5016 TYPES -MISCELLANEOUS .Bride, a type of the body of Christ #RE 21:2,9; 22:17 .The sanctuary a type of the heavenly sanctuary #EX 40:2,24; HEB 8:2,5; 9:1-12 .The saving of Noah and his family, of the salvation through the gospel #1PE 3:20,21 .Defilement is a type of sin .See DEFILEMENT » 1369 .See PURIFICATION » 4001 .Leaven (yeast) is a type of sin .See LEAVEN » 3020 .Ablutions were .See ABLUTIONS » 0051 .See ALLEGORY » 0212 .See PARABLES » 3718 .See SYMBOLS » 4766 -OF THE SAVIOUR #COL 2:17; HEB 9:7-15,18-28; 10:1-10 .High priest, typical of the mediatorship #EX 28:1,12,29,30,38; LE 16:15; ZEC 6:12,13; with HEB 5; 8:2; 10:21 .The institutions ordained by Moses #MT 26:54; LU 24:25-27,44-47; COL 2:14-17; HEB 10:1-14 .The sacrifices #LE 4:2,3,12; HEB 9:7-15,18-25; 10:1-22,29; 13:11-13; 1PE 1:19; RE 5:6 .The morning and evening sacrifice #JOH 1:29,36 .The red heifer #NU 19:2-6; with HEB 9:13,14 .The Passover lamb #1CO 5:7 .The Bronze Altar #EX 27:1,2; with HEB 13:10 .The Bronze Laver #EX 30:18-20; with ZEC 13:1; EPH 5:26,27 .The Mercy-Seat #EX 25:17-22; with HEB 4:16 .The Curtain #EX 40:21; 2CH 3:14; with HEB 10:20 .Manna #JOH 6:32-35; 1CO 10:3 .The cities of refuge #NU 35:6; with HEB 6:18 .The bronze serpent #NU 21:9; JOH 3:14,15 .The Tree of Life #GE 2:9; with JOH 1:4; RE 22:2 .Adam #RO 5:14; 1CO 15:45 .Abel #GE 4:8,10; with HEB 12:24 .Noah #GE 5:29; with 2CO 1:5 .Melchizedek #HEB 7:1-17 .Moses #DE 18:15,18; AC 3:20,22; 7:37; HEB 3:2-6 .David #2SA 8:15; PS 89:19,20; EZE 37:24; PHP 2:9 .Eliakim #ISA 22:20-22; RE 3:7 .Jonah #JON 1:17; with MT 12:40 5017 TYRANNUS -(An Ephesian man) -Paul taught in the school of, for two years #AC 19:9,10 5018 TYRANNY -See GOVERNMENT, TYRANNICAL » 2069 5019 TYRE -1. Kingdom of .Hiram, king of #1KI 5:1; 2CH 2:3 .Sends material to David for his palace #2CH 2:3 .Men and materials sent from, to Solomon, for the erection of the temple and his castles #1KI 5:1-11; 9:10,11; 2CH 2:3-16 .See HIRAM » 2344 -2. City of .Situated on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea .On the northern boundary of the tribe of Asher #JOS 19:29 .Pleasant site of #HO 9:13 .Fortified #JOS 19:29; 2SA 24:7 .Commerce of #1KI 9:26-28; 10:11; ISA 23; EZE 27; 28:1-19; ZEC 9:2; AC 21:3 .Merchants of #ISA 23:8 .Antiquity of #ISA 23:7 .Riches of #ISA 23:8; ZEC 9:3 .Besieged by Nebuchadnezzar #EZE 26:7; 29:18 .Jesus goes to the coasts of #MT 15:21 .Heals the daughter of the non-Jewish, Syrophenician woman near #MT 15:21-28; MR 7:24-31 .Multitudes from, come to hear Jesus, and to be healed of their diseases #MR 3:8; LU 6:17 .The hostility of Herod Agrippa I toward #AC 