0879 BRAVERY -See BOLDNESS » 0846 -See COURAGE » 1250 0880 BRAY -To pound PR 27:22 0881 BRAZEN SEA -See LAVER » 3005 0882 BRAZEN SERPENT -Made by Moses for the healing of the Israelites NU 21:9 -Worshiped by Israelites 2KI 18:4 -A symbol of Christ JOH 3:14,15 0883 BRAZIER -1. An artificer in brass and copper GE 4:22; 2TI 4:14 -2. A utensil used for warming houses JER 36:22-24 0884 BREAD -Called the STAFF OF LIFE EZE 4:16; 5:16; 14:13 -KINDS OF .Bread of affliction 1KI 22:27; PS 127:2; HO 9:4; ISA 30:20 .Leavened (made with yeast) LE 7:13; 23:17; HO 7:4; AM 4:5; MT 13:33 .Unleavened (made without yeast) GE 19:3; EX 29:2; JUD 6:19; 1SA 28:24 -Made of wheat flour EX 29:2; 1KI 4:22; 5:11; PS 81:16 -Manna NU 11:8 -Meal 1KI 17:12 -Barley JUD 7:13 -HOW PREPARED .Mixed with oil EX 29:2,23 .Honey EX 16:31 .With leaven, or ferment .See leavened, in the paragraph above .Also see LEAVEN » 3020 .Kneaded GE 18:6; EX 8:3; 12:34; 1SA 28:24; 2SA 13:8; JER 7:18; HO 7:4 .Made into loaves 1SA 10:3; 17:17; 25:18; 1KI 14:3; MR 8:14 .Cakes 2SA 6:19; 1KI 17:12 .Wafers EX 16:21; 29:23 .Cracknels 1KI 14:3 .Baked in ovens EX 8:3; LE 2:4; 7:9; 11:35; 26:26; HO 7:4 .in pans LE 2:5,7; 2SA 13:6-9 .on hearths GE 18:6 .on coals 1KI 19:6; ISA 44:19; JOH 21:9 .on coals of dung EZE 4:12,15 -Made by men GE 40:2 -Made by women LE 26:26; 1SA 8:13; JER 7:18 -Traffic in JER 37:21; MR 6:37 -Sacrificed LE 21:6,8,17,21,22; 22:25; 1SA 2:36; 2KI 23:9 -By idolaters JER 7:18; 44:19 -See SHEWBREAD » 4474 -See OFFERINGS » 3632 -FIGURATIVE ISA 55:2; 1CO 10:17; 2CO 9:10 .Christ JOH 6:32-35 -SYMBOLICAL .Of the body of Christ MT 26:26; AC 20:7; 1CO 11:23,24 0885 BREASTPLATE -1. For high priest EX 25:7 .Directions for the making of EX 28:15-30 .Made by Bezaleel EX 39:8,21 .Freewill offering of materials for EX 35:9,27 .Worn by Aaron EX 29:5; LE 8:8 -2. Armor for soldiers RE 9:9,17 -FIGURATIVE ISA 59:17; EPH 6:14; 1TH 5:8 0886 BREATH -Of life GE 2:7; 7:22; AC 17:25 -Of God 2SA 22:16; Job 4:9; 15:30; 33:4; 37:10; PS 18:15; 33:6; ISA 30:33 -FIGURATIVE EZE 37:9 0887 BREECHES -For the priests EX 28:42; 39:28; LE 6:10; 16:4; EZE 44:18 0888 BRIBERY -General scriptures concerning EX 23:8; DE 16:18,19; 27:25; 1SA 8:1,3; Job 15:34; PS 26:9,10; PR 15:27; 17:8,23; 18:16; 21:14; 25:14; 28:21; 29:4; EC 7:7; ISA 1:23; 5:22,23; 33:15,16; EZE 13:19; 22:12,13; AM 2:6; 5:12; MIC 7:3 -INSTANCES OF .Delilah JUD 16:5 .Samuel's sons .See above .The false prophet, Shemaiah NE 6:10-13 .Ben-hadad 1KI 15:19 .Haman bribes Ahasuerus to destroy the Jews ES 3:9 .Chief priests bribe Judas MT 26:15; 27:3-9; MR 14:11; LU 22:5 .Soldiers bribed to declare that the disciples stole the body of Jesus MT 28:12-15 .Governor Felix seeks a bribe from Paul AC 24:26 0889 BRICK -Used in building: Babel GE 11:3 -Cities in Egypt EX 1:11,14 -Houses ISA 9:10 -Altars ISA 65:3 -Made by Israelites EX 5:7-19; 2SA 12:31; JER 43:9; NA 3:14 0890 BRICK-KILN -General scriptures concerning JER 43:9; NA 3:14 -Captives tortured in 2SA 12:31 0891 BRIDE -Ornaments of ISA 49:18; 61:10; JER 2:32; RE 21:2 -Presents to GE 24:53 -Maids of GE 24:59,61; 29:24,29 -FIGURATIVE PS 45:10-17; EZE 16:8-14; RE 19:7,8; 21:2,9; 22:17 0892 BRIDEGROOM -Ornaments of ISA 61:10 -Exempt from military duty DE 24:5 -Companions of JUD 14:11 -Joy with MT 9:15; MR 2:19,20; LU 5:34,35 -Parable of MT 25:1-13 -Song of SO 4:7-16 -FIGURATIVE EZE 16:8-14 0893 BRIDLE -General scriptures concerning PS 32:9; PR 26:3; RE 14:20 -FIGURATIVE 2KI 19:28; PS 39:1; JAS 1:26 .See BIT » 0812 0894 BRIER -FIGURATIVE ISA 5:6; 55:13; EZE 2:6; 28:24 0895 BRIGANDINE -A coat of mail JER 46:4; 51:3 0896 BRIMSTONE -Fire and, rained upon Sodom GE 19:24; LU 17:29 -In Palestine DE 29:23 -FIGURATIVE Job 18:15; PS 11:6; ISA 30:33; EZE 38:22; RE 9:17,18; 14:10; 19:20; 21:8 0897 BROOK -See RIVER » 4177 0898 BROTH -General scriptures concerning JUD 6:19,20; 2KI 4:38; ISA 65:4 -Symbolical EZE 24:5 0899 BROTHEL -See HIGH PLACE » 2332 0900 BROTHER -Signifies .a relative, GE 14:16; 29:12 .a neighbor De 23:7; JUD 21:6; Neh 5:7 .any Israelite JER 34:9; OB 1:10 .mankind GE 9:5; MT 18:35; 1JO 3:15 .a companion 2SA 1:26; 1KI 13:30; 20:33 -Love of PR 17:17; 18:24; SO 8:1 -Unfaithful PR 27:10 -Reuben's love for Joseph GE 37:21,22 -Joseph's, for his brethren GE 43:30-34; 45:1-5; 50:19-25 -A fraternal epithet, especially among Christians. .Instituted by Christ MT 12:50; 25:40; HEB 2:11,12 .Used by disciples AC 9:17; 21:20; RO 16:23; 1CO 7:12; 2CO 2:13 .by Peter 1PE 1:22 .Used among the Israelites LE 19:17; DE 22:1-4 -Brother's widow. .Law concerning Levirate marriage of DE 25:5-10; MT 22:24; MR 12:19; LU 20:28 0901 BROTHERLY KINDNESS -See BROTHER » 0900 -See CHARITABLENESS » 1038 -See FELLOWSHIP » 1813 -See FRATERNITY » 1889 -See FRIENDSHIP » 1897 -See LOVE » 3095 0902 BUCKET -General scriptures concerning NU 24:7; ISA 40:15 0903 BUCKLER -See SHIELD » 4478 0904 BUILDER -(Of the tabernacle) -See BE-ZALEEL » 0782 -See MASTER WORKMAN » 3227 -FIGURATIVE PS 118:22; MT 21:42; AC 4:11; 1PE 2:7; HEB 11:10 .See CARPENTER » 0983 0905 BUILDING -FIGURATIVE 2CO 5:1 0906 BUKKI -1. Son of Abishua 1CH 6:5,51; EZR 7:4 -2. A prince of Dan NU 34:22 0907 BUKKIAH -A Levite 1CH 25:4,13 0908 BUL -(The eighth month (November)) -The temple completed in 1KI 6:38 -Jeroboam institutes an idolatrous feast in, to correspond with the Feast of Tabernacles 1KI 12:32,33; 1CH 27:11 0909 BULL -Wild, caught in nets ISA 51:20 -Blood of, in sacrifice HEB 9:13; 10:4 -See BULLOCK » 0910 -See OFFERINGS » 3632 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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