5091 VIRGIN -Proofs of #DE 22:13-21 -Dowry of #EX 22:17 -Character of, to be protected #DE 22:17-21,23,24 -Betrothal of, a quasi-marriage #DE 22:23,24 -Distinguishing apparel of #2SA 13:18 -A priest could marry only a #LE 21:14 -Mourn in the temple #LA 1:4; 2:10 -Virginity of, bewailed #JUD 11:37-39 -Parable of the wise and foolish #MT 25:1-13 -Mother of Jesus was a #ISA 7:14; MT 1:23; LU 1:27 -Advised by Paul not to marry #1CO 7 -FIGURATIVE .Of the body of Christ (the ekklesia) #ISA 62:5; JER 14:17; 31:4,13; 2CO 11:2 .Of personal purity #1CO 7:25,37; RE 14:4 5092 VIRGINITY -See VIRGIN » 5091 5093 VIRTUE -(From the Latin "vir," manliness) -Power (R. V.) #LU 6:19; 8:46 -Excellence #PHP 4:8; 2PE 1:5 -See CHASTITY » 1043 -See CONTINENCE (self-control) » 1212 -See COURAGE » 1250 5094 VISION -A mode of revelation #NU 12:6; 1SA 3:1; 2CH 26:5; PS 89:19; PR 29:18; JER 14:14; 23:16; DA 1:17; HO 12:10; JOE 2:28; OB 1:1; HAB 2:2; AC 2:17 -Of Abraham .Concerning his descendants #GE 15:1-17 -Of Jacob .Of the ladder with ascending and descending angels #GE 28:12 .At Beer-sheba #GE 46:2 -Of Joshua .Of the captain of the Lord's army #JOS 5:13-15 -Of Moses .Of the burning bush #EX 3:2 .Of the glory of God #EX 24:9-11; 33:18-23 -Of the Israelites .Of the manifestation of the glory of God #EX 24:10,17; HEB 12:18-21 -Of Balaam .In a trance #AC 22:17-21 .See BALAAM » 0575 -Of Elisha .At the transporting of Elijah #2KI 2:11 -Of Elisha's servant .Of the chariots of the Lord #2KI 6:17 -Of Micaiah .Of the defeat of the Israelites; of the Lord on his throne; and of a lying spirit #1KI 22:17-23; 2CH 18:16-22 -Of David .Of the angel of the Lord beside the threshing-floor of Ornan #1CH 21:15-18 -Of Job .Of a spirit #Job 4:12-16 -Of Isaiah .Of the Lord and his glory in the temple #ISA 6 .Of the valley of vision #ISA 22 -Of Jeremiah .Of an almond rod #JER 1:11 .Of the seething pot #JER 1:13 -Of Ezekiel .Of the glory of God #EZE 1:3,12-14; 23 .Of the roll #EZE 2:9 .Of the man of fire #EZE 8; 9 .Of the coals of fire #EZE 10:1-7 .Of the dry bones #EZE 37:1-14 .Of the city and temple #EZE 40:48 .Of the waters #EZE 47:1-12 -Of Daniel .Of the four beasts #DA 7 .Of the Ancient of Days #DA 7:9-27 .Of the ram and the he-goat #DA 8 .Of the angel #DA 10 -Of Amos .Of grasshoppers #AM 7:1,2 .Of fire #AM 7:4 .Of a plumb-line #AM 7:7,8 .Of summer fruit #AM 8:1,2 .Of the temple #AM 9:1 -Of Zechariah .Of horses #ZEC 1:8-11 .Of horns and carpenters #ZEC 1:18-21 .Of the high priest #ZEC 3:1-5 .Of the golden lampstand #ZEC 4 .Of the flying roll #ZEC 5:1-4 .Of the mountains and chariots #ZEC 6:1-8 -Of Zacharias .In the temple #LU 1:13-22 -Of John the Baptist .At the immersion of Jesus #MT 3:16; MR 1:10; LU 3:22; JOH 1:32-34 -Peter, James, and John .Of the transfiguration of Jesus and the appearance of Moses and Elijah #MT 17:1-9; LU 9:28-36 -Of the people .Of the tongues of fire at Pentecost #AC 2:2,3 -Of Stephen .Of Christ #AC 7:55,56 -Of Paul .Of Christ, on the way to Damascus #AC 9:3-6; 1CO 9:1 .Of Ananias #AC 9:12 .Of a man of Macedonia, saying, "Come over into Macedonia, and help us," #AC 16:9 .In Corinth #AC 18:9,10 .In a trance #AC 22:17-21 .Of Paradise #2CO 12:1-4 -Of Ananias .Of Christ #AC 9:10-12 -Of