12:20-23 .Paul visits #AC 21:3-7 .To be judged according to its opportunity and privileges #MT 11:21,22; LU 10:13,14 .Prophecies relating to #PS 45:12; 87:4; ISA 23; JER 25:22; 27:1-11; 47:4 5020 UCAL -A man mentioned only in #PR 30:1 5021 UEL -An Israelite who put away (divorced) his Gentile wife #EZR 10:34 5022 ULAI -A river of Chaldea #DA 8:2,16 5023 ULAM -1. Son of Sheresh #1CH 7:16; 17 -2. Son of Eshek #1CH 8:39,40 5024 ULLA -An Asherite #1CH 7:39 5025 UMMAH -A city in the territory of the tribe of Asher #JOS 19:30 5026 UNBELIEF -General scriptures concerning #EX 4:1; NU 11:21-23; 20:12,13; PS 78:19,21,22,32; 95:8-11; 106:7,24; ISA 6:9,10; 7:9; 53:1-3; 58:3; JER 5:12-14; MAL 1:2,7; MT 10:14,15; 11:16-19; 13:13-15,58; 17:17,19,20; 21:32; MR 4:24,25; 6:2-6; 9:24; 16:14,16; LU 7:31-35; 8:12,18; 10:16; 12:46; 13:34; 14:16-24; 16:31; 18:8; 19:41,42; 22:67; 24:11,21,25,26,36-45; JOH 1:10,11; 3:7,11,12,18,32,36; 4:48; 5:38,40,43,44,46,47; 6:36,60-62,64,66,70,71; 8:24,45-47,52,53; 10:25,26,37,38; 12:37-40,47,48; 14:17; 16:8,9; 20:27; AC 13:40,41; 19:9; 22:18; 28:24; RO 1:18; 3:3; 4:20; 9:31,32; 10:6,7,14,16,21; 11:7,20,30-32; 14:23; 1CO 1:18,22,23; 2:14; 14:22; 2CO 6:14-16; 2TH 2:11,12; 3:2; 1TI 1:13; 2TI 2:13; TIT 1:15; HEB 3:12,16-19; 4:1-3,6,11; 11:6,31; 12:25; JAS 1:6,7; 1PE 2:7,8; 2PE 3:4; 1JO 2:22,23; 4:3; 5:10,12; Jude 1:5; RE 21:8 -INSTANCES OF .Eve #GE 3:4-6 .Moses and Aaron #NU 20:12 .Israelites #DE 9:23; 2KI 17:14; PS 78 .Naaman #2KI 5:12 .A Samaritan lord #2KI 7:2 .Disciples #MT 17:17; LU 24:11,25 .Zacharias #LU 1:20 .Chief priests #LU 22:67 .The Jewish leaders #MR 1:45; 2:6-11; 8:11,12; 15:29-32; JOH 5:38,40,43,46,47 .Disciples #MT 17:20; MR 4:38,40; LU 24:41-45 .The half-brothers of Christ #JOH 7:5 .Thomas #JOH 20:25 .The Jews of Iconium #AC 14:2 .The Thessalonian Jews #AC 17:5 .Jews in Jerusalem #RO 15:31 .Ephesians #AC 19:9 .Saul #1TI 1:13 .People of Jericho #HEB 11:31 5027 UNCHARITABLENESS -General scriptures concerning #ISA 29:20,21; MT 7:1-5; LU 6:37-42; 12:57; JOH 7:24; 8:7; RO 2:1; 14:1-15; 1CO 4:3-5,7; 13:1-6; JAS 4:11,12 -See ACCUSATION, FALSE » 0065 -See CHARITABLENESS » 1038 -See SLANDER » 4611 -See SPEAKING, EVIL » 4661 -See TALEBEARER » 4799 -INSTANCES OF .The Israelites toward Moses .Charging him with having made them abhorrent to the Egyptians #EX 5:21 .Charging him with bringing them out of Egypt to die #EX 14:11,12 .In complaining against MOSES .See MURMURING, INSTANCES OF » 3463 .The tribes west of the Jordan River toward the two and a half tribes #NU 32:1-33; JOS 22:11-31 .Of Eli toward Hannah #1SA 1:14-17 .Eliab toward David, charging him with