5197 ZACCUR -1. A Reubenite #NU 13:4 -2. Also called ZACCHUR, which see » 5196 -3. A Merarite #1CH 24:27 -4. Son of Asaph #1CH 25:2,10; NE 12:35 -5. Son of Imri #NE 3:2 5198 ZACHARIAH -1. Son of Jeroboam, and the last of the household of Jehu #2KI 10:30; 14:29; 15:8-12 -2. Grandfather of Hezekiah #2KI 18:2; 2CH 29:1 5199 ZACHARIAS (ZECHARIAH) -1. A man who was killed by the Jews .Referred to by Jesus #MT 23:35; LU 11:51 -2. The father of John the Baptist #LU 1:5-80; 3:2 .See ELISABETH » 1589 .See John THE BAPTIST » 2822 5200 ZACHER -A Benjamite #1CH 8:31 -Called ZECHARIAH in #1CH 9:37 5201 ZADOK -1. The high priest during the time of David's reign #2SA 19:11; 20:25; 1CH 15:11; 16:39 .Removes the ark of the covenant from Jerusalem at the time of Absalom's usurpation; returns with the ark of the covenant at David's command #2SA 15:24-36; 17:15,17-21 .Stands aloof from Adonijah at the time of his attempted usurpation #1KI 1:8,26 .Summoned by David to anoint Solomon to be king #1KI 1:32-40,44,45 .Performs the function of a high priest after Abiathar was deposed by Solomon #1KI 2:35; 1CH 29:22 -2. Father of Jerusha #2KI 15:33; 2CH 27:1 -3. Son of Ahitub #1CH 6:12 -4. A man of valor #1CH 12:28 -5. Son of Baana #NE 3:4 -6. A priest #NE 3:29 -7. A returned exile #NE 10:21 -8. Son of Meraioth #NE 11:11 -9. A treasurer of the temple #NE 13:13 5202 ZAHAM -Grandson of Solomon #2CH 11:19 5203 ZAIR -A city in the country of Edom #2KI 8:21 5204 ZALAPH -Father of Hanun #NE 3:30 5205 ZALMON -1. Also called SALMON, probably .A hill in Samaria #JUD 9:48; PS 68:14 -2. One of David's warriors #2SA 23:28 5206 ZALMONAH -One of the camping places of Israel #NU 33:41,42 5207 ZALMUNNA -King of Midian #JUD 8:5-21; PS 83:11 5208 ZAMZUMMIMS -Also called ZUZIMS -A race of giants #GE 14:5; DE 2:20,21 5209 ZANOAH -1. A city of western Judah #JOS 15:34; NE 3:13; 11:30 -2. A city of eastern Judah #JOS 15:56 -3. A descendant of Caleb #1CH 4:18 5210 ZAPHNATH-PAANEAH -A name given to Joseph by Pharaoh #GE 41:45 5211 ZAPHON -A city in the territory of the tribe of Gad #JOS 13:27 5212 ZARA -Also called ZARAH -Son of Judah #MT 1:3 5213 ZARAH -Also called ZERAH and ZARA -Son of Judah and Tamar #GE 38:30; 46:12; NU 26:20; 1CH 2:4,6; NE 11:24 5214 ZAREAH -A city of the tribe of Judah #NE 11:29 -See ZORAH » 5315 5215 ZARED -Also called ZERED -A brook #NU 21:12; DE 2:13,14 5216 ZAREPHATH -(A city between Tyre and Sidon) -Elijah performs two miracles in #1KI 