 -INSTANCES OF FIRMNESS .Joseph in resisting Potiphar's wife GE 39:7-12 .Pilate JOH 19:22 .Paul AC 20:22-24; 21:13,14 .See DECISION » 1359 .See STABILITY » 4684 -INSTABILITY OF PR 24:21,22; 27:8; JER 2:36; HO 6:4; 7:8; 10:2; MT 8:19-22; 13:19-22; MR 4:15-19; LU 8:5-15; 9:59-62; EPH 4:14; JAS 1:6-8; 4:8; 2PE 2:14 .See INDECISION » 2495 .See INSTABILITY » 2523 .See DECISION » 1359 .See PERSEVERANCE » 3812 .See STABILITY » 4684 -INSTANCES OF INSTABILITY .REUBEN GE 49:3,4 .PHARAOH EX 8:15,32; 9:34; 14:5 .SOLOMON 1KI 11:4-8 .ISRAELITES EX 32:8; JUD 2:17,19; 2CH 11:17; 12:1; 1SA 18:19 1033 CHARASHIM -Valley of 1CH 4:14; NE 11:35 1034 CHARGE -Delivered to ministers -See MINISTERS » 3381 1035 CHARGER -(A dish) -Dedicated to the tabernacle NU 7:13,19,25,31,37,43,49,55,61,67,73,79,84,85 -John Baptist's head carried on MT 14:8,11 1036 CHARIOT -For war EX 14:7,9,25; JOS 11:4; 1SA 13:5; 1KI 20:1,25; 2KI 6:14; 2CH 12:2,3; PS 20:7; 46:9; JER 46:9; 47:3; 51:21; JOE 2:5; NA 2:3,4; 3:2 -Wheels of Pharaoh's, providentially taken off EX 14:25 -Commanded by captains EX 14:7; 1KI 9:22; 22:31-33; 2KI 8:21 -Made of iron JOS 17:18; JUD 1:19 -Introduced among Israelites by David 2SA 8:4 -Imported from Egypt by Solomon 1KI 10:26-29 -Cities for 1KI 9:19; 2CH 1:14; 8:6; 9:25 -Royal GE 41:43; 46:29; 2KI 5:9; 2CH 35:24; JER 17:25; AC 8:29 -Drawn by camels ISA 21:7; MIC 1:13 -Traffic in RE 18:13 -Kings ride in 2CH 35:24; JER 17:25; 22:4 -Cherubim in Solomon's temple mounted on 1CH 28:18 -FIGURATIVE .Chariots of God PS 68:17; 104:3; 2KI 6:17; ISA 66:15; HAB 3:8; RE 9:9 -SYMBOLICAL GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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