presumption, when he offered to fight Goliath #1SA 17:28 .Princes of Ammon toward David, when he sent commissioners to convey his sympathy to Hanun #2SA 10:3 .Bildad toward Job #Job 8 .Eliphaz toward Job #Job 15; 22; 42:7,8 .Zophar toward Job #Job 11:1-6; 20 .Nathanael, when he said, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth," #JOH 1:46 .The Jews, charging Paul with teaching contrary to the law of Moses and against the temple #AC 21:28 5028 UNCIRCUMCISION -General scriptures concerning #EPH 2:11 -Uncircumcised heart (metaphorically) #EZE 28:10; 44:7,9 5029 UNCLEAN -(Ceremonially speaking) .Creatures designated as such #LE 11; DE 14 -See UNCLEANNESS » 5030 5030 UNCLEANNESS -(Ceremonially speaking) #LE 5:2,3; 7:20,21; 17:15; 21:1-15; 22:2-8 -See ABLUTIONS » 0051 -See DEFILEMENT » 1369 -See PURIFICATION » 4001 -See SANITATION » 4245 5031 UNCTION -FIGURATIVE #1JO 2:20,27 .See ANOINTING » 0309 5032 UNFAITHFULNESS -General scriptures concerning #PR 24:11,12; ISA 5:1-7; HO 10:1,2; MT 3:10; 13:12; 21:19,20,33-43; 25:1-46; MR 11:13,14; 12:1-9; LU 13:6-9; 19:12-27; JOH 15:2; 2PE 1:8,9 -See SIN, FRUITS OF » 4587 -See UNFRUITFULNESS » 5033 -Also see RIGHTEOUSNESS, FRUITS OF » 4168 -OF FRIENDS .See FRIENDS, FALSE » 1896 5033 UNFRUITFULNESS -General scriptures concerning #ISA 5:2; MT 3:10; 7:19; 13:4-7; 21:19,20; MR 11:13; LU 3:9; 13:6-9; JOH 15:2,4,6 -See SIN, FRUITS OF » 4587 -See UNFAITHFULNESS » 5032 -Also see RIGHTEOUSNESS, FRUITS OF 5034 UNICORN (WILD OX, R. V.) -Intractable #Job 39:9-12 -Horned #DE 33:17; PS 22:21; 92:10 -Great strength of #NU 24:8; Job 39:10,11 -FIGURATIVE .Of the judgments of God #ISA 34:7 5035 UNION -Advantages of #PR 15:22; EC 4:9-12 -OF THE RIGHTEOUS .See UNITY, OF THE RIGHTEOUS » 5036 .Of the righteous with Christ .See RIGHTEOUS, UNITY OF, WITH CHRIST » 4167 5036 UNITY -OF THE GODHEAD .See GOD, UNITY OF » 2043 -OF THE RIGHTEOUS #PS 133:1; ISA 52:8; MT 23:8; AC 4:32; RO 12:16; 14:19; 15:5,6; 1CO 1:10; 2CO 13:11; EPH 4:3; PHP 1:27; 2:2; 3:16,17; 1PE 3:8 .See COMMUNION » 1168 .See FELLOWSHIP » 1813 5037 UNLEAVENED BREAD -(With yeast, which symbolized pervasive corruption) -See BREAD » 0884 -See PASSOVER » 3749 5038 UNNI -1. A musician in the time of David #1CH 15:18,20 -2. A Levite in the time of Nehemiah #NE 12:9 5039 UNNO -See UNNI, Number two » 5038 5040 UNPARDONABLE SIN -General scriptures concerning #2KI 24:4; MT 12:31,32; LU 12:10; HEB 6:4-6; 1JO 5:16 -See OBDURACY » 3615 -See REPROBACY » 4124 -INSTANCES OF .Israel #NU 14:26-45 .Eli's house #1SA 3:14 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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