17:8-24 -Called SAREPTA (A. V.) in #LU 4:26 5217 ZARETAN -Probably identical with ZARTANAH and ZARTHAN -A city of uncertain location #JOS 3:16; 1KI 4:12; 7:46 5218 ZARETH-SHAHAR -A city in the territory of the tribe of Reuben #JOS 13:19 5219 ZATTHU -See ZATTU » 5220 5220 ZATTU -1. One whose descendants returned with Zerubbabel #EZR 2:8; 10:27; NE 7:13 -2. Probably identical with ZATTHU .One who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah #NE 10:14 5221 ZAVAN -See ZAAVAN » 5186 5222 ZAZA -Son of Jonathan #1CH 2:33 5223 ZEAL, RELIGIOUS -General scriptures concerning #JOS 24:15,16; 2SA 24:24,25; 1KI 9:4; 15:14; 1CH 29:17; 2CH 15:15; 19:3; EZR 7:23; Job 16:19; PS 42:1,2; 60:4; 96:2,3,10; 119:139; PR 11:30; EC 9:10; ISA 58:12; 60:1; 62:6,7; DA 12:3; MIC 5:7; HAB 2:2; HAG 2:4,5; ZEC 14:20,21; MT 5:13-16; MR 4:21,22; LU 8:16,17; 22:32,33; JOH 6:27; 9:4; AC 10:42; 26:29; RO 1:8,9; 7:22; 12:11; 1CO 5:8; 7:29-34; 13:3; 14:12; 15:58; 2CO 4:8-10,13,16-18; 7:11; 9:2; GA 4:18; 6:9; EPH 5:15,16; 6:14-20; PHP 1:27,28; 2:15; 3:4-14,20; COL 4:5; 2TH 3:13; TIT 2:14; 3:1; HEB 10:34; 11:15,16,24-27; 13:13-15; JAS 5:19,20; 1PE 2:2; 2PE 1:10,11; 3:14; Jude 1:3-22; RE 3:19; 5:4,5; 22:17 -EXEMPLIFIED #EX 32:31,32; NU 10:29; 11:29; DE 9:18,19; JOS 24:14-16; 1SA 17:26; 1KI 8:42,43; 22:14; 2CH 6:33; Job 6:10; PS 9:19,20; 40:7-10; 51:13; 69:7-9; 71:17,18; 74:10,18-23; 94:16; 101:8; 115:1,2; 119:53,126,139,158; PR 28:4; EC 12:9,10; ISA 2:3,5; 6:8; 59:17; 62:1; JER 9:1-3; 13:17; 17:16; 18:20; 20:9; 26:12-15; EZE 9:4; 44:15; DA 3:17,18; MIC 3:8; 7:1,2; HAB 1:2-4; MT 23:37; MR 5:19,20; 6:6; 14:29-31; 16:20; LU 1:15-17; 19:41,42; JOH 1:40-42,45,46; 4:34,35; AC 4:2,8-13,18-20,31,33; 5:21,25,29-32,42; 6:4,10; 8:4,12,25,30,35,40; 11:19,20,24,26; 18:24-28; RO 1:11; 9:1-3; 10:1; 15:18-21; 1CO 16:10; 2CO 5:9; 6:11; 8:1-5,16-18; 12:20,21; EPH 4:25,26,32; 6:21; PHP 1:12-18; 2:22,26,30; 4:3; COL 1:7; 4:7-11; 1TH 1:2-8; 3:1,2; 2PE 1:12,13,15; 2:4,5; 3JO 1:4-7; Jude 1:3; RE 3:19 -INSTANCES OF .Moses #EX 2:12; 11:8; 32:19,20 .Phinehas #NU 25:7-13; PS 106:30 .Joshua #NU 11:27-29; JOS 7:6; 8:28 .Gideon #JUD 6:11-32 .Jephthah #JUD 11:30,31,34-39 .Samuel #1SA 12:23; 15:11,35; 16:1 .King Saul #1SA 14:38-44 .King David #2SA 6; 7:2; 8:11,12 .Elijah #1KI 19:10 .Obadiah #1KI 18:3,4 .Jehoash #2KI 12:2-16 .Jehu #2KI 9; 10 .Jehoiada #2KI 11:4-17; 2CH 23:1-17 .Asa #1KI 15:11-15; 2CH 14:1-5,15 .Josiah #2KI 22; 23; 2CH 34:3-7,29-33 .Priests #1CH 9:13; EZR 8:17,18 .Ezra #EZR 7:10; 9; 10 .Nehemiah #NE 4:5; 8; 13:7-9,15-28 .Jeremiah #JER 25:3,4 .Shepherds #LU 2:17,18 .Anna #LU 2:38 .Andrew and Philip #JOH 1:41-46 .Two blind men proclaiming the miracle of healing, contrary to the injunction of Jesus #MT 9:30,31 .The restored leper #MR 1:44,45 .The healed deaf-mute man #MR 7:36 .Peter rebuking Jesus #MT 16:22 .Peter #AC 2:14-40; 3:12-26 .John .See John THE BAPTIST » 2822 .Paul and Barnabas #AC 11:22-26; 14:14,15 .Phoebe #RO 16:1,2 .Ephesians #RE 2:2,3,6 .See JESUS, ZEAL OF » 2780 .See also, EXEMPLIFIED BY PAUL, below -EXEMPLIFIED BY PAUL #AC 9:20-29; 13:16-52; 14:1-28; 15:26,30-36,41; 16:10,13,17,31,32; 17:2,3,16,17,22-31; 18:4-6,19,23; 19:8-10,21; 20:7,18-27,31,33,34; 21:13; 24:14-25; 26:1-29; 28:23-28,30,31; RO 1:1,9-15; 9:1-3; 10:1; 11:13,14; 15:15-32; 1CO 1:17,23; 2:1-4,6,7,13; 3:1,2,5-7; 4:1-21; 9:12,15-23,27; 10:33; 11:1; 13:1; 15:1-32; 2CO 1:12,17-19,24; 2:12-17; 3:6,12; 4:1,2,5,8-15; 5:11,13,14,18,20; 6:3-10; 7:2; 10:3,14-16; 11:7,12,19,22-33; 12:10,14,15,17-19,21; 13:6-9; GA 1:10,15,16; 2:2; 3:1; 4:11,19; 5:11; EPH 6:17,20; PHP 1:17,18,20,22-25,27; 2:16,17; 3:4-17; 4:11,12,17; COL 1:24,28,29; 2:1; 1TH 1:5,6; 2:2-6,8-11; 2TH 3:7-9; 1TI 4:10; 2TI 1:3,7,11-13; 2:9,10; 3:10,11; HEB 13:18 -WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE #EC 7:16; MT 8:19,20; LU 9:57,58; JOH 16:2; AC 21:20; RO 10:2,3; GA 1:13,14; 4:17; PHP 1:15-18 -IN PUNISHING EVIL PEOPLE .Moses and Levites #EX 32:20,26-29 .Phinehas #NU 25:11-13; PS 106:30,31 .Israelites #JOS 22:11-20; JUD 20 .Samuel #1SA 15:33 .David #2SA 1:14; 4:9-12 .Elijah #1KI 18:40 .Jehu #2KI 10:15-28 .Jehoiada #2KI 11:18 .Josiah #2KI 23:20 -IN REPROVING INIQUITY .See REPROOF, FAITHFULNESS IN » 4126 5224 ZEBADIAH -1. Two Benjamites #1CH 8:15,17 -2. An Israelite who joined David at Ziklag #1CH 12:7 -3. A Korhite porter in the temple #1CH 26:2 -4. Son of Asahel #1CH 27:7 -5. An itinerant Levite teacher #2CH 17:8 -6. Son of Ishmael and counselor of the king #2CH 19:11 -7. Son of Shephaniah #EZR 8:8 -8. A priest who defiled himself by marrying an idolatrous woman #EZR 10:20 5225 ZEBAH -King of Midian #JUD 8:5-21; PS 83:11 5226 ZEBAIM -A place whose exact location is unknown #EZR 2:57; NE 7:59 5227 ZEBEDEE -Father of James and John (nicknamed "Boanerges") #MT 4:21; 20:20; 27:56; MR 1:20 5228 ZEBINA -Son of Nebo #EZR 10:43 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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