Cornelius, the centurion .Of an angel #AC 10:3 -Of Peter .Of the sheet which was lowered from the sky #AC 10:9-18 -Of John on the island of Patmos .The Book of Revelation .Of Christ and the golden lampstands #RE 1:10-20 .The open door #RE 4:1 .A rainbow and the throne #RE 4:2,3 .The twenty-four elders #RE 4:4 .The seven lamps #RE 4:5 .The sea of glass #RE 4:6 .The four living creatures #RE 4:6-8 .The book with seven seals #RE 5:1-5 .The golden vials #RE 5:8 .The six seals #RE 6 .The four horses #RE 6:2-8 .The earthquake and the celestial phenomena #RE 6:12; 14 .The four angels #RE 7:1 .The sealing of the one hundred and forty four thousand #RE 7:2-8 .The seventh seal and the seven angels #RE 8:11 .The censer #RE 8:5 .The hail and fire #RE 8:7 .The mountain that was thrown into the sea #RE 8:8,9 .The falling star #RE 8:10,11; 9:1 .One-third of the sun, the moon, and the stars were darkened #RE 8:12 .The bottomless pit #RE 9:2 .The locusts #RE 9:3-11 .The four angels released from the Euphrates River #RE 9:14 .The army of horsemen #RE 9:16-19 .The angel that had a book #RE 10:1-10 .The seven thunders #RE 10:3,4 .The measurement of the temple #RE 11:1,2 .The two witnesses #RE 11:3-12 .The court of the Gentiles #RE 11:2 .The two olive trees and the two lampstands #RE 11:4 .The beast that came up out of the bottomless pit #RE 11:7 .The fall of the city #RE 11:13 .The second and third woes #RE 11:14 .The woman clothed with the sun; the birth of the male infant #RE 12 .The red dragon #RE 12:3-17 .The war in heaven #RE 12:7-9 .The beast rising out of the sea #RE 13:1-10 .The beast coming out of the earth #RE 13:11-18 .The Lamb on Mount Zion #RE 14:1-5 .The angel having the everlasting gospel #RE 14:6,7 .The angel proclaiming the fall of Babylon #RE 14:8-13 .A son of man with a sickle #RE 14:14-16 .The angel reaping the harvest #RE 14:14-20 .The angel coming out of the temple #RE 14:17-19 .The angel having power over fire #RE 14:18 .The vine and the winepress #RE 14:18-20 .The angels with the seven last plagues #RE 15 .The sea of glass #RE 15:2 .The temple opened #RE 15:5 .The plague upon the men who had the mark of the beast #RE 16:2 .The sea turned into blood #RE 16:3 .The seven angels with the seven vials of the wrath of God #RE 16; 17 .The destruction of Babylon #RE 18 .The multitude praising #RE 19:1-9 .The one who is faithful and true, riding a white horse #RE 19:11-16 .The angel in the sun #RE 19:17-21 .Satan bound for one-thousand years #RE 20:1-3 .The thrones of judgment, and the resurrection, and the release of Satan #RE 20:1-10 .The great white throne #RE 20:11 .The opening of the Book of Life #RE 20:12 .Death and hell (gehenna) #RE 20:14 .The New Jerusalem #RE 21 .The River of Life #RE 22:1 .The Tree of Life #RE 22:2 -See DREAM » 1471 5095 VISITORS -See GUESTS » 2095 5096 VOICE -OF GOD #EZE 1:24,28; 10:5; JOH 5:37; 12:28-30; AC 7:31; 9:4,7; 26:14,15 .See ANTHROPOMORPHISMS » 0314 5097 VOLCANOES -General scriptures concerning #DE 4:11; 5:23; JUD 5:5; PS 97:5; 104:32; 144:5; ISA 34:9,10; 64:1-3; JER 51:25; MIC 1:4; NA 1:5,6 -See EARTHQUAKE » 1504 -See MOUNTAIN » 3451 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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